summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 652d096)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 652d096)
author | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Sun, 24 Apr 2022 14:00:11 +0000 (17:00 +0300) | ||
committer | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Fri, 9 Jun 2023 08:38:54 +0000 (11:38 +0300) |
src/game/Doom2DF.lpr | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/g_map.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/g_monsters.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/opengl/r_map.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_atlas.pas | [new file with mode: 0644] | patch | blob |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_draw.pas | [new file with mode: 0644] | patch | blob |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_map.pas | [new file with mode: 0644] | patch | blob |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_render.pas | [new file with mode: 0644] | patch | blob |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_textures.pas | [new file with mode: 0644] | patch | blob |
src/game/sdl2/g_system.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/shared/ | patch | blob | history |
diff --git a/src/game/Doom2DF.lpr b/src/game/Doom2DF.lpr
index ff748ecccdf7a17293099fd4fd4f4e5533124627..6fdc3094a2b9844920eca1de146363107f052080 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/Doom2DF.lpr
+++ b/src/game/Doom2DF.lpr
r_render in 'renders/stub/r_render.pas',
+ {$I ../shared/}
+ r_render in 'renders/opengl/r_render.pas',
+ r_atlas in 'renders/opengl/r_atlas.pas',
+ r_textures in 'renders/opengl/r_textures.pas',
+ r_draw in 'renders/opengl/r_draw.pas',
+ r_map in 'renders/opengl/r_map.pas',
{$FATAL render driver not selected}
diff --git a/src/game/g_map.pas b/src/game/g_map.pas
index 5ce07e652b3a3d912d9dc66752e7f62fbd7b7e6b..9a51d3b66ef9202f389ca80c2ddd553fb5b52163 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_map.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_map.pas
GridDrawableMask = (GridTagBack or GridTagStep or GridTagWall or GridTagDoor or GridTagAcid1 or GridTagAcid2 or GridTagWater or GridTagFore);
- TBinHeapPanelDrawCmp = class
- public
- class function less (const a, b: TPanel): Boolean; inline;
- end;
- TBinHeapPanelDraw = specialize TBinaryHeapBase<TPanel, TBinHeapPanelDrawCmp>;
gWalls: TPanelArray;
gRenderBackgrounds: TPanelArray;
gdbg_map_use_accel_render: Boolean = true;
gdbg_map_use_accel_coldet: Boolean = true;
profMapCollision: TProfiler = nil; //WARNING: FOR DEBUGGING ONLY!
- gDrawPanelList: TBinHeapPanelDraw = nil; // binary heap of all walls we have to render, populated by `g_Map_CollectDrawPanels()`
gCurrentMap: TDynRecord = nil;
gCurrentMapFileName: AnsiString = ''; // so we can skip texture reloading
-class function TBinHeapPanelDrawCmp.less (const a, b: TPanel): Boolean; inline;
- if (a.tag < b.tag) then begin result := true; exit; end;
- if (a.tag > b.tag) then begin result := false; exit; end;
- result := (a.arrIdx < b.arrIdx);
TextNameHash: THashStrInt = nil; // key: texture name; value: index in `Textures`
BadTextNameHash: THashStrInt = nil; // set; so we won't spam with non-existing texture messages
index a5c543f78fae840456155cfacf80d7ddc3a14ab9..d6d65d32cf2a9c0ba220880097d42a020a0c3700 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_monsters.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_monsters.pas
// Таблица характеристик монстров:
index 0339454519237989607b5ea2e78d7254b6eb78ec..9a6235c8b1b3b1d153a39358ed001620d0a63cf8 100644 (file)
- uses g_panel, MAPDEF; // TPanel, TDFColor
+ uses g_panel, MAPDEF, binheap; // TPanel, TDFColor
procedure r_Map_Initialize;
procedure r_Map_Finalize;
procedure r_Panel_Draw (constref p: TPanel; hasAmbient: Boolean; constref ambColor: TDFColor);
procedure r_Panel_DrawShadowVolume (constref p: TPanel; lightX, lightY: Integer; radius: Integer);
+ type
+ TBinHeapPanelDrawCmp = class
+ public
+ class function less (const a, b: TPanel): Boolean; inline;
+ end;
+ TBinHeapPanelDraw = specialize TBinaryHeapBase<TPanel, TBinHeapPanelDrawCmp>;
+ var
+ gDrawPanelList: TBinHeapPanelDraw = nil; // binary heap of all walls we have to render, populated by `g_Map_CollectDrawPanels()`
FlagFrames: array [FLAG_RED..FLAG_BLUE] of DWORD;
FlagAnim: TAnimState;
+ class function TBinHeapPanelDrawCmp.less (const a, b: TPanel): Boolean; inline;
+ begin
+ if (a.tag < b.tag) then begin result := true; exit; end;
+ if (a.tag > b.tag) then begin result := false; exit; end;
+ result := (a.arrIdx < b.arrIdx);
+ end;
procedure r_Map_Initialize;
FlagAnim := TAnimState.Create(True, 8, 5);
diff --git a/src/game/renders/opengl/r_atlas.pas b/src/game/renders/opengl/r_atlas.pas
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *)
+{$INCLUDE ../../../shared/}
+unit r_atlas;
+ type
+ TAtlasNode = class
+ private
+ left, right, up: TAtlasNode;
+ mL, mT, mR, mB: Integer;
+ leaf: Boolean;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Dealloc;
+ function GetWidth (): Integer; inline;
+ function GetHeight (): Integer; inline;
+ property x: Integer read mL;
+ property y: Integer read mT;
+ property width: Integer read GetWidth;
+ property height: Integer read GetHeight;
+ property l: Integer read mL;
+ property t: Integer read mT;
+ property r: Integer read mR;
+ property b: Integer read mB;
+ end;
+ TAtlas = class
+ public
+ constructor Create (w, h: Integer);
+ destructor Destroy; override; (* also destroed attached nodes *)
+ (* never free TAtlasNode directly, use Dealloc method. *)
+ function CreateNode (): TAtlasNode; virtual; (* allocate empty node (user defined type) *)
+ function Alloc (w, h: Integer): TAtlasNode; (* allocate node and attach it *)
+ function GetWidth (): Integer; inline;
+ function GetHeight (): Integer; inline;
+ private
+ root: TAtlasNode;
+ function NewNode (p: TAtlasNode; w, h: Integer): TAtlasNode;
+ public
+ property w: Integer read GetWidth;
+ property h: Integer read GetHeight;
+ end;
+ procedure FreeNodeRecursive (n: TAtlasNode);
+ begin
+ if n <> nil then
+ begin
+ FreeNodeRecursive(n.left);
+ FreeNodeRecursive(n.right);
+ n.Free();
+ end;
+ end;
+ function IsLeafTree (n: TAtlasNode): Boolean;
+ begin
+ result := (n <> nil) and (n.leaf or IsLeafTree(n.left) or IsLeafTree(n.right))
+ end;
+ (* --------- TNode --------- *)
+ constructor TAtlasNode.Create;
+ begin
+ inherited;
+ end;
+ destructor TAtlasNode.Destroy;
+ var p: TAtlasNode;
+ begin
+ p := self.up;
+ if p <> nil then
+ begin
+ if p.left = self then
+ p.left := nil
+ else if p.right = self then
+ p.right := nil
+ end;
+ self.up := nil;
+ if self.left <> nil then
+ self.left.Free;
+ if self.right <> nil then
+ self.right.Free;
+ inherited;
+ end;
+ procedure TAtlasNode.Dealloc;
+ var p: TAtlasNode;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(self.leaf = true);
+ ASSERT(self.right = nil);
+ ASSERT(self.left = nil);
+ self.leaf := false;
+ p := self.up;
+ while p <> nil do
+ begin
+ ASSERT(p.leaf = false);
+ ASSERT(p.left <> nil);
+ ASSERT(p.right <> nil);
+ if IsLeafTree(p) = false then
+ begin
+ FreeNodeRecursive(p.left); p.left := nil;
+ FreeNodeRecursive(p.right); p.right := nil;
+ p := p.up
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ p := nil
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ function TAtlasNode.GetWidth (): Integer;
+ begin
+ result := self.r - self.l + 1;
+ end;
+ function TAtlasNode.GetHeight (): Integer;
+ begin
+ result := self.b - self.t + 1;
+ end;
+ (* --------- TAtlas --------- *)
+ constructor TAtlas.Create (w, h: Integer);
+ begin
+ inherited Create();
+ self.root := self.CreateNode();
+ ASSERT(self.root <> nil);
+ self.root.mR := w - 1;
+ self.root.mB := h - 1;
+ end;
+ destructor TAtlas.Destroy;
+ begin
+ FreeNodeRecursive(self.root.left);
+ FreeNodeRecursive(self.root.right);
+ inherited;
+ end;
+ function TAtlas.GetWidth (): Integer;
+ begin
+ result := self.root.r {- self.root.l} + 1;
+ end;
+ function TAtlas.GetHeight (): Integer;
+ begin
+ result := self.root.b {- self.root.t} + 1;
+ end;
+ function TAtlas.CreateNode (): TAtlasNode;
+ begin
+ result := TAtlasNode.Create()
+ end;
+ function TAtlas.NewNode (p: TAtlasNode; w, h: Integer): TAtlasNode;
+ var n: TAtlasNode;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(p <> nil);
+ ASSERT(w > 0);
+ ASSERT(h > 0);
+ if p.left <> nil then
+ begin
+ ASSERT(p.right <> nil);
+ n := NewNode(p.left, w, h);
+ if n = nil then
+ n := NewNode(p.right, w, h);
+ result := n;
+ end
+ else if p.leaf or (p.width < w) or (p.height < h) then
+ begin
+ result := nil;
+ end
+ else if (p.width = w) and (p.height = h) then
+ begin
+ p.leaf := true;
+ result := p;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ p.left := self.CreateNode();
+ p.right := self.CreateNode();
+ if (p.left = nil) or (p.right = nil) then
+ begin
+ (* failed to allocate nodes *)
+ if p.left <> nil then
+ p.left.Free();
+ if p.right <> nil then
+ p.right.Free();
+ p.left := nil;
+ p.right := nil;
+ result := nil;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ p.left.up := p;
+ p.right.up := p;
+ if p.width - w > p.height - h then
+ begin
+ p.left.mL := p.l;
+ p.left.mT := p.t;
+ p.left.mR := p.l + w - 1;
+ p.left.mB := p.b;
+ p.right.mL := p.l + w;
+ p.right.mT := p.t;
+ p.right.mR := p.r;
+ p.right.mB := p.b;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ p.left.mL := p.l;
+ := p.t;
+ p.left.mR := p.r;
+ p.left.mB := p.t + h - 1;
+ p.right.mL := p.l;
+ p.right.mT := p.t + h;
+ p.right.mR := p.r;
+ p.right.mB := p.b;
+ end;
+ result := NewNode(p.left, w, h);
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ function TAtlas.Alloc (w, h: Integer): TAtlasNode;
+ var n: TAtlasNode;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(w > 0);
+ ASSERT(h > 0);
+ n := nil;
+ if (w <= self.w) and (h <= self.h) then
+ begin
+ n := NewNode(self.root, w, h);
+ if n <> nil then
+ ASSERT(n.leaf);
+ end;
+ result := n
+ end;
diff --git a/src/game/renders/opengl/r_draw.pas b/src/game/renders/opengl/r_draw.pas
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *)
+{$INCLUDE ../../../shared/}
+unit r_draw;
+ uses
+ g_textures,
+ r_textures
+ ;
+ procedure r_Draw_Texture (img: TGLTexture; x, y, w, h: Integer; flip: Boolean);
+ procedure r_Draw_TextureRepeat (img: TGLTexture; x, y, w, h: Integer; flip: Boolean);
+ procedure r_Draw_MultiTextureRepeat (m: TGLMultiTexture; const a: TAnimState; x, y, w, h: Integer; flip: Boolean);
+ procedure r_Draw_Filter (l, t, r, b: Integer; rr, gg, bb, aa: Byte);
+ uses
+ GLES11,
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ SysUtils, Classes, Math,
+ e_log, utils,
+ g_game // gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight
+ ;
+ procedure SetupMatrix;
+ begin
+ glScissor(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
+ glViewport(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glLoadIdentity;
+ glOrtho(0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, 0, 0, 1);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glLoadIdentity;
+ end;
+ procedure DrawQuad (x, y, w, h: Integer);
+ begin
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glVertex2i(x + w, y);
+ glVertex2i(x, y);
+ glVertex2i(x, y + h);
+ glVertex2i(x + w, y + h);
+ glEnd();
+ end;
+ procedure DrawTile (tile: TGLAtlasNode; x, y, w, h: Integer; flip: Boolean);
+ var nw, nh, ax, bx, ay, by: GLfloat; l, t, r, b: Integer;
+ begin
+ if tile = nil then
+ begin
+ glColor3ub(255, 0, 0);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ DrawQuad(x, y, w, h);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ nw := tile.base.w;
+ nh := tile.base.h;
+ ax := IfThen(flip, tile.l, tile.r + 1) / nw;
+ bx := IfThen(flip, tile.r + 1, tile.l) / nh;
+ ay := (tile.t) / nw;
+ by := (tile.b + 1) / nh;
+ l := x; t := y; r := x + w; b := y + h;
+ glColor3ub(255, 255, 255);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,;
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(ax, ay); glVertex2i(r, t);
+ glTexCoord2f(bx, ay); glVertex2i(l, t);
+ glTexCoord2f(bx, by); glVertex2i(l, b);
+ glTexCoord2f(ax, by); glVertex2i(r, b);
+ glEnd();
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
+ end
+ end;
+ procedure r_Draw_Texture (img: TGLTexture; x, y, w, h: Integer; flip: Boolean);
+ var i, j, offx, offy, nw, nh: Integer; n: TGLAtlasNode;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(w >= 0);
+ ASSERT(h >= 0);
+ if img = nil then
+ DrawTile(nil, x, y, w, h, flip)
+ else
+ begin
+ offx := 0;
+ offy := 0;
+ nw := w div img.cols;
+ nh := h div img.lines;
+ for j := 0 to img.lines - 1 do
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to img.cols - 1 do
+ begin
+ n := img.GetTile(i, j);
+ ASSERT(n <> nil);
+ DrawTile(n, x + offx, y + offy, nw, nh, flip);
+ offx := offx + nw;
+ end;
+ offx := 0;
+ offy := offy + nh;
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ procedure r_Draw_Texture (img: TGLTexture; x, y, w, h: Integer; flip: Boolean);
+ var i, j, offx, offy: Integer; n: TGLAtlasNode;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(w >= 0);
+ ASSERT(h >= 0);
+ if img = nil then
+ DrawTile(nil, x, y, w, h, flip)
+ else
+ begin
+ glPushMatrix;
+ glScalef(w / img.width, h / img.height, 1);
+ offx := 0;
+ offy := 0;
+ for j := 0 to img.lines - 1 do
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to img.cols - 1 do
+ begin
+ n := img.GetTile(i, j);
+ ASSERT(n <> nil);
+ DrawTile(n, x + offx, y + offy, n.width, n.height, flip);
+ offx := offx + n.width;
+ end;
+ offx := 0;
+ offy := offy + n.height;
+ end;
+ glPopMatrix;
+ end
+ end;
+ procedure r_Draw_TextureRepeat (img: TGLTexture; x, y, w, h: Integer; flip: Boolean);
+ var i, j: Integer;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(w >= 0);
+ ASSERT(h >= 0);
+ if img = nil then
+ r_Draw_Texture(nil, x, y, w, h, flip)
+ else
+ for j := 0 to h div img.height - 1 do
+ for i := 0 to w div img.width - 1 do
+ r_Draw_Texture(img, x + i * img.width, y + j * img.height, img.width, img.height, flip);
+ end;
+ procedure r_Draw_MultiTextureRepeat (m: TGLMultiTexture; const a: TAnimState; x, y, w, h: Integer; flip: Boolean);
+ var img: TGLTexture; cur, total, i: Integer;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(a.IsValid());
+ if m = nil then
+ r_Draw_TextureRepeat(nil, x, y, w, h, flip)
+ else
+ begin
+ if m.BackAnim then
+ begin
+ total := m.count * 2 - 1;
+ cur := a.CurrentFrame mod total;
+ if cur < m.count then i := cur else i := total - cur - 1;
+ end
+ else
+ i := a.CurrentFrame mod m.count;
+ img := m.GetTexture(i);
+ r_Draw_TextureRepeat(img, x, y, w, h, flip)
+ end
+ end;
+ procedure r_Draw_Filter (l, t, r, b: Integer; rr, gg, bb, aa: Byte);
+ begin
+ ASSERT(r >= l);
+ ASSERT(b >= t);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBlendFunc(GL_ZERO, GL_SRC_COLOR);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glColor4ub(rr, gg, bb, aa);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glVertex2i(l, t);
+ glVertex2i(r, t);
+ glVertex2i(r, b);
+ glVertex2i(l, b);
+ glEnd;
+ end;
diff --git a/src/game/renders/opengl/r_map.pas b/src/game/renders/opengl/r_map.pas
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *)
+{$INCLUDE ../../../shared/}
+unit r_map;
+ procedure r_Map_Initialize;
+ procedure r_Map_Finalize;
+ procedure r_Map_Load;
+ procedure r_Map_Free;
+ procedure r_Map_LoadTextures;
+ procedure r_Map_FreeTextures;
+ procedure r_Map_Update;
+ procedure r_Map_Draw (x, y, w, h, camx, camy: Integer);
+ uses
+ GLES11,
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ e_log,
+ binheap, MAPDEF, utils,
+ g_options, g_textures, g_basic, g_base, g_phys,
+ g_game, g_map, g_panel, g_items, g_monsters, g_playermodel, g_player,
+ g_corpses,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ r_textures, r_draw
+ ;
+ const
+ MTABLE: array [0..MONSTER_MAN] of record
+ w, h: Integer;
+ end = (
+ (w: 64; h: 64), // NONE
+ (w: 64; h: 64), // DEMON
+ (w: 64; h: 64), // IMP
+ (w: 64; h: 64), // ZOMBY
+ (w: 64; h: 64), // SERG
+ (w: 128; h: 128), // CYBER
+ (w: 64; h: 64), // CGUN
+ (w: 128; h: 128), // BARON
+ (w: 128; h: 128), // KNIGHT
+ (w: 128; h: 128), // CACO
+ (w: 64; h: 64), // SOUL (DIE is 128x128, see load code)
+ (w: 128; h: 128), // PAIN
+ (w: 256; h: 128), // SPIDER
+ (w: 128; h: 64), // BSP
+ (w: 128; h: 128), // MANCUB
+ (w: 128; h: 128), // SKEL
+ (w: 128; h: 128), // VILE
+ (w: 32; h: 32), // FISH
+ (w: 64; h: 64), // BARREL
+ (w: 128; h: 128), // ROBO
+ (w: 64; h: 64) // MAN
+ );
+ VILEFIRE_DY = 128;
+ type
+ TBinHeapPanelDrawCmp = class
+ public
+ class function less (const a, b: TPanel): Boolean; inline;
+ end;
+ TBinHeapPanelDraw = specialize TBinaryHeapBase<TPanel, TBinHeapPanelDrawCmp>;
+ TMonsterAnims = array [0..ANIM_LAST, TDirection] of TGLMultiTexture;
+ var
+ SkyTexture: TGLTexture;
+ RenTextures: array of record
+ spec: LongInt;
+ tex: TGLMultiTexture;
+ end;
+ Items: array [0..ITEM_MAX] of record
+ tex: TGLMultiTexture;
+ anim: TAnimState;
+ end;
+ MonTextures: array [0..MONSTER_MAN] of TMonsterAnims;
+ VileFire: TGLMultiTexture;
+ Models: array of record
+ anim: array [TDirection, 0..A_LAST] of record
+ base, mask: TGLMultiTexture;
+ end;
+ gibs: array of record
+ base, mask: TGLTexture;
+ rect: TRectWH;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ plist: TBinHeapPanelDraw = nil;
+ class function TBinHeapPanelDrawCmp.less (const a, b: TPanel): Boolean; inline;
+ begin
+ if a.tag < b.tag then begin result := true; exit; end;
+ if a.tag > b.tag then begin result := false; exit; end;
+ result := a.arrIdx < b.arrIdx;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_Initialize;
+ begin
+ plist := TBinHeapPanelDraw.Create();
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_Finalize;
+ begin
+ plist.Free
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_LoadModel (i: Integer);
+ var prefix: AnsiString; a: Integer; d: TDirection; m: ^TPlayerModelInfo;
+ begin
+ m := @PlayerModelsArray[i];
+ prefix := m.FileName + ':TEXTURES/';
+ for d := TDirection.D_LEFT to TDirection.D_RIGHT do
+ begin
+ for a := A_STAND to A_LAST do
+ begin
+ Models[i].anim[d, a].base := nil;
+ Models[i].anim[d, a].mask := nil;
+ if m.anim[d, a].resource <> '' then
+ Models[i].anim[d, a].base := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFileAndInfo(prefix + m.anim[d, a].resource, 64, 64, m.anim[d, a].frames, m.anim[d, a].back, true);
+ if m.anim[d, a].mask <> '' then
+ Models[i].anim[d, a].mask := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFileAndInfo(prefix + m.anim[d, a].mask, 64, 64, m.anim[d, a].frames, m.anim[d, a].back, true);
+ end
+ end;
+ Models[i].gibs := nil;
+ if m.GibsCount > 0 then
+ begin
+ SetLength(Models[i].gibs, m.GibsCount);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_Load;
+ var i, j: Integer; d: TDirection;
+ procedure LoadItem (i: Integer; const name: AnsiString; w, h, delay, count: Integer; backanim: Boolean);
+ begin
+ ASSERT(i >= 0);
+ Items[i].tex := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFileAndInfo(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/' + name, w, h, count, backanim, false);
+ if backanim then count := count * 2 - 2;
+ Items[i].anim := TAnimState.Create(True, delay, count);
+ ASSERT(Items[i].tex <> NIL);
+ end;
+ procedure LoadMonster (m, a: Integer; d: TDirection);
+ const
+ dir: array [TDirection] of AnsiString = ('_L', '');
+ var
+ w, h, count: Integer;
+ begin
+ count := MONSTER_ANIMTABLE[m].AnimCount[a];
+ if count > 0 then
+ begin
+ w := MTABLE[m].w;
+ h := MTABLE[m].h;
+ if (m = MONSTER_SOUL) and (a = ANIM_DIE) then
+ begin
+ // special case
+ w := 128;
+ h := 128;
+ end;
+ MonTextures[m, a, d] := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFileAndInfo(
+ GameWAD + ':MTEXTURES/' + MONSTERTABLE[m].name + '_' + ANIMTABLE[a].name + dir[d],
+ w,
+ h,
+ count,
+ False,
+ False
+ )
+ end
+ else
+ MonTextures[m, a, d] := nil
+ end;
+ begin
+ // --------- items --------- //
+ // i name w h d n backanim
+ LoadItem(ITEM_NONE, 'NOTEXTURE', 16, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_MEDKIT_SMALL, 'MED1', 16, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_MEDKIT_LARGE, 'MED2', 32, 32, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_MEDKIT_BLACK, 'BMED', 32, 32, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_ARMOR_GREEN, 'ARMORGREEN', 32, 16, 20, 3, True);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_ARMOR_BLUE, 'ARMORBLUE', 32, 16, 20, 3, True);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_SPHERE_BLUE, 'SBLUE', 32, 32, 15, 4, True);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_SPHERE_WHITE, 'SWHITE', 32, 32, 20, 4, True);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_SUIT, 'SUIT', 32, 64, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_OXYGEN, 'OXYGEN', 16, 32, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_INVUL, 'INVUL', 32, 32, 20, 4, True);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_WEAPON_SAW, 'SAW', 64, 32, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_WEAPON_SHOTGUN1, 'SHOTGUN1', 64, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_WEAPON_SHOTGUN2, 'SHOTGUN2', 64, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_WEAPON_CHAINGUN, 'MGUN', 64, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER, 'RLAUNCHER', 64, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_WEAPON_PLASMA, 'PGUN', 64, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_WEAPON_BFG, 'BFG', 64, 64, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_WEAPON_SUPERPULEMET, 'SPULEMET', 64, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_AMMO_BULLETS, 'CLIP', 16, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_AMMO_BULLETS_BOX, 'AMMO', 32, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_AMMO_SHELLS, 'SHELL1', 16, 8, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_AMMO_SHELLS_BOX, 'SHELL2', 32, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_AMMO_ROCKET, 'ROCKET', 16, 32, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_AMMO_ROCKET_BOX, 'ROCKETS', 64, 32, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_AMMO_CELL, 'CELL', 16, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_AMMO_CELL_BIG, 'CELL2', 32, 32, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_AMMO_BACKPACK, 'BPACK', 32, 32, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_KEY_RED, 'KEYR', 16, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_KEY_GREEN, 'KEYG', 16, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_KEY_BLUE, 'KEYB', 16, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_WEAPON_KASTET, 'KASTET', 64, 32, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_WEAPON_PISTOL, 'PISTOL', 64, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_BOTTLE, 'BOTTLE', 16, 32, 20, 4, True);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_HELMET, 'HELMET', 16, 16, 20, 4, True);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_JETPACK, 'JETPACK', 32, 32, 15, 3, True);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_INVIS, 'INVIS', 32, 32, 20, 4, True);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER, 'FLAMETHROWER', 64, 32, 0, 1, False);
+ LoadItem(ITEM_AMMO_FUELCAN, 'FUELCAN', 16, 32, 0, 1, False);
+ // fill with NOTEXURE forgotten item
+ for i := ITEM_AMMO_FUELCAN + 1 to ITEM_MAX do
+ LoadItem(i,'NOTEXTURE', 16, 16, 0, 1, False);
+ // --------- monsters --------- //
+ for j := 0 to ANIM_LAST do
+ for d := TDirection.D_LEFT to TDirection.D_RIGHT do
+ LoadMonster(i, j, d);
+ VileFire := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFileAndInfo(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/FIRE', 64, 128, 8, False, False);
+ // --------- player models --------- //
+ if PlayerModelsArray <> nil then
+ begin
+ SetLength(Models, Length(PlayerModelsArray));
+ for i := 0 to High(PlayerModelsArray) do
+ r_Map_LoadModel(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_Free;
+ var i, j: Integer; d: TDirection;
+ begin
+ begin
+ for j := 0 to ANIM_LAST do
+ begin
+ for d := TDirection.D_LEFT to TDirection.D_RIGHT do
+ begin
+ if MonTextures[i, j, d] <> nil then
+ MonTextures[i, j, d].Free;
+ MonTextures[i, j, d] := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to ITEM_MAX do
+ begin
+ if Items[i].tex <> nil then
+ begin
+ Items[i].tex.Free;
+ Items[i].tex := nil;
+ end;
+ Items[i].anim.Invalidate;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_LoadTextures;
+ var i, n: Integer;
+ begin
+ if Textures <> nil then
+ begin
+ n := Length(Textures);
+ SetLength(RenTextures, n);
+ for i := 0 to n - 1 do
+ begin
+ RenTextures[i].tex := nil;
+ case Textures[i].TextureName of
+ else
+ RenTextures[i].spec := 0;
+ RenTextures[i].tex := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFile(Textures[i].FullName);
+ if RenTextures[i].tex = nil then
+ e_LogWritefln('r_Map_LoadTextures: failed to load texture: %s', [Textures[i].FullName]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if gMapInfo.SkyFullName <> '' then
+ SkyTexture := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(gMapInfo.SkyFullName);
+ plist.Clear;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_FreeTextures;
+ var i: Integer;
+ begin
+ plist.Clear;
+ if SkyTexture <> nil then
+ SkyTexture.Free;
+ SkyTexture := nil;
+ if RenTextures <> nil then
+ for i := 0 to High(RenTextures) do
+ if RenTextures[i].tex <> nil then
+ RenTextures[i].tex.Free;
+ RenTextures := nil;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_Update;
+ var i: Integer;
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to ITEM_MAX do
+ Items[i].anim.Update;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_DrawPanel (p: TPanel);
+ var Texture: Integer; t: TGLMultiTexture;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(p <> nil);
+ if p.FCurTexture >= 0 then
+ begin
+ Texture := p.TextureIDs[p.FCurTexture].Texture;
+ t := RenTextures[Texture].tex;
+ if (RenTextures[Texture].spec = 0) or (t <> nil) then
+ begin
+ // TODO set alpha and blending type
+ if t = nil then
+ r_Draw_TextureRepeat(nil, p.x, p.y, p.width, p.height, false)
+ else if p.TextureIDs[p.FCurTexture].AnTex.IsValid() then
+ r_Draw_MultiTextureRepeat(t, p.TextureIDs[p.FCurTexture].AnTex, p.x, p.y, p.width, p.height, false)
+ else
+ r_Draw_TextureRepeat(t.GetTexture(0), p.x, p.y, p.width, p.height, false)
+ end;
+ if t = nil then
+ begin
+ case RenTextures[Texture].spec of
+ TEXTURE_SPECIAL_WATER: r_Draw_Filter(p.x, p.y, p.x + p.width, p.y + p.height, 0, 0, 255, 255);
+ TEXTURE_SPECIAL_ACID1: r_Draw_Filter(p.x, p.y, p.x + p.width, p.y + p.height, 0, 230, 0, 255);
+ TEXTURE_SPECIAL_ACID2: r_Draw_Filter(p.x, p.y, p.x + p.width, p.y + p.height, 230, 0, 0, 255);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_DrawPanelType (panelTyp: DWORD);
+ var tagMask, i: Integer; p: TPanel;
+ begin
+ i := 0;
+ tagMask := PanelTypeToTag(panelTyp);
+ while plist.count > 0 do
+ begin
+ p := TPanel(plist.Front());
+ if (p.tag and tagMask) = 0 then
+ break;
+ r_Map_DrawPanel(p);
+ Inc(i);
+ plist.PopFront
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_DrawItems (x, y, w, h: Integer; drop: Boolean);
+ var i, fX, fY: Integer; it: PItem; t: TGLMultiTexture;
+ begin
+ if ggItems <> nil then
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to High(ggItems) do
+ begin
+ it := @ggItems[i];
+ if it.used and it.alive and (it.dropped = drop) and (it.ItemType <> ITEM_NONE) then
+ begin
+ t := Items[it.ItemType].tex;
+ if g_Collide(it.obj.x, it.obj.y, t.width, t.height, x, y, w, h) then
+ begin
+ it.obj.Lerp(gLerpFactor, fX, fY);
+ r_Draw_MultiTextureRepeat(t, Items[it.ItemType].anim, fX, fY, t.width, t.height, false);
+ // if g_debug_frames then // TODO draw collision frame
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function r_Map_GetMonsterTexture (m, a: Integer; d: TDirection; out t: TGLMultiTexture; out dx, dy: Integer; out flip: Boolean): Boolean;
+ // var c: Integer;
+ begin
+ t := nil; dx := 0; dy := 0; flip := false;
+ result := MonTextures[m, a, d] <> nil;
+ if result = false then
+ begin
+ flip := true;
+ if d = TDirection.D_RIGHT then d := TDirection.D_LEFT else d := TDirection.D_RIGHT;
+ result := MonTextures[m, a, d] <> nil;
+ end;
+ if result = true then
+ begin
+ t := MonTextures[m, a, d];
+ if d = TDirection.D_LEFT then
+ begin
+ dx := MONSTER_ANIMTABLE[m].AnimDeltaLeft[a].X;
+ dy := MONSTER_ANIMTABLE[m].AnimDeltaLeft[a].Y;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ dx := MONSTER_ANIMTABLE[m].AnimDeltaRight[a].X;
+ dy := MONSTER_ANIMTABLE[m].AnimDeltaRight[a].Y;
+ end;
+ if flip then
+ begin
+// c := (MONSTERTABLE[MonsterType].Rect.X - dx) + MONSTERTABLE[MonsterType].Rect.Width;
+// dx := MTABLE[m].width - c - MONSTERTABLE[MonsterType].Rect.X;
+ dx := -dx;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_DrawMonsterAttack (constref mon: TMonster);
+ var o: TObj;
+ begin
+ if VileFire <> nil then
+ if (mon.MonsterType = MONSTER_VILE) and (mon.MonsterState = MONSTATE_SHOOT) then
+ if mon.VileFireAnim.IsValid() and GetPos(mon.MonsterTargetUID, @o) then
+ r_Draw_MultiTextureRepeat(VileFire, mon.VileFireAnim, o.x + o.rect.x + (o.rect.width div 2) - VILEFIRE_DX, o.y + o.rect.y + o.rect.height - VILEFIRE_DY, VileFire.width, VileFire.height, False);
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_DrawMonster (constref mon: TMonster);
+ var m, a, fX, fY, dx, dy: Integer; d: TDirection; flip: Boolean; t: TGLMultiTexture;
+ begin
+ m := mon.MonsterType;
+ a := mon.MonsterAnim;
+ d := mon.GameDirection;
+ mon.obj.Lerp(gLerpFactor, fX, fY);
+ if r_Map_GetMonsterTexture(m, a, d, t, dx, dy, flip) then
+ r_Draw_MultiTextureRepeat(t, mon.DirAnim[a, d], fX + dx, fY + dy, t.width, t.height, flip);
+ if g_debug_frames
+ // TODO draw frame
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_DrawMonsters (x, y, w, h: Integer);
+ var i: Integer; m: TMonster;
+ begin
+ if gMonsters <> nil then
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to High(gMonsters) do
+ begin
+ m := gMonsters[i];
+ if m <> nil then
+ begin
+ r_Map_DrawMonsterAttack(m);
+ // TODO select from grid
+ if g_Collide(m.obj.x + m.obj.rect.x, m.obj.y + m.obj.rect.y, m.obj.rect.width, m.obj.rect.height, x, y, w, h) then
+ r_Map_DrawMonster(m);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function r_Map_GetPlayerModelTex (i: Integer; var a: Integer; var d: TDirection; out flip: Boolean): Boolean;
+ begin
+ flip := false;
+ result := Models[i].anim[d, a].base <> nil;
+ if result = false then
+ begin
+ flip := true;
+ if d = TDirection.D_LEFT then d := TDirection.D_RIGHT else d := TDirection.D_LEFT;
+ result := Models[i].anim[d, a].base <> nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_DrawPlayerModel (pm: TPlayerModel; x, y: Integer);
+ var a: Integer; d: TDirection; flip: Boolean; t: TGLMultiTexture;
+ begin
+ // TODO draw flag
+ // TODO draw weapon
+ a := pm.CurrentAnimation;
+ d := pm.Direction;
+ if r_Map_GetPlayerModelTex(, a, d, flip) then
+ begin
+ t := Models[].anim[d, a].base;
+ r_Draw_MultiTextureRepeat(t, pm.AnimState, x, y, t.width, t.height, flip);
+ // TODO colorize mask
+ t := Models[].anim[d, a].mask;
+ if t <> nil then
+ r_Draw_MultiTextureRepeat(t, pm.AnimState, x, y, t.width, t.height, flip);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_DrawPlayer (p: TPlayer);
+ var fX, fY, fSlope: Integer;
+ begin
+ if p.alive then
+ begin
+ fX := p.obj.x; fY := p.obj.y;
+ // TODO fix lerp
+ //p.obj.Lerp(gLerpFactor, fX, fY);
+ fSlope := nlerp(p.SlopeOld, p.obj.slopeUpLeft, gLerpFactor);
+ // TODO draw punch
+ // TODO invul pentagram
+ // TODO draw it with transparency
+ r_Map_DrawPlayerModel(p.Model, fX, fY + fSlope);
+ end;
+ // TODO draw g_debug_frames
+ // TODO draw chat bubble
+ // TODO draw aim
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_DrawPlayers (x, y, w, h: Integer);
+ var i: Integer;
+ begin
+ // TODO draw only visible
+ if gPlayers <> nil then
+ for i := 0 to High(gPlayers) do
+ if gPlayers[i] <> nil then
+ r_Map_DrawPlayer(gPlayers[i]);
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_DrawCorpses (x, y, w, h: Integer);
+ var i, fX, fY: Integer; p: TCorpse;
+ begin
+ if gCorpses <> nil then
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to High(gCorpses) do
+ begin
+ p := gCorpses[i];
+ if (p <> nil) and (p.state <> CORPSE_STATE_REMOVEME) and (p.model <> nil) then
+ begin
+ p.obj.Lerp(gLerpFactor, fX, fY);
+ r_Map_DrawPlayerModel(p.model, fX, fY);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Map_Draw (x, y, w, h, camx, camy: Integer);
+ var iter: TPanelGrid.Iter; p: PPanel; cx, cy, xx, yy, ww, hh: Integer;
+ begin
+ cx := camx - w div 2;
+ cy := camy - h div 2;
+ xx := x + cx;
+ yy := y + cy;
+ ww := w;
+ hh := h;
+ if SkyTexture <> nil then
+ r_Draw_Texture(SkyTexture, x, y, w, h, false);
+ plist.Clear;
+ iter := mapGrid.ForEachInAABB(xx, yy, ww, hh, GridDrawableMask);
+ for p in iter do
+ if ((p^.tag and GridTagDoor) <> 0) = p^.door then
+ plist.Insert(p^);
+ iter.Release;
+ glPushMatrix;
+ glTranslatef(-cx, -cy, 0);
+ r_Map_DrawPanelType(PANEL_BACK);
+ r_Map_DrawPanelType(PANEL_STEP);
+ r_Map_DrawItems(xx, yy, ww, hh, false);
+ // TODO draw weapons
+ // TODO draw shells
+ r_Map_DrawPlayers(xx, yy, ww, hh);
+ // TODO draw gibs
+ r_Map_DrawCorpses(xx, yy, ww, hh);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ r_Map_DrawPanelType(PANEL_WALL);
+ r_Map_DrawMonsters(xx, yy, ww, hh);
+ r_Map_DrawItems(xx, yy, ww, hh, true);
+ r_Map_DrawPanelType(PANEL_CLOSEDOOR);
+ // TODO draw gfx
+ // TODO draw flags
+ r_Map_DrawPanelType(PANEL_ACID1);
+ r_Map_DrawPanelType(PANEL_ACID2);
+ r_Map_DrawPanelType(PANEL_WATER);
+ r_Map_DrawPanelType(PANEL_FORE);
+ glPopMatrix;
+ end;
diff --git a/src/game/renders/opengl/r_render.pas b/src/game/renders/opengl/r_render.pas
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *)
+{$INCLUDE ../../../shared/}
+unit r_render;
+ uses
+ g_gui,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ g_base // TRectWH
+ ;
+ (* render startup *)
+ procedure r_Render_Initialize;
+ procedure r_Render_Finalize;
+ (* load globally used textures *)
+ procedure r_Render_Load;
+ procedure r_Render_Free;
+ (* load map specific textures *)
+ procedure r_Render_LoadTextures;
+ procedure r_Render_FreeTextures;
+ procedure r_Render_Update;
+ procedure r_Render_Draw;
+ procedure r_Render_Resize (w, h: Integer);
+ procedure r_Render_Apply;
+ function r_Render_WriteScreenShot (filename: String): Boolean;
+ function r_Render_GetGibRect (m, id: Integer): TRectWH;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ procedure r_Render_QueueEffect (AnimType, X, Y: Integer);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // touch screen button location and size
+ procedure r_Render_GetKeyRect (key: Integer; out x, y, w, h: Integer; out founded: Boolean);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ procedure r_Render_GetControlSize (ctrl: TGUIControl; out w, h: Integer);
+ procedure r_Render_GetLogoSize (out w, h: Integer);
+ procedure r_Render_GetMaxFontSize (BigFont: Boolean; out w, h: Integer);
+ procedure r_Render_GetStringSize (BigFont: Boolean; str: String; out w, h: Integer);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ procedure r_Render_DrawLoading (force: Boolean); // !!! remove it
+ uses
+ GLES11,
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ g_system,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ SysUtils, Classes, Math,
+ e_log, utils,
+ g_game, g_options, g_console,
+ r_textures, r_map
+ ;
+ var
+ menuBG: TGLTexture;
+ procedure r_Render_LoadTextures;
+ begin
+ r_Map_LoadTextures;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_FreeTextures;
+ begin
+ r_Map_FreeTextures;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_Load;
+ begin
+ menuBG := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':' + 'TEXTURES/TITLE');
+ r_Map_Load;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_Free;
+ begin
+ r_Map_Free;
+ menuBG.Free;
+ end;
+ function GetInfo (): TGLDisplayInfo;
+ var info: TGLDisplayInfo;
+ begin
+ info := Default(TGLDisplayInfo);
+ info.w := Max(1, gRC_Width);
+ info.h := Max(1, gRC_Height);
+ info.bpp := Max(1, gBPP);
+ info.fullscreen := gRC_FullScreen;
+ info.maximized := gRC_Maximized;
+ info.major := 1;
+ info.minor := 1;
+ info.profile := TGLProfile.Compat;
+ result := info;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_Initialize;
+ begin
+ if sys_SetDisplayModeGL(GetInfo()) = False then
+ raise Exception.Create('Failed to set videomode on startup.');
+ sys_EnableVSync(gVSync);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ r_Textures_Initialize;
+ r_Map_Initialize;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_Finalize;
+ begin
+ r_Map_Finalize;
+ r_Textures_Finalize;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_Update;
+ begin
+ r_Map_Update;
+ end;
+ procedure SetupMatrix;
+ begin
+ glViewport(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
+ glScissor(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glLoadIdentity;
+ glOrtho(0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, 0, 0, 1);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glLoadIdentity;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_Draw;
+ begin
+ if gExit = EXIT_QUIT then
+ exit;
+ SetupMatrix;
+ glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ glColor4ub(255, 255, 255, 255);
+ e_LogWritefln('r_render_draw: %sx%s', [gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight]);
+ if gGameOn or (gState = STATE_FOLD) then
+ begin
+ // TODO setup player view
+ // TODO setup sectator mode
+ // TODO setup player hear point
+ // TODO setup player view siz
+ // TODO draw player view + setup screen coords
+ r_Map_Draw(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, gPlayer1.obj.x + 32, gPlayer1.obj.y + 32); // !!! remove unnamed consts
+ // TODO draw holmes inspector
+ // TODO draw messages
+ // TODO draw stats (?)
+ // TODO draw spectator hud
+ end;
+ if gPauseMain and gGameOn {$IFDEF ENABLE_MENU}and (g_ActiveWindow = nil){$ENDIF} then
+ begin
+ // TODO draw pause screen
+ end;
+ if not gGameOn then
+ begin
+ case gState of
+ STATE_MENU: ; // TODO draw menu bg
+ end;
+ end;
+ if g_ActiveWindow <> nil then
+ begin
+ // TODO draw menu widgets
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // TODO draw console
+ // TODO draw holmes interface
+ glFinish();
+ glFlush();
+ sys_Repaint;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_Resize (w, h: Integer);
+ begin
+ gWinSizeX := w;
+ gWinSizeY := h;
+ gRC_Width := w;
+ gRC_Height := h;
+ gScreenWidth := w;
+ gScreenHeight := h;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_Apply;
+ begin
+ if sys_SetDisplayModeGL(GetInfo()) then
+ e_LogWriteln('resolution changed')
+ else
+ e_LogWriteln('resolution not changed');
+ sys_EnableVSync(gVSync)
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ function r_Render_WriteScreenShot (filename: String): Boolean;
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ function r_Render_GetGibRect (m, id: Integer): TRectWH;
+ begin
+ Result.X := 16;
+ Result.Y := 16;
+ Result.Width := 16;
+ Result.Height := 16;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_QueueEffect (AnimType, X, Y: Integer);
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_GetKeyRect (key: Integer; out x, y, w, h: Integer; out founded: Boolean);
+ begin
+ founded := False;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_GetControlSize (ctrl: TGUIControl; out w, h: Integer);
+ begin
+ w := 0; h := 0;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_GetLogoSize (out w, h: Integer);
+ begin
+ w := 0; h := 0;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_GetMaxFontSize (BigFont: Boolean; out w, h: Integer);
+ begin
+ w := 0; h := 0;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_GetStringSize (BigFont: Boolean; str: String; out w, h: Integer);
+ begin
+ w := 0; h := 0;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_DrawLoading (force: Boolean);
+ begin
+ end;
diff --git a/src/game/renders/opengl/r_textures.pas b/src/game/renders/opengl/r_textures.pas
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *)
+{$INCLUDE ../../../shared/}
+unit r_textures;
+ uses
+ GLES11,
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ r_atlas,
+ utils // SSArray
+ ;
+ type
+ TGLAtlas = class;
+ TGLAtlasNode = class (TAtlasNode)
+ private
+ mBase: TGLAtlas;
+ public
+ constructor Create (base: TGLAtlas);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function GetID (): GLuint;
+ property base: TGLAtlas read mBase;
+ property id: GLuint read GetID;
+ end;
+ TGLAtlas = class (TAtlas)
+ private
+ mID: GLuint;
+ public
+ constructor Create (ww, hh: Integer; id: GLuint);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function CreateNode (): TGLAtlasNode; override;
+ function Alloc (ww, hh: Integer): TGLAtlasNode; overload;
+ property id: GLuint read mID write mID default 0;
+ end;
+ TGLTexture = class
+ private
+ mWidth: Integer;
+ mHeight: Integer;
+ mCols: Integer;
+ mTile: array of TGLAtlasNode;
+ public
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function GetTile (col, line: Integer): TGLAtlasNode;
+ function GetLines (): Integer; inline;
+ property width: Integer read mWidth;
+ property height: Integer read mHeight;
+ property cols: Integer read mCols;
+ property lines: Integer read GetLines;
+ end;
+ TGLMultiTexture = class
+ private
+ mTexture: array of TGLTexture;
+ mBackanim: Boolean;
+ public
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function GetWidth (): Integer; inline;
+ function GetHeight (): Integer; inline;
+ function GetCount (): Integer; inline;
+ function GetTexture (i: Integer): TGLTexture; {inline;}
+ property width: Integer read GetWidth;
+ property height: Integer read GetHeight;
+ property count: Integer read GetCount;
+ property backAnim: Boolean read mBackanim; (* this property must be located at TAnimState? *)
+ end;
+ procedure r_Textures_Initialize;
+ procedure r_Textures_Finalize;
+ function r_Textures_LoadFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; log: Boolean = True): TGLTexture;
+ function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture;
+ function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFileAndInfo (const filename: AnsiString; w, h, count: Integer; backanim: Boolean; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture;
+ uses
+ SysUtils, Classes,
+ e_log, e_res, WADReader, Config,
+ Imaging, ImagingTypes, ImagingUtility
+ ;
+ var
+ maxTileSize: Integer;
+ atl: array of TGLAtlas;
+// tex: array of TGLTexture;
+ (* --------- TGLAtlasNode --------- *)
+ constructor TGLAtlasNode.Create (base: TGLAtlas);
+ begin
+ ASSERT(base <> nil);
+ inherited Create();
+ self.mBase := base;
+ end;
+ destructor TGLAtlasNode.Destroy;
+ begin
+ inherited;
+ end;
+ function TGLAtlasNode.GetID (): GLuint;
+ begin
+ result :=
+ end;
+ procedure r_Textures_UpdateNode (n: TGLAtlasNode; data: Pointer; x, y, w, h: Integer);
+ begin
+ ASSERT(n <> nil);
+ // ASSERT(n.leaf);
+ ASSERT(n.base <> nil);
+ ASSERT(data <> nil);
+ ASSERT(x >= 0);
+ ASSERT(y >= 0);
+ ASSERT(n.l + x + w - 1 <= n.r);
+ ASSERT(n.t + y + h - 1 <= n.b);
+ ASSERT( > 0);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,;
+ glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, n.l + x, n.t + y, w, h, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
+ end;
+ (* --------- TGLAtlas --------- *)
+ constructor TGLAtlas.Create (ww, hh: Integer; id: GLuint);
+ begin
+ ASSERT(ww > 0);
+ ASSERT(hh > 0);
+ inherited Create(ww, hh);
+ self.mID := id;
+ end;
+ destructor TGLAtlas.Destroy;
+ begin
+ inherited;
+ end;
+ function TGLAtlas.CreateNode (): TGLAtlasNode;
+ begin
+ result := TGLAtlasNode.Create(self);
+ end;
+ function TGLAtlas.Alloc (ww, hh: Integer): TGLAtlasNode;
+ begin
+ result := TGLAtlasNode(inherited Alloc(ww, hh));
+ end;
+ function r_Textures_AllocHWTexture (w, h: Integer): GLuint;
+ var id: GLuint;
+ begin
+ glGenTextures(1, @id);
+ if id <> 0 then
+ begin
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, w, h, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, nil);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
+ end;
+ result := id
+ end;
+ function r_Textures_AllocAtlas (): TGLAtlas;
+ var i: Integer; id: GLuint;
+ begin
+ result := nil;
+ id := r_Textures_AllocHWTexture(maxTileSize, maxTileSize);
+ if id <> 0 then
+ begin
+ i := Length(atl);
+ SetLength(atl, i + 1);
+ atl[i] := TGLAtlas.Create(maxTileSize, maxTileSize, id);
+ result := atl[i];
+ end;
+ end;
+ function r_Textures_AllocNode (w, h: Integer): TGLAtlasNode;
+ var i: Integer; n: TGLAtlasNode; a: TGLAtlas;
+ begin
+ n := nil;
+ if atl <> nil then
+ begin
+ i := High(atl);
+ while (i >= 0) and (n = nil) do
+ begin
+ n := atl[i].Alloc(w, h);
+ Dec(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if n = nil then
+ begin
+ a := r_Textures_AllocAtlas();
+ if a <> nil then
+ n := a.Alloc(w, h);
+ end;
+ result := n
+ end;
+ (* --------- TGLTexture --------- *)
+ destructor TGLTexture.Destroy;
+ var i: Integer;
+ begin
+ if self.mTile <> nil then
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to High(self.mTile) do
+ begin
+ if self.mTile[i] <> nil then
+ begin
+ self.mTile[i].Dealloc;
+ self.mTile[i] := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ self.mTile := nil;
+ end;
+ inherited;
+ end;
+ function TGLTexture.GetLines (): Integer;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(self.mTile <> nil);
+ result := Length(self.mTile) div self.mCols
+ end;
+ function TGLTexture.GetTile (col, line: Integer): TGLAtlasNode;
+ var i: Integer;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(col >= 0);
+ ASSERT(col <= mCols);
+ ASSERT(self.mTile <> nil);
+ i := line * mCols + col;
+ ASSERT(i >= 0);
+ ASSERT(i < Length(mTile));
+ result := mTile[i];
+ ASSERT(result <> nil)
+ end;
+ function r_Textures_Alloc (w, h: Integer): TGLTexture;
+ var x, y, mw, mh, cols, lines: Integer; t: TGLTexture;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(w > 0);
+ ASSERT(h > 0);
+ cols := (w + maxTileSize - 1) div maxTileSize;
+ lines := (h + maxTileSize - 1) div maxTileSize;
+ t := TGLTexture.Create;
+ t.mWidth := w;
+ t.mHeight := h;
+ t.mCols := cols;
+ // t.mLines := lines;
+ SetLength(t.mTile, cols * lines);
+ for y := 0 to lines - 1 do
+ begin
+ mh := Min(maxTileSize, h - y * maxTileSize);
+ ASSERT(mh > 0);
+ for x := 0 to cols - 1 do
+ begin
+ mw := Min(maxTileSize, w - x * maxTileSize);
+ ASSERT(mw > 0);
+ t.mTile[y * cols + x] := r_Textures_AllocNode(mw, mh);
+ end
+ end;
+ result := t;
+ end;
+ (* --------- TGLMultiTexture --------- *)
+ destructor TGLMultiTexture.Destroy;
+ var i: Integer;
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to self.count - 1 do
+ self.mTexture[i].Free;
+ self.mTexture := nil;
+ inherited;
+ end;
+ function TGLMultiTexture.GetWidth (): Integer;
+ begin
+ result := self.mTexture[0].width
+ end;
+ function TGLMultiTexture.GetHeight (): Integer;
+ begin
+ result := self.mTexture[0].height
+ end;
+ function TGLMultiTexture.GetCount (): Integer;
+ begin
+ result := Length(self.mTexture)
+ end;
+ function TGLMultiTexture.GetTexture (i: Integer): TGLTexture;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(i >= 0);
+ ASSERT(i < self.count);
+ result := self.mTexture[i];
+ ASSERT(result <> nil);
+ end;
+ (* --------- Init / Fin --------- *)
+ function r_Textures_GetMaxHardwareSize (): Integer;
+ var size: GLint = 0;
+ begin
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, @size);
+ if size < 64 then size := 64;
+ //if size > 512 then size := 512;
+ //size := 64; // !!!
+ result := size;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Textures_Initialize;
+ begin
+ maxTileSize := r_Textures_GetMaxHardwareSize();
+ end;
+ procedure r_Textures_Finalize;
+ var i: Integer;
+ begin
+ if atl <> nil then
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to High(atl) do
+ begin
+ glDeleteTextures(1, @atl[i].id);
+ atl[i].id := 0;
+ atl[i].Free;
+ end;
+ atl := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function r_Textures_LoadFromImage (var img: TImageData): TGLTexture;
+ var t: TGLTexture; n: TGLAtlasNode; c: TDynImageDataArray; cw, ch, i, j: LongInt;
+ begin
+ // e_logwritefln('r_Textures_CreateFromImage: w=%s h=%s', [img.width, img.height]);
+ result := nil;
+ if SplitImage(img, c, maxTileSize, maxTileSize, cw, ch, False) then
+ begin
+ t := r_Textures_Alloc(img.width, img.height);
+ if t <> nil then
+ begin
+ ASSERT(cw = t.cols);
+ ASSERT(ch = t.lines);
+ for j := 0 to ch - 1 do
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to cw - 1 do
+ begin
+ n := t.GetTile(i, j);
+ if n <> nil then
+ r_Textures_UpdateNode(n, c[j * cw + i].bits, 0, 0, n.width, n.height)
+ end
+ end;
+ result := t
+ end;
+ FreeImagesInArray(c);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function r_Textures_LoadFromMemory (data: Pointer; size: LongInt): TGLTexture;
+ var img: TImageData;
+ begin
+ result := nil;
+ if (data <> nil) and (size > 0) then
+ begin
+ InitImage(img);
+ try
+ if LoadImageFromMemory(data, size, img) then
+ if ConvertImage(img, TImageFormat.ifA8R8G8B8) then
+ if SwapChannels(img, ChannelRed, ChannelBlue) then // wth
+ result := r_Textures_LoadFromImage(img)
+ except
+ end;
+ FreeImage(img);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function r_Textures_LoadFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; log: Boolean = True): TGLTexture;
+ var wad: TWADFile; wadName, resName: AnsiString; data: Pointer; size: Integer;
+ begin
+ result := nil;
+ wadName := g_ExtractWadName(filename);
+ wad := TWADFile.Create();
+ if wad.ReadFile(wadName) then
+ begin
+ resName := g_ExtractFilePathName(filename);
+ if wad.GetResource(resName, data, size, log) then
+ begin
+ result := r_Textures_LoadFromMemory(data, size);
+ FreeMem(data);
+ end;
+ wad.Free
+ end
+ end;
+ function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromImageAndInfo (var img: TImageData; w, h, c: Integer; b: Boolean): TGLMultiTexture;
+ var t: TImageData; a: array of TGLTexture; i: Integer; m: TGLMultiTexture;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(w >= 0);
+ ASSERT(h >= 0);
+ ASSERT(c >= 1);
+ result := nil;
+ SetLength(a, c);
+ for i := 0 to c - 1 do
+ begin
+ InitImage(t);
+ if NewImage(w, h, img.Format, t) then
+ if CopyRect(img, w * i, 0, w, h, t, 0, 0) then
+ a[i] := r_Textures_LoadFromImage(t);
+ ASSERT(a[i] <> nil);
+ FreeImage(t);
+ end;
+ m := TGLMultiTexture.Create();
+ m.mTexture := a;
+ m.mBackanim := b;
+ ASSERT(m.mTexture <> nil);
+ result := m;
+ end;
+ function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromDataAndInfo (data: Pointer; size: LongInt; w, h, c: Integer; b: Boolean): TGLMultiTexture;
+ var img: TImageData;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(w > 0);
+ ASSERT(h > 0);
+ ASSERT(c >= 1);
+ result := nil;
+ if (data <> nil) and (size > 0) then
+ begin
+ InitImage(img);
+ try
+ if LoadImageFromMemory(data, size, img) then
+ if ConvertImage(img, TImageFormat.ifA8R8G8B8) then
+ if SwapChannels(img, ChannelRed, ChannelBlue) then // wtf
+ result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromImageAndInfo(img, w, h, c, b)
+ except
+ end;
+ FreeImage(img);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromWad (wad: TWADFile): TGLMultiTexture;
+ var data: Pointer; size: LongInt; TexRes: AnsiString; w, h, c: Integer; b: Boolean; cfg: TConfig; img: TImageData;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(wad <> nil);
+ result := nil;
+ if wad.GetResource('TEXT/ANIM', data, size) then
+ begin
+ cfg := TConfig.CreateMem(data, size);
+ FreeMem(data);
+ if cfg <> nil then
+ begin
+ TexRes := cfg.ReadStr('', 'resource', '');
+ w := cfg.ReadInt('', 'framewidth', 0);
+ h := cfg.ReadInt('', 'frameheight', 0);
+ c := cfg.ReadInt('', 'framecount', 0);
+ b := cfg.ReadBool('', 'backanim', false);
+ if (TexRes <> '') and (w > 0) and (h > 0) and (c > 0) then
+ begin
+ if wad.GetResource('TEXTURES/' + TexRes, data, size) then
+ begin
+ InitImage(img);
+ try
+ if LoadImageFromMemory(data, size, img) then
+ if ConvertImage(img, TImageFormat.ifA8R8G8B8) then
+ if SwapChannels(img, ChannelRed, ChannelBlue) then // wtf
+ result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromImageAndInfo(img, w, h, c, b)
+ finally
+ FreeMem(data);
+ end;
+ FreeImage(img);
+ end
+ end;
+ cfg.Free;
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+ function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromMemory (data: Pointer; size: LongInt): TGLMultiTexture;
+ var wad: TWADFile; t: TGLTexture; m: TGLMultiTexture;
+ begin
+ result := nil;
+ if (data <> nil) and (size > 0) then
+ begin
+ t := r_Textures_LoadFromMemory(data, size);
+ if t <> nil then
+ begin
+ m := TGLMultiTexture.Create();
+ SetLength(m.mTexture, 1);
+ m.mTexture[0] := t;
+ m.mBackanim := false;
+ result := m;
+ end
+ else if IsWadData(data, size) then
+ begin
+ wad := TWADFile.Create();
+ if wad.ReadMemory(data, size) then
+ begin
+ result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromWad(wad);
+ wad.Free;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture;
+ var wad: TWADFile; wadName, resName: AnsiString; data: Pointer; size: Integer; t: TGLTexture;
+ begin
+ result := nil;
+ wadName := g_ExtractWadName(filename);
+ wad := TWADFile.Create();
+ if wad.ReadFile(wadName) then
+ begin
+ resName := g_ExtractFilePathName(filename);
+ if wad.GetResource(resName, data, size, log) then
+ begin
+ result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromMemory(data, size);
+ FreeMem(data);
+ end;
+ wad.Free
+ end
+ end;
+ function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFileAndInfo (const filename: AnsiString; w, h, count: Integer; backanim: Boolean; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture;
+ var wad: TWADFile; wadName, resName: AnsiString; data: Pointer; size: Integer;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(w > 0);
+ ASSERT(h > 0);
+ ASSERT(count >= 1);
+ result := nil;
+ wadName := g_ExtractWadName(filename);
+ wad := TWADFile.Create();
+ if wad.ReadFile(wadName) then
+ begin
+ resName := g_ExtractFilePathName(filename);
+ if wad.GetResource(resName, data, size, log) then
+ begin
+ result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromDataAndInfo(data, size, w, h, count, backanim);
+ FreeMem(data);
+ end;
+ wad.Free
+ end
+ end;
index daec5d954e8ecc1885f9e8f5d5b2360ccfb83bc7..e2e713240de385f9e305b5e24f4ec348ecd8d4a2 100644 (file)
uses Utils;
+ type
+ TGLProfile = (Core, Compat, Common, CommonLite);
+ type
+ TGLDisplayInfo = record
+ w, h, bpp: Integer;
+ fullscreen: Boolean;
+ maximized: Boolean;
+ major, minor: Integer;
+ profile: TGLProfile;
+ end;
(* --- Graphics --- *)
function sys_GetDisplayModes (bpp: Integer): SSArray;
function sys_SetDisplayMode (w, h, bpp: Integer; fullscreen, maximized: Boolean): Boolean;
procedure sys_EnableVSync (yes: Boolean);
procedure sys_Repaint;
+ function sys_SetDisplayModeGL (const info: TGLDisplayInfo): Boolean;
(* --- Input --- *)
function sys_HandleInput (): Boolean;
procedure sys_RequestQuit;
JoystickHandle: array [0..e_MaxJoys - 1] of PSDL_Joystick;
JoystickHatState: array [0..e_MaxJoys - 1, 0..e_MaxJoyHats - 1, HAT_LEFT..HAT_DOWN] of Boolean;
JoystickZeroAxes: array [0..e_MaxJoys - 1, 0..e_MaxJoyAxes - 1] of Integer;
+ rMajor, rMinor, rProfile: Integer;
var (* touch *)
result := false;
if window = nil then
- {$ELSE}
+ begin
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8);
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8);
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8);
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16);
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE, 8); // lights; it is enough to have 1-bit stencil buffer for lighting, but...
- {$ENDIF}
+ end;
if fullScreen then flags := flags or SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN;
if maximized then flags := flags or SDL_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED;
function sys_SetDisplayMode (w, h, bpp: Integer; fullScreen, maximized: Boolean): Boolean;
+ rMajor := 1;
+ rMinor := 1;
+ {$ELSE}
+ rMajor := 2;
+ rMinor := 1;
+ {$ENDIF}
result := InitWindow(w, h, bpp, fullScreen, maximized)
+ function sys_SetDisplayModeGL (const info: TGLDisplayInfo): Boolean;
+ begin
+ rMajor := info.major;
+ rMinor := info.minor;
+ case info.profile of
+ TGLProfile.Core: rProfile := SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_CORE;
+ TGLProfile.Common: rProfile := SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_ES;
+ TGLProfile.CommonLite: rProfile := SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_ES;
+ end;
+ result := InitWindow(info.w, info.h, info.bpp, info.fullscreen, info.maximized);
+ end;
(* --------- Joystick --------- *)
procedure HandleJoyButton (var ev: TSDL_JoyButtonEvent);
diff --git a/src/shared/ b/src/shared/
index 058f2b9406c519c9f2d9a94b75c08075c54b5e59..9f7caa47b27a923ccabf38375e260aae619c1254 100644 (file)
--- a/src/shared/
+++ b/src/shared/
{$ERROR Only one render driver must be selected!}
{$ERROR Only one render driver must be selected!}
{$ERROR Only one render driver must be selected!}
+ {$ERROR Only one render driver must be selected!}
+ {$ENDIF}
{$ERROR Only one render driver must be selected!}