summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: ffd525f)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: ffd525f)
author | Ketmar Dark <> | |
Mon, 18 Apr 2016 08:39:23 +0000 (11:39 +0300) | ||
committer | Ketmar Dark <> | |
Mon, 18 Apr 2016 08:39:54 +0000 (11:39 +0300) |
src/sfs/sfsPlainFS.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/sfs/sfsZipFS.pas | patch | blob | history |
diff --git a/src/sfs/sfsPlainFS.pas b/src/sfs/sfsPlainFS.pas
index e43f367e994916171437e500548c679231ba6623..5666ad23a8e1f7e8dbbc162877c63f1adee7c752 100644 (file)
--- a/src/sfs/sfsPlainFS.pas
+++ b/src/sfs/sfsPlainFS.pas
if (fType <> sfspvPAK) and (fType <> sfspvSIN) then raise ESFSError.Create('invalid archive');
fFileStream.Seek(4, soCurrent); // skip signature
- fFileStream.ReadBuffer(dofs, 4);
- fFileStream.ReadBuffer(dsize, 4);
+ dofs := readLongWord(fFileStream);
+ dsize := readLongWord(fFileStream);
fFileStream.Position := dofs;
if fType = sfspvPAK then esz := 64 else esz := 128;
while dsize >= esz do
FillChar(name[0], length(name), 0);
fFileStream.ReadBuffer(name[0], esz-8);
fi.fName := PChar(@name[0]);
- fFileStream.ReadBuffer(fi.fOfs, 4);
- fFileStream.ReadBuffer(fi.fSize, 4);
+ fi.fOfs := readLongWord(fFileStream);
+ fi.fSize := readLongWord(fFileStream);
Dec(dsize, esz);
vt := sfspvNone;
st.ReadBuffer(sign[0], 4);
- st.ReadBuffer(dofs, 4);
- st.ReadBuffer(dsize, 4);
+ dofs := readLongWord(st);
+ dsize := readLongWord(st);
st.Seek(-12, soCurrent);
if sign = 'PACK' then
diff --git a/src/sfs/sfsZipFS.pas b/src/sfs/sfsZipFS.pas
index 22235a866b02e95a86184cbcd1c0ac548278cc06..c39eb4361e3e5fcfd4ff67ac4de62eacffa54734 100644 (file)
--- a/src/sfs/sfsZipFS.pas
+++ b/src/sfs/sfsZipFS.pas
localExtraSz: Word;
+procedure readLFH (st: TStream; var hdr: TZLocalFileHeader);
+ hdr.version := readByte(st);
+ hdr.hostOS := readByte(st);
+ hdr.flags := readWord(st);
+ hdr.method := readWord(st);
+ hdr.time := readLongWord(st);
+ hdr.crc := readLongWord(st);
+ hdr.packSz := readLongWord(st);
+ hdr.unpackSz := readLongWord(st);
+ hdr.fnameSz := readWord(st);
+ hdr.localExtraSz := readWord(st);
function ZIPCheckMagic (st: TStream): Boolean;
function DFWADCheckMagic (st: TStream): Boolean;
sign: packed array [0..5] of Char;
- fcnt: Word;
result := false;
if st.Size < 10 then exit;
st.ReadBuffer(sign[0], 6);
- st.ReadBuffer(fcnt, 2);
+ {fcnt :=} readWord(st);
st.Seek(-8, soCurrent);
//writeln('trying DFWAD... [', sign, ']');
if (sign[0] <> 'D') and (sign[1] <> 'F') and (sign[2] <> 'W') and
fi: TSFSZipFileInfo;
name: ShortString;
- sign, dSign: packed array [0..3] of Char;
+ sign: packed array [0..3] of Char;
lhdr: TZLocalFileHeader;
- ignoreFile, skipped: Boolean;
- crc, psz, usz: LongWord;
- buf: packed array of Byte;
- bufPos, bufUsed: Integer;
+ ignoreFile: Boolean;
efid, efsz: Word;
izver: Byte;
izcrc: LongWord;
- SetLength(buf, 0);
// read local directory
fFileStream.ReadBuffer(sign[0], Length(sign));
+ // skip data descriptor
+ if sign = 'PK'#7#8 then
+ begin
+*4, soCurrent);
+ continue;
+ end;
if sign <> 'PK'#3#4 then break;
ignoreFile := false;
- skipped := false;
+ readLFH(fFileStream, lhdr);
fi := TSFSZipFileInfo.Create(self);
fi.fPackSz := 0;
fi.fMethod := 0;
- //fi.fOfs := fFileStream.Position;
- fFileStream.ReadBuffer(lhdr, SizeOf(lhdr));
if lhdr.fnameSz > 255 then name[0] := #255 else name[0] := chr(lhdr.fnameSz);
fFileStream.ReadBuffer(name[1], Length(name));
fFileStream.Seek(lhdr.fnameSz-Length(name), soCurrent); // rest of the name (if any)
fi.fName := utf8to1251(name);
- //writeln(Format('0x%08x : %s', [Integer(fi.fOfs), name]));
// here we should process extra field: it may contain utf8 filename
- //fFileStream.Seek(lhdr.localExtraSz, soCurrent);
while lhdr.localExtraSz >= 4 do
- efid := 0;
- efsz := 0;
- fFileStream.ReadBuffer(efid, 2);
- fFileStream.ReadBuffer(efsz, 2);
+ efid := readWord(fFileStream);
+ efsz := readWord(fFileStream);
Dec(lhdr.localExtraSz, 4);
if efsz > lhdr.localExtraSz then break;
// Info-ZIP Unicode Path Extra Field?
fi.fPackSz := lhdr.packSz;
fi.fMethod := lhdr.method;
- if (lhdr.flags and (1 shl 3)) <> 0 then
- begin
- // it has a descriptor. stupid thing at all...
- WriteLn(ErrOutput, 'descr: $', IntToHex(fFileStream.Position, 8));
- WriteLn(ErrOutput, 'size: ', lhdr.unpackSz);
- WriteLn(ErrOutput, 'psize: ', lhdr.packSz);
- {$ENDIF}
- skipped := true;
- if lhdr.packSz <> 0 then
- begin
- // some kind of idiot already did our work (maybe paritally)
- // trust him (her? %-)
- fFileStream.Seek(lhdr.packSz, soCurrent);
- end;
- // scan for descriptor
- if Length(buf) = 0 then SetLength(buf, 65536);
- bufPos := 0; bufUsed := 0;
- fFileStream.ReadBuffer(dSign[0], 4);
- repeat
- if dSign <> 'PK'#7#8 then
- begin
- // skip one byte
- Move(dSign[1], dSign[0], 3);
- if bufPos >= bufUsed then
- begin
- bufPos := 0;
- // int64!
- if fFileStream.Size-fFileStream.Position > Length(buf) then bufUsed := Length(buf)
- else bufUsed := fFileStream.Size-fFileStream.Position;
- if bufUsed = 0 then raise ESFSError.Create('invalid ZIP file');
- fFileStream.ReadBuffer(buf[0], bufUsed);
- end;
- dSign[3] := chr(buf[bufPos]); Inc(bufPos);
- Inc(lhdr.packSz);
- continue;
- end;
- // signature found: check if it is a real one
- // ???: make stronger check (for the correct following signature)?
- // sign, crc, packsize, unpacksize
- fFileStream.Seek(-bufUsed+bufPos, soCurrent); bufPos := 0; bufUsed := 0;
- fFileStream.ReadBuffer(crc, 4); // crc
- fFileStream.ReadBuffer(psz, 4); // packed size
- // is size correct?
- if psz = lhdr.packSz then
- begin
- // this is a real description. fuck it off
- fFileStream.ReadBuffer(usz, 4); // unpacked size
- break;
- end;
- // this is just a sequence of bytes
- fFileStream.Seek(-8, soCurrent);
- fFileStream.ReadBuffer(dSign[0], 4);
- Inc(lhdr.packSz, 4);
- until false;
- // store correct values
- fi.fSize := usz;
- fi.fPackSz := psz;
- end;
// skip packed data
- if not skipped then fFileStream.Seek(lhdr.packSz, soCurrent);
+ fFileStream.Seek(lhdr.packSz, soCurrent);
if ignoreFile then fi.Free();
until false;
+ (*
if (sign <> 'PK'#1#2) and (sign <> 'PK'#5#6) then
raise ESFSError.Create('invalid .ZIP archive (no central dir)');
+ *)
fcnt: Word;
fi: TSFSZipFileInfo;
- f, c, fofs, fpksize: Integer;
+ f, c: Integer;
+ fofs, fpksize: LongWord;
curpath, fname: string;
name: packed array [0..15] of Char;
curpath := '';
fFileStream.Seek(6, soCurrent); // skip signature
- fFileStream.ReadBuffer(fcnt, 2);
+ fcnt := readWord(fFileStream);
if fcnt = 0 then exit;
// read files
for f := 0 to fcnt-1 do
fFileStream.ReadBuffer(name[0], 16);
- fFileStream.ReadBuffer(fofs, 4);
- fFileStream.ReadBuffer(fpksize, 4);
+ fofs := readLongWord(fFileStream);
+ fpksize := readLongWord(fFileStream);
c := 0;
fname := '';
while (c < 16) and (name[c] <> #0) do