summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 51bbf0e)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 51bbf0e)
author | Ketmar Dark <> | |
Mon, 4 Sep 2017 16:38:39 +0000 (19:38 +0300) | ||
committer | Ketmar Dark <> | |
Mon, 4 Sep 2017 18:01:07 +0000 (21:01 +0300) |
src/game/g_grid.pas | patch | blob | history |
diff --git a/src/game/g_grid.pas b/src/game/g_grid.pas
index d7263f36e0c244dedd9a8424e113e41e397e1981..fae595dc6c0844388402cfaa738905a28eaacf54 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_grid.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_grid.pas
//WARNING: don't change tags in callbacks here!
function forEachAlongLine (ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1; log: Boolean=false): ITP;
+ // trace box with the given velocity; return object hit (if any)
+ // `cb` is used unconvetionally here: if it returns `false`, tracer will ignore the object
+ function traceBox (out ex, ey: Integer; const ax0, ay0, aw, ah: Integer; const dx, dy: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1): ITP;
// debug
procedure forEachBodyCell (body: TBodyProxyId; cb: TCellQueryCB);
function forEachInCell (x, y: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB): ITP;
// if result is `false`, `inx` and `iny` are undefined
function lineAABBIntersects (x0, y0, x1, y1: Integer; bx, by, bw, bh: Integer; out inx, iny: Integer): Boolean;
+// sweep two AABB's to see if and when they are overlapping
+// returns `true` if collision was detected (or boxes overlaps)
+// u0 = normalized time of first collision (i.e. collision starts at myMove*u0)
+// u1 = normalized time of second collision (i.e. collision stops after myMove*u1)
+// if no collision was detected:
+// u1 < 0: no collision at all
+// u1 >= 0: boxes are overlapping at the start; u0 has no meaning, u1 is exit time, hitedge is undefined
+// hitedge for `it`: 0: top; 1: right; 2: bottom; 3: left
+// enter/exit coords will form non-intersecting configuration (i.e. will be before/after the actual collision)
+function sweepAABB (mex0, mey0, mew, meh: Integer; medx, medy: Integer; itx0, ity0, itw, ith: Integer;
+ u0: PSingle=nil; hitedge: PInteger=nil; u1: PSingle=nil): Boolean;
function distanceSq (x0, y0, x1, y1: Integer): Integer; inline;
procedure swapInt (var a: Integer; var b: Integer); inline;
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
+function sweepAABB (mex0, mey0, mew, meh: Integer; medx, medy: Integer; itx0, ity0, itw, ith: Integer;
+ u0: PSingle=nil; hitedge: PInteger=nil; u1: PSingle=nil): Boolean;
+ tin, tout: Single;
+ function axisOverlap (me0, me1, it0, it1, d, he0, he1: Integer): Boolean; inline;
+ var
+ t: Single;
+ begin
+ result := false;
+ if (me1 < it0) then
+ begin
+ if (d >= 0) then exit; // oops, no hit
+ t := (me1-it0+1)/d;
+ if (t > tin) then begin tin := t; hitedge^ := he1; end;
+ end
+ else if (it1 < me0) then
+ begin
+ if (d <= 0) then exit; // oops, no hit
+ t := (me0-it1-1)/d;
+ if (t > tin) then begin tin := t; hitedge^ := he0; end;
+ end;
+ if (d < 0) and (it1 > me0) then
+ begin
+ t := (me0-it1-1)/d;
+ if (t < tout) then tout := t;
+ end
+ else if (d > 0) and (me1 > it0) then
+ begin
+ t := (me1-it0+1)/d;
+ if (t < tout) then tout := t;
+ end;
+ result := true;
+ end;
+ mex1, mey1, itx1, ity1, vx, vy: Integer;
+ htt: Integer = -1;
+ result := false;
+ if (u0 <> nil) then u0^ := -1.0;
+ if (u1 <> nil) then u1^ := -1.0;
+ if (hitedge = nil) then hitedge := @htt else hitedge^ := -1;
+ if (mew < 1) or (meh < 1) or (itw < 1) or (ith < 1) then exit;
+ mex1 := mex0+mew-1;
+ mey1 := mey0+meh-1;
+ itx1 := itx0+itw-1;
+ ity1 := ity0+ith-1;
+ // check if they are overlapping right now (SAT)
+ //if (mex1 >= itx0) and (mex0 <= itx1) and (mey1 >= ity0) and (mey0 <= ity1) then begin result := true; exit; end;
+ if (medx = 0) and (medy = 0) then exit; // both boxes are sationary
+ // treat b as stationary, so invert v to get relative velocity
+ vx := -medx;
+ vy := -medy;
+ tin := -100000000.0;
+ tout := 100000000.0;
+ if not axisOverlap(mex0, mex1, itx0, itx1, vx, 1, 3) then exit;
+ if not axisOverlap(mey0, mey1, ity0, ity1, vy, 2, 0) then exit;
+ if (u0 <> nil) then u0^ := tin;
+ if (u1 <> nil) then u1^ := tout;
+ if (tin <= tout) and (tin >= 0.0) and (tin <= 1.0) then
+ begin
+ result := true;
+ end;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
procedure TBodyGridBase.TBodyProxyRec.setup (aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: ITP; aTag: Integer);
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
+// trace box with the given velocity; return object hit (if any)
+// `cb` is used unconvetionally here: if it returns `false`, tracer will ignore the object
+function TBodyGridBase.traceBox (out ex, ey: Integer; const ax0, ay0, aw, ah: Integer; const dx, dy: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1): ITP;
+ gx, gy: Integer;
+ cidx: Integer;
+ cc: PGridCell;
+ px: PBodyProxyRec;
+ lq: LongWord;
+ f, ptag: Integer;
+ minu0: Single = 100000.0;
+ u0: Single;
+ hedge: Integer;
+ cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1: Integer;
+ result := Default(ITP);
+ ex := ax0+dx;
+ ey := ay0+dy;
+ if (aw < 1) or (ah < 1) then exit;
+ if mInQuery then raise Exception.Create('recursive queries aren''t supported');
+ mInQuery := true;
+ cx0 := nmin(ax0, ax0+dx);
+ cy0 := nmin(ay0, ay0+dy);
+ cx1 := nmax(ax0+aw-1, ax0+aw-1+dx);
+ cy1 := nmax(ay0+ah-1, ay0+ah-1+dy);
+ cx0 -= mMinX; cy0 -= mMinY;
+ cx1 -= mMinX; cy1 -= mMinY;
+ if (cx1 < 0) or (cy1 < 0) or (cx0 >= mWidth*mTileSize) or (cy0 >= mHeight*mTileSize) then exit;
+ if (cx0 < 0) then cx0 := 0;
+ if (cy0 < 0) then cy0 := 0;
+ if (cx1 >= mWidth*mTileSize) then cx1 := mWidth*mTileSize-1;
+ if (cy1 >= mHeight*mTileSize) then cy1 := mHeight*mTileSize-1;
+ // just in case
+ if (cx0 > cx1) or (cy0 > cy1) then exit;
+ // increase query counter
+ Inc(mLastQuery);
+ if (mLastQuery = 0) then
+ begin
+ // just in case of overflow
+ mLastQuery := 1;
+ for f := 0 to High(mProxies) do mProxies[f].mQueryMark := 0;
+ end;
+ lq := mLastQuery;
+ gy := cy0;
+ while (gy <= cy1) do
+ begin
+ gx := cx0;
+ while (gx <= cx1) do
+ begin
+ cidx := mGrid[(gy div mTileSize)*mWidth+(gx div mTileSize)];
+ while (cidx <> -1) do
+ begin
+ cc := @mCells[cidx];
+ for f := 0 to GridCellBucketSize-1 do
+ begin
+ if (cc.bodies[f] = -1) then break;
+ px := @mProxies[cc.bodies[f]];
+ ptag := px.mTag;
+ if ((ptag and TagDisabled) = 0) and ((ptag and tagmask) <> 0) and (px.mQueryMark <> lq) then
+ begin
+ px.mQueryMark := lq; // mark as processed
+ if assigned(cb) then
+ begin
+ if not cb(px.mObj, ptag) then continue;
+ end;
+ if not sweepAABB(cx0+mMinX, cy0+mMinY, aw, ah, dx, dy, px.mX, px.mY, px.mWidth, px.mHeight, @u0, @hedge) then
+ begin
+ continue;
+ end;
+ if (minu0 > u0) then
+ begin
+ result := px.mObj;
+ minu0 := u0;
+ if (u0 = 0.0) then
+ begin
+ ex := cx0+mMinX;
+ ey := cy0+mMinY;
+ mInQuery := false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // next cell
+ cidx :=;
+ end;
+ Inc(gx, mTileSize);
+ end;
+ Inc(gy, mTileSize);
+ end;
+ if (minu0 <= 1.0) then
+ begin
+ ex := ax0+trunc(dx*minu0);
+ ey := ay0+trunc(dy*minu0);
+ end;
+ mInQuery := false;
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
function TBodyGridBase.traceOrthoRayWhileIn (out ex, ey: Integer; ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1: Integer; tagmask: Integer=-1): Boolean;