summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: e699f44)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: e699f44)
author | fgsfds <> | |
Fri, 15 Apr 2022 23:42:33 +0000 (02:42 +0300) | ||
committer | fgsfds <> | |
Fri, 15 Apr 2022 23:42:33 +0000 (02:42 +0300) |
src/game/g_net.pas | patch | blob | history |
diff --git a/src/game/g_net.pas b/src/game/g_net.pas
index dabb738106e281fd75a802b353e57d226a358ac5..1c2e616d71c1d4cc745b6d4667f1d28cb0775025 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_net.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_net.pas
NetAutoBanLimit: Integer = 5;
NetAutoBanPerm: Boolean = True;
NetAutoBanWarn: Boolean = False;
+ NetAutoBanForTimeout: Boolean = False;
NetAuthTimeout: Integer = 30 * 1000;
NetPacketTimeout: Integer = 60 * 1000;
+procedure g_Net_Host_Disconnect_Client(ID: Integer; Force: Boolean = False);
+ TP: TPlayer;
+ TC: pTNetClient;
+ TC := @NetClients[ID];
+ if (TC = nil) then Exit;
+ clearNetClient(NetClients[ID]);
+ if not (TC^.Used) then Exit;
+ TP := g_Player_Get(TC^.Player);
+ if TP <> nil then
+ begin
+ TP.Lives := 0;
+ g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_LEAVE], [TP.Name]), True);
+ e_WriteLog('NET: Client ' + TP.Name + ' [' + IntToStr(TC^.ID) + '] disconnected.', TMsgType.Notify);
+ g_Player_Remove(TP.UID);
+ end;
+ if (TC^.Peer^.data <> nil) then
+ begin
+ FreeMemory(TC^.Peer^.data);
+ TC^.Peer^.data := nil;
+ end;
+ if (Force) then
+ enet_peer_reset(TC^.Peer);
+ TC^.Used := False;
+ TC^.State := NET_STATE_NONE;
+ TC^.Peer := nil;
+ TC^.Player := 0;
+ TC^.Crimes := 0;
+ TC^.AuthTime := 0;
+ TC^.MsgTime := 0;
+ TC^.RequestedFullUpdate := False;
+ TC^.WaitForFirstSpawn := False;
+ TC^.NetOut[NET_UNRELIABLE].Free();
+ TC^.NetOut[NET_RELIABLE].Free();
+ g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + Format(_lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_DISC], [ID]));
+ Dec(NetClientCount);
+ if NetUseMaster then g_Net_Slist_ServerPlayerLeaves();
procedure g_Net_Host_CheckPings();
ClAddr: ENetAddress;
if (State = NET_STATE_AUTH) and (AuthTime > 0) and (AuthTime <= gTime) then
g_Net_Penalize(@NetClients[ID], 'auth taking too long');
- AuthTime := gTime + 500; // do it twice a second to give them a chance
+ AuthTime := gTime + 1000; // do it every second to give them a chance
else if (State = NET_STATE_GAME) and (MsgTime > 0) and (MsgTime <= gTime) then
- g_Net_Penalize(@NetClients[ID], 'message timeout');
- MsgTime := gTime + (NetPacketTimeout div 2) + 500; // wait less for the next check
+ // client hasn't sent packets in a while; either ban em or kick em
+ if (NetAutoBanForTimeout) then
+ begin
+ g_Net_Penalize(@NetClients[ID], 'message timeout');
+ MsgTime := gTime + (NetPacketTimeout div 2) + 500; // wait less for the next check
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ e_LogWritefln('NET: client #%u (cid #%u) timed out', [ID, Player]);
+ g_Net_Host_Disconnect_Client(ID, True);
+ end;
-procedure g_Net_Host_Disconnect_Client(ID: Integer; Force: Boolean = False);
- TP: TPlayer;
- TC: pTNetClient;
- TC := @NetClients[ID];
- if (TC = nil) then Exit;
- clearNetClient(NetClients[ID]);
- if not (TC^.Used) then Exit;
- TP := g_Player_Get(TC^.Player);
- if TP <> nil then
- begin
- TP.Lives := 0;
- g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_LEAVE], [TP.Name]), True);
- e_WriteLog('NET: Client ' + TP.Name + ' [' + IntToStr(TC^.ID) + '] disconnected.', TMsgType.Notify);
- g_Player_Remove(TP.UID);
- end;
- if (TC^.Peer^.data <> nil) then
- begin
- FreeMemory(TC^.Peer^.data);
- TC^.Peer^.data := nil;
- end;
- if (Force) then
- enet_peer_reset(TC^.Peer);
- TC^.Used := False;
- TC^.State := NET_STATE_NONE;
- TC^.Peer := nil;
- TC^.Player := 0;
- TC^.Crimes := 0;
- TC^.AuthTime := 0;
- TC^.MsgTime := 0;
- TC^.RequestedFullUpdate := False;
- TC^.WaitForFirstSpawn := False;
- TC^.NetOut[NET_UNRELIABLE].Free();
- TC^.NetOut[NET_RELIABLE].Free();
- g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + Format(_lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_DISC], [ID]));
- Dec(NetClientCount);
- if NetUseMaster then g_Net_Slist_ServerPlayerLeaves();
function g_Net_Host_Update(): enet_size_t;
conRegVar('sv_autoban_threshold', @NetAutoBanLimit, '', 'max crimes before autoban (0 = no autoban)');
conRegVar('sv_autoban_permanent', @NetAutoBanPerm, '', 'whether autobans are permanent');
conRegVar('sv_autoban_warn', @NetAutoBanWarn, '', 'send warnings to the client when he triggers penalties');
+ conRegVar('sv_autoban_packet_timeout', @NetAutoBanForTimeout, '', 'autoban for packet timeouts');
conRegVar('sv_auth_timeout', @NetAuthTimeout, '', 'number of msec in which connecting clients must complete auth (0 = unlimited)');
conRegVar('sv_packet_timeout', @NetPacketTimeout, '', 'number of msec the client must idle to be kicked (0 = unlimited)');