cleanup: remove unneeded graphics dependencies
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / lib / vampimg / ZLib / iminfcodes.pas
1 Unit iminfcodes;
3 { infcodes.c -- process literals and length/distance pairs
4 Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Mark Adler
6 Pascal tranlastion
7 Copyright (C) 1998 by Jacques Nomssi Nzali
8 For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in readme.txt
9 }
11 interface
13 {$I}
15 uses
17 SysUtils, strutils,
18 {$ENDIF}
19 imzutil, impaszlib;
21 function inflate_codes_new (bl : uInt;
22 bd : uInt;
23 tl : pInflate_huft;
24 td : pInflate_huft;
25 var z : z_stream): pInflate_codes_state;
27 function inflate_codes(var s : inflate_blocks_state;
28 var z : z_stream;
29 r : int) : int;
31 procedure inflate_codes_free(c : pInflate_codes_state;
32 var z : z_stream);
34 implementation
36 uses
37 iminfutil, iminffast;
40 function inflate_codes_new (bl : uInt;
41 bd : uInt;
42 tl : pInflate_huft;
43 td : pInflate_huft;
44 var z : z_stream): pInflate_codes_state;
45 var
46 c : pInflate_codes_state;
47 begin
48 c := pInflate_codes_state( ZALLOC(z,1,sizeof(inflate_codes_state)) );
49 if (c <> Z_NULL) then
50 begin
51 c^.mode := START;
52 c^.lbits := Byte(bl);
53 c^.dbits := Byte(bd);
54 c^.ltree := tl;
55 c^.dtree := td;
57 Tracev('inflate: codes new');
58 {$ENDIF}
59 end;
60 inflate_codes_new := c;
61 end;
64 function inflate_codes(var s : inflate_blocks_state;
65 var z : z_stream;
66 r : int) : int;
67 var
68 j : uInt; { temporary storage }
69 t : pInflate_huft; { temporary pointer }
70 e : uInt; { extra bits or operation }
71 b : uLong; { bit buffer }
72 k : uInt; { bits in bit buffer }
73 p : pBytef; { input data pointer }
74 n : uInt; { bytes available there }
75 q : pBytef; { output window write pointer }
76 m : uInt; { bytes to end of window or read pointer }
77 f : pBytef; { pointer to copy strings from }
78 var
79 c : pInflate_codes_state;
80 begin
81 c :=; { codes state }
83 { copy input/output information to locals }
84 p := z.next_in;
85 n := z.avail_in;
86 b := s.bitb;
87 k := s.bitk;
88 q := s.write;
89 if ptr2int(q) < ptr2int( then
90 m := uInt(ptr2int(
91 else
92 m := uInt(ptr2int(s.zend)-ptr2int(q));
94 { process input and output based on current state }
95 while True do
96 case (c^.mode) of
97 { waiting for "i:"=input, "o:"=output, "x:"=nothing }
98 START: { x: set up for LEN }
99 begin
100 {$ifndef SLOW}
101 if (m >= 258) and (n >= 10) then
102 begin
103 {UPDATE}
104 s.bitb := b;
105 s.bitk := k;
106 z.avail_in := n;
107 Inc(z.total_in, ptr2int(p)-ptr2int(z.next_in));
108 z.next_in := p;
109 s.write := q;
111 r := inflate_fast(c^.lbits, c^.dbits, c^.ltree, c^.dtree, s, z);
112 {LOAD}
113 p := z.next_in;
114 n := z.avail_in;
115 b := s.bitb;
116 k := s.bitk;
117 q := s.write;
118 if ptr2int(q) < ptr2int( then
119 m := uInt(ptr2int(
120 else
121 m := uInt(ptr2int(s.zend)-ptr2int(q));
123 if (r <> Z_OK) then
124 begin
125 if (r = Z_STREAM_END) then
126 c^.mode := WASH
127 else
128 c^.mode := BADCODE;
129 continue; { break for switch-statement in C }
130 end;
131 end;
132 {$endif} { not SLOW }
133 c^.sub.code.need := c^.lbits;
134 c^.sub.code.tree := c^.ltree;
135 c^.mode := LEN; { falltrough }
136 end;
137 LEN: { i: get length/literal/eob next }
138 begin
139 j := c^.sub.code.need;
140 {NEEDBITS(j);}
141 while (k < j) do
142 begin
144 if (n <> 0) then
145 r :=Z_OK
146 else
147 begin
148 {UPDATE}
149 s.bitb := b;
150 s.bitk := k;
151 z.avail_in := n;
152 Inc(z.total_in, ptr2int(p)-ptr2int(z.next_in));
153 z.next_in := p;
154 s.write := q;
155 inflate_codes := inflate_flush(s,z,r);
156 exit;
157 end;
158 Dec(n);
159 b := b or (uLong(p^) shl k);
160 Inc(p);
161 Inc(k, 8);
162 end;
163 t := c^.sub.code.tree;
164 Inc(t, uInt(b) and inflate_mask[j]);
165 {DUMPBITS(t^.bits);}
166 b := b shr t^.bits;
167 Dec(k, t^.bits);
169 e := uInt(t^.exop);
170 if (e = 0) then { literal }
171 begin
172 c^.sub.lit := t^.base;
174 if (t^.base >= $20) and (t^.base < $7f) then
175 Tracevv('inflate: literal '+AnsiChar(t^.base))
176 else
177 Tracevv('inflate: literal '+IntToStr(t^.base));
178 {$ENDIF}
179 c^.mode := LIT;
180 continue; { break switch statement }
181 end;
182 if (e and 16 <> 0) then { length }
183 begin
184 c^.sub.copy.get := e and 15;
185 c^.len := t^.base;
186 c^.mode := LENEXT;
187 continue; { break C-switch statement }
188 end;
189 if (e and 64 = 0) then { next table }
190 begin
191 c^.sub.code.need := e;
192 c^.sub.code.tree := @huft_ptr(t)^[t^.base];
193 continue; { break C-switch statement }
194 end;
195 if (e and 32 <> 0) then { end of block }
196 begin
198 Tracevv('inflate: end of block');
199 {$ENDIF}
200 c^.mode := WASH;
201 continue; { break C-switch statement }
202 end;
203 c^.mode := BADCODE; { invalid code }
204 z.msg := 'invalid literal/length code';
205 r := Z_DATA_ERROR;
206 {UPDATE}
207 s.bitb := b;
208 s.bitk := k;
209 z.avail_in := n;
210 Inc(z.total_in, ptr2int(p)-ptr2int(z.next_in));
211 z.next_in := p;
212 s.write := q;
213 inflate_codes := inflate_flush(s,z,r);
214 exit;
215 end;
216 LENEXT: { i: getting length extra (have base) }
217 begin
218 j := c^.sub.copy.get;
219 {NEEDBITS(j);}
220 while (k < j) do
221 begin
223 if (n <> 0) then
224 r :=Z_OK
225 else
226 begin
227 {UPDATE}
228 s.bitb := b;
229 s.bitk := k;
230 z.avail_in := n;
231 Inc(z.total_in, ptr2int(p)-ptr2int(z.next_in));
232 z.next_in := p;
233 s.write := q;
234 inflate_codes := inflate_flush(s,z,r);
235 exit;
236 end;
237 Dec(n);
238 b := b or (uLong(p^) shl k);
239 Inc(p);
240 Inc(k, 8);
241 end;
242 Inc(c^.len, uInt(b and inflate_mask[j]));
243 {DUMPBITS(j);}
244 b := b shr j;
245 Dec(k, j);
247 c^.sub.code.need := c^.dbits;
248 c^.sub.code.tree := c^.dtree;
250 Tracevv('inflate: length '+IntToStr(c^.len));
251 {$ENDIF}
252 c^.mode := DIST;
253 { falltrough }
254 end;
255 DIST: { i: get distance next }
256 begin
257 j := c^.sub.code.need;
258 {NEEDBITS(j);}
259 while (k < j) do
260 begin
262 if (n <> 0) then
263 r :=Z_OK
264 else
265 begin
266 {UPDATE}
267 s.bitb := b;
268 s.bitk := k;
269 z.avail_in := n;
270 Inc(z.total_in, ptr2int(p)-ptr2int(z.next_in));
271 z.next_in := p;
272 s.write := q;
273 inflate_codes := inflate_flush(s,z,r);
274 exit;
275 end;
276 Dec(n);
277 b := b or (uLong(p^) shl k);
278 Inc(p);
279 Inc(k, 8);
280 end;
281 t := @huft_ptr(c^.sub.code.tree)^[uInt(b) and inflate_mask[j]];
282 {DUMPBITS(t^.bits);}
283 b := b shr t^.bits;
284 Dec(k, t^.bits);
286 e := uInt(t^.exop);
287 if (e and 16 <> 0) then { distance }
288 begin
289 c^.sub.copy.get := e and 15;
290 c^.sub.copy.dist := t^.base;
291 c^.mode := DISTEXT;
292 continue; { break C-switch statement }
293 end;
294 if (e and 64 = 0) then { next table }
295 begin
296 c^.sub.code.need := e;
297 c^.sub.code.tree := @huft_ptr(t)^[t^.base];
298 continue; { break C-switch statement }
299 end;
300 c^.mode := BADCODE; { invalid code }
301 z.msg := 'invalid distance code';
302 r := Z_DATA_ERROR;
303 {UPDATE}
304 s.bitb := b;
305 s.bitk := k;
306 z.avail_in := n;
307 Inc(z.total_in, ptr2int(p)-ptr2int(z.next_in));
308 z.next_in := p;
309 s.write := q;
310 inflate_codes := inflate_flush(s,z,r);
311 exit;
312 end;
313 DISTEXT: { i: getting distance extra }
314 begin
315 j := c^.sub.copy.get;
316 {NEEDBITS(j);}
317 while (k < j) do
318 begin
320 if (n <> 0) then
321 r :=Z_OK
322 else
323 begin
324 {UPDATE}
325 s.bitb := b;
326 s.bitk := k;
327 z.avail_in := n;
328 Inc(z.total_in, ptr2int(p)-ptr2int(z.next_in));
329 z.next_in := p;
330 s.write := q;
331 inflate_codes := inflate_flush(s,z,r);
332 exit;
333 end;
334 Dec(n);
335 b := b or (uLong(p^) shl k);
336 Inc(p);
337 Inc(k, 8);
338 end;
339 Inc(c^.sub.copy.dist, uInt(b) and inflate_mask[j]);
340 {DUMPBITS(j);}
341 b := b shr j;
342 Dec(k, j);
344 Tracevv('inflate: distance '+ IntToStr(c^.sub.copy.dist));
345 {$ENDIF}
346 c^.mode := COPY;
347 { falltrough }
348 end;
349 COPY: { o: copying bytes in window, waiting for space }
350 begin
351 f := q;
352 Dec(f, c^.sub.copy.dist);
353 if (uInt(ptr2int(q) - ptr2int(s.window)) < c^.sub.copy.dist) then
354 begin
355 f := s.zend;
356 Dec(f, c^.sub.copy.dist - uInt(ptr2int(q) - ptr2int(s.window)));
357 end;
359 while (c^.len <> 0) do
360 begin
362 if (m = 0) then
363 begin
364 {WRAP}
365 if (q = s.zend) and ( <> s.window) then
366 begin
367 q := s.window;
368 if ptr2int(q) < ptr2int( then
369 m := uInt(ptr2int(
370 else
371 m := uInt(ptr2int(s.zend)-ptr2int(q));
372 end;
374 if (m = 0) then
375 begin
376 {FLUSH}
377 s.write := q;
378 r := inflate_flush(s,z,r);
379 q := s.write;
380 if ptr2int(q) < ptr2int( then
381 m := uInt(ptr2int(
382 else
383 m := uInt(ptr2int(s.zend)-ptr2int(q));
385 {WRAP}
386 if (q = s.zend) and ( <> s.window) then
387 begin
388 q := s.window;
389 if ptr2int(q) < ptr2int( then
390 m := uInt(ptr2int(
391 else
392 m := uInt(ptr2int(s.zend)-ptr2int(q));
393 end;
395 if (m = 0) then
396 begin
397 {UPDATE}
398 s.bitb := b;
399 s.bitk := k;
400 z.avail_in := n;
401 Inc(z.total_in, ptr2int(p)-ptr2int(z.next_in));
402 z.next_in := p;
403 s.write := q;
404 inflate_codes := inflate_flush(s,z,r);
405 exit;
406 end;
407 end;
408 end;
409 r := Z_OK;
411 {OUTBYTE( *f++)}
412 q^ := f^;
413 Inc(q);
414 Inc(f);
415 Dec(m);
417 if (f = s.zend) then
418 f := s.window;
419 Dec(c^.len);
420 end;
421 c^.mode := START;
422 { C-switch break; not needed }
423 end;
424 LIT: { o: got literal, waiting for output space }
425 begin
427 if (m = 0) then
428 begin
429 {WRAP}
430 if (q = s.zend) and ( <> s.window) then
431 begin
432 q := s.window;
433 if ptr2int(q) < ptr2int( then
434 m := uInt(ptr2int(
435 else
436 m := uInt(ptr2int(s.zend)-ptr2int(q));
437 end;
439 if (m = 0) then
440 begin
441 {FLUSH}
442 s.write := q;
443 r := inflate_flush(s,z,r);
444 q := s.write;
445 if ptr2int(q) < ptr2int( then
446 m := uInt(ptr2int(
447 else
448 m := uInt(ptr2int(s.zend)-ptr2int(q));
450 {WRAP}
451 if (q = s.zend) and ( <> s.window) then
452 begin
453 q := s.window;
454 if ptr2int(q) < ptr2int( then
455 m := uInt(ptr2int(
456 else
457 m := uInt(ptr2int(s.zend)-ptr2int(q));
458 end;
460 if (m = 0) then
461 begin
462 {UPDATE}
463 s.bitb := b;
464 s.bitk := k;
465 z.avail_in := n;
466 Inc(z.total_in, ptr2int(p)-ptr2int(z.next_in));
467 z.next_in := p;
468 s.write := q;
469 inflate_codes := inflate_flush(s,z,r);
470 exit;
471 end;
472 end;
473 end;
474 r := Z_OK;
476 {OUTBYTE(c^.sub.lit);}
477 q^ := c^.sub.lit;
478 Inc(q);
479 Dec(m);
481 c^.mode := START;
482 {break;}
483 end;
484 WASH: { o: got eob, possibly more output }
485 begin
486 {$ifdef patch112}
487 if (k > 7) then { return unused byte, if any }
488 begin
490 Assert(k < 16, 'inflate_codes grabbed too many bytes');
491 {$ENDIF}
492 Dec(k, 8);
493 Inc(n);
494 Dec(p); { can always return one }
495 end;
496 {$endif}
497 {FLUSH}
498 s.write := q;
499 r := inflate_flush(s,z,r);
500 q := s.write;
501 if ptr2int(q) < ptr2int( then
502 m := uInt(ptr2int(
503 else
504 m := uInt(ptr2int(s.zend)-ptr2int(q));
506 if ( <> s.write) then
507 begin
508 {UPDATE}
509 s.bitb := b;
510 s.bitk := k;
511 z.avail_in := n;
512 Inc(z.total_in, ptr2int(p)-ptr2int(z.next_in));
513 z.next_in := p;
514 s.write := q;
515 inflate_codes := inflate_flush(s,z,r);
516 exit;
517 end;
518 c^.mode := ZEND;
519 { falltrough }
520 end;
522 ZEND:
523 begin
524 r := Z_STREAM_END;
525 {UPDATE}
526 s.bitb := b;
527 s.bitk := k;
528 z.avail_in := n;
529 Inc(z.total_in, ptr2int(p)-ptr2int(z.next_in));
530 z.next_in := p;
531 s.write := q;
532 inflate_codes := inflate_flush(s,z,r);
533 exit;
534 end;
535 BADCODE: { x: got error }
536 begin
537 r := Z_DATA_ERROR;
538 {UPDATE}
539 s.bitb := b;
540 s.bitk := k;
541 z.avail_in := n;
542 Inc(z.total_in, ptr2int(p)-ptr2int(z.next_in));
543 z.next_in := p;
544 s.write := q;
545 inflate_codes := inflate_flush(s,z,r);
546 exit;
547 end;
548 else
549 begin
550 r := Z_STREAM_ERROR;
551 {UPDATE}
552 s.bitb := b;
553 s.bitk := k;
554 z.avail_in := n;
555 Inc(z.total_in, ptr2int(p)-ptr2int(z.next_in));
556 z.next_in := p;
557 s.write := q;
558 inflate_codes := inflate_flush(s,z,r);
559 exit;
560 end;
561 end;
562 {NEED_DUMMY_RETURN - Delphi2+ dumb compilers complain without this }
563 inflate_codes := Z_STREAM_ERROR;
564 end;
567 procedure inflate_codes_free(c : pInflate_codes_state;
568 var z : z_stream);
569 begin
570 ZFREE(z, c);
572 Tracev('inflate: codes free');
573 {$ENDIF}
574 end;
576 end.