summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 6566ca5)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 6566ca5)
author | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Sun, 12 Jun 2022 08:48:14 +0000 (11:48 +0300) | ||
committer | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Fri, 9 Jun 2023 08:43:43 +0000 (11:43 +0300) |
src/game/Doom2DF.lpr | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_common.pas | [new file with mode: 0644] | patch | blob |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_gui.pas | [new file with mode: 0644] | patch | blob |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_map.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_render.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_textures.pas | patch | blob | history |
diff --git a/src/game/Doom2DF.lpr b/src/game/Doom2DF.lpr
index ba700515606c038b292305dc5c2f8e03591ebd2f..5eb2229bbddc44ab96eb3019f47fc3da7bb31ab7 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/Doom2DF.lpr
+++ b/src/game/Doom2DF.lpr
r_draw in 'renders/opengl/r_draw.pas',
r_map in 'renders/opengl/r_map.pas',
r_fonts in 'renders/opengl/r_fonts.pas',
+ r_common in 'renders/opengl/r_common.pas',
+ r_gui in 'renders/opengl/r_gui.pas',
{$FATAL render driver not selected}
diff --git a/src/game/renders/opengl/r_common.pas b/src/game/renders/opengl/r_common.pas
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *)
+{$INCLUDE ../../../shared/}
+unit r_common;
+ uses r_textures;
+ var
+ stdfont: TGLFont;
+ smallfont: TGLFont;
+ menufont: TGLFont;
+ procedure r_Common_Load;
+ procedure r_Common_Free;
+ uses e_log, r_fonts, g_options;
+ function r_Common_LoadFont (const name: AnsiString): TGLFont;
+ var info: TFontInfo; skiphack: Integer;
+ begin
+ result := nil;
+ if name = 'STD' then skiphack := 144 else skiphack := 0;
+ if r_Font_LoadInfoFromFile(GameWad + ':FONTS/' + name + 'TXT', info) then
+ result := r_Textures_LoadFontFromFile(GameWad + ':FONTS/' + name + 'FONT', info, skiphack, true);
+ if result = nil then
+ e_logwritefln('failed to load font %s', [name]);
+ end;
+ procedure r_Common_Load;
+ begin
+ stdfont := r_Common_LoadFont('STD');
+ smallfont := r_Common_LoadFont('SMALL');
+ menufont := r_Common_LoadFont('MENU');
+ end;
+ procedure r_Common_Free;
+ begin
+ menufont.Free;
+ smallfont.Free;
+ stdfont.Free;
+ end;
diff --git a/src/game/renders/opengl/r_gui.pas b/src/game/renders/opengl/r_gui.pas
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *)
+{$INCLUDE ../../../shared/}
+unit r_gui;
+ uses g_gui;
+ procedure r_GUI_Load;
+ procedure r_GUI_Free;
+ procedure r_GUI_GetSize (ctrl: TGUIControl; out w, h: Integer);
+ procedure r_GUI_GetLogoSize (out w, h: Integer);
+ procedure r_GUI_GetMaxFontSize (BigFont: Boolean; out w, h: Integer);
+ procedure r_GUI_GetStringSize (BigFont: Boolean; str: String; out w, h: Integer);
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_Window (win: TGUIWindow);
+ uses
+ Classes, Math, SysUtils,
+ MAPDEF, utils,
+ g_basic, g_base, e_input, g_options,
+ r_draw, r_textures, r_common, r_map,
+ g_game, g_menu
+ ;
+ const
+ type
+ THereTexture = record
+ name: AnsiString;
+ id: TGLTexture;
+ end;
+ var
+ Box: Array [0..8] of TGLTexture;
+ MarkerID: array [Boolean] of TGLTexture;
+ ScrollLeft, ScrollRight, ScrollMiddle, ScrollMarker: TGLTexture;
+ EditLeft, EditRight, EditMiddle: TGLTexture;
+ BScrollUp, BScrollDown: array [Boolean] of TGLTexture;
+ BScrollMiddle: TGLTexture;
+ Font: array [boolean] of TGLFont; (* Small[FALSE] / Big[TRUE] *)
+ LogoTex: TGLTexture;
+ nopic: TGLTexture;
+ Background: THereTexture;
+ ImageControl: THereTexture;
+ procedure r_GUI_FreeThis (var here: THereTexture);
+ begin
+ := '';
+ if <> nil then
+ := nil;
+ end;
+ function r_GUI_LoadThis (const name: AnsiString; var here: THereTexture): Boolean;
+ begin
+ r_GUI_FreeThis(here);
+ if (name <> '') and ( <> name) then
+ := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(name);
+ result := <> nil;
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Load;
+ var i: Integer;
+ begin
+ Font[FALSE] := smallfont;
+ Font[TRUE] := menufont;
+ MarkerID[FALSE] := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/MARKER1');
+ MarkerID[TRUE] := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/MARKER2');
+ for i := 0 to 8 do
+ Box[i] := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/BOX' + IntToStr(i + 1));
+ ScrollLeft := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/SLEFT');
+ ScrollRight := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/SRIGHT');
+ ScrollMiddle := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/SMIDDLE');
+ ScrollMarker := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/SMARKER');
+ EditLeft := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/ELEFT');
+ EditRight := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/ERIGHT');
+ EditMiddle := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/EMIDDLE');
+ BScrollUp[true] := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/SCROLLUPA');
+ BScrollUp[false] := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/SCROLLUPU');
+ BScrollDown[true] := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/SCROLLDOWNA');
+ BScrollDown[false] := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/SCROLLDOWNU');
+ BScrollMiddle := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/SCROLLMIDDLE');
+ LogoTex := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/MAINLOGO');
+ nopic := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWad + ':TEXTURES/NOPIC');
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Free;
+ var i: Integer;
+ begin
+ Font[FALSE] := nil;
+ Font[TRUE] := nil;
+ MarkerID[FALSE].Free;
+ MarkerID[TRUE].Free;
+ for i := 0 to 8 do
+ Box[i].Free;
+ ScrollLeft.Free;
+ ScrollRight.Free;
+ ScrollMiddle.Free;
+ ScrollMarker.Free;
+ EditLeft.Free;
+ EditRight.Free;
+ EditMiddle.Free;
+ BScrollUp[true].Free;
+ BScrollUp[false].Free;
+ BScrollDown[true].Free;
+ BScrollDown[false].Free;
+ BScrollMiddle.Free;
+ LogoTex.Free;
+ nopic.Free;
+ r_GUI_FreeThis(Background);
+ r_GUI_FreeThis(ImageControl);
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_GetMaxFontSize (BigFont: Boolean; out w, h: Integer);
+ var f: TGLFont;
+ begin
+ f := Font[BigFont];
+ w := f.GetMaxWidth();
+ h := f.GetMaxHeight();
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_GetStringSize (BigFont: Boolean; str: String; out w, h: Integer);
+ begin
+ r_Draw_GetTextSize(str, Font[BigFont], w, h);
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_GetLogoSize (out w, h: Integer);
+ begin
+ w := 0; h := 0;
+ if LogoTex <> nil then
+ begin
+ w := LogoTex.width;
+ h := LogoTex.height;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_GetSize_TextButton (ctrl: TGUITextButton; out w, h: Integer);
+ begin
+ r_Draw_GetTextSize(ctrl.Caption, Font[ctrl.BigFont], w, h);
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_GetSize_Label (ctrl: TGUILabel; out w, h: Integer);
+ var f: TGLFont;
+ begin
+ f := Font[ctrl.BigFont];
+ r_Draw_GetTextSize(ctrl.Text, f, w, h);
+ if ctrl.FixedLength <> 0 then
+ w := f.GetMaxWidth() * ctrl.FixedLength;
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_GetSize_Switch (ctrl: TGUISwitch; out w, h: Integer);
+ var i: Integer;
+ begin
+ w := 0; h := 0;
+ if ctrl.Items <> nil then
+ for i := 0 to High(ctrl.Items) do
+ r_Draw_GetTextSize(ctrl.Items[i], Font[ctrl.BigFont], w, h);
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_GetSize_KeyRead (ctrl: TGUIKeyRead; out w, h: Integer);
+ var i, ww, hh: Integer; f: TGLFont;
+ begin
+ w := 0; h := 0; // ??? h always 0
+ f := Font[ctrl.BigFont];
+ for i := 0 to 255 do
+ begin
+ r_Draw_GetTextSize(e_KeyNames[i], f, ww, hh);
+ w := MAX(w, ww);
+ end;
+ r_Draw_GetTextSize(KEYREAD_QUERY, f, ww, hh);
+ w := MAX(w, ww);
+ r_Draw_GetTextSize(KEYREAD_CLEAR, f, ww, hh);
+ w := MAX(w, ww);
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_GetSize (ctrl: TGUIControl; out w, h: Integer);
+ begin
+ w := 0;
+ h := 0;
+ if ctrl is TGUITextButton then
+ r_GUI_GetSize_TextButton(ctrl as TGUITextButton, w, h)
+ else if ctrl is TGUILabel then
+ r_GUI_GetSize_Label(ctrl as TGUILabel, w, h)
+ else if ctrl is TGUIScroll then
+ w := 16 + ((ctrl as TGUIScroll).Max + 1) * 8 // ??? but h = 0
+ else if ctrl is TGUISwitch then
+ r_GUI_GetSize_Switch(ctrl as TGUISwitch, w, h)
+ else if ctrl is TGUIEdit then
+ w := 16 + (ctrl as TGUIEdit).Width * 16 // ??? but h = 0
+ else if ctrl is TGUIKeyRead then
+ r_GUI_GetSize_KeyRead(ctrl as TGUIKeyRead, w, h)
+ else if ctrl is TGUIKeyRead2 then
+ w := (ctrl as TGUIKeyRead2).MaxKeyNameWdt * 2 + 8 + 8 + 16 // ??? but h = 0
+ else if ctrl is TGUIListBox then
+ begin
+ w := 8 + ((ctrl as TGUIListBox).Width + 1) * 16; // recheck w & h
+ h := 8 + (ctrl as TGUIListBox).Height * 16;
+ end
+ else if ctrl is TGUIMemo then
+ begin
+ w := 8 + ((ctrl as TGUIMemo).Width + 1) * 16;
+ h := 8 + (ctrl as TGUIMemo).Height * 16;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ w := ctrl.GetWidth();
+ h := ctrl.GetHeight();
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_Control (ctrl: TGUIControl); forward;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_TextButton (ctrl: TGUITextButton);
+ begin
+ r_Draw_Text(ctrl.Caption, ctrl.x, ctrl.y, ctrl.Color.R, ctrl.Color.G, ctrl.Color.B, 255, Font[ctrl.BigFont]);
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_Label (ctrl: TGUILabel);
+ var w, h: Integer; f: TGLFont;
+ begin
+ f := Font[ctrl.BigFont];
+ if ctrl.RightAlign then
+ begin
+ r_Draw_GetTextSize(ctrl.Text, f, w, h);
+ r_Draw_Text(ctrl.Text, ctrl.X + ctrl.CMaxWidth - w, ctrl.Y, ctrl.Color.R, ctrl.Color.G, ctrl.Color.B, 255, f);
+ end
+ else
+ r_Draw_Text(ctrl.Text, ctrl.X, ctrl.Y, ctrl.Color.R, ctrl.Color.G, ctrl.Color.B, 255, f);
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_Scroll (ctrl: TGUIScroll);
+ begin
+ r_Draw_Texture(ScrollLeft, ctrl.X, ctrl.Y, ScrollLeft.width, ScrollLeft.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_TextureRepeat(ScrollMiddle, ctrl.X + 8 + 0 * 8, ctrl.Y, 8 + ctrl.Max * 8, ScrollMiddle.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_Texture(ScrollRight, ctrl.X + 8 + (ctrl.Max + 1) * 8, ctrl.Y, ScrollRight.width, ScrollRight.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_Texture(ScrollMarker, ctrl.X + 8 + ctrl.Value * 8, ctrl.Y, ScrollMarker.width, ScrollMarker.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_Switch (ctrl: TGUISwitch);
+ begin
+ r_Draw_Text(ctrl.Items[ctrl.ItemIndex], ctrl.X, ctrl.Y, ctrl.Color.R, ctrl.Color.G, ctrl.Color.B, 255, Font[ctrl.BigFont]);
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_Edit (ctrl: TGUIEdit);
+ var w, h: Integer; r, g, b: Byte; f: TGLFont;
+ begin
+ r_Draw_Texture(EditLeft, ctrl.X, ctrl.Y, EditLeft.width, EditLeft.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_TextureRepeat(EditMiddle, ctrl.X + 8, ctrl.Y, 8 + (ctrl.Width - 1) * 16, EditMiddle.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_Texture(EditRight, ctrl.X + 8 + ctrl.Width * 16, ctrl.Y, EditRight.width, EditRight.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r := ctrl.Color.R;
+ g := ctrl.Color.G;
+ b := ctrl.Color.B;
+ if ctrl.Invalid and (ctrl.Window.ActiveControl <> ctrl) then
+ begin
+ r := 128;
+ g := 128;
+ b := 128;
+ end;
+ f := Font[ctrl.BigFont];
+ r_Draw_Text(ctrl.Text, ctrl.X + 8, ctrl.Y, r, g, b, 255, f);
+ if ctrl.Window.ActiveControl = ctrl then
+ begin
+ r_Draw_GetTextSize(Copy(ctrl.Text, 1, ctrl.CaretPos), f, w, h);
+ r_Draw_FillRect(ctrl.X + 8 + w, ctrl.Y + h - 4, ctrl.X + 8 + w + EDIT_CURSORLEN, ctrl.Y + h - 2, 200, 0, 0, 255);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_KeyRead (ctrl: TGUIKeyRead);
+ var k: AnsiString;
+ begin
+ if ctrl.IsQuery then
+ else if ctrl.Key <> 0 then
+ k := e_KeyNames[ctrl.Key]
+ else
+ r_Draw_Text(k, ctrl.X, ctrl.Y, ctrl.Color.R, ctrl.Color.G, ctrl.Color.B, 255, Font[ctrl.BigFont]);
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_KeyRead2 (ctrl: TGUIKeyRead2);
+ procedure drawText (idx: Integer);
+ var x, y: Integer; r, g, b: Byte; kk: DWORD; str: AnsiString;
+ begin
+ if idx = 0 then kk := ctrl.Key0 else kk := ctrl.Key1;
+ y := ctrl.Y;
+ if idx = 0 then x := ctrl.X + 8 else x := ctrl.X + 8 + ctrl.MaxKeyNameWdt + 16;
+ r := 255; g := 0; b := 0;
+ if ctrl.KeyIdx = idx then
+ begin
+ r := 255; g := 255; b := 255;
+ end;
+ if ctrl.IsQuery and (ctrl.KeyIdx = idx) then
+ else if kk <> 0 then
+ str := e_KeyNames[kk]
+ else
+ r_Draw_Text(str, x, y, r, g, b, 255, Font[ctrl.BigFont]);
+ end;
+ begin
+ drawText(0);
+ drawText(1);
+ end;
+ procedure DrawBox (x, y, w, h: Integer);
+ begin
+ r_Draw_Texture(Box[0], x, y, 4, 4, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_TextureRepeat(Box[1], x + 4, y, w * 16, 4, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_Texture(Box[2], x + 4 + w * 16, y, 4, 4, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_TextureRepeat(Box[3], x, y + 4, 4, h * 16, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_TextureRepeat(Box[4], x + 4, y + 4, w * 16, h * 16, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_TextureRepeat(Box[5], x + 4 + w * 16, y + 4, 4, h * 16, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_Texture(Box[6], x, y + 4 + h * 16, 4, 4, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_TextureRepeat(Box[7], x + 4, y + 4 + h * 16, w * 16, 4, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_Texture(Box[8], x + 4 + w * 16, y + 4 + h * 16, 4, 4, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_ModelView (ctrl: TGUIModelView);
+ begin
+ DrawBox(ctrl.X, ctrl.Y, 4, 4);
+ if ctrl.Model <> nil then
+ r_Map_DrawPlayerModel(ctrl.Model, ctrl.X + 4, ctrl.Y + 4, 255);
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_MapPreview (ctrl: TGUIMapPreview);
+ var a: Integer; r, g, b: Byte;
+ begin
+ if (ctrl.MapSize.X <= 0) or (ctrl.MapSize.Y <= 0) then
+ Exit;
+ r_Draw_FillRect(ctrl.X + 4, ctrl.Y + 4, ctrl.X + 4 + Trunc(ctrl.MapSize.X / ctrl.Scale), ctrl.Y + 4 + Trunc(ctrl.MapSize.Y / ctrl.Scale), 32, 32, 32, 255);
+ if ctrl.MapData <> nil then
+ for a := 0 to High(ctrl.MapData) do
+ with ctrl.MapData[a] do
+ begin
+ if X1 > MAPPREVIEW_WIDTH * 16 then Continue;
+ if Y1 > MAPPREVIEW_HEIGHT * 16 then Continue;
+ if X2 < 0 then Continue;
+ if Y2 < 0 then Continue;
+ if X2 > MAPPREVIEW_WIDTH * 16 then X2 := MAPPREVIEW_WIDTH * 16;
+ if X1 < 0 then X1 := 0;
+ if Y1 < 0 then Y1 := 0;
+ case PanelType of
+ begin
+ r := 255; g := 255; b := 255;
+ end;
+ begin
+ r := 255; g := 255; b := 0;
+ end;
+ begin
+ r := 0; g := 0; b := 192;
+ end;
+ begin
+ r := 0; g := 176; b := 0;
+ end;
+ begin
+ r := 176; g := 0; b := 0;
+ end;
+ else
+ r := 128; g := 128; b := 128;
+ end;
+ if ((X2 - X1) > 0) and ((Y2 - Y1) > 0) then
+ r_Draw_FillRect(ctrl.X + 4 + X1, ctrl.Y + 4 + Y1, ctrl.X + 4 + X2, ctrl.Y + 4 + Y2, r, g, b, 255);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_Image (ctrl: TGUIImage);
+ var pic: TGLTexture;
+ begin
+ pic := nopic;
+ if ctrl.ImageRes <> '' then
+ if r_GUI_LoadThis(ctrl.ImageRes, ImageControl) then
+ pic :=;
+ if pic <> nil then
+ r_Draw_Texture(pic, ctrl.x, ctrl.y, pic.width, pic.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ end;
+ procedure DrawScroll(x, y, h: Integer; Up, Down: Boolean);
+ var t: TGLTexture;
+ begin
+ if h >= 3 then
+ begin
+ t := BScrollUp[Up];
+ r_Draw_Texture(t, x, y, t.width, t.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ t := BScrollDown[Down];
+ r_Draw_Texture(t, x, y + (h - 1) * 16, t.width, t.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ t := BScrollMiddle;
+ r_Draw_TextureRepeat(t, x, y + 16, t.width, (h - 2) * 16, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_ListBox (ctrl: TGUIListBox); // + TGUIFileListBox
+ var a, w2, h2: Integer; s: string; col: TRGB; f: TGLFont;
+ begin
+ if ctrl.DrawBack then
+ DrawBox(ctrl.X, ctrl.Y, ctrl.Width + 1, ctrl.Height);
+ if ctrl.DrawScrollBar then
+ DrawScroll(ctrl.X + 4 + ctrl.Width * 16, ctrl.Y + 4, ctrl.Height, (ctrl.StartLine > 0) and (ctrl.Items <> nil), (ctrl.StartLine + ctrl.Height - 1 < High(ctrl.Items)) and (ctrl.Items <> nil));
+ if ctrl.Items <> nil then
+ begin
+ f := Font[ctrl.BigFont];
+ for a := ctrl.StartLine to Min(High(ctrl.Items), ctrl.StartLine + ctrl.Height - 1) do
+ begin
+ s := ctrl.Items[a];
+ r_Draw_GetTextSize(s, f, w2, h2);
+ while (Length(s) > 0) and (w2 > ctrl.Width * 16) do
+ begin
+ SetLength(s, Length(s) - 1);
+ r_Draw_GetTextSize(s, f, w2, h2);
+ end;
+ if a = ctrl.ItemIndex then col := ctrl.ActiveColor else col := ctrl.UnActiveColor;
+ r_Draw_Text(s, ctrl.X + 4, ctrl.Y + 4 + (a - ctrl.StartLine) * 16, col.r, col.g, col.b, 255, f);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_Memo (ctrl: TGUIMemo);
+ var i: Integer;
+ begin
+ if ctrl.DrawBack then
+ DrawBox(ctrl.X, ctrl.Y, ctrl.Width + 1, ctrl.Height);
+ if ctrl.DrawScrollBar then
+ DrawScroll(ctrl.X + 4 + ctrl.Width * 16, ctrl.Y + 4, ctrl.Height, (ctrl.StartLine > 0) and (ctrl.Lines <> nil), (ctrl.StartLine + ctrl.Height - 1 < High(ctrl.Lines)) and (ctrl.Lines <> nil));
+ if ctrl.Lines <> nil then
+ for i := ctrl.StartLine to Min(High(ctrl.Lines), ctrl.StartLine + ctrl.Height - 1) do
+ r_Draw_Text(ctrl.Lines[i], ctrl.X + 4, ctrl.Y + 4 + (i - ctrl.StartLine) * 16, ctrl.Color.R, ctrl.Color.G, ctrl.Color.B, 255, Font[ctrl.BigFont]);
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_MainMenu (ctrl: TGUIMainMenu);
+ var i, w, h: Integer; ID: TGLTexture;
+ begin
+ if ctrl.Header <> nil then
+ begin
+ r_GUI_Draw_Label(ctrl.Header)
+ end
+ else if LogoTex <> nil then
+ begin
+ r_GUI_GetLogoSize(w, h);
+ r_Draw_Texture(LogoTex, ((gScreenWidth div 2) - (w div 2)), ctrl.Buttons[0].Y - ctrl.Buttons[0].GetHeight - h, w, h, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ end;
+ if ctrl.Buttons <> nil then
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to High(ctrl.Buttons) do
+ if ctrl.Buttons[i] <> nil then
+ r_GUI_Draw_TextButton(ctrl.Buttons[i]);
+ if ctrl.Index <> -1 then
+ begin
+ ID := MarkerID[ctrl.Counter DIV MAINMENU_MARKERDELAY MOD 2 <> 0];
+ r_Draw_Texture(ID, ctrl.Buttons[ctrl.Index].X - 48, ctrl.Buttons[ctrl.Index].Y, ID.width, ID.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_Menu (ctrl: TGUIMenu);
+ var a, locx, locy: Integer; f: TGLFont;
+ begin
+ if ctrl.Header <> nil then
+ r_GUI_Draw_Label(ctrl.Header);
+ if ctrl.Items <> nil then
+ begin
+ for a := 0 to High(ctrl.Items) do
+ begin
+ if ctrl.Items[a].Text <> nil then
+ r_GUI_Draw_Control(ctrl.Items[a].Text);
+ if ctrl.Items[a].Control <> nil then
+ r_GUI_Draw_Control(ctrl.Items[a].Control);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (ctrl.Index <> -1) and (ctrl.Counter > MENU_MARKERDELAY div 2) then
+ begin
+ locx := 0;
+ locy := 0;
+ if ctrl.Items[ctrl.Index].Text <> nil then
+ begin
+ locx := ctrl.Items[ctrl.Index].Text.X;
+ locy := ctrl.Items[ctrl.Index].Text.Y;
+ //HACK!
+ if ctrl.Items[ctrl.Index].Text.RightAlign then
+ begin
+ locx := locx + ctrl.Items[ctrl.Index].Text.CMaxWidth - ctrl.Items[ctrl.Index].Text.GetWidth;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if ctrl.Items[ctrl.Index].Control <> nil then
+ begin
+ locx := ctrl.Items[ctrl.Index].Control.X;
+ locy := ctrl.Items[ctrl.Index].Control.Y;
+ end;
+ f := Font[ctrl.BigFont];
+ locx := locx - f.GetMaxWidth();
+ r_Draw_Text(#16, locx, locy, 255, 0, 0, 255, f);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_Control (ctrl: TGUIControl);
+ begin
+ if ctrl is TGUITextButton then
+ r_GUI_Draw_TextButton(TGUITextButton(ctrl))
+ else if ctrl is TGUILabel then
+ r_GUI_Draw_Label(TGUILabel(ctrl))
+ else if ctrl is TGUIScroll then
+ r_GUI_Draw_Scroll(TGUIScroll(ctrl))
+ else if ctrl is TGUISwitch then
+ r_GUI_Draw_Switch(TGUISwitch(ctrl))
+ else if ctrl is TGUIEdit then
+ r_GUI_Draw_Edit(TGUIEdit(ctrl))
+ else if ctrl is TGUIKeyRead then
+ r_GUI_Draw_KeyRead(TGUIKeyRead(ctrl))
+ else if ctrl is TGUIKeyRead2 then
+ r_GUI_Draw_KeyRead2(TGUIKeyRead2(ctrl))
+ else if ctrl is TGUIModelView then
+ r_GUI_Draw_ModelView(TGUIModelView(ctrl))
+ else if ctrl is TGUIMapPreview then
+ r_GUI_Draw_MapPreview(TGUIMapPreview(ctrl))
+ else if ctrl is TGUIImage then
+ r_GUI_Draw_Image(TGUIImage(ctrl))
+ else if ctrl is TGUIListBox then
+ r_GUI_Draw_ListBox(TGUIListBox(ctrl)) // + TGUIFileListBox
+ else if ctrl is TGUIMemo then
+ r_GUI_Draw_Memo(TGUIMemo(ctrl))
+ else if ctrl is TGUIMainMenu then
+ r_GUI_Draw_MainMenu(TGUIMainMenu(ctrl))
+ else if ctrl is TGUIMenu then
+ r_GUI_Draw_Menu(TGUIMenu(ctrl))
+ else
+ Assert(False)
+ end;
+ procedure r_GUI_Draw_Window (win: TGUIWindow);
+ var i, tw, th: Integer;
+ begin
+ // Here goes code duplication from g_game.pas:DrawMenuBackground()
+ if win.BackTexture <> '' then
+ if r_GUI_LoadThis(win.BackTexture, Background) then
+ begin
+ r_Draw_FillRect(0, 0, gScreenWidth - 1, gScreenHeight - 1, 0, 0, 0, 255);
+ tw :=;
+ th :=;
+ if tw = th then
+ tw := round(tw * 1.333 * (gScreenHeight / th))
+ else
+ tw := trunc(tw * (gScreenHeight / th));
+ r_Draw_Texture(, (gScreenWidth - tw) div 2, 0, tw, gScreenHeight, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ end
+ else
+ r_Draw_FillRect(0, 0, gScreenWidth - 1, gScreenHeight - 1, 127, 127, 127, 255);
+ // small hack here
+ if win.Name = 'AuthorsMenu' then
+ r_Draw_FillRect(0, 0, gScreenWidth - 1, gScreenHeight - 1, 0, 0, 0, 105);
+ for i := 0 to High(win.Childs) do
+ if win.Childs[i] <> nil then
+ r_GUI_Draw_Control(win.Childs[i]);
+ end;
index 11be032553b5fe48717cb92f1dfc25730b3fe871..4f0621d452ac7f9abfde5904ecd0e3b48e94a13f 100644 (file)
- uses g_base, g_player; // TRectWH, TPlayer
+ uses g_base, g_player, g_playermodel; // TRectWH, TPlayer, TPlayerModel
procedure r_Map_Initialize;
procedure r_Map_Finalize;
function r_Map_GetGibSize (m, i: Integer): TRectWH;
+ procedure r_Map_DrawPlayerModel (pm: TPlayerModel; x, y: Integer; alpha: Byte);
procedure r_Map_Update;
binheap, MAPDEF, utils,
g_options, g_textures, g_basic, g_phys,
- g_game, g_map, g_panel, g_items, g_monsters, g_playermodel, g_weapons,
+ g_game, g_map, g_panel, g_items, g_monsters, g_weapons,
procedure r_Map_DrawScreenEffects (x, y, w, h: Integer; p: TPlayer);
- var i: Integer;
if p <> nil then
index be9192d8a0a8e0aeec87ba210fea2f61d9745f88..6e9b96c8a813d6a7abbc1bee72a90c6db064399a 100644 (file)
+ r_gui,
+ {$ENDIF}
e_log, utils,
g_game, g_options, g_console, g_player, g_weapons, g_language,
- r_draw, r_textures, r_fonts, r_map
+ r_draw, r_textures, r_fonts, r_common, r_map
menuBG: TGLTexture;
- stdfont: TGLFont;
- smallfont: TGLFont;
- menufont: TGLFont;
hud, hudbg: TGLTexture;
hudhp: array [Boolean] of TGLTexture;
hudap: TGLTexture;
- function r_Render_LoadFont (const name: AnsiString): TGLFont;
- var info: TFontInfo; skiphack: Integer;
- begin
- result := nil;
- if name = 'STD' then skiphack := 144 else skiphack := 0;
- if r_Font_LoadInfoFromFile(GameWad + ':FONTS/' + name + 'TXT', info) then
- result := r_Textures_LoadFontFromFile(GameWad + ':FONTS/' + name + 'FONT', info, skiphack, true);
- if result = nil then
- e_logwritefln('failed to load font %s', [name]);
- end;
procedure r_Render_Load;
WeapName: array [0..WP_LAST] of AnsiString = ('KASTET', 'SAW', 'PISTOL', 'SHOTGUN1', 'SHOTGUN2', 'MGUN', 'RLAUNCHER', 'PGUN', 'BFG', 'SPULEMET', 'FLAMETHROWER');
i: Integer;
+ r_Common_Load;
menuBG := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/TITLE');
- stdfont := r_Render_LoadFont('STD');
- smallfont := r_Render_LoadFont('SMALL');
- menufont := r_Render_LoadFont('MENU');
hud := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/HUD');
hudbg := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/HUDBG');
hudhp[false] := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/MED2');
hudair := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/AIRBAR');
hudjet := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/JETBAR');
+ r_GUI_Load;
+ {$ENDIF}
procedure r_Render_Free;
var i: Integer;
+ r_GUI_Free;
+ {$ENDIF}
- menufont.Free;
- smallfont.Free;
- stdfont.Free;
+ r_Common_Free;
if g_ActiveWindow <> nil then
- // TODO draw menu widgets
+ if gGameOn then
+ r_Draw_FillRect(0, 0, gScreenWidth - 1, gScreenHeight - 1, 0, 0, 0, 105);
+ r_GUI_Draw_Window(g_ActiveWindow);
procedure r_Render_GetControlSize (ctrl: TGUIControl; out w, h: Integer);
- w := 0; h := 0;
+ r_GUI_GetSize(ctrl, w, h);
procedure r_Render_GetLogoSize (out w, h: Integer);
- w := 0; h := 0;
+ r_GUI_GetLogoSize(w, h);
procedure r_Render_GetMaxFontSize (BigFont: Boolean; out w, h: Integer);
- w := 0; h := 0;
+ r_GUI_GetMaxFontSize(BigFont, w, h);
procedure r_Render_GetStringSize (BigFont: Boolean; str: String; out w, h: Integer);
- w := 0; h := 0;
+ r_GUI_GetStringSize(BigFont, str, w, h);
index b51afd2e964bfbd9a76e2edddc8cf4641a43e97f..8df881acebef45500174bfb4790c7daddc8e0873 100644 (file)
destructor Destroy; override;
function GetChar (c: AnsiChar): TGLTexture;
function GetWidth (c: AnsiChar): Integer;
+ function GetMaxWidth (): Integer;
function GetMaxHeight (): Integer;
function GetSpace (): Integer;
result :=;
+ function TGLFont.GetMaxWidth (): Integer;
+ begin
+ result :=;
+ if < 0 then
+ result := result +;
+ end;
function TGLFont.GetMaxHeight (): Integer;
result :=;