summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 308e38b)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 308e38b)
author | Ketmar Dark <> | |
Sun, 24 Apr 2016 20:18:48 +0000 (23:18 +0300) | ||
committer | Ketmar Dark <> | |
Sun, 24 Apr 2016 20:19:15 +0000 (23:19 +0300) |
src/engine/e_graphics.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/g_options.pas | patch | blob | history |
index 9f9bfa20f348a020eb03fec23d8a42b4b16df184..ef4e6f0b9b69634c3442b2e0bc0bda20c3da377c 100644 (file)
e_Colors: TRGB;
e_NoGraphics: Boolean = False;
+ e_FastScreenshots: Boolean = true; // it's REALLY SLOW with `false`
pixels, obuf, scln, ps, pd: PByte;
obufsize: Integer;
dlen: Cardinal;
- i, res: Integer;
+ i, x, y, res: Integer;
sign: array [0..7] of Byte;
hbuf: array [0..12] of Byte;
crc: LongWord;
+ img: TImageData;
+ clr: TColor32Rec;
if e_NoGraphics then Exit;
obuf := nil;
// first, extract and pack graphics data
- if (Width mod 4) > 0 then Width := Width + 4 - (Width mod 4);
+ if (Width mod 4) > 0 then Width := Width+4-(Width mod 4);
GetMem(pixels, Width*Height*3);
glReadPixels(0, 0, Width, Height, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
//e_WriteLog('PNG: pixels read', MSG_NOTIFY);
- // create scanlines
- GetMem(scln, (Width*3+1)*Height);
- try
- ps := pixels;
- pd := scln;
- Inc(ps, (Width*3)*(Height-1));
- for i := 0 to Height-1 do
- begin
- pd^ := 0; // filter
- Inc(pd);
- Move(ps^, pd^, Width*3);
- Dec(ps, Width*3);
- Inc(pd, Width*3);
+ if e_FastScreenshots then
+ begin
+ // create scanlines
+ GetMem(scln, (Width*3+1)*Height);
+ try
+ ps := pixels;
+ pd := scln;
+ Inc(ps, (Width*3)*(Height-1));
+ for i := 0 to Height-1 do
+ begin
+ pd^ := 0; // filter
+ Inc(pd);
+ Move(ps^, pd^, Width*3);
+ Dec(ps, Width*3);
+ Inc(pd, Width*3);
+ end;
+ except
+ FreeMem(scln);
+ raise;
- except
- raise;
- end;
- FreeMem(pixels);
- pixels := scln;
- // pack it
- obufsize := (Width*3+1)*Height*2;
- GetMem(obuf, obufsize);
- try
- while true do
- begin
- dlen := obufsize;
- res := compress2(Pointer(obuf), dlen, Pointer(pixels), (Width*3+1)*Height, 9);
- if res = Z_OK then break;
- if res <> Z_BUF_ERROR then raise Exception.Create('can''t pack data for PNG');
- obufsize := obufsize*2;
- FreeMem(obuf);
- obuf := nil;
- GetMem(obuf, obufsize);
+ FreeMem(pixels);
+ pixels := scln;
+ // pack it
+ obufsize := (Width*3+1)*Height*2;
+ GetMem(obuf, obufsize);
+ try
+ while true do
+ begin
+ dlen := obufsize;
+ res := compress2(Pointer(obuf), dlen, Pointer(pixels), (Width*3+1)*Height, 9);
+ if res = Z_OK then break;
+ if res <> Z_BUF_ERROR then raise Exception.Create('can''t pack data for PNG');
+ obufsize := obufsize*2;
+ FreeMem(obuf);
+ obuf := nil;
+ GetMem(obuf, obufsize);
+ end;
+ //e_WriteLog(Format('PNG: pixels compressed from %d to %d', [Integer(Width*Height*3), Integer(dlen)]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ // now write PNG
+ // signature
+ sign[0] := 137;
+ sign[1] := 80;
+ sign[2] := 78;
+ sign[3] := 71;
+ sign[4] := 13;
+ sign[5] := 10;
+ sign[6] := 26;
+ sign[7] := 10;
+ st.writeBuffer(sign, 8);
+ //e_WriteLog('PNG: signature written', MSG_NOTIFY);
+ // header
+ writeIntBE(st, LongWord(13));
+ sign[0] := 73;
+ sign[1] := 72;
+ sign[2] := 68;
+ sign[3] := 82;
+ st.writeBuffer(sign, 4);
+ crc := crc32(0, @sign, 4);
+ hbuf[0] := 0;
+ hbuf[1] := 0;
+ hbuf[2] := (Width shr 8) and $ff;
+ hbuf[3] := Width and $ff;
+ hbuf[4] := 0;
+ hbuf[5] := 0;
+ hbuf[6] := (Height shr 8) and $ff;
+ hbuf[7] := Height and $ff;
+ hbuf[8] := 8; // bit depth
+ hbuf[9] := 2; // RGB
+ hbuf[10] := 0; // compression method
+ hbuf[11] := 0; // filter method
+ hbuf[12] := 0; // no interlace
+ crc := crc32(crc, @hbuf, 13);
+ st.writeBuffer(hbuf, 13);
+ writeIntBE(st, crc);
+ //e_WriteLog('PNG: header written', MSG_NOTIFY);
+ // image data
+ writeIntBE(st, LongWord(dlen));
+ sign[0] := 73;
+ sign[1] := 68;
+ sign[2] := 65;
+ sign[3] := 84;
+ st.writeBuffer(sign, 4);
+ crc := crc32(0, @sign, 4);
+ crc := crc32(crc, obuf, dlen);
+ st.writeBuffer(obuf^, dlen);
+ writeIntBE(st, crc);
+ //e_WriteLog('PNG: image data written', MSG_NOTIFY);
+ // image data end
+ writeIntBE(st, LongWord(0));
+ sign[0] := 73;
+ sign[1] := 69;
+ sign[2] := 78;
+ sign[3] := 68;
+ st.writeBuffer(sign, 4);
+ crc := crc32(0, @sign, 4);
+ writeIntBE(st, crc);
+ //e_WriteLog('PNG: end marker written', MSG_NOTIFY);
+ finally
+ if obuf <> nil then FreeMem(obuf);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Imaging.SetOption(ImagingPNGCompressLevel, 9);
+ Imaging.SetOption(ImagingPNGPreFilter, 6);
+ InitImage(img);
+ try
+ NewImage(Width, Height, TImageFormat.ifR8G8B8, img);
+ ps := pixels;
+ //writeln(stderr, 'moving pixels...');
+ for y := Height-1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ for x := 0 to Width-1 do
+ begin
+ clr.r := ps^; Inc(ps);
+ clr.g := ps^; Inc(ps);
+ clr.b := ps^; Inc(ps);
+ clr.a := 0;
+ SetPixel32(img, x, y, clr);
+ end;
+ end;
+ GlobalMetadata.ClearMetaItems();
+ GlobalMetadata.ClearMetaItemsForSaving();
+ //writeln(stderr, 'compressing image...');
+ if not SaveImageToStream('png', st, img) then raise Exception.Create('screenshot writing error');
+ //writeln(stderr, 'done!');
+ finally
+ FreeImage(img);
- //e_WriteLog(Format('PNG: pixels compressed from %d to %d', [Integer(Width*Height*3), Integer(dlen)]), MSG_NOTIFY);
- // now write PNG
- // signature
- sign[0] := 137;
- sign[1] := 80;
- sign[2] := 78;
- sign[3] := 71;
- sign[4] := 13;
- sign[5] := 10;
- sign[6] := 26;
- sign[7] := 10;
- st.writeBuffer(sign, 8);
- //e_WriteLog('PNG: signature written', MSG_NOTIFY);
- // header
- writeIntBE(st, LongWord(13));
- sign[0] := 73;
- sign[1] := 72;
- sign[2] := 68;
- sign[3] := 82;
- st.writeBuffer(sign, 4);
- crc := crc32(0, @sign, 4);
- hbuf[0] := 0;
- hbuf[1] := 0;
- hbuf[2] := (Width shr 8) and $ff;
- hbuf[3] := Width and $ff;
- hbuf[4] := 0;
- hbuf[5] := 0;
- hbuf[6] := (Height shr 8) and $ff;
- hbuf[7] := Height and $ff;
- hbuf[8] := 8; // bit depth
- hbuf[9] := 2; // RGB
- hbuf[10] := 0; // compression method
- hbuf[11] := 0; // filter method
- hbuf[12] := 0; // no interlace
- crc := crc32(crc, @hbuf, 13);
- st.writeBuffer(hbuf, 13);
- writeIntBE(st, crc);
- //e_WriteLog('PNG: header written', MSG_NOTIFY);
- // image data
- writeIntBE(st, LongWord(dlen));
- sign[0] := 73;
- sign[1] := 68;
- sign[2] := 65;
- sign[3] := 84;
- st.writeBuffer(sign, 4);
- crc := crc32(0, @sign, 4);
- crc := crc32(crc, obuf, dlen);
- st.writeBuffer(obuf^, dlen);
- writeIntBE(st, crc);
- //e_WriteLog('PNG: image data written', MSG_NOTIFY);
- // image data end
- writeIntBE(st, LongWord(0));
- sign[0] := 73;
- sign[1] := 69;
- sign[2] := 78;
- sign[3] := 68;
- st.writeBuffer(sign, 4);
- crc := crc32(0, @sign, 4);
- writeIntBE(st, crc);
- //e_WriteLog('PNG: end marker written', MSG_NOTIFY);
- finally
- if obuf <> nil then FreeMem(obuf);
diff --git a/src/game/g_options.pas b/src/game/g_options.pas
index c70af6d73b516d5de6c97bcee57749185afaf4f3..645002e2b9bba699ec47478817384432b43d3bb4 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_options.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_options.pas
e_log, e_input, g_window, g_sound, g_gfx, g_player, Math,
g_map, g_net, g_netmaster, SysUtils, CONFIG, g_game, g_main, e_textures,
- g_items, GL, GLExt, wadreader;
+ g_items, GL, GLExt, wadreader, e_graphics;
procedure g_Options_SetDefault();
wadoptDebug := gSFSDebug;
gSFSFastMode := config.ReadBool('Game', 'SFSFastMode', False);
wadoptFast := gSFSFastMode;
+ e_FastScreenshots := config.ReadBool('Game', 'FastScreenshots', True);
// Ãåéìïëåé â ñâîåé èãðå
gcMap := config.ReadStr('GameplayCustom', 'Map', '');
config.WriteInt('Game', 'ChatBubble', gChatBubble);
config.WriteBool('Game', 'SFSDebug', gSFSDebug);
config.WriteBool('Game', 'SFSFastMode', gSFSFastMode);
+ config.WriteBool('Game', 'FastScreenshots', e_FastScreenshots);
config.WriteStr ('GameplayCustom', 'Map', gcMap);
config.WriteStr ('GameplayCustom', 'GameMode', gcGameMode);