don't load unused textures
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / shared / idpool.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 * (at your option) any later version.
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 *)
18 unit idpool;
20 interface
22 uses
23 mempool;
26 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
27 type
28 //TODO: implement getting n sequential ids
29 TIdPool = class(TPoolObject)
30 public
31 const InvalidId = $ffffffff;
33 private
34 type
35 TRange = packed record
36 first, last: LongWord;
37 end;
39 private
40 mRanges: array of TRange; // available ids; sorted
41 mRangeUsed: Integer; // used elements in `mRanges`
42 mMaxId: LongWord;
43 mUsedIds: Integer;
45 private
46 function findRangeWithId (aid: LongWord): Integer;
48 function getHasFreeId (aid: LongWord): Boolean;
49 function getHasAllocedId (aid: LongWord): Boolean;
51 function getFreeIds (): Integer; inline;
52 function getCapacity (): Integer; inline;
54 public
55 constructor Create (amax: LongWord=$7fffffff);
56 destructor Destroy (); override;
58 procedure clear ();
60 // returns InvalidId if there are no more free ids (or throws)
61 function alloc (dothrow: Boolean=true): LongWord;
63 // returns InvalidId if there are no more free ids (or throws)
64 function alloc (aid: LongWord; dothrow: Boolean=true): LongWord;
66 // it is NOT ok to release already released id
67 procedure release (aid: LongWord);
69 procedure dump ();
70 procedure check ();
72 public
73 property hasFree[aid: LongWord]: Boolean read getHasFreeId;
74 property hasAlloced[aid: LongWord]: Boolean read getHasAllocedId;
75 property maxId: LongWord read mMaxId;
77 property usedIds: Integer read mUsedIds;
78 property freeIds: Integer read getFreeIds;
80 property usedRanges: Integer read mRangeUsed;
81 property capacity: Integer read getCapacity;
82 end;
84 implementation
86 uses
87 SysUtils;
90 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
91 constructor TIdPool.Create (amax: LongWord=$7fffffff);
92 begin
93 if (amax = InvalidId) then amax := InvalidId-1;
94 mMaxId := amax;
95 clear();
96 end;
99 destructor TIdPool.Destroy ();
100 begin
101 mRanges := nil;
102 inherited;
103 end;
106 procedure TIdPool.dump ();
107 var
108 f: Integer;
109 begin
110 writeln('=== idpool: ', mRangeUsed, ' ranges ===');
111 for f := 0 to mRangeUsed-1 do
112 begin
113 writeln(' #', f, ': [', mRanges[f].first, '-', mRanges[f].last, ']');
114 if (mRanges[f].last+1 = mRanges[f].first) then raise Exception.Create('unmerged ranges');
115 if (f > 0) and (mRanges[f-1].last >= mRanges[f].first) then raise Exception.Create('invalid range order');
116 if (f > 0) and (mRanges[f-1].last+1 = mRanges[f].first) then raise Exception.Create('unmerged ranges');
117 end;
118 writeln('-----------');
119 end;
122 procedure TIdPool.check ();
123 var
124 f: Integer;
125 begin
126 for f := 0 to mRangeUsed-1 do
127 begin
128 if (mRanges[f].first > mRanges[f].last) then begin dump(); raise Exception.Create('invalid range'); end;
129 if (mRanges[f].first > mMaxId) then begin dump(); raise Exception.Create('invalid range'); end;
130 if (mRanges[f].last > mMaxId) then begin dump(); raise Exception.Create('invalid range'); end;
131 if (f > 0) and (mRanges[f-1].last >= mRanges[f].first) then begin dump(); raise Exception.Create('invalid range order'); end;
132 if (f > 0) and (mRanges[f-1].last+1 = mRanges[f].first) then begin dump(); raise Exception.Create('unmerged ranges'); end;
133 end;
134 end;
137 procedure TIdPool.clear ();
138 begin
139 SetLength(mRanges, 64);
140 mRanges[0].first := 0;
141 mRanges[0].last := mMaxId;
142 mRangeUsed := 1;
143 mUsedIds := 0;
144 end;
147 function TIdPool.getFreeIds (): Integer; inline; begin result := Integer(mMaxId+1-mUsedIds); end;
148 function TIdPool.getCapacity (): Integer; inline; begin result := Length(mRanges); end;
151 function TIdPool.findRangeWithId (aid: LongWord): Integer;
152 var
153 len, bot, mid, i: Integer;
154 ls, le: LongWord;
155 begin
156 result := -1;
157 if (aid > mMaxId) then exit;
158 // -1: not found
159 len := mRangeUsed;
160 if (len <= 0) then exit;
161 if (len = 1) then begin result := 0; exit; end;
162 // yay! use binary search to find the range
163 bot := 0;
164 i := len-1;
165 while (bot <> i) do
166 begin
167 mid := i-(i-bot) div 2;
168 //!assert((mid >= 0) and (mid < len));
169 ls := mRanges[mid].first;
170 le := mRanges[mid+1].first;
171 if (aid >= ls) and (aid < le) then begin result := mid; exit; end; // i found her!
172 if (aid < ls) then i := mid-1 else bot := mid;
173 end;
174 result := i;
175 end;
178 function TIdPool.getHasFreeId (aid: LongWord): Boolean; inline;
179 var
180 ii: Integer;
181 begin
182 result := false;
183 if (aid > mMaxId) then exit;
184 ii := findRangeWithId(aid);
185 if (ii < 0) then exit;
186 result := (aid >= mRanges[ii].first) and (aid <= mRanges[ii].last);
187 end;
190 function TIdPool.getHasAllocedId (aid: LongWord): Boolean; inline;
191 var
192 ii: Integer;
193 begin
194 result := false;
195 if (aid > mMaxId) then exit;
196 ii := findRangeWithId(aid);
197 if (ii >= 0) then result := not ((aid >= mRanges[ii].first) and (aid <= mRanges[ii].last)) else result := true;
198 end;
201 // returns InvalidId if there are no more free ids (or throws)
202 function TIdPool.alloc (dothrow: Boolean=true): LongWord;
203 var
204 c: Integer;
205 begin
206 if (mRangeUsed = 0) then
207 begin
208 // no more ids
209 if dothrow then raise Exception.Create('TIdPool: no more free ids');
210 result := InvalidId;
211 exit;
212 end;
213 result := mRanges[0].first;
214 // delete first range?
215 if (mRanges[0].last = result) then
216 begin
217 for c := 1 to mRangeUsed-1 do mRanges[c-1] := mRanges[c];
218 Dec(mRangeUsed);
219 end
220 else
221 begin
222 Inc(mRanges[0].first);
223 end;
224 Inc(mUsedIds);
226 end;
229 // returns InvalidId if there are no more free ids (or throws)
230 function TIdPool.alloc (aid: LongWord; dothrow: Boolean=true): LongWord;
231 var
232 ii, c: Integer;
233 begin
234 if (mRangeUsed = 0) then
235 begin
236 // no more ids
237 if dothrow then raise Exception.Create('TIdPool: no more free ids');
238 result := InvalidId;
239 exit;
240 end;
241 // invalid?
242 if (aid > mMaxId) then
243 begin
244 if dothrow then raise Exception.Create('TIdPool: cannot allocate invalid id');
245 result := InvalidId;
246 exit;
247 end;
248 // find range with this id
249 ii := findRangeWithId(aid);
250 if (ii < 0) or (aid < mRanges[ii].first) or (aid > mRanges[ii].last) then
251 begin
252 if dothrow then raise Exception.Create('TIdPool: cannot allocate already allocated id');
253 result := InvalidId;
254 exit;
255 end;
256 // always return requested id
257 result := aid;
258 // can we shrink range head?
259 if (aid = mRanges[ii].first) then
260 begin
261 // yep; range with the only id?
262 if (aid = mRanges[ii].last) then
263 begin
264 // delete this range
265 for c := ii+1 to mRangeUsed-1 do mRanges[c-1] := mRanges[c];
266 Dec(mRangeUsed);
267 end
268 else
269 begin
270 mRanges[ii].first := aid+1;
271 end;
272 Inc(mUsedIds);
274 exit;
275 end;
276 // can we shrink range tail?
277 if (aid = mRanges[ii].last) then
278 begin
279 // yep; simply shrink, 'cause range with one id was processed in the previous `if`
280 mRanges[ii].last := aid-1;
281 Inc(mUsedIds);
283 exit;
284 end;
285 // split this range to two
286 if (mRangeUsed+1 > Length(mRanges)) then SetLength(mRanges, Length(mRanges)+1024);
287 for c := mRangeUsed downto ii+1 do mRanges[c] := mRanges[c-1];
288 Inc(mRangeUsed);
289 mRanges[ii].last := aid-1;
290 mRanges[ii+1].first := aid+1;
291 Inc(mUsedIds);
293 end;
296 // it is NOT ok to release already released id
297 procedure TIdPool.release (aid: LongWord);
298 var
299 ii, c: Integer;
300 begin
301 if (aid > mMaxId) then raise Exception.Create(Format('TIdPool: cannot release invalid id %u', [aid]));
302 // no available ids?
303 if (mRangeUsed = 0) then
304 begin
305 // just create new range
306 if (Length(mRanges) = 0) then SetLength(mRanges, 64);
307 mRanges[0].first := aid;
308 mRanges[0].last := aid;
309 mRangeUsed := 1;
310 Dec(mUsedIds);
312 exit;
313 end;
314 // before first available id?
315 if (aid < mRanges[0].first) then
316 begin
317 // can we grow first range?
318 if (aid+1 = mRanges[0].first) then
319 begin
320 // yep
321 mRanges[0].first := aid;
322 end
323 else
324 begin
325 // nope, insert new first range
326 if (mRangeUsed+1 > Length(mRanges)) then SetLength(mRanges, Length(mRanges)+1024);
327 assert(mRangeUsed < Length(mRanges));
328 for c := mRangeUsed downto 1 do mRanges[c] := mRanges[c-1];
329 Inc(mRangeUsed);
330 mRanges[0].first := aid;
331 mRanges[0].last := aid;
332 end;
333 Dec(mUsedIds);
335 exit;
336 end;
337 // after last available id?
338 if (aid > mRanges[mRangeUsed-1].last) then
339 begin
340 // can we grow last range?
341 if (aid-1 = mRanges[mRangeUsed-1].last) then
342 begin
343 // yep
344 mRanges[mRangeUsed-1].last := aid;
345 end
346 else
347 begin
348 // nope, insert new last range
349 if (mRangeUsed+1 > Length(mRanges)) then SetLength(mRanges, Length(mRanges)+1024);
350 assert(mRangeUsed < Length(mRanges));
351 mRanges[mRangeUsed].first := aid;
352 mRanges[mRangeUsed].last := aid;
353 Inc(mRangeUsed);
354 end;
355 Dec(mUsedIds);
357 exit;
358 end;
359 // alas, no more easy cases; find the nearest range
360 ii := findRangeWithId(aid);
361 if (ii < 0) then raise Exception.Create(Format('TIdPool: cannot release invalid id %u', [aid]));
362 if (aid >= mRanges[ii].first) and (aid <= mRanges[ii].last) then raise Exception.Create(Format('TIdPool: cannot release unallocated id %u', [aid]));
363 // ii should contain range where `first` is less than `aid`
364 assert(mRanges[ii].first < aid);
365 assert(mRanges[ii].last < aid);
366 {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_DEBUG_DUMPS)}writeln('aid=', aid, '; ii=', ii, ': [', mRanges[ii].first, '-', mRanges[ii].last, ']');{$ENDIF}
367 // can grow this range at the end?
368 if (mRanges[ii].last+1 = aid) then
369 begin
370 {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_DEBUG_DUMPS)}writeln(' endgrow');{$ENDIF}
371 // yep; can merge ranges?
372 if (ii+1 < mRangeUsed) and (aid+1 = mRanges[ii+1].first) then
373 begin
374 // merge
375 {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_DEBUG_DUMPS)}writeln(' endmerge');{$ENDIF}
376 mRanges[ii].last := mRanges[ii+1].last;
377 for c := ii+2 to mRangeUsed do mRanges[c-1] := mRanges[c];
378 Dec(mRangeUsed);
379 end
380 else
381 begin
382 // change
383 {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_DEBUG_DUMPS)}writeln(' endchange');{$ENDIF}
384 {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_DEBUG_DUMPS)}if (ii+1 < mRangeUsed) then writeln(' ii+1=', ii+1, ': [', mRanges[ii+1].first, '-', mRanges[ii+1].last, ']');{$ENDIF}
385 mRanges[ii].last := aid;
386 end;
387 Dec(mUsedIds);
389 exit;
390 end;
391 // can grow next range at the start?
392 if (ii+1 < mRangeUsed) and (aid+1 = mRanges[ii+1].first) then
393 begin
394 // yep; can merge ranges?
395 if (mRanges[ii].last+1 = mRanges[ii+1].first) then
396 begin
397 // merge
398 mRanges[ii].last := mRanges[ii+1].last;
399 for c := ii+2 to mRangeUsed do mRanges[c-1] := mRanges[c];
400 Dec(mRangeUsed);
401 end
402 else
403 begin
404 // change
405 mRanges[ii+1].first := aid;
406 end;
407 Dec(mUsedIds);
409 exit;
410 end;
411 // cannot grow anything, insert empty range after ii
412 if (mRangeUsed = Length(mRanges)) then SetLength(mRanges, Length(mRanges)+1024);
413 for c := mRangeUsed downto ii do mRanges[c+1] := mRanges[c];
414 Inc(ii);
415 mRanges[ii].first := aid;
416 mRanges[ii].last := aid;
417 Inc(mRangeUsed);
418 Dec(mUsedIds);
420 end;
423 end.