summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 9b44922)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 9b44922)
author | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Sat, 9 Nov 2019 12:35:33 +0000 (15:35 +0300) | ||
committer | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Sat, 9 Nov 2019 12:35:33 +0000 (15:35 +0300) |
src/game/g_console.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/g_options.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/g_player.pas | patch | blob | history |
diff --git a/src/game/g_console.pas b/src/game/g_console.pas
index 35530016786688639acf4254fd6435302c00bf47..92e86c69bf220c9b4821515841f758d1e4023ab5 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_console.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_console.pas
- g_textures, g_main, e_graphics, e_input, g_game,
+ g_textures, g_main, e_graphics, e_input, g_game, g_gfx, g_player, g_items,
SysUtils, g_basic, g_options, Math, g_touch, e_res,
g_menu, g_gui, g_language, g_net, g_netmsg, e_log, conbuf;
AddCommand('r_reset', g_Options_Commands);
AddCommand('g_language', g_Options_Commands);
+ AddCommand('g_max_particles', g_Options_Commands);
+ AddCommand('g_max_shells', g_Options_Commands);
+ AddCommand('g_max_gibs', g_Options_Commands);
+ AddCommand('g_max_corpses', g_Options_Commands);
+ AddCommand('g_item_respawn_time', g_Options_Commands);
AddCommand('bind', BindCommands);
AddCommand('bindlist', BindCommands);
Write(f, ' ', QuoteStr(GetCommandString(gInputBinds[i].up)));
WriteLn(f, '');
+ if gAskLanguage then
+ WriteLn(f, 'g_language ask')
+ else
+ WriteLn(f, 'g_language ', gLanguage);
+ WriteLn(f, 'g_max_particles ', g_GFX_GetMax());
+ WriteLn(f, 'g_max_shells ', g_Shells_GetMax());
+ WriteLn(f, 'g_max_gibs ', g_Gibs_GetMax());
+ WriteLn(f, 'g_max_corpses ', g_Corpses_GetMax());
+ WriteLn(f, 'g_item_respawn_time ', ITEM_RESPAWNTIME div 36);
+ with gPlayer1Settings do
+ begin
+ WriteLn(f, 'p1_name ', QuoteStr(Name));
+ WriteLn(f, 'p1_color ', Color.R, ' ', Color.G, ' ', Color.B);
+ end;
+ with gPlayer2Settings do
+ begin
+ WriteLn(f, 'p2_name ', QuoteStr(Name));
+ WriteLn(f, 'p2_color ', Color.R, ' ', Color.G, ' ', Color.B);
+ end;
for i := 0 to High(commands) do
if not commands[i].cheat then
- if gAskLanguage then
- WriteLn(f, 'g_language ask')
- else
- WriteLn(f, 'g_language ', gLanguage);
WriteLn(f, 'r_reset');
diff --git a/src/game/g_options.pas b/src/game/g_options.pas
index 41f0e69ffa8633d35f53b3540e61bce94b167838..481eb70c9491c354976b8aa2475aecaf573bb308 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_options.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_options.pas
gAdvBlood: Boolean;
gAdvGibs: Boolean;
gGibsCount: Integer;
- gBloodCount: Byte;
- gFlash: Byte;
+ gBloodCount: Integer;
+ gFlash: Integer;
gDrawBackGround: Boolean;
gShowMessages: Boolean;
gRevertPlayers: Boolean;
gnBotsVS: String;
gsSDLSampleRate: Integer;
gsSDLBufferSize: Integer;
- gSFSDebug: Boolean;
- gSFSFastMode: Boolean;
gDefaultMegawadStart: AnsiString;
gBerserkAutoswitch: Boolean;
glNPOTOverride: Boolean = false;
gShowMessages := True;
gRevertPlayers := False;
gChatBubble := 4;
- gSFSDebug := False;
- gSFSFastMode := False;
+ wadoptDebug := False;
+ wadoptFast := False;
e_FastScreenshots := True;
gDefaultMegawadStart := DF_Default_Megawad_Start;
gBerserkAutoswitch := True;
procedure g_Options_Read(FileName: String);
- i: Integer;
config: TConfig;
section: String;
Team := TEAM_RED;
- section := 'Game';
- ReadInteger(i, 'MaxParticles', 0, 50000); g_GFX_SetMax(i);
- ReadInteger(i, 'MaxShells', 0, 600); g_Shells_SetMax(i);
- ReadInteger(i, 'MaxGibs', 0, 500); g_Gibs_SetMax(i);
- ReadInteger(i, 'MaxCorpses', 0, 100); g_Corpses_SetMax(i);
- ReadInteger(i, 'GibsCount');
- case i of
- 0: gGibsCount := 0;
- 1: gGibsCount := 8;
- 2: gGibsCount := 16;
- 3: gGibsCount := 32;
- else gGibsCount := 48;
- end;
- i := ITEM_RESPAWNTIME div 36; ReadInteger(i, 'ItemRespawnTime', 0); ITEM_RESPAWNTIME := i * 36;
- ReadInteger(gBloodCount, 'BloodCount', 0, 4);
- ReadBoolean(gAdvBlood, 'AdvancesBlood');
- ReadBoolean(gAdvCorpses, 'AdvancesCorpses');
- ReadBoolean(gAdvGibs, 'AdvancesGibs');
- ReadInteger(gFlash, 'Flash', 0, 2);
- ReadBoolean(gDrawBackGround, 'BackGround');
- ReadBoolean(gShowMessages, 'Messages');
- ReadBoolean(gRevertPlayers, 'RevertPlayers');
- ReadInteger(gChatBubble, 'ChatBubble', 0, 4);
- ReadBoolean(gSFSDebug, 'SFSDebug'); wadoptDebug := gSFSDebug;
- ReadBoolean(gSFSFastMode, 'SFSFastMode'); wadoptFast := gSFSFastMode;
- ReadBoolean(e_FastScreenshots, 'FastScreenshots');
- ReadString(gDefaultMegawadStart, 'DefaultMegawadStart');
- ReadBoolean(gBerserkAutoswitch, 'BerserkAutoswitching');
- i := Trunc(g_dbg_scale * 100); ReadInteger(i, 'Scale', 100); g_dbg_scale := i / 100;
section := 'GameplayCustom';
ReadString(gcMap, 'Map');
ReadString(gcGameMode, 'GameMode');
WriteInt('Player2', 'team', Team);
- with config do
- case gGibsCount of
- 0: config.WriteInt('Game', 'GibsCount', 0);
- 8: config.WriteInt('Game', 'GibsCount', 1);
- 16: config.WriteInt('Game', 'GibsCount', 2);
- 32: config.WriteInt('Game', 'GibsCount', 3);
- else config.WriteInt('Game', 'GibsCount', 4);
- end;
- config.WriteInt('Game', 'ItemRespawnTime', ITEM_RESPAWNTIME div 36);
- config.WriteInt('Game', 'MaxParticles', g_GFX_GetMax());
- config.WriteInt('Game', 'MaxShells', g_Shells_GetMax());
- config.WriteInt('Game', 'MaxGibs', g_Gibs_GetMax());
- config.WriteInt('Game', 'MaxCorpses', g_Corpses_GetMax());
- config.WriteInt('Game', 'BloodCount', gBloodCount);
- config.WriteBool('Game', 'AdvancesBlood', gAdvBlood);
- config.WriteBool('Game', 'AdvancesCorpses', gAdvCorpses);
- config.WriteBool('Game', 'AdvancesGibs', gAdvGibs);
- config.WriteInt('Game', 'Flash', gFlash);
- config.WriteBool('Game', 'BackGround', gDrawBackGround);
- config.WriteBool('Game', 'Messages', gShowMessages);
- config.WriteBool('Game', 'RevertPlayers', gRevertPlayers);
- config.WriteInt('Game', 'ChatBubble', gChatBubble);
- config.WriteBool('Game', 'SFSDebug', gSFSDebug);
- config.WriteBool('Game', 'SFSFastMode', gSFSFastMode);
- config.WriteBool('Game', 'FastScreenshots', e_FastScreenshots);
- config.WriteStr('Game', 'DefaultMegawadStart', gDefaultMegawadStart);
- config.WriteBool('Game', 'BerserkAutoswitching', gBerserkAutoswitch);
- config.WriteInt('Game', 'Scale', Round(g_dbg_scale * 100));
config.WriteStr ('GameplayCustom', 'Map', gcMap);
config.WriteStr ('GameplayCustom', 'GameMode', gcGameMode);
config.WriteInt ('GameplayCustom', 'TimeLimit', gcTimeLimit);
procedure g_Options_Commands (p: SSArray);
- var cmd: AnsiString;
+ var cmd: AnsiString; i: Integer;
cmd := LowerCase(p[0]);
case cmd of
- end
+ else
+ begin
+ e_LogWritefln('usage: %s <English|Russian|Ask>', [cmd])
+ end
+ end;
+ 'g_max_particles':
+ begin
+ if Length(p) = 2 then
+ begin
+ i := Max(0, StrToInt(p[1]));
+ g_GFX_SetMax(i)
+ end
+ else if Length(p) = 1 then
+ begin
+ e_LogWritefln('%s', [g_GFX_GetMax()])
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ e_LogWritefln('usage: %s <n>', [cmd])
+ end
+ end;
+ 'g_max_shells':
+ begin
+ if Length(p) = 2 then
+ begin
+ i := Max(0, StrToInt(p[1]));
+ g_Shells_SetMax(i)
+ end
+ else if Length(p) = 1 then
+ begin
+ e_LogWritefln('%s', [g_Shells_GetMax()])
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ e_LogWritefln('usage: %s <n>', [cmd])
+ end
+ end;
+ 'g_max_gibs':
+ begin
+ if Length(p) = 2 then
+ begin
+ i := Max(0, StrToInt(p[1]));
+ g_Gibs_SetMax(i)
+ end
+ else if Length(p) = 1 then
+ begin
+ e_LogWritefln('%s', [g_Gibs_GetMax()])
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ e_LogWritefln('usage: %s <n>', [cmd])
+ end
+ end;
+ 'g_max_corpses':
+ begin
+ if Length(p) = 2 then
+ begin
+ i := Max(0, StrToInt(p[1]));
+ g_Corpses_SetMax(i)
+ end
+ else if Length(p) = 1 then
+ begin
+ e_LogWritefln('%s', [g_Corpses_GetMax()])
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ e_LogWritefln('usage: %s <n>', [cmd])
+ end
+ end;
+ 'g_item_respawn_time':
+ begin
+ if Length(p) = 2 then
+ ITEM_RESPAWNTIME := Max(0, StrToInt(p[1])) * 36
+ else if Length(p) = 1 then
+ e_LogWritefln('%s', [ITEM_RESPAWNTIME div 36])
+ else
+ e_LogWritefln('usage: %s <n>', [cmd])
+ end;
conRegVar('sdl_mixer_samplerate', @gsSDLSampleRate, '', '');
conRegVar('sdl_mixer_buffersize', @gsSDLBufferSize, '', '');
+ (* Game *)
+ conRegVar('g_gibs_count', @gGibsCount, '', '');
+ conRegVar('g_blood_count', @gBloodCount, '', '');
+ conRegVar('g_adv_blood', @gAdvBlood, '', '');
+ conRegVar('g_adv_corpses', @gAdvCorpses, '', '');
+ conRegVar('g_adv_gibs', @gAdvGibs, '', '');
+ conRegVar('r_flash', @gFlash, '', '');
+ conRegVar('r_background', @gDrawBackGround, '', '');
+ conRegVar('g_show_messages', @gShowMessages, '', '');
+ conRegVar('r_revert_players', @gRevertPlayers, '', '');
+ conRegVar('r_chat_bubble', @gChatBubble, '', '');
+ conRegVar('sfs_debug', @wadoptDebug, '', '');
+ conRegVar('sfs_fastmode', @wadoptFast, '', '');
+ conRegVar('g_fast_screenshots', @e_FastScreenshots, '', '');
+ conRegVar('g_default_megawad', @gDefaultMegawadStart, '', '');
diff --git a/src/game/g_player.pas b/src/game/g_player.pas
index 877975529c9521e5b80641646e34ada56abf67fa..f2dc59a787a98b389265177187459089ee8c2621 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_player.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_player.pas
gTeamStat: TTeamStat;
gFly: Boolean = False;
gAimLine: Boolean = False;
- gChatBubble: Byte = 0;
+ gChatBubble: Integer = 0;
gPlayerIndicator: Integer = 1;
gPlayerIndicatorStyle: Integer = 0;
gNumBots: Word = 0;