summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: f242161)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: f242161)
author | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Sat, 2 Feb 2019 14:17:33 +0000 (17:17 +0300) | ||
committer | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Sun, 10 Feb 2019 10:05:11 +0000 (13:05 +0300) |
src/lib/allegro4/allegro.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/nogl/ | patch | blob | history | |
src/wrappers/sdl2/ | patch | blob | history |
index 6f4456f765baee8527637e933cbbe9eac3cd8741..388b54a1aaf0f1709d5a82d0a3803d0238a13008 100644 (file)
desktop_palette: PALETTE; LibraryLibAllegroVar;
default_palette: PALETTE; LibraryLibAllegroVar;
_current_palette: PALETTE; LibraryLibAllegroVar;
+ key_shifts: cint; LibraryLibAllegroVar;
function get_desktop_resolution (width, height: Pcint): cint; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
function get_gfx_mode_list (card: cint): PGFX_MODE_LIST; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
// function _install_allegro (system_id: cint; errno_prt: Pcint; AtExitFunction): cint; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure acquire_bitmap (bmp: PBITMAP); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure release_bitmap (bmp: PBITMAP); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure acquire_screen; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure release_screen; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure rotate_sprite (bmp, sprite: PBITMAP; x, y: cint; a: cint32); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure rotate_sprite_v_flip (bmp, sprite: PBITMAP; x, y: cint; a: cint32); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ function scancode_to_ascii (scancode: cint): cint; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ function scancode_to_name (scancode: cint): PChar; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
(* MACRO *)
function install_allegro (system_id: cint; errno_ptr: Pcint; atexit_ptr: AtExitFunction): cint; inline;
function allegro_init: cint; inline;
function BPS_TO_TIMER (x: clong): clong; inline;
function BPM_TO_TIMER (x: clong): clong; inline;
- function acquire_bitmap (bmp: PBITMAP); inline;
- function release_bitmap (bmp: PBITMAP); inline;
- function acquire_screen; inline;
- function release_screen; inline;
- procedure acquire_bitmap (bmp: PBITMAP); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
- procedure release_bitmap (bmp: PBITMAP); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
- procedure acquire_screen; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
- procedure release_screen; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
diff --git a/src/nogl/ b/src/nogl/
index b9f1ddd960d79fb4dfc274ec739ead974103bc94..2974fdb73063474173b1ed42272d2b8a157efee9 100644 (file)
--- a/src/nogl/
+++ b/src/nogl/
ccol: Integer;
clearColor: cint;
stack: array [0..StackSize - 1] of record
- x, y: Integer;
+ x, y, a: Integer;
stack_ptr: Integer;
vpx, vpy: Integer;
procedure glEnd;
- i, j, k, w, h, x0, y0, x1, y1, offx, offy, tmp, s0, t0, s1, t1: Integer;
+ i, j, k, w, h, x0, y0, x1, y1, offx, offy, tmp, s0, t0, s1, t1, angle: Integer;
oldx0, oldy0, oldx1, oldy1: cint;
flipv, fliph: Boolean;
draw_sprite_proc: procedure (bmp, sprite: Allegro.PBITMAP; x, y: cint); cdecl;
+ rotate_sprite_proc: procedure (bmp, sprite: Allegro.PBITMAP; x, y: cint; a: cint32); cdecl;
assert(cmds.mode <> GL_INVALID_ENUM);
assert(Length(cmds.v) mod ValPerVertex = 0);
offx := vpx + stack[stack_ptr].x;
offy := vpy + stack[stack_ptr].y;
+ angle := stack[stack_ptr].a;
case cmds.mode of
draw_sprite_proc := Allegro.draw_sprite;
+ if flipv and fliph then
+ rotate_sprite_proc := Allegro.rotate_sprite_v_flip (* ??? *)
+ else if flipv then
+ rotate_sprite_proc := Allegro.rotate_sprite_v_flip
+ else if fliph then
+ rotate_sprite_proc := Allegro.rotate_sprite (* ??? *)
+ else
+ rotate_sprite_proc := Allegro.rotate_sprite;
oldx0 := 0; oldy0 := 0; oldx1 := 0; oldy1 := 0;
get_clip_rect(sdl2allegro_screen, oldx0, oldy0, oldx1, oldy1);
set_clip_rect(sdl2allegro_screen, max(oldx0, offx + x0), max(oldy0, offy + y0), min(oldx1, offx + x1), min(oldy1, offy + y1));
- for j := 0 to (y1 - y0 + h - 1) div h - 1 do
- for k := 0 to (x1 - x0 + w - 1) div w - 1 do
- draw_sprite_proc(sdl2allegro_screen, tex[ctex].bmp, offx + x0 + k * w - s0, offy + y0 + j * h - t0);
+ if angle = 0 then
+ for j := 0 to (y1 - y0 + h - 1) div h - 1 do
+ for k := 0 to (x1 - x0 + w - 1) div w - 1 do
+ draw_sprite_proc(sdl2allegro_screen, tex[ctex].bmp, offx + x0 + k * w - s0, offy + y0 + j * h - t0)
+ else
+ for j := 0 to (y1 - y0 + h - 1) div h - 1 do
+ for k := 0 to (x1 - x0 + w - 1) div w - 1 do
+ rotate_sprite_proc(sdl2allegro_screen, tex[ctex].bmp, offx + x0 + k * w - s0, offy + y0 + j * h - t0, angle);
set_clip_rect(sdl2allegro_screen, oldx0, oldy0, oldx1, oldy1);
if matrixMode <> GL_MODELVIEW then Exit;
ASSERT(x = 0); (* 3D not supported *)
ASSERT(y = 0); (* 3D not supported *)
- (* TODO a := deg(angle * z) *)
+ // angle 360deg == 256 with conversion to fixed point 16.16
+ stack[stack_ptr].a += floor(angle * z * 0.71111) * 65536
procedure glScalef(x, y, z: GLfloat);
index ebedf9c02a85980f99b5b8e619959d3a6c257575..3392c68ef45f081cd50a796f15d189122fc31401 100644 (file)
type_: UInt32; // SDL_TEXTINPUT
timestamp: UInt32;
windowID: UInt32; // The window with keyboard focus, if any
- text: array[0..SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE] of Char; // The input text
+ text: array[0..SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE - 1] of Char; // The input text
TSDL_QuitEvent = record
keyring: array [0..maxKeyBuffer - 1] of Integer;
keybeg, keyend: Integer;
+ inputChar: Char;
+ inputText: Boolean;
ticks: UInt32;
quit: Boolean;
+ s2lc: array [0..KEY_MAX] of char = (
+ #00, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o',
+ 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4',
+ '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', #00,
+ #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, '`', '-', '=', #00,
+ #09, '[', ']', #10, ';', #39, '\', '\', ',', '.', '/', ' ', #00, #00, #00, #00,
+ #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, '/', '*', '-', '+', #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00,
+ #00, #00, #00, #00, '@', #00, ':', #00, '=', #00, ';', #00, #00, #00, #00, #00,
+ #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00
+ );
+ s2uc: array [0..KEY_MAX] of char = (
+ #00, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O',
+ 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', ')', '!', '@', '#', '$',
+ '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', #00,
+ #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, '~', '_', '+', #00,
+ #09, '{', '}', #10, ':', '"', '|', '|', '<', '>', '?', ' ', #00, #00, #00, #00,
+ #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, '/', '*', '-', '+', #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00,
+ #00, #00, #00, #00, '@', #00, ':', #00, '=', #00, ';', #00, #00, #00, #00, #00,
+ #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00
+ );
function IsEmptyKeyboard: Boolean;
result := keybeg = keyend
function SDL_IsTextInputActive: TSDL_Bool;
- result := SDL_FALSE
+ if inputText then
+ result := SDL_TRUE
+ else
+ result := SDL_FALSE
procedure SDL_StartTextInput;
+ inputText := True
procedure SDL_StopTextInput;
+ inputText := False
(********** JOYSTICK **********)
(********** OPENGL MANAGEMENT **********)
- function SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(window: PSDL_Window; context: TSDL_GLContext): SInt32;
- begin
- e_LogWriteln('SDL_GL_MakeCurrent');
- result := 0
- end;
- procedure SDL_GL_DeleteContext(context: TSDL_GLContext);
+ function SDL_GL_SetAttribute(attr: TSDL_GLattr; value: SInt32): SInt32;
- e_LogWriteln('SDL_GL_DeleteContext');
+ e_LogWritefln('SDL_GL_SetAttribute %s %s', [attr, value]);
+ allegro_error := 'Attribute ' + IntToStr(attr) + ' := ' + IntToStr(value) + 'not supported';
+ result := -1
- procedure SDL_GL_SwapWindow(window: PSDL_Window);
- var res: cint;
+ function SDL_GL_GetAttribute(attr: TSDL_GLattr; value: PInt): SInt32;
- //e_LogWriteln('SDL_GL_SwapWindow');
- ASSERT(sdl2allegro_screen <> nil);
- acquire_screen;
- blit(sdl2allegro_screen, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, sdl2allegro_screen.w, sdl2allegro_screen.h);
- res := show_video_bitmap(screen);
- release_screen;
-// ASSERT(res = 0);
+ e_LogWritefln('SDL_GL_GetAttribute %s', [attr]);
+ value^ := 0; result := -1
function SDL_GL_CreateContext(window: PSDL_Window): TSDL_GLContext;
result := window
- function SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(interval: SInt32): SInt32;
+ function SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(window: PSDL_Window; context: TSDL_GLContext): SInt32;
- e_LogWritefln('SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval %s', [interval]);
+ e_LogWriteln('SDL_GL_MakeCurrent');
result := 0
- function SDL_GL_SetAttribute(attr: TSDL_GLattr; value: SInt32): SInt32;
+ procedure SDL_GL_DeleteContext(context: TSDL_GLContext);
- e_LogWritefln('SDL_GL_SetAttribute %s %s', [attr, value]);
- allegro_error := 'Attribute ' + IntToStr(attr) + ' := ' + IntToStr(value) + 'not supported';
- result := -1
+ e_LogWriteln('SDL_GL_DeleteContext');
- function SDL_GL_GetAttribute(attr: TSDL_GLattr; value: PInt): SInt32;
+ function SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(interval: SInt32): SInt32;
- e_LogWritefln('SDL_GL_GetAttribute %s', [attr]);
- value^ := 0; result := -1
+ e_LogWritefln('SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval %s', [interval]);
+ result := 0
+ end;
+ procedure SDL_GL_SwapWindow(window: PSDL_Window);
+ begin
+ ASSERT(sdl2allegro_screen <> nil);
+ acquire_screen;
+ blit(sdl2allegro_screen, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, sdl2allegro_screen.w, sdl2allegro_screen.h);
+ show_video_bitmap(screen);
+ release_screen;
(********** EVENTS **********)
function SDL_PollEvent(event: PSDL_Event): SInt32;
- var alscan: Integer;
+ var alscan: Integer; pressed, shift, caps: Boolean;
result := 0;
+ if inputText and (inputChar <> #0) then
+ begin
+ event.type_ := SDL_TEXTINPUT;
+ event.text.timestamp := ticks;
+ event.text.windowID := 0;
+ event.text.text[0] := inputChar;
+ event.text.text[1] := #0;
+ inputChar := #0;
+ result := 1;
+ Exit
+ end;
if not IsEmptyKeyboard then
alscan := NextScancode;
- if alscan and $80 = 0 then
+ pressed := alscan and $80 = 0;
+ if pressed then
+ begin
+ shift := key_shifts and KB_SHIFT_FLAG <> 0;
+ caps := key_shifts and KB_CAPSLOCK_FLAG <> 0;
+ if shift xor caps then
+ inputChar := s2uc[alscan and $7F]
+ else
+ inputChar := s2lc[alscan and $7F];
event.type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN
+ end
- event.type_ := SDL_KEYUP;
+ begin
+ inputChar := #0;
+ event.type_ := SDL_KEYUP
+ end;
event.key.timestamp := ticks;
event.key.windowID := 0;
(**** df not use it?
- if alscan and $80 = 0 then
+ if pressed then
event.key.state := SDL_PRESSED
event.key.state := SDL_RELEASED;
+ event.key._repeat := 0;
event.key.keysym.scancode := allegro_to_sdl_scancode(alscan);
event.key.keysym.sym := 0; (* df not use it? *)
event.key.keysym._mod := 0; (* df not use it? *)