summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 73c5e75)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 73c5e75)
author | fgsfds <> | |
Sun, 1 Sep 2019 22:56:13 +0000 (01:56 +0300) | ||
committer | fgsfds <> | |
Sun, 1 Sep 2019 22:56:32 +0000 (01:56 +0300) |
because mpg123 is a bitch
src/engine/e_soundfile_mp3.pas | patch | blob | history |
index 2870cbed154beda7f5e21614dc6549b456c0f605..6bf7dddd8b1d21e71dc34546f8b2fd2d2a1ca134 100644 (file)
TMP3LoaderFactory = class (TSoundLoaderFactory)
- constructor Create();
- destructor Destroy(); override;
function MatchHeader(Data: Pointer; Len: LongWord): Boolean; override;
function MatchExtension(FName: string): Boolean; override;
function GetLoader(): TSoundLoader; override;
- private
- FMPG: pmpg123_handle; // tester context
(* TMP3LoaderFactory *)
-constructor TMP3LoaderFactory.Create();
- FMPG := mpg123_new(nil, nil);
- if FMPG <> nil then
- mpg123_replace_reader_handle(FMPG, streamRead, streamLSeek, nil);
-destructor TMP3LoaderFactory.Destroy();
- if FMPG <> nil then mpg123_delete(FMPG);
function TMP3LoaderFactory.MatchHeader(Data: Pointer; Len: LongWord): Boolean;
- ID3: array [0..9] of Byte;
- HeaderLen: LongInt;
- S: TSFSMemoryStreamRO;
- Info: mpg123_frameinfo;
+ P: PByte;
+ N: LongInt;
Result := False;
- if Len < 10 then Exit;
+ if Len < 10 then Exit; // way too short even without an ID3
+ P := PByte(Data);
- // try and check for an ID3 header
- Move(Data^, ID3, 10);
- if (ID3[0] = Ord('I')) and (ID3[1] = Ord('D')) and (ID3[2] = Ord('3')) then
+ // try to check for an ID3v2 header
+ if ((P+0)^ = $49) and ((P+1)^ = $44) and ((P+2)^ = $33) then // 'ID3'
- HeaderLen := ID3[9] + (ID3[8] shl 7) + (ID3[7] shl 14) + (ID3[6] shl 21);
- Result := Len > (HeaderLen + 10);
+ N := (P+9)^ + ((P+8)^ shl 7) + ((P+7)^ shl 14) + ((P+6)^ shl 21);
+ Result := Len > (N + 10);
if Result then Exit;
- // if there isn't one, employ heavier shit
- if FMPG = nil then Exit;
- S := TSFSMemoryStreamRO.Create(Data, Len);
- if mpg123_open_handle(FMPG, S) = MPG123_OK then
+ // try to read the frame sync word, bits 0-10 should be 1
+ if ((P+0)^ = $FF) and (((P+1)^ and $E0) = $E0) then
- Result := mpg123_info(FMPG, @Info) = MPG123_OK;
- mpg123_close(FMPG);
+ // bits 11-12: mpeg version, can't be 01
+ if (((P+1)^ and $10) = 0) and (((P+1)^ and $08) = $08) then
+ Exit;
+ // bits 13-14: layer: can't be 00
+ if ((P+1)^ and $06) = 0 then
+ Exit;
+ // bits 16-19: bitrate index: can't be 1111 or 0000
+ if (((P+2)^ and $F0) = 0) or (((P+2)^ and $F0) = $F0) then
+ Exit;
+ // bits 20-21: samplerate index: can't be 11
+ if ((P+2)^ and $0C) = $0C then
+ Exit;
+ // this is probably an MP3 then
+ Result := True;
- S.Destroy();
function TMP3LoaderFactory.MatchExtension(FName: string): Boolean;
Result := LoadStream(S, SStreaming);
on E: Exception do
- e_LogWritefln('ModPlug: ERROR: could not read file `%s`: %s', [FName, E.Message]);
+ e_LogWritefln('MPG123: ERROR: could not read file `%s`: %s', [FName, E.Message]);
if not Result and (S <> nil) then
Got := 0;
if FMPG = nil then Exit;
Ret := mpg123_read(FMPG, Buf, Len, @Got);
- if FLooping and (Ret = MPG123_DONE) then
- mpg123_seek(FMPG, 0, 0); // loop
- Result := Got;
+ if FLooping and ((Ret = MPG123_DONE) or (Got = 0)) then
+ Ret := mpg123_seek(FMPG, 0, 0); // loop
+ if Ret = MPG123_OK then
+ Result := Got;
function TMP3Loader.GetAll(var OutPtr: Pointer): LongWord;