center issue #194, Meta.PutParam and Kernel.Call for open arrays are mismatched
[bbcp.git] / gen-Net / fields-addrinfo
1 (* /usr/include/netdb.h *)
2 ai_flags*: intFlags; (* input flags *)
3 ai_family*: int; (* protocol family for socket *)
4 ai_socktype*: int; (* socket type *)
5 ai_protocol*: int; (* protocol for socket *)
6 ai_addrlen*: socklen_t; (* length of socket-address *)
7 ai_addr*: Ptrsockaddr; (* socket-address for socket *)
8 ai_canonname*: PtrSTR; (* canonical name for service location (iff req) *)
9 ai_next*: Ptraddrinfo; (* pointer to next in list *)