summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: b60024b)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: b60024b)
author | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Thu, 29 Dec 2022 17:35:55 +0000 (20:35 +0300) | ||
committer | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Fri, 9 Jun 2023 09:10:12 +0000 (12:10 +0300) |
src/flexui/fui_gfx.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_fui_gfx_gl.pas | patch | blob | history |
diff --git a/src/flexui/fui_gfx.pas b/src/flexui/fui_gfx.pas
index dce01e5f780012bce8b5f78016e685801e998c3b..ddf324b1db2bac41d73472ba3baf62f5802f967e 100644 (file)
--- a/src/flexui/fui_gfx.pas
+++ b/src/flexui/fui_gfx.pas
TMarkIcon = (Checkbox, Radiobox);
TWinIcon = (Close);
- public
+ public (* abstract interface *)
procedure line (x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer); virtual; abstract;
procedure hline (x, y, len: Integer); virtual; abstract;
procedure vline (x, y, len: Integer); virtual; abstract;
function drawChar (x, y: Integer; const ch: AnsiChar): Integer; virtual; abstract; // returns char width
function drawText (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString): Integer; virtual; abstract; // returns text width
- function iconMarkWidth (ic: TMarkIcon): Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function iconMarkHeight (ic: TMarkIcon): Integer; virtual; abstract;
- procedure drawIconMark (ic: TMarkIcon; x, y: Integer; marked: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
- function iconWinWidth (ic: TWinIcon): Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function iconWinHeight (ic: TWinIcon): Integer; virtual; abstract;
- procedure drawIconWin (ic: TWinIcon; x, y: Integer; pressed: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
procedure resetClip (); virtual; abstract;
-// function setOffset (constref aofs: TGxOfs): TGxOfs; virtual; abstract; // returns previous offset
-// function setClip (constref aclip: TGxRect): TGxRect; virtual; abstract; // returns previous clip
function combineClip (constref aclip: TGxRect): TGxRect; virtual; abstract; // returns previous clip
- // vertical scrollbar
- procedure drawVSBar (x, y, wdt, hgt: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer; constref clrfull, clrempty: TGxRGBA); virtual; abstract;
- // horizontal scrollbar
- procedure drawHSBar (x, y, wdt, hgt: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer; constref clrfull, clrempty: TGxRGBA); virtual; abstract;
- class function sbarFilled (wh: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer): Integer;
- class function sbarPos (cxy: Integer; xy, wh: Integer; min, max: Integer): Integer;
- protected
+ protected (* abstract interface *)
function getColor (): TGxRGBA; virtual; abstract;
procedure setColor (const clr: TGxRGBA); virtual; abstract;
procedure onActivate (); virtual; abstract;
procedure onDeactivate (); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure setScale (a: Single); virtual; abstract;
+ public (* portable interface *)
+ function iconMarkWidth (ic: TMarkIcon): Integer;
+ function iconMarkHeight (ic: TMarkIcon): Integer;
+ procedure drawIconMark (ic: TMarkIcon; x, y: Integer; marked: Boolean);
+ function iconWinWidth (ic: TWinIcon): Integer;
+ function iconWinHeight (ic: TWinIcon): Integer;
+ procedure drawIconWin (ic: TWinIcon; x, y: Integer; pressed: Boolean);
+ procedure drawVSBar (x, y, wdt, hgt: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer; constref clrfull, clrempty: TGxRGBA);
+ procedure drawHSBar (x, y, wdt, hgt: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer; constref clrfull, clrempty: TGxRGBA);
+ class function sbarFilled (wh: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer): Integer;
+ class function sbarPos (cxy: Integer; xy, wh: Integer; min, max: Integer): Integer;
mActive: Boolean;
- uses SysUtils;
+ uses SysUtils, utils;
curCtx: TGxContext = nil;
ctx.mActive := true;
+ ctx.setScale(ascale);
raise Exception.Create('FlexUI: hook not installed: font named '''+fontname+''' can not be loaded')
+ function TGxContext.iconMarkWidth (ic: TMarkIcon): Integer;
+ begin
+ case ic of
+ TMarkIcon.Checkbox: result := textWidth('[x]');
+ TMarkIcon.Radiobox: result := textWidth('(*)');
+ else result := textWidth('[x]');
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ result := 11;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ function TGxContext.iconMarkHeight (ic: TMarkIcon): Integer;
+ begin
+ case ic of
+ TMarkIcon.Checkbox: result := textHeight('[x]');
+ TMarkIcon.Radiobox: result := textHeight('(*)');
+ else result := textHeight('[x]');
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ result := 8;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ procedure TGxContext.drawIconMark (ic: TMarkIcon; x, y: Integer; marked: Boolean);
+ var
+ xstr: AnsiString;
+ {$ELSE}
+ f: Integer;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ if (not or (self.clip.w < 1) or (self.clip.h < 1) or (self.color.a = 0) then exit;
+ case ic of
+ TMarkIcon.Checkbox: xstr := '[x]';
+ TMarkIcon.Radiobox: xstr := '(*)';
+ else exit;
+ end;
+ if (marked) then
+ begin
+ drawText(x, y, xstr);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ drawChar(x, y, xstr[1]);
+ drawChar(x+textWidth(xstr)-charWidth(xstr[3]), y, xstr[3]);
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ if (ic = TMarkIcon.Checkbox) then
+ begin
+ vline(x, y, 7);
+ vline(x+10, y, 7);
+ hline(x+1, y, 1);
+ hline(x+1, y+6, 1);
+ hline(x+9, y, 1);
+ hline(x+9, y+6, 1);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ vline(x, y+1, 5);
+ vline(x+10, y+1, 5);
+ hline(x+1, y, 1);
+ hline(x+1, y+6, 1);
+ hline(x+9, y, 1);
+ hline(x+9, y+6, 1);
+ end;
+ if (not marked) then exit;
+ case ic of
+ TMarkIcon.Checkbox:
+ begin
+ for f := 0 to 4 do
+ begin
+ vline(x+3+f, y+1+f, 1);
+ vline(x+7-f, y+1+f, 1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ TMarkIcon.Radiobox:
+ begin
+ hline(x+4, y+1, 3);
+ hline(x+3, y+2, 5);
+ hline(x+3, y+3, 5);
+ hline(x+3, y+4, 5);
+ hline(x+4, y+5, 3);
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ function TGxContext.iconWinWidth (ic: TWinIcon): Integer;
+ begin
+ case ic of
+ TWinIcon.Close: result := nmax(textWidth('[x]'), textWidth('[#]'));
+ else result := nmax(textWidth('[x]'), textWidth('[#]'));
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ result := 9;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ function TGxContext.iconWinHeight (ic: TWinIcon): Integer;
+ begin
+ case ic of
+ TWinIcon.Close: result := nmax(textHeight('[x]'), textHeight('[#]'));
+ else result := nmax(textHeight('[x]'), textHeight('[#]'));
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ result := 8;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ procedure TGxContext.drawIconWin (ic: TWinIcon; x, y: Integer; pressed: Boolean);
+ var
+ xstr: AnsiString;
+ wdt: Integer;
+ {$ELSE}
+ f: Integer;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ if (not or (self.clip.w < 1) or (self.clip.h < 1) or (self.color.a = 0) then exit;
+ case ic of
+ TWinIcon.Close: if (pressed) then xstr := '[#]' else xstr := '[x]';
+ else exit;
+ end;
+ wdt := nmax(textWidth('[x]'), textWidth('[#]'));
+ drawChar(x, y, xstr[1]);
+ drawChar(x+wdt-charWidth(xstr[3]), y, xstr[3]);
+ drawChar(x+((wdt-charWidth(xstr[2])) div 2), y, xstr[2]);
+ {$ELSE}
+ if pressed then rect(x, y, 9, 8);
+ for f := 1 to 5 do
+ begin
+ vline(x+1+f, y+f, 1);
+ vline(x+1+6-f, y+f, 1);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ // vertical scroll bar
+ procedure TGxContext.drawVSBar (x, y, wdt, hgt: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer; constref clrfull, clrempty: TGxRGBA);
+ var
+ filled: Integer;
+ begin
+ if (wdt < 1) or (hgt < 1) then exit;
+ filled := sbarFilled(hgt, cur, min, max);
+ color := clrfull;
+ fillRect(x, y, wdt, filled);
+ color := clrempty;
+ fillRect(x, y+filled, wdt, hgt-filled);
+ end;
+ // horizontal scrollbar
+ procedure TGxContext.drawHSBar (x, y, wdt, hgt: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer; constref clrfull, clrempty: TGxRGBA);
+ var
+ filled: Integer;
+ begin
+ if (wdt < 1) or (hgt < 1) then exit;
+ filled := sbarFilled(wdt, cur, min, max);
+ color := clrfull;
+ fillRect(x, y, filled, hgt);
+ color := clrempty;
+ fillRect(x+filled, y, wdt-filled, hgt);
+ end;
class function TGxContext.sbarFilled (wh: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer): Integer;
if (wh < 1) then result := 0
index b4ab11bf421334107877508b550960915504f160..06c6891f6cac17947f3fa57a3cdcb4a86c529cde 100644 (file)
mClipRect: TGxRect;
mClipOfs: TGxOfs;
- protected
+ protected (* internal *)
procedure realizeClip (); // setup scissoring
procedure setClipOfs (const aofs: TGxOfs); // !!!
- public
+ public (* internal *)
function setOffset (constref aofs: TGxOfs): TGxOfs; // returns previous offset
function setClip (constref aclip: TGxRect): TGxRect; // returns previous clip
+ procedure glSetScale (ascale: Single);
+ procedure glSetTrans (ax, ay: Single);
+ procedure glSetScaleTrans (ascale, ax, ay: Single);
function getFont (): AnsiString; override;
function getClipRect (): TGxRect; override;
procedure setClipRect (const aclip: TGxRect); override;
+ procedure setScale (a: Single); override;
constructor Create ();
destructor Destroy (); override;
function drawChar (x, y: Integer; const ch: AnsiChar): Integer; override; // returns char width
function drawText (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString): Integer; override; // returns text width
- function iconMarkWidth (ic: TMarkIcon): Integer; override;
- function iconMarkHeight (ic: TMarkIcon): Integer; override;
- procedure drawIconMark (ic: TMarkIcon; x, y: Integer; marked: Boolean); override;
- function iconWinWidth (ic: TWinIcon): Integer; override;
- function iconWinHeight (ic: TWinIcon): Integer; override;
- procedure drawIconWin (ic: TWinIcon; x, y: Integer; pressed: Boolean); override;
procedure resetClip (); override;
function combineClip (constref aclip: TGxRect): TGxRect; override; // returns previous clip
- // vertical scrollbar
- procedure drawVSBar (x, y, wdt, hgt: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer; constref clrfull, clrempty: TGxRGBA); override;
- // horizontal scrollbar
- procedure drawHSBar (x, y, wdt, hgt: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer; constref clrfull, clrempty: TGxRGBA); override;
- public //HACK!
- procedure glSetScale (ascale: Single);
- procedure glSetTrans (ax, ay: Single);
- procedure glSetScaleTrans (ascale, ax, ay: Single);
property color: TGxRGBA read mColor write setColor;
property offset: TGxOfs read mClipOfs write setClipOfs;
procedure TGxContext.onActivate ();
-//ascale: Single; domatrix: Boolean;
- mt: packed array [0..15] of GLfloat;
-// if (domatrix) then
-// begin
-// oglSetup2D(fuiScrWdt, fuiScrHgt);
-// glScalef(ascale, ascale, 1.0);
-// self.mScaled := (ascale <> 1.0);
-// self.mScale := ascale;
-// end
-// else
- begin
- // assume uniform scale
- glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, @mt[0]);
- self.mScaled := (mt[0] <> 1.0) or (mt[1*4+1] <> 1.0);
- self.mScale := mt[0];
- oglSetup2DState();
- end;
-function TGxContext.iconMarkWidth (ic: TMarkIcon): Integer;
- case ic of
- TMarkIcon.Checkbox: result := textWidth('[x]');
- TMarkIcon.Radiobox: result := textWidth('(*)');
- else result := textWidth('[x]');
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- result := 11;
- {$ENDIF}
-function TGxContext.iconMarkHeight (ic: TMarkIcon): Integer;
- case ic of
- TMarkIcon.Checkbox: result := textHeight('[x]');
- TMarkIcon.Radiobox: result := textHeight('(*)');
- else result := textHeight('[x]');
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- result := 8;
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TGxContext.drawIconMark (ic: TMarkIcon; x, y: Integer; marked: Boolean);
- xstr: AnsiString;
- {$ELSE}
- f: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- if (not or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
- case ic of
- TMarkIcon.Checkbox: xstr := '[x]';
- TMarkIcon.Radiobox: xstr := '(*)';
- else exit;
- end;
- if (marked) then
- begin
- drawText(x, y, xstr);
- end
- else
- begin
- drawChar(x, y, xstr[1]);
- drawChar(x+textWidth(xstr)-charWidth(xstr[3]), y, xstr[3]);
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- if (ic = TMarkIcon.Checkbox) then
- begin
- vline(x, y, 7);
- vline(x+10, y, 7);
- hline(x+1, y, 1);
- hline(x+1, y+6, 1);
- hline(x+9, y, 1);
- hline(x+9, y+6, 1);
- end
- else
- begin
- vline(x, y+1, 5);
- vline(x+10, y+1, 5);
- hline(x+1, y, 1);
- hline(x+1, y+6, 1);
- hline(x+9, y, 1);
- hline(x+9, y+6, 1);
- end;
- if (not marked) then exit;
- case ic of
- TMarkIcon.Checkbox:
- begin
- for f := 0 to 4 do
- begin
- vline(x+3+f, y+1+f, 1);
- vline(x+7-f, y+1+f, 1);
- end;
- end;
- TMarkIcon.Radiobox:
- begin
- hline(x+4, y+1, 3);
- hline(x+3, y+2, 5);
- hline(x+3, y+3, 5);
- hline(x+3, y+4, 5);
- hline(x+4, y+5, 3);
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
-function TGxContext.iconWinWidth (ic: TWinIcon): Integer;
- case ic of
- TWinIcon.Close: result := nmax(textWidth('[x]'), textWidth('[#]'));
- else result := nmax(textWidth('[x]'), textWidth('[#]'));
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- result := 9;
- {$ENDIF}
-function TGxContext.iconWinHeight (ic: TWinIcon): Integer;
- case ic of
- TWinIcon.Close: result := nmax(textHeight('[x]'), textHeight('[#]'));
- else result := nmax(textHeight('[x]'), textHeight('[#]'));
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- result := 8;
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TGxContext.drawIconWin (ic: TWinIcon; x, y: Integer; pressed: Boolean);
- xstr: AnsiString;
- wdt: Integer;
- {$ELSE}
- f: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
+procedure TGxContext.setScale (a: Single);
- if (not or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
- case ic of
- TWinIcon.Close: if (pressed) then xstr := '[#]' else xstr := '[x]';
- else exit;
- end;
- wdt := nmax(textWidth('[x]'), textWidth('[#]'));
- drawChar(x, y, xstr[1]);
- drawChar(x+wdt-charWidth(xstr[3]), y, xstr[3]);
- drawChar(x+((wdt-charWidth(xstr[2])) div 2), y, xstr[2]);
- {$ELSE}
- if pressed then rect(x, y, 9, 8);
- for f := 1 to 5 do
- begin
- vline(x+1+f, y+f, 1);
- vline(x+1+6-f, y+f, 1);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
+ self.glSetScale(a);
procedure TGxContext.glSetScale (ascale: Single);
if (ascale < 0.01) then ascale := 0.01;
-// vertical scroll bar
-procedure TGxContext.drawVSBar (x, y, wdt, hgt: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer; constref clrfull, clrempty: TGxRGBA);
- filled: Integer;
- if (wdt < 1) or (hgt < 1) then exit;
- filled := sbarFilled(hgt, cur, min, max);
- color := clrfull;
- fillRect(x, y, wdt, filled);
- color := clrempty;
- fillRect(x, y+filled, wdt, hgt-filled);
-// horizontal scrollbar
-procedure TGxContext.drawHSBar (x, y, wdt, hgt: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer; constref clrfull, clrempty: TGxRGBA);
- filled: Integer;
- if (wdt < 1) or (hgt < 1) then exit;
- filled := sbarFilled(wdt, cur, min, max);
- color := clrfull;
- fillRect(x, y, filled, hgt);
- color := clrempty;
- fillRect(x+filled, y, wdt-filled, hgt);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
procedure oglRestoreMode (doClear: Boolean);