summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 4b20cdc)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 4b20cdc)
author | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Thu, 29 Dec 2022 16:17:12 +0000 (19:17 +0300) | ||
committer | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Fri, 9 Jun 2023 09:09:50 +0000 (12:09 +0300) |
src/flexui/fui_ctls.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/flexui/fui_gfx.pas | [new file with mode: 0644] | patch | blob |
src/flexui/sdlcarcass.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/Doom2DF.lpr | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_fui_gfx_gl.pas | [moved from src/flexui/fui_gfx_gl.pas with 85% similarity] | patch | blob | history |
src/game/renders/opengl/ | [moved from src/flexui/ with 100% similarity] | patch | blob | history |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_holmes.pas | patch | blob | history |
index 12f710c21bbc3aae1845bc6b1c68bc8d8e5fd79e..2605e44471d3c78d344c7250e0a2cbfb3e58c11e 100644 (file)
--- a/src/flexui/fui_ctls.pas
+++ b/src/flexui/fui_ctls.pas
SysUtils, Classes,
- SDL2,
fui_common, fui_events, fui_style,
- fui_gfx_gl,
+ fui_gfx,
procedure uiInitialize ();
if (uiContext <> nil) then raise Exception.Create('FlexUI already initialized');
- uiContext := TGxContext.Create();
+ uiContext := gxCreateContext();
diff --git a/src/flexui/fui_gfx.pas b/src/flexui/fui_gfx.pas
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/flexui/fui_gfx.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+(* coded by Ketmar // Invisible Vector <>
+ * Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *)
+{$INCLUDE ../shared/}
+unit fui_gfx;
+ uses fui_common;
+ type
+ TGxContext = class abstract
+ public
+ type
+ TMarkIcon = (Checkbox, Radiobox);
+ TWinIcon = (Close);
+ public
+ procedure line (x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure hline (x, y, len: Integer); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure vline (x, y, len: Integer); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure rect (x, y, w, h: Integer); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure fillRect (x, y, w, h: Integer); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure darkenRect (x, y, w, h: Integer; a: Integer); virtual; abstract;
+ function charWidth (const ch: AnsiChar): Integer; virtual; abstract;
+ function charHeight (const ch: AnsiChar): Integer; virtual; abstract;
+ function textWidth (const s: AnsiString): Integer; virtual; abstract;
+ function textHeight (const s: AnsiString): Integer; virtual; abstract;
+ function drawChar (x, y: Integer; const ch: AnsiChar): Integer; virtual; abstract; // returns char width
+ function drawText (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString): Integer; virtual; abstract; // returns text width
+ function iconMarkWidth (ic: TMarkIcon): Integer; virtual; abstract;
+ function iconMarkHeight (ic: TMarkIcon): Integer; virtual; abstract;
+ procedure drawIconMark (ic: TMarkIcon; x, y: Integer; marked: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
+ function iconWinWidth (ic: TWinIcon): Integer; virtual; abstract;
+ function iconWinHeight (ic: TWinIcon): Integer; virtual; abstract;
+ procedure drawIconWin (ic: TWinIcon; x, y: Integer; pressed: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure resetClip (); virtual; abstract;
+// function setOffset (constref aofs: TGxOfs): TGxOfs; virtual; abstract; // returns previous offset
+// function setClip (constref aclip: TGxRect): TGxRect; virtual; abstract; // returns previous clip
+ function combineClip (constref aclip: TGxRect): TGxRect; virtual; abstract; // returns previous clip
+ // vertical scrollbar
+ procedure drawVSBar (x, y, wdt, hgt: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer; constref clrfull, clrempty: TGxRGBA); virtual; abstract;
+ // horizontal scrollbar
+ procedure drawHSBar (x, y, wdt, hgt: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer; constref clrfull, clrempty: TGxRGBA); virtual; abstract;
+ class function sbarFilled (wh: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer): Integer;
+ class function sbarPos (cxy: Integer; xy, wh: Integer; min, max: Integer): Integer;
+ protected
+ function getColor (): TGxRGBA; virtual; abstract;
+ procedure setColor (const clr: TGxRGBA); virtual; abstract;
+ function getFont (): AnsiString; virtual; abstract;
+ procedure setFont (const aname: AnsiString); virtual; abstract;
+ function getClipRect (): TGxRect; virtual; abstract;
+ procedure setClipRect (const aclip: TGxRect); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure onActivate (); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure onDeactivate (); virtual; abstract;
+ private
+ mActive: Boolean;
+ public
+ property active: Boolean read mActive;
+ property color: TGxRGBA read getColor write setColor;
+ property font: AnsiString read getFont write setFont;
+ property clip: TGxRect read getClipRect write setClipRect; // clipping is unaffected by offset
+ end;
+ // set active context; `ctx` can be `nil`
+ function gxCreateContext (): TGxContext;
+ procedure gxSetContext (ctx: TGxContext; ascale: Single=1.0);
+ procedure gxGfxLoadFont (const fontname: AnsiString; const fontFile: AnsiString; proportional: Boolean=false);
+ var (* installed by implementation *)
+ gxPreSetContextCallback: procedure = nil;
+ gxCreateContextCallback: function (): TGxContext = nil;
+ gxFuiGfxLoadFontCallback: procedure (const fontname: AnsiString; const fontFile: AnsiString; proportional: Boolean) = nil;
+ uses SysUtils;
+ var
+ curCtx: TGxContext = nil;
+ function gxCreateContext (): TGxContext;
+ begin
+ result := nil;
+ if Assigned(gxCreateContextCallback) then
+ result := gxCreateContextCallback();
+ end;
+ procedure gxSetContext (ctx: TGxContext; ascale: Single=1.0);
+ begin
+ if Assigned(gxPreSetContextCallback) then
+ gxPreSetContextCallback;
+ if curCtx <> nil then
+ begin
+ curCtx.onDeactivate();
+ curCtx.mActive := false;
+ end;
+ curCtx := ctx;
+ if ctx <> nil then
+ begin
+ ctx.mActive := true;
+ ctx.onActivate();
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure gxGfxLoadFont (const fontname: AnsiString; const fontFile: AnsiString; proportional: Boolean=false);
+ begin
+ if Assigned(gxFuiGfxLoadFontCallback) then
+ gxFuiGfxLoadFontCallback(fontname, fontFile, proportional)
+ else
+ raise Exception.Create('FlexUI: hook not installed: font named '''+fontname+''' can not be loaded')
+ end;
+ class function TGxContext.sbarFilled (wh: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer): Integer;
+ begin
+ if (wh < 1) then result := 0
+ else if (min > max) then result := 0
+ else if (min = max) then result := wh
+ else
+ begin
+ if (cur < min) then cur := min else if (cur > max) then cur := max;
+ result := wh*(cur-min) div (max-min);
+ end;
+ end;
+ class function TGxContext.sbarPos (cxy: Integer; xy, wh: Integer; min, max: Integer): Integer;
+ begin
+ if (wh < 1) then begin result := 0; exit; end;
+ if (min > max) then begin result := 0; exit; end;
+ if (min = max) then begin result := max; exit; end;
+ if (cxy < xy) then begin result := min; exit; end;
+ if (cxy >= xy+wh) then begin result := max; exit; end;
+ result := min+((max-min)*(cxy-xy) div wh);
+ assert((result >= min) and (result <= max));
+ end;
index 247229b88af696d43b157e587f0cdcf09410604d..edbf2d17d7ec45124c680d5a844e6e498ced0730 100644 (file)
SysUtils, Classes,
- {$INCLUDE ../nogl/}
unixtype, linux
diff --git a/src/game/Doom2DF.lpr b/src/game/Doom2DF.lpr
index 3282cab97e9277059454f2fed173afd9fb7c6bd0..f6d74ef47817bbd53f03b639790d6f52499d23ec 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/Doom2DF.lpr
+++ b/src/game/Doom2DF.lpr
r_gui in 'renders/opengl/r_gui.pas',
r_loadscreen in 'renders/opengl/r_loadscreen.pas',
+ r_fui_gfx_gl in 'renders/opengl/r_fui_gfx_gl.pas',
r_holmes in 'renders/opengl/r_holmes.pas',
fui_wadread in '../flexui/fui_wadread.pas',
fui_common in '../flexui/fui_common.pas',
-// fui_gfx in '../flexui/fui_gfx.pas',
- fui_gfx_gl in '../flexui/fui_gfx_gl.pas',
+ fui_gfx in '../flexui/fui_gfx.pas',
fui_events in '../flexui/fui_events.pas',
fui_style in '../flexui/fui_style.pas',
fui_flexlay in '../flexui/fui_flexlay.pas',
if not fuiAddWad('./data/flexui.wad') then fuiAddWad('./flexui.wad');
- fuiGfxLoadFont('win8', 'flexui/fonts/win8.fuifont');
- fuiGfxLoadFont('win14', 'flexui/fonts/win14.fuifont');
- fuiGfxLoadFont('win16', 'flexui/fonts/win16.fuifont');
- fuiGfxLoadFont('dos8', 'flexui/fonts/dos8.fuifont');
- fuiGfxLoadFont('msx6', 'flexui/fonts/msx6.fuifont');
+ gxGfxLoadFont('win8', 'flexui/fonts/win8.fuifont');
+ gxGfxLoadFont('win14', 'flexui/fonts/win14.fuifont');
+ gxGfxLoadFont('win16', 'flexui/fonts/win16.fuifont');
+ gxGfxLoadFont('dos8', 'flexui/fonts/dos8.fuifont');
+ gxGfxLoadFont('msx6', 'flexui/fonts/msx6.fuifont');
except on e: Exception do
writeln('ERROR loading FlexUI fonts');
similarity index 85%
rename from src/flexui/fui_gfx_gl.pas
rename to src/game/renders/opengl/r_fui_gfx_gl.pas
index e543fc0e7023a9700a08ddf705f83f439aa8958c..f64171add69a941bb31c0c8680dba9691448d0d8 100644 (file)
rename from src/flexui/fui_gfx_gl.pas
rename to src/game/renders/opengl/r_fui_gfx_gl.pas
index e543fc0e7023a9700a08ddf705f83f439aa8958c..f64171add69a941bb31c0c8680dba9691448d0d8 100644 (file)
{$INCLUDE ../shared/}
-unit fui_gfx_gl;
+unit r_fui_gfx_gl;
- {$INCLUDE ../nogl/}
SysUtils, Classes,
- SDL2,
- sdlcarcass,
+ fui_gfx,
fui_common, fui_events;
property baseLine: Integer read mBaseLine;
- TGxContext = class
- public
- type
- TMarkIcon = (
- Checkbox,
- Radiobox
- );
- type
- TWinIcon = (
- Close
- );
+ TGxContext = class (fui_gfx.TGxContext)
- mActive: Boolean;
mColor: TGxRGBA;
mFont: TGxFont;
// for active contexts
mClipOfs: TGxOfs;
- function getFont (): AnsiString;
- procedure setFont (const aname: AnsiString);
+ procedure realizeClip (); // setup scissoring
+ procedure setClipOfs (const aofs: TGxOfs); // !!!
- procedure onActivate ();
- procedure onDeactivate ();
+ public
+ function setOffset (constref aofs: TGxOfs): TGxOfs; // returns previous offset
+ function setClip (constref aclip: TGxRect): TGxRect; // returns previous clip
+ protected
+ function getFont (): AnsiString; override;
+ procedure setFont (const aname: AnsiString); override;
- procedure setColor (const clr: TGxRGBA);
+ procedure onActivate (); override;
+ procedure onDeactivate (); override;
- procedure realizeClip (); // setup scissoring
+ function getColor (): TGxRGBA; override;
+ procedure setColor (const clr: TGxRGBA); override;
- procedure setClipOfs (const aofs: TGxOfs);
- procedure setClipRect (const aclip: TGxRect);
+ function getClipRect (): TGxRect; override;
+ procedure setClipRect (const aclip: TGxRect); override;
constructor Create ();
destructor Destroy (); override;
- procedure line (x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer);
- procedure hline (x, y, len: Integer);
- procedure vline (x, y, len: Integer);
- procedure rect (x, y, w, h: Integer);
- procedure fillRect (x, y, w, h: Integer);
- procedure darkenRect (x, y, w, h: Integer; a: Integer);
+ procedure line (x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer); override;
+ procedure hline (x, y, len: Integer); override;
+ procedure vline (x, y, len: Integer); override;
+ procedure rect (x, y, w, h: Integer); override;
+ procedure fillRect (x, y, w, h: Integer); override;
+ procedure darkenRect (x, y, w, h: Integer; a: Integer); override;
- function charWidth (const ch: AnsiChar): Integer;
- function charHeight (const ch: AnsiChar): Integer;
- function textWidth (const s: AnsiString): Integer;
- function textHeight (const s: AnsiString): Integer;
- function drawChar (x, y: Integer; const ch: AnsiChar): Integer; // returns char width
- function drawText (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString): Integer; // returns text width
+ function charWidth (const ch: AnsiChar): Integer; override;
+ function charHeight (const ch: AnsiChar): Integer; override;
+ function textWidth (const s: AnsiString): Integer; override;
+ function textHeight (const s: AnsiString): Integer; override;
+ function drawChar (x, y: Integer; const ch: AnsiChar): Integer; override; // returns char width
+ function drawText (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString): Integer; override; // returns text width
- function iconMarkWidth (ic: TMarkIcon): Integer;
- function iconMarkHeight (ic: TMarkIcon): Integer;
- procedure drawIconMark (ic: TMarkIcon; x, y: Integer; marked: Boolean);
+ function iconMarkWidth (ic: TMarkIcon): Integer; override;
+ function iconMarkHeight (ic: TMarkIcon): Integer; override;
+ procedure drawIconMark (ic: TMarkIcon; x, y: Integer; marked: Boolean); override;
- function iconWinWidth (ic: TWinIcon): Integer;
- function iconWinHeight (ic: TWinIcon): Integer;
- procedure drawIconWin (ic: TWinIcon; x, y: Integer; pressed: Boolean);
+ function iconWinWidth (ic: TWinIcon): Integer; override;
+ function iconWinHeight (ic: TWinIcon): Integer; override;
+ procedure drawIconWin (ic: TWinIcon; x, y: Integer; pressed: Boolean); override;
- procedure resetClip ();
+ procedure resetClip (); override;
- function setOffset (constref aofs: TGxOfs): TGxOfs; // returns previous offset
- function setClip (constref aclip: TGxRect): TGxRect; // returns previous clip
- function combineClip (constref aclip: TGxRect): TGxRect; // returns previous clip
+ function combineClip (constref aclip: TGxRect): TGxRect; override; // returns previous clip
// vertical scrollbar
- procedure drawVSBar (x, y, wdt, hgt: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer; constref clrfull, clrempty: TGxRGBA);
+ procedure drawVSBar (x, y, wdt, hgt: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer; constref clrfull, clrempty: TGxRGBA); override;
// horizontal scrollbar
- procedure drawHSBar (x, y, wdt, hgt: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer; constref clrfull, clrempty: TGxRGBA);
- class function sbarFilled (wh: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer): Integer;
- class function sbarPos (cxy: Integer; xy, wh: Integer; min, max: Integer): Integer;
+ procedure drawHSBar (x, y, wdt, hgt: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer; constref clrfull, clrempty: TGxRGBA); override;
public //HACK!
procedure glSetScale (ascale: Single);
procedure glSetScaleTrans (ascale, ax, ay: Single);
- property active: Boolean read mActive;
property color: TGxRGBA read mColor write setColor;
- property font: AnsiString read getFont write setFont;
property offset: TGxOfs read mClipOfs write setClipOfs;
property clip: TGxRect read mClipRect write setClipRect; // clipping is unaffected by offset
-// set active context; `ctx` can be `nil`
-procedure gxSetContext (ctx: TGxContext; ascale: Single=1.0);
-procedure gxSetContextNoMatrix (ctx: TGxContext);
// setup 2D OpenGL mode; will be called automatically in `glInit()`
-procedure oglSetup2D (winWidth, winHeight: Integer; upsideDown: Boolean=false);
-procedure oglSetup2DState (); // don't modify viewports and matrices
+//procedure oglSetup2D (winWidth, winHeight: Integer; upsideDown: Boolean=false);
+//procedure oglSetup2DState (); // don't modify viewports and matrices
-procedure oglDrawCursor ();
-procedure oglDrawCursorAt (msX, msY: Integer);
+//procedure oglDrawCursor ();
+//procedure oglDrawCursorAt (msX, msY: Integer);
-procedure fuiGfxLoadFont (const fontname: AnsiString; const fontFile: AnsiString; proportional: Boolean=false);
-procedure fuiGfxLoadFont (const fontname: AnsiString; st: TStream; proportional: Boolean=false);
+//procedure fuiGfxLoadFont (const fontname: AnsiString; const fontFile: AnsiString; proportional: Boolean=false);
+//procedure fuiGfxLoadFont (const fontname: AnsiString; st: TStream; proportional: Boolean=false);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
+ {$INCLUDE ../nogl/}
+ sdlcarcass,
- curCtx: TGxContext = nil;
savedGLState: TSavedGLState;
-// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
-// set active context; `ctx` can be `nil`
-procedure gxSetContextInternal (ctx: TGxContext; ascale: Single; domatrix: Boolean);
- mt: packed array [0..15] of GLfloat;
+procedure gxGLPreSetContextCallback;
if (savedGLState.saved) then savedGLState.restore();
- if (curCtx <> nil) then
- begin
- curCtx.onDeactivate();
- curCtx.mActive := false;
- end;
- curCtx := ctx;
- if (ctx <> nil) then
- begin
- ctx.mActive := true;
- if (domatrix) then
- begin
- oglSetup2D(fuiScrWdt, fuiScrHgt);
- glScalef(ascale, ascale, 1.0);
- ctx.mScaled := (ascale <> 1.0);
- ctx.mScale := ascale;
- end
- else
- begin
- // assume uniform scale
- glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, @mt[0]);
- ctx.mScaled := (mt[0] <> 1.0) or (mt[1*4+1] <> 1.0);
- ctx.mScale := mt[0];
- oglSetup2DState();
- end;
- ctx.onActivate();
- end;
-procedure gxSetContext (ctx: TGxContext; ascale: Single=1.0); begin gxSetContextInternal(ctx, ascale, true); end;
-procedure gxSetContextNoMatrix (ctx: TGxContext); begin gxSetContextInternal(ctx, 1, false); end;
+function gxGLCreateContextCallback (): fui_gfx.TGxContext;
+ result := TGxContext.Create();
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
-procedure fuiGfxLoadFont (const fontname: AnsiString; const fontFile: AnsiString; proportional: Boolean=false);
- st: TStream;
- if (Length(fontname) = 0) then raise Exception.Create('FlexUI: cannot load nameless font '''+fontFile+'''');
- st := fuiOpenFile(fontFile);
- if (st = nil) then raise Exception.Create('FlexUI: cannot load font '''+fontFile+'''');
- try
- fuiGfxLoadFont(fontname, st, proportional);
- except on e: Exception do
- begin
- writeln('FlexUI font loadin error: ', e.message);
- FreeAndNil(st);
- raise Exception.Create('FlexUI: cannot load font '''+fontFile+'''');
- end;
- else
- raise;
- end;
- FreeAndNil(st);
procedure fuiGfxLoadFont (const fontname: AnsiString; st: TStream; proportional: Boolean=false);
fnt: TGxBmpFont = nil;
+procedure fuiGfxLoadFont (const fontname: AnsiString; const fontFile: AnsiString; proportional: Boolean=false);
+ st: TStream;
+ if (Length(fontname) = 0) then raise Exception.Create('FlexUI: cannot load nameless font '''+fontFile+'''');
+ st := fuiOpenFile(fontFile);
+ if (st = nil) then raise Exception.Create('FlexUI: cannot load font '''+fontFile+'''');
+ try
+ fuiGfxLoadFont(fontname, st, proportional);
+ except on e: Exception do
+ begin
+ writeln('FlexUI font loadin error: ', e.message);
+ FreeAndNil(st);
+ raise Exception.Create('FlexUI: cannot load font '''+fontFile+'''');
+ end;
+ else
+ raise;
+ end;
+ FreeAndNil(st);
procedure oglInitFonts ();
f: Integer;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
procedure oglDrawCursor (); begin oglDrawCursorAt(fuiMouseX, fuiMouseY); end;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
constructor TGxContext.Create ();
- mActive := false;
+ inherited;
mColor := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 255, 255);
mFont := getFontByName('default');
mScaled := false;
destructor TGxContext.Destroy ();
- if (mActive) then gxSetContext(nil);
+ if then gxSetContext(nil);
procedure TGxContext.onActivate ();
+//ascale: Single; domatrix: Boolean;
+ mt: packed array [0..15] of GLfloat;
+// if (domatrix) then
+// begin
+// oglSetup2D(fuiScrWdt, fuiScrHgt);
+// glScalef(ascale, ascale, 1.0);
+// self.mScaled := (ascale <> 1.0);
+// self.mScale := ascale;
+// end
+// else
+ begin
+ // assume uniform scale
+ glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, @mt[0]);
+ self.mScaled := (mt[0] <> 1.0) or (mt[1*4+1] <> 1.0);
+ self.mScale := mt[0];
+ oglSetup2DState();
+ end;
+function TGxContext.getColor (): TGxRGBA;
+ result := mColor;
procedure TGxContext.setColor (const clr: TGxRGBA);
mColor := clr;
- if (mActive) then setupGLColor(mColor);
+ if then setupGLColor(mColor);
sx, sy, sw, sh: Integer;
- if (not mActive) then exit; // just in case
+ if not then exit; // just in case
if (mClipRect.w <= 0) or (mClipRect.h <= 0) then
procedure TGxContext.resetClip ();
mClipRect := TGxRect.Create(0, 0, 8192, 8192);
- if (mActive) then realizeClip();
+ if then realizeClip();
+function TGxContext.getClipRect (): TGxRect;
+ result := mClipRect;
procedure TGxContext.setClipRect (const aclip: TGxRect);
mClipRect := aclip;
- if (mActive) then realizeClip();
+ if then realizeClip();
result := mClipRect;
mClipRect := aclip;
- if (mActive) then realizeClip();
+ if then realizeClip();
result := mClipRect;
- if (mActive) then realizeClip();
+ if then realizeClip();
procedure TGxContext.line (x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer);
- if (not mActive) or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
+ if (not or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
if (not mScaled) then
procedure TGxContext.hline (x, y, len: Integer);
- if (not mActive) or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
+ if (not or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
if (len < 1) then exit;
if (not mScaled) then
procedure TGxContext.vline (x, y, len: Integer);
- if (not mActive) or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
+ if (not or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
if (len < 1) then exit;
if (not mScaled) then
procedure TGxContext.rect (x, y, w, h: Integer);
- if (not mActive) or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
+ if (not or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
if (w < 0) or (h < 0) then exit;
if (w = 1) and (h = 1) then
procedure TGxContext.fillRect (x, y, w, h: Integer);
- if (not mActive) or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
+ if (not or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
if (w < 0) or (h < 0) then exit;
glVertex2f(x, y);
procedure TGxContext.darkenRect (x, y, w, h: Integer; a: Integer);
- if (not mActive) or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (a >= 255) then exit;
+ if (not or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (a >= 255) then exit;
if (w < 0) or (h < 0) then exit;
if (a < 0) then a := 0;
function TGxContext.drawChar (x, y: Integer; const ch: AnsiChar): Integer; // returns char width
result := mFont.charWidth(ch);
- if (not mActive) or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
+ if (not or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
TGxBmpFont(mFont).drawCharInternal(x, y, ch);
function TGxContext.drawText (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString): Integer; // returns text width
result := mFont.textWidth(s);
- if (not mActive) or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) or (Length(s) = 0) then exit;
+ if (not or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) or (Length(s) = 0) then exit;
TGxBmpFont(mFont).drawTextInternal(x, y, s);
f: Integer;
- if (not mActive) or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
+ if (not or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
case ic of
TMarkIcon.Checkbox: xstr := '[x]';
f: Integer;
- if (not mActive) or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
+ if (not or (mClipRect.w < 1) or (mClipRect.h < 1) or (mColor.a = 0) then exit;
case ic of
TWinIcon.Close: if (pressed) then xstr := '[#]' else xstr := '[x]';
-class function TGxContext.sbarFilled (wh: Integer; cur, min, max: Integer): Integer;
- if (wh < 1) then result := 0
- else if (min > max) then result := 0
- else if (min = max) then result := wh
- else
- begin
- if (cur < min) then cur := min else if (cur > max) then cur := max;
- result := wh*(cur-min) div (max-min);
- end;
-class function TGxContext.sbarPos (cxy: Integer; xy, wh: Integer; min, max: Integer): Integer;
- if (wh < 1) then begin result := 0; exit; end;
- if (min > max) then begin result := 0; exit; end;
- if (min = max) then begin result := max; exit; end;
- if (cxy < xy) then begin result := min; exit; end;
- if (cxy >= xy+wh) then begin result := max; exit; end;
- result := min+((max-min)*(cxy-xy) div wh);
- assert((result >= min) and (result <= max));
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
procedure oglRestoreMode (doClear: Boolean);
postrenderFrameCB := onPostRender;
oglInitCB := onInit;
oglDeinitCB := onDeinit;
+ gxPreSetContextCallback := gxGLPreSetContextCallback;
+ gxCreateContextCallback := gxGLCreateContextCallback;
+ gxFuiGfxLoadFontCallback := fuiGfxLoadFont;
similarity index 100%
rename from src/flexui/
rename to src/game/renders/opengl/
rename from src/flexui/
rename to src/game/renders/opengl/
index e04fbc42a196201086df63a259102b260c3b8568..1a370d5961fa2078d862965b29dc3a2915536408 100644 (file)
fui_common, fui_ctls,
- fui_gfx_gl,
+ fui_gfx,
+ r_fui_gfx_gl,
MAPDEF, g_options;
- hlmContext: TGxContext = nil;
+ hlmContext: r_fui_gfx_gl.TGxContext = nil;
vpx, vpy: Integer;
vpw, vph: Integer;
laserSet: Boolean = false;
if (gPlayer1 = nil) then exit;
- if (hlmContext = nil) then hlmContext := TGxContext.Create();
+ if (hlmContext = nil) then hlmContext := r_fui_gfx_gl.TGxContext.Create();