summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 83dba8e)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 83dba8e)
author | Ketmar Dark <> | |
Sun, 24 Apr 2016 11:32:25 +0000 (14:32 +0300) | ||
committer | Ketmar Dark <> | |
Sun, 24 Apr 2016 11:33:01 +0000 (14:33 +0300) |
src/sfs/wadcvt.dpr | patch | blob | history |
diff --git a/src/sfs/wadcvt.dpr b/src/sfs/wadcvt.dpr
index d8058379b63784914b93e0b581a934e50bc9a236..83461a8c5581ed9506acdd8b46efc804c6566f42 100644 (file)
--- a/src/sfs/wadcvt.dpr
+++ b/src/sfs/wadcvt.dpr
+ wadreader in '../shared/wadreader.pas',
+ conbuf in '../shared/conbuf.pas',
+ BinEditor in '../shared/BinEditor.pas',
+ MAPSTRUCT in '../shared/MAPSTRUCT.pas',
+ MAPDEF in '../shared/MAPDEF.pas',
+ CONFIG in '../shared/CONFIG.pas',
+ e_log in '../engine/e_log.pas',
ImagingTypes, Imaging, ImagingUtility;
+ optConvertATX: Boolean = false;
+function LoadAnimTexture (wadSt: TStream; wadName: AnsiString): TMemoryStream;
+ WAD: TWADFile = nil;
+ TextureWAD: PChar = nil;
+ ttw: PChar = nil;
+ TextData: Pointer = nil;
+ TextureData: Pointer = nil;
+ cfg: TConfig = nil;
+ ResLength, rrl: Integer;
+ TextureResource: String;
+ _width, _height, _framecount, _speed: Integer;
+ _backanimation: Boolean;
+ imgfmt: string;
+ ia: TDynImageDataArray = nil;
+ il: TImageFileFormat = nil;
+ f, c, frdelay, frloop: Integer;
+ img: TImageData;
+ x, y, ofsx, ofsy, nx, ny: Integer;
+ clr: TColor32Rec;
+ sto: TMemoryStream = nil;
+ buf: PChar;
+ buflen: Integer;
+ result := nil;
+ wadSt.position := 0;
+ buflen := Integer(wadSt.size);
+ GetMem(buf, buflen);
+ try
+ wadSt.ReadBuffer(buf^, buflen);
+ WAD := TWADFile.Create();
+ //WAD.ReadFile(wadName);
+ WAD.ReadMemory(buf, buflen);
+ // ×èòàåì INI-ðåñóðñ àíèì. òåêñòóðû è çàïîìèíàåì åãî óñòàíîâêè:
+ if not WAD.GetResource('TEXT/ANIM', TextData, ResLength) then
+ begin
+ writeln(Format('Animated texture file "%s" has invalid INI', [wadName]));
+ exit;
+ end;
+ try
+ cfg := TConfig.CreateMem(TextData, ResLength);
+ TextureResource := cfg.ReadStr('', 'resource', '');
+ if TextureResource = '' then
+ begin
+ writeln(Format('Animated texture WAD file "%s" has no "resource"', [wadName]));
+ exit;
+ end;
+ _width := cfg.ReadInt('', 'framewidth', 0);
+ _height := cfg.ReadInt('', 'frameheight', 0);
+ _framecount := cfg.ReadInt('', 'framecount', 0);
+ _speed := cfg.ReadInt('', 'waitcount', 0);
+ _backanimation := cfg.ReadBool('', 'backanimation', False);
+ if _speed < 0 then _speed := 0;
+ if (_width < 1) or (_width > 16383) or (_height < 1) or (_height > 16383) then
+ begin
+ writeln('invalid animation dimensions: ', _width, 'x', _height);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (_framecount < 1) or (_framecount > 1024) then
+ begin
+ writeln('invalid frame count: ', _framecount);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ cfg.Free();
+ cfg := nil;
+ // ×èòàåì ðåñóðñ òåêñòóð (êàäðîâ) àíèì. òåêñòóðû â ïàìÿòü:
+ if not WAD.GetResource('TEXTURES/'+TextureResource, TextureData, ResLength) then
+ begin
+ writeln(Format('Animated texture WAD file "%s" has no texture "%s"', [wadName, 'TEXTURES/'+TextureResource]));
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if not LoadImageFromMemory(TextureData, ResLength, img) then
+ begin
+ writeln(Format('Animated texture file "%s" has invalid texture image', [wadName]));
+ exit;
+ end;
+ //writeln('texture image: ', img.width, 'x', img.height, ' (', img.width div _width, ' frames)');
+ WAD.Free();
+ WAD := nil;
+ // now create animation frames
+ GlobalMetadata.ClearMetaItems();
+ GlobalMetadata.ClearMetaItemsForSaving();
+ GlobalMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaFrameDelay, _speed*28);
+ if _backanimation then
+ GlobalMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaAnimationLoops, 1)
+ else
+ GlobalMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaAnimationLoops, 0);
+ SetLength(ia, _framecount);
+ //writeln('creating ', length(ia), ' animation frames...');
+ for f := 0 to high(ia) do
+ begin
+ InitImage(ia[f]);
+ NewImage(_width, _height, TImageFormat.ifA8R8G8B8, ia[f]);
+ ofsx := f*_width;
+ ofsy := 0;
+ for y := 0 to _height-1 do
+ begin
+ for x := 0 to _width-1 do
+ begin
+ nx := ofsx+x;
+ ny := ofsy+y;
+ if (nx >= 0) and (ny >= 0) and (nx < img.width) and (ny < img.height) then
+ begin
+ clr := GetPixel32(img, nx, ny);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ clr.r := 0;
+ clr.g := 0;
+ clr.b := 0;
+ clr.a := 0;
+ end;
+ SetPixel32(ia[f], x, y, clr);
+ end;
+ end;
+ //writeln('resizing image...');
+ //ResizeImage(ia[f], 320, 200, TResizeFilter.rfNearest);
+ end;
+ GlobalMetadata.CopyLoadedMetaItemsForSaving;
+ sto := TMemoryStream.Create();
+ //writeln(' ... [', ChangeFileExt(wadName, '.png'), '] (', length(ia), ') ');
+ if SaveMultiImageToStream('png', sto, ia) then
+ begin
+ sto.position := 0;
+ result := sto;
+ sto := nil;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ //writeln(' ...WTF?!');
+ end;
+ finally
+ FreeImage(img);
+ end;
+ finally
+ for f := 0 to High(ia) do FreeImage(ia[f]);
+ WAD.Free();
+ cfg.Free();
+ if TextureWAD <> nil then FreeMem(TextureWAD);
+ if TextData <> nil then FreeMem(TextData);
+ if TextureData <> nil then FreeMem(TextureData);
+ sto.Free();
+ FreeMem(buf);
+ end;
procedure processed (count: Cardinal);
//writeln(' read ', count, ' bytes');
- fs, fo: TStream;
+ fs, fo, ast: TStream;
fl: TSFSFileList;
f: Integer;
- infname: AnsiString;
- outfname: AnsiString;
+ infname: AnsiString = '';
+ outfname: AnsiString = '';
dvfn: AnsiString;
newname: AnsiString;
files: array of TFileInfo;
- infname := ParamStr(1);
+ for f := 1 to ParamCount() do
+ begin
+ if ParamStr(f) = '--apng' then optConvertATX := true
+ else
+ begin
+ if length(infname) = 0 then infname := ParamStr(f)
+ else if length(outfname) = 0 then outfname := ParamStr(f)
+ else
+ begin
+ writeln('FATAL: too many arguments!');
+ Halt(1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
if not StrEquCI1251(ExtractFileExt(infname), '.wad') and not StrEquCI1251(ExtractFileExt(infname), '.dfwad') then
- if ParamCount() > 1 then
- begin
- outfname := ParamStr(2);
- end
- else
- begin
- outfname := ChangeFileExt(infname, '.pk3');
- end;
+ if length(outfname) = 0 then outfname := ChangeFileExt(infname, '.pk3');
if not SFSAddDataFile(infname) then begin WriteLn('shit!'); Halt(1); end;
dvfn := SFSGetLastVirtualName(infname);
+ Imaging.SetOption(ImagingPNGCompressLevel, 9);
+ Imaging.SetOption(ImagingPNGLoadAnimated, 1);
+ Imaging.SetOption(ImagingGIFLoadAnimated, 1);
fo := TFileStream.Create(outfname, fmCreate);
for f := 0 to fl.Count-1 do
write('[', f+1, '/', fl.Count, ']: ', fl[f].fPath, newname, ' ', fs.size, ' ... ');
+ //writeln(' : ', newname, ' : [', ExtractFileExt(newname), ']');
+ if optConvertATX and (StrEquCI1251(ExtractFileExt(newname), '.dfwad') or StrEquCI1251(ExtractFileExt(newname), '.wad')) then
+ begin
+ //writeln(' ANIMTEXT!');
+ ast := LoadAnimTexture(fs, newname);
+ if ast <> nil then
+ begin
+ fs.Free();
+ fs := ast;
+ newname := ChangeFileExt(newname, '.png');
+ //writeln(' ANIMTEXT! [', newname, ']');
+ end;
+ end;
nfo := ZipOne(fo, fl[f].fPath+newname, fs);