summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 3350868)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 3350868)
author | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Sat, 30 Mar 2019 22:09:14 +0000 (01:09 +0300) | ||
committer | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Fri, 5 Apr 2019 22:19:08 +0000 (01:19 +0300) |
src/game/g_console.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/g_game.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/g_window.pas | patch | blob | history |
diff --git a/src/game/g_console.pas b/src/game/g_console.pas
index 7b68cce099b4130ca24d2a779501b32caecef2be..ecc6677e9d30b0b97ecffbc8e9a378d40520b011 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_console.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_console.pas
utils; // for SSArray
+ const
+ ACTION_WEAP1 = 14;
+ ACTION_WEAP2 = 15;
+ ACTION_WEAP3 = 16;
+ ACTION_WEAP4 = 17;
+ ACTION_WEAP5 = 18;
+ ACTION_WEAP6 = 19;
+ ACTION_WEAP7 = 20;
+ ACTION_WEAP8 = 21;
+ ACTION_WEAP9 = 22;
+ ACTION_WEAP10 = 23;
+ ACTION_WEAP11 = 24;
procedure g_Console_Init ();
procedure g_Console_Update ();
procedure g_Console_Draw ();
procedure g_Console_Add (L: AnsiString; show: Boolean=false);
procedure g_Console_Clear ();
function g_Console_CommandBlacklisted (C: AnsiString): Boolean;
+procedure g_Console_ReadConfig (filename: String);
+procedure g_Console_ProcessBind (key: Integer; down: Boolean);
procedure conwriteln (const s: AnsiString; show: Boolean=false);
procedure conwritefln (const s: AnsiString; args: array of const; show: Boolean=false);
gAllowConsoleMessages: Boolean = true;
gChatEnter: Boolean = true;
gJustChatted: Boolean = false; // ÷òîáû àäìèí â èíòåðå ÷àòÿñü íå ïðîìàòûâàë ñòàòèñòèêó
+ gPlayerAction: Array [0..1, 0..LAST_ACTION] of Boolean; // [player, action]
Msg: AnsiString;
Time: Word;
+ gInputBinds: Array [0..e_MaxInputKeys - 1] of record
+ cmd: AnsiString
+ end;
+ bindDown, bindProcess: Boolean;
// poor man's floating literal parser; i'm sorry, but `StrToFloat()` sux cocks
cmd, s: AnsiString;
a, b: Integer;
- F: TextFile;
+ (* F: TextFile; *)
cmd := LowerCase(p[0]);
s := '';
if cmd = 'exec' then
// exec <filename>
- if Length(p) > 1 then
+ if Length(p) = 2 then
- s := GameDir+'/'+p[1];
- {$I-}
- AssignFile(F, s);
- Reset(F);
- if IOResult <> 0 then
- begin
- g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_CONSOLE_ERROR_READ], [s]));
- CloseFile(F);
- Exit;
- end;
- g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_CONSOLE_EXEC], [s]));
- while not EOF(F) do
- begin
- ReadLn(F, s);
- if IOResult <> 0 then
- begin
- g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_CONSOLE_ERROR_READ], [s]));
- CloseFile(F);
- Exit;
- end;
- if Pos('#', s) <> 1 then // script comment
- begin
- // prevents endless loops
- Inc(RecursionDepth);
- RecursionLimitHit := (RecursionDepth > MaxScriptRecursion) or RecursionLimitHit;
- if not RecursionLimitHit then
- g_Console_Process(s, True);
- Dec(RecursionDepth);
- end;
- end;
- if (RecursionDepth = 0) and RecursionLimitHit then
- begin
- g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_CONSOLE_ERROR_CALL], [s]));
- RecursionLimitHit := False;
- end;
- CloseFile(F);
- {$I+}
+ s := GameDir + '/' + p[1];
+ g_Console_ReadConfig(s);
g_Console_Add('exec <script file>');
g_Console_Add('call <alias name>');
+ if cmd = '//' then
+ Exit;
procedure WhitelistCommand(cmd: AnsiString);
+procedure BindCommands (p: SSArray);
+ var cmd, key, act: AnsiString; i: Integer;
+ cmd := LowerCase(p[0]);
+ case cmd of
+ 'bind':
+ // bind <key> <action>
+ if Length(p) = 3 then
+ begin
+ key := LowerCase(p[1]);
+ act := p[2];
+ i := 0;
+ while (i < e_MaxInputKeys) and (key <> LowerCase(e_KeyNames[i])) do inc(i);
+ if i < e_MaxInputKeys then
+ gInputBinds[i].cmd := act
+ end;
+ 'bindlist':
+ for i := 0 to e_MaxInputKeys - 1 do
+ if gInputBinds[i].cmd <> '' then
+ g_Console_Add(LowerCase(e_KeyNames[i]) + ' "' + gInputBinds[i].cmd + '"');
+ 'unbind':
+ // unbind <key>
+ if Length(p) = 2 then
+ begin
+ key := LowerCase(p[1]);
+ i := 0;
+ while (i < e_MaxInputKeys) and (key <> LowerCase(e_KeyNames[i])) do inc(i);
+ if i < e_MaxInputKeys then
+ gInputBinds[i].cmd := ''
+ end;
+ 'unbindall':
+ for i := 0 to e_MaxInputKeys - 1 do
+ gInputBinds[i].cmd := '';
+ 'bindkeys':
+ for i := 0 to e_MaxInputKeys - 1 do
+ if e_KeyNames[i] <> '' then
+ g_Console_Add(IntToStr(i) + ': ' + LowerCase(e_KeyNames[i]));
+ end
+procedure KeyActionCommands (p: SSArray);
+ var cmd: AnsiString; val: Boolean; player, action, offset: Integer;
+ // syntax: ("+" | "-") ["p" digit "_"] Command
+ cmd := LowerCase(p[0]);
+ if cmd[1] = '+' then
+ val := (not bindProcess) or (bindProcess and bindDown)
+ else if cmd[1] = '-' then
+ val := bindProcess and bindDown
+ else
+ Exit;
+ player := 0;
+ offset := 2;
+ if (Length(cmd) >= 4) and (cmd[2] = 'p') and (cmd[3] >= '1') and (cmd[3] <= '9') and (cmd[4] = '_') then
+ begin
+ player := ord(cmd[3]) - ord('1') - 1;
+ offset := 5;
+ end;
+ case Copy(cmd, offset) of
+ 'moveup': action := ACTION_MOVEUP;
+ 'movedown': action := ACTION_MOVEDOWN;
+ 'moveleft': action := ACTION_MOVELEFT;
+ 'moveright': action := ACTION_MOVERIGHT;
+ 'speed': action := ACTION_SPEED;
+ 'scores': action := ACTION_SCORES;
+ 'lookup': action := ACTION_LOOKUP;
+ 'lookdown': action := ACTION_LOOKDOWN;
+ 'attack': action := ACTION_ATTACK;
+ 'activate': action := ACTION_ACTIVATE;
+ 'strafe': action := ACTION_STRAFE;
+ 'weapnext': action := ACTION_WEAPNEXT;
+ 'weapprev': action := ACTION_WEAPPREV;
+ else
+ Exit
+ end;
+ gPlayerAction[player, action] := val;
+procedure ActionCommands (p: SSArray);
+ var cmd: AnsiString; i, player, offset, action: Integer;
+ cmd := LowerCase(p[0]);
+ player := 0;
+ offset := 1;
+ if (Length(cmd) >= 3) and (cmd[1] = 'p') and (cmd[2] >= '1') and (cmd[2] <= '9') and (cmd[3] = '_') then
+ begin
+ player := ord(cmd[2]) - ord('1') - 1;
+ offset := 4;
+ end;
+ case Copy(cmd, offset) of
+ 'weapnext': action := ACTION_WEAPNEXT;
+ 'weapprev': action := ACTION_WEAPPREV;
+ 'weapon':
+ if Length(p) = 2 then
+ begin
+ i := StrToInt(p[1]);
+ if (i > 0) and (i <= MAX_ACTION_WEAP) then
+ action := ACTION_WEAP1 + i - 1
+ else
+ Exit
+ end
+ else
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ gPlayerAction[player, action] := bindDown;
procedure g_Console_Init();
- a: Integer;
+ const
+ PrefixList: array [0..1] of AnsiString = ('+', '-');
+ PlayerList: array [0..2] of AnsiString = ('', 'p1_', 'p2_');
+ KeyActionList: array [0..12] of AnsiString = ('moveup', 'movedown', 'moveleft', 'moveright', 'speed', 'scores', 'lookup', 'lookdown', 'attack', 'activate', 'strafe', 'weapnext', 'weapprev');
+ ActionList: array [0..2] of AnsiString = ('weapnext', 'weapprev', 'weapon');
+ var
+ a: Integer;
+ s0, s1, s2: AnsiString;
g_Texture_CreateWAD(ID, GameWAD+':TEXTURES\CONSOLE');
Cons_Y := -(gScreenHeight div 2);
AddCommand('segfault', segfault, 'make segfault');
+ AddCommand('bind', BindCommands);
+ AddCommand('bindlist', BindCommands);
+ AddCommand('unbind', BindCommands);
+ AddCommand('unbindall', BindCommands);
+ AddCommand('bindkeys', BindCommands);
+ for s0 in PrefixList do
+ for s1 in PlayerList do
+ for s2 in KeyActionList do
+ AddCommand(s0 + s1 + s2, KeyActionCommands);
+ for s1 in PlayerList do
+ for s2 in ActionList do
+ AddCommand(s1 + s2, ActionCommands);
AddCommand('clear', ConsoleCommands, 'clear console');
AddCommand('clearhistory', ConsoleCommands);
AddCommand('showhistory', ConsoleCommands);
g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_CONSOLE_WELCOME], [GAME_VERSION]));
+ g_Console_ReadConfig(GameDir + '/dfconfig.cfg');
+ g_Console_ReadConfig(GameDir + '/autoexec.cfg');
procedure g_Console_Update();
+procedure g_Console_ProcessBind (key: Integer; down: Boolean);
+ if (key >= 0) and (key < e_MaxInputKeys) and (gInputBinds[key].cmd <> '') then
+ begin
+ bindDown := down;
+ bindProcess := True;
+ g_Console_Process(gInputBinds[key].cmd, True);
+ bindProcess := False;
+ end
+procedure g_Console_ReadConfig (filename: String);
+ var f: TextFile; s: AnsiString; i, len: Integer;
+ if FileExists(filename) then
+ begin
+ AssignFile(f, filename);
+ Reset(f);
+ while not EOF(f) do
+ begin
+ ReadLn(f, s);
+ len := Length(s);
+ if len > 0 then
+ begin
+ i := 1;
+ (* skip spaces *)
+ while (i <= len) and (s[i] <= ' ') do inc(i);
+ (* skip comments *)
+ if (i <= len) and ((s[i] <> '#') and ((i + 1 > len) or (s[i] <> '/') or (s[i + 1] <> '/'))) then
+ g_Console_Process(s)
+ end
+ end;
+ CloseFile(f)
+ end
diff --git a/src/game/g_game.pas b/src/game/g_game.pas
index 3014b68338454e5f9f55f549356b816123fce3a0..5205699d0aa7ba96a3178ac26dc6b7903c69b60a 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_game.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_game.pas
if gwin_has_stencil and g_playerLight then g_AddDynLight(plr.GameX+32, plr.GameY+40, 128, 1, 1, 0, 0.6);
+procedure ProcessPlayerControls2 (plr: TPlayer; p: Integer; var MoveButton: Byte);
+ var
+ time: Word;
+ strafeDir: Byte;
+ if (plr = nil) then exit;
+ if (p = 2) then time := 1000 else time := 1;
+ strafeDir := MoveButton shr 4;
+ MoveButton := MoveButton and $0F;
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_MOVELEFT] and (not gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_MOVERIGHT]) then
+ MoveButton := 1 // Íàæàòà òîëüêî "Âëåâî"
+ else if (not gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_MOVELEFT]) and gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_MOVERIGHT] then
+ MoveButton := 2 // Íàæàòà òîëüêî "Âïðàâî"
+ else if (not gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_MOVELEFT]) and (not gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_MOVERIGHT]) then
+ MoveButton := 0; // Íå íàæàòû íè "Âëåâî", íè "Âïðàâî"
+ // Ñåé÷àñ èëè ðàíüøå áûëè íàæàòû "Âëåâî"/"Âïðàâî" => ïåðåäàåì èãðîêó:
+ if MoveButton = 1 then
+ plr.PressKey(KEY_LEFT, time)
+ else if MoveButton = 2 then
+ plr.PressKey(KEY_RIGHT, time);
+ // if we have "strafe" key, turn off old strafe mechanics
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_STRAFE] then
+ begin
+ // new strafe mechanics
+ if (strafeDir = 0) then
+ strafeDir := MoveButton; // start strafing
+ // now set direction according to strafe (reversed)
+ if (strafeDir = 2) then
+ plr.SetDirection(TDirection.D_LEFT)
+ else if (strafeDir = 1) then
+ plr.SetDirection(TDirection.D_RIGHT)
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ strafeDir := 0; // not strafing anymore
+ // Ðàíüøå áûëà íàæàòà "Âïðàâî", à ñåé÷àñ "Âëåâî" => áåæèì âïðàâî, ñìîòðèì âëåâî:
+ if (MoveButton = 2) and gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_MOVELEFT] then
+ plr.SetDirection(TDirection.D_LEFT)
+ // Ðàíüøå áûëà íàæàòà "Âëåâî", à ñåé÷àñ "Âïðàâî" => áåæèì âëåâî, ñìîòðèì âïðàâî:
+ else if (MoveButton = 1) and gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_MOVERIGHT] then
+ plr.SetDirection(TDirection.D_RIGHT)
+ // ×òî-òî áûëî íàæàòî è íå èçìåíèëîñü => êóäà áåæèì, òóäà è ñìîòðèì:
+ else if MoveButton <> 0 then
+ plr.SetDirection(TDirection(MoveButton-1))
+ end;
+ // fix movebutton state
+ MoveButton := MoveButton or (strafeDir shl 4);
+ // Îñòàëüíûå êëàâèøè:
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_MOVEUP] then plr.PressKey(KEY_JUMP, time);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_LOOKUP] then plr.PressKey(KEY_UP, time);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_LOOKDOWN] then plr.PressKey(KEY_DOWN, time);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_ATTACK] then plr.PressKey(KEY_FIRE);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_WEAPNEXT] then plr.PressKey(KEY_NEXTWEAPON);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_WEAPPREV] then plr.PressKey(KEY_PREVWEAPON);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_ACTIVATE] then plr.PressKey(KEY_OPEN);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_WEAP1] then plr.QueueWeaponSwitch(WEAPON_KASTET);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_WEAP2] then plr.QueueWeaponSwitch(WEAPON_SAW);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_WEAP3] then plr.QueueWeaponSwitch(WEAPON_PISTOL);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_WEAP4] then plr.QueueWeaponSwitch(WEAPON_SHOTGUN1);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_WEAP5] then plr.QueueWeaponSwitch(WEAPON_SHOTGUN2);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_WEAP6] then plr.QueueWeaponSwitch(WEAPON_CHAINGUN);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_WEAP7] then plr.QueueWeaponSwitch(WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_WEAP8] then plr.QueueWeaponSwitch(WEAPON_PLASMA);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_WEAP9] then plr.QueueWeaponSwitch(WEAPON_BFG);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_WEAP10] then plr.QueueWeaponSwitch(WEAPON_SUPERPULEMET);
+ if gPlayerAction[p, ACTION_WEAP11] then plr.QueueWeaponSwitch(WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER);
+ // HACK: add dynlight here
+ if gwin_k8_enable_light_experiments then
+ begin
+ if e_KeyPressed(IK_F8) and gGameOn and (not gConsoleShow) and (g_ActiveWindow = nil) then
+ begin
+ g_playerLight := true;
+ end;
+ if e_KeyPressed(IK_F9) and gGameOn and (not gConsoleShow) and (g_ActiveWindow = nil) then
+ begin
+ g_playerLight := false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if gwin_has_stencil and g_playerLight then g_AddDynLight(plr.GameX+32, plr.GameY+40, 128, 1, 1, 0, 0.6);
procedure g_Game_Update();
Msg: g_gui.TMessage;
if gPlayer2 <> nil then gPlayer2.ReleaseKeys();
if (not gConsoleShow) and (not gChatShow) and (g_ActiveWindow = nil) then
- processPlayerControls(gPlayer1, gGameControls.P1Control, P1MoveButton);
- processPlayerControls(gPlayer2, gGameControls.P2Control, P2MoveButton, true);
+ //processPlayerControls(gPlayer1, gGameControls.P1Control, P1MoveButton);
+ //processPlayerControls(gPlayer2, gGameControls.P2Control, P2MoveButton, true);
+ ProcessPlayerControls2(gPlayer1, 0, P1MoveButton);
+ ProcessPlayerControls2(gPlayer2, 1, P2MoveButton);
end // if not console
diff --git a/src/game/g_window.pas b/src/game/g_window.pas
index 3958d24d12df79b518b6dc351942a53d487acc52..a5dd79cfb415955850270e0e2bdf8bc1f2820ff0 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_window.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_window.pas
- e_KeyUpDown(key, down);
+ if ev.key._repeat = 0 then
+ begin
+ e_KeyUpDown(key, down);
+ g_Console_ProcessBind(key, down)
+ end;
if down then KeyPress(key);