summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: f9e8d19)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: f9e8d19)
author | Ketmar Dark <> | |
Tue, 15 Aug 2017 20:12:42 +0000 (23:12 +0300) | ||
committer | Ketmar Dark <> | |
Wed, 16 Aug 2017 09:27:46 +0000 (12:27 +0300) |
src/game/g_game.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/g_grid.pas | [new file with mode: 0644] | patch | blob |
src/game/g_map.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/g_panel.pas | patch | blob | history |
diff --git a/src/game/g_game.pas b/src/game/g_game.pas
index 8aa98c68cef328bdf3623d39f78f0863865aca12..26bca25967629d343cc17ce9cdd2867fef29a0fc 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_game.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_game.pas
glTranslatef(-x, -y, 0);
g_Map_BuildPVP(sX, sY, sX+sWidth-1, sY+sHeight-1);
- g_Map_DrawPanels(PANEL_BACK);
- g_Map_DrawPanels(PANEL_STEP);
+ g_Map_DrawPanels(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, PANEL_BACK);
+ g_Map_DrawPanels(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, PANEL_STEP);
- g_Map_DrawPanels(PANEL_WALL);
+ g_Map_DrawPanels(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, PANEL_WALL);
- g_Map_DrawPanels(PANEL_CLOSEDOOR);
+ g_Map_DrawPanels(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, PANEL_CLOSEDOOR);
- g_Map_DrawPanels(PANEL_ACID1);
- g_Map_DrawPanels(PANEL_ACID2);
- g_Map_DrawPanels(PANEL_WATER);
- g_Map_DrawPanels(PANEL_FORE);
+ g_Map_DrawPanels(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, PANEL_ACID1);
+ g_Map_DrawPanels(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, PANEL_ACID2);
+ g_Map_DrawPanels(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, PANEL_WATER);
+ g_Map_DrawPanels(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, PANEL_FORE);
if g_debug_HealthBar then
g_Map_BuildPVP(sX, sY, sX+sWidth-1, sY+sHeight-1);
- g_Map_DrawPanels(PANEL_BACK);
- g_Map_DrawPanels(PANEL_STEP);
+ g_Map_DrawPanels(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, PANEL_BACK);
+ g_Map_DrawPanels(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, PANEL_STEP);
- g_Map_DrawPanels(PANEL_WALL);
+ g_Map_DrawPanels(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, PANEL_WALL);
- g_Map_DrawPanels(PANEL_CLOSEDOOR);
+ g_Map_DrawPanels(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, PANEL_CLOSEDOOR);
- g_Map_DrawPanels(PANEL_ACID1);
- g_Map_DrawPanels(PANEL_ACID2);
- g_Map_DrawPanels(PANEL_WATER);
+ g_Map_DrawPanels(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, PANEL_ACID1);
+ g_Map_DrawPanels(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, PANEL_ACID2);
+ g_Map_DrawPanels(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, PANEL_WATER);
if gwin_has_stencil and (g_dynLightCount > 0) then
- g_Map_DrawPanels(PANEL_FORE);
+ g_Map_DrawPanels(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, PANEL_FORE);
if g_debug_HealthBar then
diff --git a/src/game/g_grid.pas b/src/game/g_grid.pas
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/game/g_grid.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+(* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *)
+{$modeswitch nestedprocvars}
+unit g_grid;
+uses e_log;
+ GridDefaultTileSize = 32;
+ GridQueryCB = function (obj: TObject; tag: Integer): Boolean is nested; // return `true` to stop
+ TBodyGrid = class;
+ TBodyProxy = class(TObject)
+ private
+ mX, mY, mWidth, mHeight: Integer; // aabb
+ mQueryMark: DWord; // was this object visited at this query?
+ mObj: TObject;
+ mGrid: TBodyGrid;
+ mTag: Integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create (aGrid: TBodyGrid; aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: TObject; aTag: Integer);
+ destructor Destroy (); override;
+ property x: Integer read mX;
+ property y: Integer read mY;
+ property width: Integer read mWidth;
+ property height: Integer read mHeight;
+ property obj: TObject read mObj;
+ property tag: Integer read mTag;
+ property grid: TBodyGrid read mGrid;
+ end;
+ PGridCell = ^TGridCell;
+ TGridCell = record
+ body: TBodyProxy;
+ next: Integer; // in this cell; index in mCells
+ end;
+ TBodyGrid = class(TObject)
+ private
+ mTileSize: Integer;
+ mWidth, mHeight: Integer; // in tiles
+ mGrid: array of Integer; // mWidth*mHeight, index in mCells
+ mCells: array of TGridCell; // cell pool
+ mFreeCell: Integer; // first free cell index or -1
+ mLastQuery: Integer;
+ mUsedCells: Integer;
+ private
+ function allocCell: Integer;
+ procedure freeCell (idx: Integer); // `next` is simply overwritten
+ procedure insert (body: TBodyProxy);
+ procedure remove (body: TBodyProxy);
+ public
+ constructor Create (aPixWidth, aPixHeight: Integer; aTileSize: Integer=GridDefaultTileSize);
+ destructor Destroy (); override;
+ function insertBody (aObj: TObject; ax, ay, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aTag: Integer=0): TBodyProxy;
+ procedure moveBody (body: TBodyProxy; dx, dy: Integer);
+ procedure resizeBody (body: TBodyProxy; sx, sy: Integer);
+ procedure moveResizeBody (body: TBodyProxy; dx, dy, sx, sy: Integer);
+ function forEachInAABB (x, y, w, h: Integer; cb: GridQueryCB): Boolean;
+ function getProxyForBody (aObj: TObject; x, y, w, h: Integer): TBodyProxy;
+ procedure dumpStats ();
+ end;
+ SysUtils;
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
+constructor TBodyProxy.Create (aGrid: TBodyGrid; aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: TObject; aTag: Integer);
+ mX := aX;
+ mY := aY;
+ mWidth := aWidth;
+ mHeight := aHeight;
+ mQueryMark := 0;
+ mObj := aObj;
+ mGrid := aGrid;
+ mTag := aTag;
+destructor TBodyProxy.Destroy ();
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
+constructor TBodyGrid.Create (aPixWidth, aPixHeight: Integer; aTileSize: Integer=GridDefaultTileSize);
+ idx: Integer;
+ if aTileSize < 1 then aTileSize := 1;
+ if aTileSize > 8192 then aTileSize := 8192; // arbitrary limit
+ if aPixWidth < aTileSize then aPixWidth := aTileSize;
+ if aPixHeight < aTileSize then aPixHeight := aTileSize;
+ mTileSize := aTileSize;
+ mWidth := (aPixWidth+aTileSize-1) div aTileSize;
+ mHeight := (aPixHeight+aTileSize-1) div aTileSize;
+ SetLength(mGrid, mWidth*mHeight);
+ SetLength(mCells, mWidth*mHeight);
+ mFreeCell := 0;
+ // init free list
+ for idx := 0 to High(mCells) do
+ begin
+ mCells[idx].body := nil;
+ mCells[idx].next := idx+1;
+ end;
+ mCells[High(mCells)].next := -1; // last cell
+ // init grid
+ for idx := 0 to High(mGrid) do mGrid[idx] := -1;
+ mLastQuery := 0;
+ mUsedCells := 0;
+ e_WriteLog(Format('created grid with size: %dx%d (tile size: %d); pix: %dx%d', [mWidth, mHeight, mTileSize, mWidth*mTileSize, mHeight*mTileSize]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+destructor TBodyGrid.Destroy ();
+ idx: Integer;
+ // free all owned proxies
+ for idx := 0 to High(mCells) do mCells[idx].body.Free;
+ mCells := nil;
+ mGrid := nil;
+procedure TBodyGrid.dumpStats ();
+ idx, mcb, cidx, cnt: Integer;
+ mcb := 0;
+ for idx := 0 to High(mGrid) do
+ begin
+ cidx := mGrid[idx];
+ cnt := 0;
+ while cidx >= 0 do
+ begin
+ Inc(cnt);
+ cidx := mCells[cidx].next;
+ end;
+ if (mcb < cnt) then mcb := cnt;
+ end;
+ e_WriteLog(Format('grid size: %dx%d (tile size: %d); pix: %dx%d; used cells: %d; max bodys in cell: %d', [mWidth, mHeight, mTileSize, mWidth*mTileSize, mHeight*mTileSize, mUsedCells, mcb]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+function TBodyGrid.allocCell: Integer;
+ idx: Integer;
+ if (mFreeCell < 0) then
+ begin
+ // no free cells, want more
+ mFreeCell := Length(mCells);
+ SetLength(mCells, mFreeCell+16384); // arbitrary number
+ for idx := mFreeCell to High(mCells) do
+ begin
+ mCells[idx].body := nil;
+ mCells[idx].next := idx+1;
+ end;
+ mCells[High(mCells)].next := -1; // last cell
+ end;
+ result := mFreeCell;
+ mFreeCell := mCells[result].next;
+ mCells[result].next := -1;
+ Inc(mUsedCells);
+ //e_WriteLog(Format('grid: allocated new cell #%d (total: %d)', [result, mUsedCells]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+procedure TBodyGrid.freeCell (idx: Integer);
+ if (idx >= 0) and (idx < High(mCells)) then
+ begin
+ if mCells[idx].body = nil then exit; // the thing that should not be
+ mCells[idx].body := nil;
+ mCells[idx].next := mFreeCell;
+ mFreeCell := idx;
+ Dec(mUsedCells);
+ end;
+procedure TBodyGrid.insert (body: TBodyProxy);
+ dx, dy, gx, gy, cidx: Integer;
+ if body = nil then exit;
+ if (body.mWidth < 1) or (body.mHeight < 1) then exit;
+ // out of grid?
+ if (body.mX+body.mWidth <= 0) or (body.mY+body.mHeight <= 0) then exit;
+ if (body.mX >= mWidth*mTileSize) or (body.mY >= mHeight*mTileSize) then exit;
+ //e_WriteLog(Format('grid: inserting body: (%d,%d)-(%dx%d)', [body.mX, body.mY, body.mWidth, body.mHeight]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ gy := body.mY div mTileSize;
+ dy := 0;
+ while (dy < body.mHeight) do
+ begin
+ if (gy >= 0) and (gy < mHeight) then
+ begin
+ dx := 0;
+ gx := body.mX div mTileSize;
+ while (dx < body.mWidth) do
+ begin
+ if (gx >= 0) and (gx < mWidth) then
+ begin
+ //e_WriteLog(Format(' 00: allocating cell for grid coords (%d,%d), body coords:(%d,%d)', [gx, gy, dx, dy]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ cidx := allocCell();
+ //e_WriteLog(Format(' 01: allocated cell for grid coords (%d,%d), body coords:(%d,%d): #%d', [gx, gy, dx, dy, cidx]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ mCells[cidx].body := body;
+ mCells[cidx].next := mGrid[gy*mWidth+gx];
+ mGrid[gy*mWidth+gx] := cidx;
+ //e_WriteLog(Format(' 02: put cell for grid coords (%d,%d), body coords:(%d,%d): #%d', [gx, gy, dx, dy, cidx]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ end;
+ Inc(dx, mTileSize);
+ Inc(gx);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Inc(dy, mTileSize);
+ Inc(gy);
+ end;
+// absolutely not tested
+procedure TBodyGrid.remove (body: TBodyProxy);
+ dx, dy, gx, gy, idx, pidx, tmp: Integer;
+ if body = nil then exit;
+ if (body.mWidth < 1) or (body.mHeight < 1) then exit;
+ // out of grid?
+ if (body.mX+body.mWidth <= 0) or (body.mY+body.mHeight <= 0) then exit;
+ if (body.mX >= mWidth*mTileSize) or (body.mY >= mHeight*mTileSize) then exit;
+ gy := body.mY div mTileSize;
+ dy := 0;
+ pidx := -1;
+ while (dy < body.mHeight) do
+ begin
+ if (gy >= 0) and (gy < mHeight) then
+ begin
+ dx := 0;
+ gx := body.mX div mTileSize;
+ while (dx < body.mWidth) do
+ begin
+ if (gx >= 0) and (gx < mWidth) then
+ begin
+ // find and remove cell
+ pidx := -1;
+ idx := mGrid[gy*mWidth+gx];
+ while idx >= 0 do
+ begin
+ tmp := mCells[idx].next;
+ if mCells[idx].body = body then
+ begin
+ if pidx = -1 then mGrid[gy*mWidth+gx] := tmp else mCells[pidx].next := tmp;
+ freeCell(idx);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ pidx := idx;
+ end;
+ idx := tmp;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Inc(dx, mTileSize);
+ Inc(gx);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Inc(dy, mTileSize);
+ Inc(gy);
+ end;
+function TBodyGrid.insertBody (aObj: TObject; aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aTag: Integer=0): TBodyProxy;
+ result := nil;
+ if aObj = nil then exit;
+ result := TBodyProxy.Create(self, aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, aObj, aTag);
+ insert(result);
+procedure TBodyGrid.moveResizeBody (body: TBodyProxy; dx, dy, sx, sy: Integer);
+ if (body = nil) or ((dx = 0) and (dy = 0) and (sx = 0) and (sy = 0)) then exit;
+ remove(body);
+ Inc(body.mX, dx);
+ Inc(body.mY, dy);
+ Inc(body.mWidth, sx);
+ Inc(body.mHeight, sy);
+ insert(body);
+procedure TBodyGrid.moveBody (body: TBodyProxy; dx, dy: Integer);
+ moveResizeBody(body, dx, dy, 0, 0);
+procedure TBodyGrid.resizeBody (body: TBodyProxy; sx, sy: Integer);
+ moveResizeBody(body, 0, 0, sx, sy);
+function TBodyGrid.forEachInAABB (x, y, w, h: Integer; cb: GridQueryCB): Boolean;
+ gx, gy, idx: Integer;
+ minx, miny, maxx, maxy: Integer;
+ result := false;
+ if not assigned(cb) then exit;
+ if (w < 1) or (h < 1) then exit;
+ minx := x;
+ miny := y;
+ maxx := x+w-1;
+ maxy := y+h-1;
+ if (minx > maxx) or (miny > maxy) then exit;
+ if (maxx < 0) or (maxy < 0) then exit;
+ if (minx >= mWidth*mTileSize) or (miny >= mHeight*mTileSize) then exit;
+ // increase query counter
+ Inc(mLastQuery);
+ if (mLastQuery = 0) then
+ begin
+ // just in case of overflow
+ mLastQuery := 1;
+ for idx := 0 to High(mCells) do if (mCells[idx].body <> nil) then mCells[idx].body.mQueryMark := 0;
+ end;
+ //e_WriteLog(Format('grid: query #%d: (%d,%d)-(%dx%d)', [mLastQuery, minx, miny, maxx, maxy]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ // process grid
+ for gy := miny div mTileSize to maxy div mTileSize do
+ begin
+ if (gy < 0) then continue;
+ if (gy >= mHeight) then break;
+ for gx := minx div mTileSize to maxx div mTileSize do
+ begin
+ if (gx < 0) then continue;
+ if (gx >= mWidth) then break;
+ idx := mGrid[gy*mWidth+gx];
+ while idx >= 0 do
+ begin
+ if (mCells[idx].body <> nil) and (mCells[idx].body.mQueryMark <> mLastQuery) then
+ begin
+ //e_WriteLog(Format(' query #%d body hit: (%d,%d)-(%dx%d) tag:%d', [mLastQuery, mCells[idx].body.mX, mCells[idx].body.mY, mCells[idx].body.mWidth, mCells[idx].body.mHeight, mCells[idx].body.mTag]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ mCells[idx].body.mQueryMark := mLastQuery;
+ if (cb(mCells[idx].body.mObj, mCells[idx].body.mTag)) then begin result := true; exit; end;
+ end;
+ idx := mCells[idx].next;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TBodyGrid.getProxyForBody (aObj: TObject; x, y, w, h: Integer): TBodyProxy;
+ function qq (obj: TObject; tag: Integer): Boolean;
+ begin
+ result := (obj = aObj);
+ end;
+ result := nil;
+ forEachInAABB(x, y, w, h, qq);
diff --git a/src/game/g_map.pas b/src/game/g_map.pas
index f8599dd3435fcf8e7319685c0b5b71e67b483d47..a754ff87211b1043a1e280662e771faabe7d99cc 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_map.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_map.pas
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+{$modeswitch nestedprocvars}
unit g_map;
e_graphics, g_basic, MAPSTRUCT, g_textures, Classes,
- g_phys, wadreader, BinEditor, g_panel, md5;
+ g_phys, wadreader, BinEditor, g_panel, g_grid, md5;
TMapInfo = record
procedure g_Map_BuildPVP (minx, miny, maxx, maxy: Integer);
procedure g_Map_ResetPVP ();
// do not call this without calling `g_Map_BuildPVP()` or `g_Map_ResetPVP()` first!
-procedure g_Map_DrawPanels(PanelType: Word);
+procedure g_Map_DrawPanels(x0, y0, wdt, hgt: Integer; PanelType: Word);
procedure g_Map_DrawBack(dx, dy: Integer);
function g_Map_CollidePanel(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word;
gWADHash: TMD5Digest;
BackID: DWORD = DWORD(-1);
gExternalResources: TStringList;
+ gMapGrid: TBodyGrid = nil;
Math, g_monsters, g_saveload, g_language, g_netmsg,
utils, sfs,
ImagingTypes, Imaging, ImagingUtility,
- ImagingGif, ImagingNetworkGraphics;
+ ImagingGif, ImagingNetworkGraphics,
+ libc;
FLAGRECT: TRectWH = (X:15; Y:12; Width:33; Height:52);
len := Length(panels^);
SetLength(panels^, len + 1);
- panels^[len] := TPanel.Create(PanelRec, AddTextures,
- CurTex, Textures);
+ panels^[len] := TPanel.Create(PanelRec, AddTextures, CurTex, Textures);
+ panels^[len].ArrIdx := len;
if sav then
panels^[len].SaveIt := True;
Len: Integer;
ok, isAnim, trigRef: Boolean;
CurTex, ntn: Integer;
+ mapX0: Integer = $3fffffff;
+ mapY0: Integer = $3fffffff;
+ mapX1: Integer = -$3fffffff;
+ mapY1: Integer = -$3fffffff;
+ procedure fixMinMax (var panels: TPanelArray);
+ var
+ idx: Integer;
+ begin
+ for idx := 0 to High(panels) do
+ begin
+ if (panels[idx].Width < 1) or (panels[idx].Height < 1) then continue;
+ if mapX0 > panels[idx].X then mapX0 := panels[idx].X;
+ if mapY0 > panels[idx].Y then mapY0 := panels[idx].Y;
+ if mapX1 < panels[idx].X+panels[idx].Width-1 then mapX1 := panels[idx].X+panels[idx].Width-1;
+ if mapY1 < panels[idx].Y+panels[idx].Height-1 then mapY1 := panels[idx].Y+panels[idx].Height-1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure addPanelsToGrid (var panels: TPanelArray; tag: Integer);
+ var
+ idx: Integer;
+ begin
+ for idx := 0 to High(panels) do
+ begin
+ gMapGrid.insertBody(panels[idx], panels[idx].X, panels[idx].Y, panels[idx].Width, panels[idx].Height, tag);
+ end;
+ end;
+ gMapGrid.Free();
+ gMapGrid := nil;
Result := False;
gMapInfo.Map := Res;
TriggersTable := nil;
sfsGCEnable(); // enable releasing unused volumes
+ e_WriteLog('Creating map grid', MSG_NOTIFY);
+ fixMinMax(gWalls);
+ fixMinMax(gRenderBackgrounds);
+ fixMinMax(gRenderForegrounds);
+ fixMinMax(gWater);
+ fixMinMax(gAcid1);
+ fixMinMax(gAcid2);
+ fixMinMax(gSteps);
+ gMapGrid := TBodyGrid.Create(mapX1+1, mapY1+1);
+ addPanelsToGrid(gWalls, PANEL_WALL); // and PANEL_CLOSEDOOR
+ addPanelsToGrid(gRenderBackgrounds, PANEL_BACK);
+ addPanelsToGrid(gRenderForegrounds, PANEL_FORE);
+ addPanelsToGrid(gWater, PANEL_WATER);
+ addPanelsToGrid(gAcid1, PANEL_ACID1);
+ addPanelsToGrid(gAcid2, PANEL_ACID2);
+ addPanelsToGrid(gSteps, PANEL_STEP);
+ gMapGrid.dumpStats();
e_WriteLog('Done loading map.', MSG_NOTIFY);
Result := True;
//e_WriteLog(Format('total panels: %d; visible panels: %d', [tpc, pvpcount]), MSG_NOTIFY);
-procedure g_Map_DrawPanels(PanelType: Word);
+procedure g_Map_DrawPanelsOld(x0, y0, wdt, hgt: Integer; PanelType: Word);
procedure DrawPanels (stp: Integer; var panels: TPanelArray; drawDoors: Boolean=False);
+ procedure dumpPanels (stp: Integer; var panels: TPanelArray; drawDoors: Boolean=False);
+ var
+ idx: Integer;
+ begin
+ if (panels <> nil) and (stp >= 0) and (stp <= 6) then
+ begin
+ if pvpcount < 0 then
+ begin
+ // alas, no visible set
+ for idx := 0 to High(panels) do
+ begin
+ if not (drawDoors xor panels[idx].Door) then
+ begin
+ e_WriteLog(Format(' body hit: (%d,%d)-(%dx%d)', [panels[idx].X, panels[idx].Y, panels[idx].Width, panels[idx].Height]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // wow, use visible set
+ if pvpb[stp] <= pvpe[stp] then
+ begin
+ for idx := pvpb[stp] to pvpe[stp] do
+ begin
+ if not (drawDoors xor pvpset[idx].Door) then
+ begin
+ e_WriteLog(Format(' body hit: (%d,%d)-(%dx%d)', [pvpset[idx].X, pvpset[idx].Y, pvpset[idx].Width, pvpset[idx].Height]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function qq (obj: TObject; tag: Integer): Boolean;
+ var
+ pan: TPanel;
+ begin
+ result := false; // don't stop, ever
+ //e_WriteLog(Format(' *body: tag:%d; qtag:%d', [tag, PanelType]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ if obj = nil then
+ begin
+ e_WriteLog(Format(' !bodyFUUUUU0: tag:%d; qtag:%d', [tag, PanelType]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ end;
+ if not (obj is TPanel) then
+ begin
+ e_WriteLog(Format(' !bodyFUUUUU1: tag:%d; qtag:%d', [tag, PanelType]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ //pan := (obj as TPanel);
+ //e_WriteLog(Format(' !body: (%d,%d)-(%dx%d) tag:%d; qtag:%d', [pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height, tag, PanelType]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ if (tag = PANEL_WALL) then
+ begin
+ if (PanelType = PANEL_WALL) then
+ begin
+ pan := (obj as TPanel);
+ if not pan.Door then
+ begin
+ //e_WriteLog(Format(' body hit: (%d,%d)-(%dx%d)', [pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ pan.Draw();
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (PanelType = PANEL_CLOSEDOOR) then
+ begin
+ pan := (obj as TPanel);
+ if pan.Door then
+ begin
+ //e_WriteLog(Format(' body hit: (%d,%d)-(%dx%d)', [pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ pan.Draw();
+ end;
+ end
+ end
+ else if (PanelType = tag) then
+ begin
+ pan := (obj as TPanel);
+ if not pan.Door then
+ begin
+ //e_WriteLog(Format(' body hit: (%d,%d)-(%dx%d)', [pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ pan.Draw();
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //e_WriteLog(Format('QQQ: qtag:%d', [PanelType]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ gMapGrid.forEachInAABB(x0, y0, wdt, hgt, qq);
+ (*
+ case PanelType of
+ PANEL_WALL: dumpPanels(0, gWalls);
+ PANEL_CLOSEDOOR: dumpPanels(0, gWalls, True);
+ PANEL_BACK: dumpPanels(1, gRenderBackgrounds);
+ PANEL_FORE: dumpPanels(2, gRenderForegrounds);
+ PANEL_WATER: dumpPanels(3, gWater);
+ PANEL_ACID1: dumpPanels(4, gAcid1);
+ PANEL_ACID2: dumpPanels(5, gAcid2);
+ PANEL_STEP: dumpPanels(6, gSteps);
+ end;
+ *)
+ (*
case PanelType of
PANEL_WALL: DrawPanels(0, gWalls);
PANEL_CLOSEDOOR: DrawPanels(0, gWalls, True);
PANEL_ACID2: DrawPanels(5, gAcid2);
PANEL_STEP: DrawPanels(6, gSteps);
+ *)
+ gDrawPanelList: array of TPanel = nil;
+ gDrawPanelListUsed: Integer = 0;
+procedure dplClear ();
+ gDrawPanelListUsed := 0;
+procedure dplAddPanel (pan: TPanel);
+ if pan = nil then exit;
+ if gDrawPanelListUsed = Length(gDrawPanelList) then SetLength(gDrawPanelList, gDrawPanelListUsed+4096); // arbitrary number
+ gDrawPanelList[gDrawPanelListUsed] := pan;
+ Inc(gDrawPanelListUsed);
+function dplCompare (p0, p1: Pointer): LongInt; cdecl;
+ pan0, pan1: PPanel;
+ pan0 := PPanel(p0);
+ pan1 := PPanel(p1);
+ if pan0.ArrIdx < pan1.ArrIdx then result := -1
+ else if pan0.ArrIdx > pan1.ArrIdx then result := 1
+ else result := 0;
+procedure dplSort();
+ qsort(@gDrawPanelList[0], gDrawPanelListUsed, sizeof(TPanel), &dplCompare);
+procedure g_Map_DrawPanels(x0, y0, wdt, hgt: Integer; PanelType: Word);
+ function qq (obj: TObject; tag: Integer): Boolean;
+ var
+ pan: TPanel;
+ begin
+ result := false; // don't stop, ever
+ //e_WriteLog(Format(' *body: tag:%d; qtag:%d', [tag, PanelType]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ if obj = nil then
+ begin
+ e_WriteLog(Format(' !bodyFUUUUU0: tag:%d; qtag:%d', [tag, PanelType]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ end;
+ if not (obj is TPanel) then
+ begin
+ e_WriteLog(Format(' !bodyFUUUUU1: tag:%d; qtag:%d', [tag, PanelType]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ //pan := (obj as TPanel);
+ //e_WriteLog(Format(' !body: (%d,%d)-(%dx%d) tag:%d; qtag:%d', [pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height, tag, PanelType]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ if (tag = PANEL_WALL) then
+ begin
+ if (PanelType = PANEL_WALL) then
+ begin
+ pan := (obj as TPanel);
+ if not pan.Door then
+ begin
+ //e_WriteLog(Format(' body hit: (%d,%d)-(%dx%d)', [pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ dplAddPanel(pan);
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (PanelType = PANEL_CLOSEDOOR) then
+ begin
+ pan := (obj as TPanel);
+ if pan.Door then
+ begin
+ //e_WriteLog(Format(' body hit: (%d,%d)-(%dx%d)', [pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ dplAddPanel(pan);
+ end;
+ end
+ end
+ else if (PanelType = tag) then
+ begin
+ pan := (obj as TPanel);
+ if not pan.Door then
+ begin
+ //e_WriteLog(Format(' body hit: (%d,%d)-(%dx%d)', [pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ dplAddPanel(pan);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ idx: Integer;
+ //e_WriteLog(Format('QQQ: qtag:%d', [PanelType]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ dplClear();
+ gMapGrid.forEachInAABB(x0, y0, wdt, hgt, qq);
+ // sort and draw the list (we need to sort it, or rendering is fucked)
+ if gDrawPanelListUsed > 0 then
+ begin
+ dplSort();
+ for idx := 0 to gDrawPanelListUsed-1 do gDrawPanelList[idx].Draw();
+ end;
+ dplClear();
e_Clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, 0, 0, 0);
-function g_Map_CollidePanel(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word;
+function g_Map_CollidePanelOld(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word;
PanelType: Word; b1x3: Boolean): Boolean;
a, h: Integer;
+function g_Map_CollidePanel(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word; PanelType: Word; b1x3: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function qq (obj: TObject; tag: Integer): Boolean;
+ var
+ pan: TPanel;
+ a: Integer;
+ begin
+ result := false; // don't stop, ever
+ //e_WriteLog(Format(' *body: tag:%d; qtag:%d', [tag, PanelType]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ if obj = nil then
+ begin
+ e_WriteLog(Format(' !bodyFUUUUU0: tag:%d; qtag:%d', [tag, PanelType]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ end;
+ if not (obj is TPanel) then
+ begin
+ e_WriteLog(Format(' !bodyFUUUUU1: tag:%d; qtag:%d', [tag, PanelType]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ pan := (obj as TPanel);
+ a := pan.ArrIdx;
+ if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_WALL) and WordBool(tag and PANEL_WALL) then
+ begin
+ if gWalls[a].Enabled and g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, gWalls[a].X, gWalls[a].Y, gWalls[a].Width, gWalls[a].Height) then
+ begin
+ result := true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_WATER) and WordBool(tag and PANEL_WATER) then
+ begin
+ if g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, gWater[a].X, gWater[a].Y, gWater[a].Width, gWater[a].Height) then
+ begin
+ result := True;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_ACID1) and WordBool(tag and PANEL_ACID1) then
+ begin
+ if g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, gAcid1[a].X, gAcid1[a].Y, gAcid1[a].Width, gAcid1[a].Height) then
+ begin
+ result := True;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_ACID2) and WordBool(tag and PANEL_ACID2) then
+ begin
+ if g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, gAcid2[a].X, gAcid2[a].Y, gAcid2[a].Width, gAcid2[a].Height) then
+ begin
+ result := True;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_STEP) and WordBool(tag and PANEL_STEP) then
+ begin
+ if g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, gSteps[a].X, gSteps[a].Y, gSteps[a].Width, gSteps[a].Height) then
+ begin
+ result := True;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ a, h: Integer;
+ result := gMapGrid.forEachInAABB(X, Y, Width, Height, qq);
+ if not result then
+ begin
+ if WordBool(PanelType and (PANEL_LIFTUP or PANEL_LIFTDOWN or PANEL_LIFTLEFT or PANEL_LIFTRIGHT)) and (gLifts <> nil) then
+ begin
+ h := High(gLifts);
+ for a := 0 to h do
+ begin
+ if ((WordBool(PanelType and (PANEL_LIFTUP)) and (gLifts[a].LiftType = 0)) or
+ (WordBool(PanelType and (PANEL_LIFTDOWN)) and (gLifts[a].LiftType = 1)) or
+ (WordBool(PanelType and (PANEL_LIFTLEFT)) and (gLifts[a].LiftType = 2)) or
+ (WordBool(PanelType and (PANEL_LIFTRIGHT)) and (gLifts[a].LiftType = 3))) and
+ g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height,
+ gLifts[a].X, gLifts[a].Y,
+ gLifts[a].Width, gLifts[a].Height) then
+ begin
+ Result := True;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_BLOCKMON) and (gBlockMon <> nil) then
+ begin
+ h := High(gBlockMon);
+ for a := 0 to h do
+ begin
+ if ( (not b1x3) or
+ ((gBlockMon[a].Width + gBlockMon[a].Height) >= 64) ) and
+ g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height,
+ gBlockMon[a].X, gBlockMon[a].Y,
+ gBlockMon[a].Width, gBlockMon[a].Height) then
+ begin
+ Result := True;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
function g_Map_CollideLiquid_Texture(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word): DWORD;
a, h: Integer;
diff --git a/src/game/g_panel.pas b/src/game/g_panel.pas
index af9d35f89cb78dd58e2f60395e06aeb7fd00de01..d724f2af056e6e91ea8154bb4b14c6678aaf78d6 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_panel.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_panel.pas
Moved: Boolean;
LiftType: Byte;
LastAnimLoop: Byte;
+ ArrIdx: Integer; // index in one of internal arrays; sorry
constructor Create(PanelRec: TPanelRec_1;
AddTextures: TAddTextureArray;