summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 7dcc180)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 7dcc180)
author | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Mon, 18 Jul 2022 08:52:02 +0000 (11:52 +0300) | ||
committer | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Fri, 9 Jun 2023 08:53:53 +0000 (11:53 +0300) |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_draw.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_map.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_render.pas | patch | blob | history |
index b8b90210de603771695a9b76e8f2b1328207f9e6..2b42b488a1f304cd8bdfb7cd79f54b57b367c582 100644 (file)
procedure r_Draw_MultiTextureRepeatRotate (m: TGLMultiTexture; const anim: TAnimState; backanim: Boolean; x, y, w, h: Integer; flip: Boolean; r, g, b, a: Byte; blend: Boolean; rx, ry, angle: Integer);
procedure r_Draw_Filter (l, t, r, b: Integer; rr, gg, bb, aa: Byte);
+ procedure r_Draw_Rect (l, t, r, b: Integer; rr, gg, bb, aa: Byte);
procedure r_Draw_FillRect (l, t, r, b: Integer; rr, gg, bb, aa: Byte);
procedure r_Draw_InvertRect (l, t, r, b: Integer; rr, gg, bb, aa: Byte);
procedure r_Draw_Text (const text: AnsiString; x, y: Integer; r, g, b, a: Byte; f: TGLFont);
procedure r_Draw_GetTextSize (const text: AnsiString; f: TGLFont; out w, h: Integer);
+ procedure r_Draw_Setup (w, h: Integer);
+ procedure r_Draw_SetRect (l, t, r, b: Integer);
+ procedure r_Draw_GetRect (out l, t, r, b: Integer);
SysUtils, Classes, Math,
- e_log, utils,
- g_game // gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight
+ e_log, utils
NTB = $00;
NTA = $FF;
- procedure SetupMatrix;
+ var
+ sl, st, sr, sb: Integer;
+ ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight: Integer;
+ procedure r_Draw_Setup (w, h: Integer);
- glScissor(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
- glViewport(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
+ ASSERT(w >= 0);
+ ASSERT(h >= 0);
+ ScreenWidth := w;
+ ScreenHeight := h;
+ glScissor(0, 0, w, h);
+ glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
- glOrtho(0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, 0, 0, 1);
+ glOrtho(0, w, h, 0, 0, 1);
+// glTranslatef(0.5, 0.5, 0);
procedure DrawQuad (x, y, w, h: Integer);
+ procedure r_Draw_Rect (l, t, r, b: Integer; rr, gg, bb, aa: Byte);
+ begin
+ ASSERT(r >= l);
+ ASSERT(b >= t);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glColor4ub(rr, gg, bb, aa);
+ glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
+ glVertex2i(l, t);
+ glVertex2i(r, t);
+ glVertex2i(r, b);
+ glVertex2i(l, b);
+ glVertex2f(l + 0.5, t + 0.5);
+ glVertex2f(r - 0.5, t + 0.5);
+ glVertex2f(r - 0.5, b - 0.5);
+ glVertex2f(l + 0.5, b - 0.5);
+ glEnd;
+ end;
procedure r_Draw_FillRect (l, t, r, b: Integer; rr, gg, bb, aa: Byte);
ASSERT(r >= l);
+ procedure r_Draw_SetRect (l, t, r, b: Integer);
+ var w, h: Integer;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(l <= r);
+ ASSERT(t <= b);
+ w := r - l + 1;
+ h := b - t + 1;
+ glScissor(l, ScreenHeight - h - t, w, h);
+ sl := l; st := t; sr := r; sb := b;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Draw_GetRect (out l, t, r, b: Integer);
+ begin
+ l := sl; t := st; r := sr; b := sb;
+ end;
index 87379696680a2cf7d33bd88b5ea097f0891c72b7..f010f29fff452175c44c0c14922ad7c9de88f642 100644 (file)
binheap, MAPDEF, utils,
g_options, g_animations, g_basic, g_phys,
g_game, g_map, g_panel, g_items, g_monsters, g_weapons,
+ g_console,
TMonsterAnims = array [0..ANIM_LAST, TDirection] of TGLMultiTexture;
+ DebugCameraScale: Single;
SkyTexture: TGLTexture;
RenTextures: array of record
spec: LongInt;
procedure r_Map_Draw (x, y, w, h, camx, camy: Integer; player: TPlayer);
- var iter: TPanelGrid.Iter; p: PPanel; cx, cy, xx, yy, ww, hh: Integer; sx, sy, sw, sh: LongInt;
+ var iter: TPanelGrid.Iter; p: PPanel; cx, cy, cw, ch, xx, yy, ww, hh: Integer; sx, sy, sw, sh: LongInt; l, t, r, b: Integer;
- cx := camx - w div 2;
- cy := camy - h div 2;
- xx := x + cx;
- yy := y + cy;
- ww := w;
- hh := h;
+ r_Draw_GetRect(l, t, r, b);
+ r_Draw_SetRect(x, y, x + w, y + h);
+ glTranslatef(x, y, 0);
+ (* camera rect *)
+ cx := (camx - w) + w div 2;
+ cy := (camy - h) + h div 2;
+ cw := w;
+ ch := h;
+ (* camera bounds *)
if g_dbg_ignore_bounds = false then
- if xx + ww > gMapInfo.Width then
- xx := gMapInfo.Width - ww;
- if yy + hh > gMapInfo.Height then
- yy := gMapInfo.Height - hh;
- if xx < 0 then
- xx := 0;
- if yy < 0 then
- yy := 0;
- cx := xx - x;
- cy := yy - y;
+ if cx + cw > gMapInfo.Width then
+ cx := gMapInfo.Width - cw;
+ if cy + ch > gMapInfo.Height then
+ cy := gMapInfo.Height - ch;
+ if cx < 0 then
+ cx := 0;
+ if cy < 0 then
+ cy := 0;
- if SkyTexture <> nil then
- begin
- r_Map_CalcSkyParallax(cx, cy, ww, hh, SkyTexture.width, SkyTexture.height, gMapInfo.Width, gMapInfo.Height, sx, sy, sw, sh);
- r_Draw_Texture(SkyTexture, x + sx, y + sy, sw, sh, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
- end;
+ (* map bounds *)
+ xx := cx;
+ yy := cy;
+ ww := cw;
+ hh := ch;
+ if xx + ww > gMapInfo.Width then
+ xx := gMapInfo.Width - ww;
+ if yy + hh > gMapInfo.Height then
+ yy := gMapInfo.Height - hh;
+ if xx < 0 then
+ xx := 0;
+ if yy < 0 then
+ yy := 0;
iter := mapGrid.ForEachInAABB(xx, yy, ww, hh, GridDrawableMask);
+ if DebugCameraScale <> 1.0 then
+ begin
+ glTranslatef(cw div 2, ch div 2, 0);
+ glScalef(DebugCameraScale, DebugCameraScale, 1);
+ glTranslatef(-w div 2, -h div 2, 0);
+ end;
+ if SkyTexture <> nil then
+ begin
+ r_Map_CalcSkyParallax(cx, cy, w, h, SkyTexture.width, SkyTexture.height, gMapInfo.Width, gMapInfo.Height, sx, sy, sw, sh);
+ r_Draw_Texture(SkyTexture, sx, sy, sw, sh, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ end;
glTranslatef(-cx, -cy, 0);
// TODO draw monsters health bar
// TODO draw players health bar
// TODO draw players indicators
+ if DebugCameraScale <> 1.0 then
+ begin
+ r_Draw_Rect (cx, cy, cx + cw, cy + ch, 0, 255, 0, 255);
+ r_Draw_Rect (xx, yy, xx + ww, yy + hh, 255, 0, 0, 255);
+ end;
r_Map_DrawScreenEffects(x, y, w, h, player);
// TODO draw minimap (gShowMap)
// TODO draw g_debug_player
+ glTranslatef(-x, -y, 0);
+ r_Draw_SetRect(l, t, r, b);
procedure r_Map_Update;
g_Anim_GetFrameByTime(FlagAnim, tick, count, FlagFrame);
+ conRegVar('r_debug_camera_scale', @DebugCameraScale, 0.0001, 1000.0, '', '');
+ DebugCameraScale := 1.0;
index 135141e69ca752e333f82730d8b9a251877df077..8b67f060679935e743f31a0bea4daa6c279a2cda 100644 (file)
- procedure SetupMatrix;
- begin
- glViewport(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
- glScissor(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
- glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- glLoadIdentity;
- glOrtho(0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, 0, 0, 1);
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- glLoadIdentity;
- end;
procedure r_Render_GetBasePoint (x, y, w, h: Integer; p: TBasePoint; out xx, yy: Integer);
case p of
procedure r_Render_DrawView (x, y, w, h: Integer; p: TPlayer);
+ var l, t, r, b: Integer;
+ r_Draw_GetRect(l, t, r, b);
+ r_Draw_SetRect(x, y, x + w, y + h);
if p <> nil then
r_Map_Draw(x, y, w, h, p.obj.x + PLAYER_RECT_CX, p.obj.y + PLAYER_RECT_CY, p)
if p.Spectator and p.NoRespawn then
r_Render_DrawText(_lc[I_PLAYER_SPECT4], x div 2 + w div 2, y div 2 + h div 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_CENTER);
+ r_Draw_SetRect(l, t, r, b);
procedure r_Render_DrawPlayerView (x, y, w, h: Integer; p: TPlayer);
+ var l, t, r, b: Integer;
+ r_Draw_GetRect(l, t, r, b);
+ r_Draw_SetRect(x, y, x + w, y + h);
r_Render_DrawView(x, y, w - 196, h, p);
r_Render_DrawHUDArea(x + w - 196, y, 196, h, p);
+ r_Draw_SetRect(l, t, r, b);
procedure r_Render_Draw;
if gExit = EXIT_QUIT then
- SetupMatrix;
+ r_Draw_Setup(gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
glColor4ub(255, 255, 255, 255);
+ glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ r_Draw_SetRect(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
//e_LogWritefln('r_render_draw: %sx%s', [gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight]);
// TODO setup player view siz
// TODO draw player view + setup screen coords
- r_Render_DrawPlayerView(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, gPlayer1);
+ if (gPlayer1 <> nil) and (gPlayer2 <> nil) then
+ begin
+ r_Render_DrawPlayerView(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight div 2 - 2, gPlayer1);
+ r_Render_DrawPlayerView(0, gScreenHeight div 2 + 2, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight div 2, gPlayer2);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ r_Render_DrawPlayerView(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, gPlayer1);
+ end;
// TODO draw holmes inspector