summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: b8fa6d7)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: b8fa6d7)
author | Ketmar Dark <> | |
Mon, 18 Apr 2016 15:20:52 +0000 (18:20 +0300) | ||
committer | Ketmar Dark <> | |
Mon, 18 Apr 2016 15:30:16 +0000 (18:30 +0300) |
src/sfs/wadcvt.dpr | patch | blob | history |
diff --git a/src/sfs/wadcvt.dpr b/src/sfs/wadcvt.dpr
index 47a9ffb0ea381940f74e9d5037c073f278579f56..85666cfabe50a5811e8fbb354627f3a6254fd386 100644 (file)
--- a/src/sfs/wadcvt.dpr
+++ b/src/sfs/wadcvt.dpr
zst: TZStream;
ib, ob: PByte;
- ibpos: Cardinal;
err: Integer;
- rd, f: Integer;
+ rd: Integer;
eof: Boolean;
crc: LongWord;
crc := crc32(0, nil, 0);
GetMem(ib, IBSize);
GetMem(ob, OBSize);
+ ss.position := 0;
zst.next_out := ob;
zst.avail_out := OBSize;
+ zst.next_in := ib;
+ zst.avail_in := 0;
err := deflateInit2(zst, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFLATED, -15, 9, 0);
if err <> Z_OK then raise Exception.Create(zerror(err));
- ibpos := 0;
- zst.next_out := ob;
- zst.avail_out := OBSize;
eof := false;
- while true do
- begin
- while not eof and (ibpos < IBSize) do
+ repeat
+ if zst.avail_in = 0 then
- rd :=^, IBSize-ibpos);
+ // read input buffer part
+ rd :=^, IBSize);
if rd < 0 then raise Exception.Create('reading error');
- eof := (rd <> IBSize-ibpos);
- if rd <> 0 then begin crc := crc32(crc, Pointer(ib+ibpos), rd); result := crc; end;
- Inc(ibpos, rd);
- if rd <> 0 then processed(rd);
+ //writeln(' read ', rd, ' bytes');
+ eof := (rd = 0);
+ if rd <> 0 then begin crc := crc32(crc, Pointer(ib), rd); result := crc; end;
+ zst.next_in := ib;
+ zst.avail_in := rd;
- zst.next_in := ib;
- zst.avail_in := ibpos;
- if eof then break;
- err := deflate(zst, Z_NO_FLUSH);
- if (err <> Z_OK) and (err <> Z_STREAM_END) then raise Exception.Create(zerror(err));
- if zst.avail_out < OBSize then
+ // now process the whole input
+ while zst.avail_in > 0 do
- //writeln(' written ', OBSize-zst.avail_out, ' bytes');
- ds.writeBuffer(ob^, OBSize-zst.avail_out);
- zst.next_out := ob;
- zst.avail_out := OBSize;
- end;
- // shift input buffer
- if zst.avail_in < ibpos then
- begin
- rd := 0;
- for f := ibpos-zst.avail_in to ibpos-1 do
+ err := deflate(zst, Z_NO_FLUSH);
+ if err <> Z_OK then raise Exception.Create(zerror(err));
+ if zst.avail_out < OBSize then
- ib[rd] := ib[f];
- Inc(rd);
+ //writeln(' written ', OBSize-zst.avail_out, ' bytes');
+ ds.writeBuffer(ob^, OBSize-zst.avail_out);
+ zst.next_out := ob;
+ zst.avail_out := OBSize;
- ibpos := rd;
- //writeln(' rd: ', zst.avail_in);
- end;
- end;
- // pack leftovers
- while zst.avail_in > 0 do
- begin
- err := deflate(zst, Z_NO_FLUSH);
- if (err <> Z_OK) and (err <> Z_STREAM_END) then raise Exception.Create(zerror(err));
- if zst.avail_out < OBSize then
- begin
- //writeln(' written ', OBSize-zst.avail_out, ' bytes');
- ds.writeBuffer(ob^, OBSize-zst.avail_out);
- zst.next_out := ob;
- zst.avail_out := OBSize;
- end;
- // stream compressed, flush zstream
+ until eof;
+ // do leftovers
while true do
zst.avail_in := 0;
- zst.next_out := ob;
- zst.avail_out := OBSize;
err := deflate(zst, Z_FINISH);
+ if (err <> Z_OK) and (err <> Z_STREAM_END) then raise Exception.Create(zerror(err));
if zst.avail_out < OBSize then
- //writeln(' written ', OBSize-zst.avail_out, ' bytes');
+ //writeln(' .written ', OBSize-zst.avail_out, ' bytes');
ds.writeBuffer(ob^, OBSize-zst.avail_out);
+ zst.next_out := ob;
+ zst.avail_out := OBSize;
if err <> Z_OK then break;
if length(fl[f].fName) = 0 then continue;
fs := SFSFileOpen(dvfn+'::'+fl[f].fPath+fl[f].fName);
newname := detectExt(fl[f].fPath, fl[f].fName, fs);
+ //fs.Free();
+ //fs := SFSFileOpen(dvfn+'::'+fl[f].fPath+fl[f].fName);
fs.position := 0;
writeln('[', f+1, '/', fl.Count, ']: ', fl[f].fPath, newname, ' ', fs.size);
nfo := ZipOne(fo, fl[f].fPath+newname, fs);