summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: e2cdd62)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: e2cdd62)
author | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Fri, 2 Aug 2019 14:49:48 +0000 (17:49 +0300) | ||
committer | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Fri, 2 Aug 2019 14:49:48 +0000 (17:49 +0300) |
src/editor/Editor.lpi | patch | blob | history | |
src/editor/f_maptest.lfm | patch | blob | history | |
src/editor/f_maptest.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/editor/g_language.pas | patch | blob | history |
diff --git a/src/editor/Editor.lpi b/src/editor/Editor.lpi
index 896b9b361f75091abb56686ec58c502c57ba84f3..f01210375595d4c169dffa7fc9368aeba44a7a00 100644 (file)
--- a/src/editor/Editor.lpi
+++ b/src/editor/Editor.lpi
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <Version Value="10"/>
+ <Version Value="11"/>
<MainUnitHasUsesSectionForAllUnits Value="False"/>
<Version Value="2"/>
- <local>
- <FormatVersion Value="1"/>
- </local>
+ <FormatVersion Value="2"/>
+ <Modes Count="1">
+ <Mode0 Name="default"/>
+ </Modes>
<RequiredPackages Count="2">
index c3cc7d1e31faa8451cff83781e3a21dd38d948ee..89503fb59ad2658b30e6ccb8076b58ecc4659c99 100644 (file)
--- a/src/editor/f_maptest.lfm
+++ b/src/editor/f_maptest.lfm
object MapTestForm: TMapTestForm
Left = 291
- Height = 270
+ Height = 322
Top = 194
Width = 367
BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
BorderStyle = bsSingle
Caption = 'Настройки теста в игре'
- ClientHeight = 270
+ ClientHeight = 322
ClientWidth = 367
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
OnActivate = FormActivate
OnCreate = FormCreate
Position = poScreenCenter
- LCLVersion = ''
+ LCLVersion = ''
object bOK: TButton
Left = 192
Height = 25
- Top = 240
+ Top = 280
Width = 75
Caption = 'OK'
Default = True
object bCancel: TButton
Left = 286
Height = 25
- Top = 240
+ Top = 280
Width = 75
Cancel = True
Caption = 'Отмена'
object GroupBox1: TGroupBox
Left = 8
- Height = 233
+ Height = 264
Top = 0
Width = 353
- ClientHeight = 215
- ClientWidth = 349
+ ClientHeight = 262
+ ClientWidth = 351
TabOrder = 0
object LabelTime: TLabel
Left = 14
- Height = 13
+ Height = 16
Top = 98
- Width = 83
+ Width = 80
Caption = 'Лимит времени:'
ParentColor = False
object LabelSecs: TLabel
Left = 174
- Height = 13
+ Height = 16
Top = 98
Width = 35
Caption = 'секунд'
object LabelScore: TLabel
Left = 14
- Height = 13
+ Height = 16
Top = 122
- Width = 68
+ Width = 66
Caption = 'Лимит очков:'
ParentColor = False
object LabelPath: TLabel
Left = 14
- Height = 13
+ Height = 16
Top = 170
- Width = 107
+ Width = 103
Caption = 'Путь к Doom2DF.exe:'
ParentColor = False
object rbDM: TRadioButton
Left = 14
- Height = 17
+ Height = 21
Top = 2
- Width = 76
+ Width = 84
Caption = 'Deathmatch'
Checked = True
TabOrder = 0
object rbTDM: TRadioButton
Left = 14
- Height = 17
+ Height = 21
Top = 18
- Width = 106
+ Width = 113
Caption = 'Team Deathmatch'
TabOrder = 1
object rbCTF: TRadioButton
Left = 14
- Height = 17
+ Height = 21
Top = 34
- Width = 96
+ Width = 106
Caption = 'Capture the Flag'
TabOrder = 2
object rbCOOP: TRadioButton
Left = 14
- Height = 17
+ Height = 21
Top = 50
- Width = 75
+ Width = 83
Caption = 'Cooperative'
TabOrder = 3
object cbTwoPlayers: TCheckBox
Left = 174
- Height = 17
+ Height = 21
Top = 2
- Width = 77
+ Width = 80
Caption = 'Два игрока'
TabOrder = 4
object cbTeamDamage: TCheckBox
Left = 174
- Height = 17
+ Height = 21
Top = 18
- Width = 124
+ Width = 126
Caption = 'Урон своей команде'
TabOrder = 5
object cbAllowExit: TCheckBox
Left = 174
- Height = 17
+ Height = 21
Top = 34
- Width = 103
+ Width = 109
Caption = 'Выход из уровня'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
object cbWeaponStay: TCheckBox
Left = 174
- Height = 17
+ Height = 21
Top = 50
- Width = 106
+ Width = 112
Caption = 'Оружие остается'
TabOrder = 7
object cbMonstersDM: TCheckBox
Left = 174
- Height = 17
+ Height = 21
Top = 66
- Width = 93
+ Width = 98
Caption = 'Монстры в DM'
TabOrder = 8
object edTime: TEdit
Left = 102
- Height = 21
+ Height = 28
Top = 98
Width = 49
TabOrder = 9
object edScore: TEdit
Left = 102
- Height = 21
+ Height = 28
Top = 122
Width = 49
TabOrder = 10
object UpDown2: TUpDown
Left = 151
- Height = 21
+ Height = 28
Top = 122
Width = 12
Associate = edScore
Min = 0
Position = 0
TabOrder = 12
- Wrap = False
object UpDown1: TUpDown
Left = 151
- Height = 21
+ Height = 28
Top = 98
Width = 12
Associate = edTime
Min = 0
Position = 0
TabOrder = 11
- Wrap = False
object edD2dexe: TEdit
Left = 14
- Height = 21
+ Height = 28
Top = 186
Width = 297
TabOrder = 14
object edD2DArgs: TEdit
Left = 14
- Height = 21
- Top = 200
+ Height = 28
+ Top = 232
Width = 297
TabOrder = 16
- Text = ''
object cbMapOnce: TCheckBox
Left = 14
- Height = 17
+ Height = 21
Top = 146
- Width = 209
+ Width = 211
Caption = 'Закрыть игру после выхода из карты'
TabOrder = 13
+ object LabelArgs: TLabel
+ Left = 14
+ Height = 16
+ Top = 216
+ Width = 103
+ Caption = 'Параметры запуска:'
+ ParentColor = False
+ end
object FindD2dDialog: TOpenDialog
Title = 'Выберите файл игры Doom 2D: Forever'
DefaultExt = '.exe'
Filter = 'Doom2DF.exe|Doom2DF.exe;Doom2DF'
Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofNoChangeDir, ofEnableSizing]
- left = 320
- top = 144
+ left = 296
+ top = 128
index b35dc4688d0d695c5d20f7696d5ab6a9c6ed274e..ed08dc7f3f514b9ef3a95baca2657e927f9a19ac 100644 (file)
--- a/src/editor/f_maptest.pas
+++ b/src/editor/f_maptest.pas
+ { TMapTestForm }
TMapTestForm = class (TForm)
bOK: TButton;
bCancel: TButton;
GroupBox1: TGroupBox;
+ LabelArgs: TLabel;
// Режим игры:
rbDM: TRadioButton;
rbTDM: TRadioButton;
index 75d8787583f6dd9ae23e34dd4069d6bb3bf4dbf2..ea8c56292ad54cb666a9c6243520893fc95b95ec 100644 (file)
'Лимит очков:'),
('LAB LAUNCH PATH', 'Path to Doom2DF.exe:',
'Путь к Doom2DF.exe:'),
+ ('LAB LAUNCH ARGS', 'Launch Arguments:',
+ 'Параметры запуска:'),
('LAB ES GRID', 'Grid Step:',
'Шаг сетки:'),
// Путь:
LabelPath.Caption := _lc[I_LAB_LAUNCH_PATH];
FindD2dDialog.Title := _lc[I_CTRL_LAUNCH_OPEN];
+ LabelArgs.Caption := _lc[I_LAB_LAUNCH_ARGS];
// Форма "Настройки редактора":