summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 3c1bd48)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 3c1bd48)
author | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Tue, 22 May 2018 16:29:33 +0000 (19:29 +0300) | ||
committer | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Tue, 22 May 2018 16:31:03 +0000 (19:31 +0300) |
src/game/g_options.pas | patch | blob | history |
diff --git a/src/game/g_options.pas b/src/game/g_options.pas
index 15719e6f894fc0f5fce3886235b0e8df523cb339..dc7305f9baecaa97b32195ce45391184986f8d38 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_options.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_options.pas
gGameControls: TControls;
- gScreenWidth: Word = 800;
- gScreenHeight: Word = 600;
- gWinRealPosX: Integer = 0;
- gWinRealPosY: Integer = 0;
- gBPP: Byte = 32;
- gFreq: Byte = 0;
- gFullscreen: Boolean = False;
- gWinMaximized: Boolean = False;
- gVSync: Boolean = False;
- glLegacyNPOT: Boolean = False;
- gTextureFilter: Boolean = True;
- gNoSound: Boolean = False;
- gSoundLevel: Byte = 75;
- gMusicLevel: Byte = 65;
- gMaxSimSounds: Byte = 8;
- gMuteWhenInactive: Boolean = False;
- gAdvCorpses: Boolean = True;
- gAdvBlood: Boolean = True;
- gAdvGibs: Boolean = True;
- gGibsCount: Integer = 32;
- gBloodCount: Byte = 3;
- gFlash: Byte = 1;
- gDrawBackGround: Boolean = True;
- gShowMessages: Boolean = True;
- gRevertPlayers: Boolean = False;
- gLanguage: String = LANGUAGE_ENGLISH;
- gAskLanguage: Boolean = True;
- gcMap: String = '';
- gcGameMode: String = '';
- gcTimeLimit: Word = 0;
- gcGoalLimit: Word = 0;
- gcMaxLives: Byte = 0;
- gcPlayers: Byte = 1;
- gcTeamDamage: Boolean = False;
- gcAllowExit: Boolean = True;
- gcWeaponStay: Boolean = False;
- gcMonsters: Boolean = False;
- gcBotsVS: String = 'Everybody';
- gnMap: String = '';
- gnGameMode: String = '';
- gnTimeLimit: Word = 0;
- gnGoalLimit: Word = 0;
- gnMaxLives: Byte = 0;
- gnPlayers: Byte = 1;
- gnTeamDamage: Boolean = False;
- gnAllowExit: Boolean = True;
- gnWeaponStay: Boolean = False;
- gnMonsters: Boolean = False;
- gnBotsVS: String = 'Everybody';
- gsSDLSampleRate: Integer = 44100;
- gsSDLBufferSize: Integer = 2048;
- gSFSDebug: Boolean = False;
- gSFSFastMode: Boolean = False;
- gDefaultMegawadStart: AnsiString = DF_Default_Megawad_Start;
- gBerserkAutoswitch: Boolean = True;
+ gScreenWidth: Word;
+ gScreenHeight: Word;
+ gWinRealPosX: Integer;
+ gWinRealPosY: Integer;
+ gBPP: Byte;
+ gFreq: Byte;
+ gFullscreen: Boolean;
+ gWinMaximized: Boolean;
+ gVSync: Boolean;
+ glLegacyNPOT: Boolean;
+ gTextureFilter: Boolean;
+ gNoSound: Boolean;
+ gSoundLevel: Byte;
+ gMusicLevel: Byte;
+ gMaxSimSounds: Byte;
+ gMuteWhenInactive: Boolean;
+ gAdvCorpses: Boolean;
+ gAdvBlood: Boolean;
+ gAdvGibs: Boolean;
+ gGibsCount: Integer;
+ gBloodCount: Byte;
+ gFlash: Byte;
+ gDrawBackGround: Boolean;
+ gShowMessages: Boolean;
+ gRevertPlayers: Boolean;
+ gLanguage: String;
+ gAskLanguage: Boolean;
+ gcMap: String;
+ gcGameMode: String;
+ gcTimeLimit: Word;
+ gcGoalLimit: Word;
+ gcMaxLives: Byte;
+ gcPlayers: Byte;
+ gcTeamDamage: Boolean;
+ gcAllowExit: Boolean;
+ gcWeaponStay: Boolean;
+ gcMonsters: Boolean;
+ gcBotsVS: String;
+ gnMap: String;
+ gnGameMode: String;
+ gnTimeLimit: Word;
+ gnGoalLimit: Word;
+ gnMaxLives: Byte;
+ gnPlayers: Byte;
+ gnTeamDamage: Boolean;
+ gnAllowExit: Boolean;
+ gnWeaponStay: Boolean;
+ gnMonsters: Boolean;
+ gnBotsVS: String;
+ gsSDLSampleRate: Integer;
+ gsSDLBufferSize: Integer;
+ gSFSDebug: Boolean;
+ gSFSFastMode: Boolean;
+ gDefaultMegawadStart: AnsiString;
+ gBerserkAutoswitch: Boolean;
e_log, e_input, g_window, g_sound, g_gfx, g_player, Math,
g_map, g_net, g_netmaster, SysUtils, CONFIG, g_game, g_main, e_texture,
- g_items, wadreader, e_graphics, g_touch;
+ g_items, wadreader, e_graphics, g_touch, SDL2;
+procedure g_Options_SetDefaultVideo;
+ display: PSDL_DisplayMode;
+ (* On android set max screen size *)
+ SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, display);
+ gScreenWidth := display.w;
+ gScreenHeight := display.h;
+ gWinRealPosX := 0;
+ gWinRealPosY := 0;
+ gWinMaximized := False;
+ gFullScreen := False; (* if True then rotation not allowed *)
+ gBPP := 32;
+ gVSync := True;
+ gTextureFilter := True;
+ glLegacyNPOT := False;
+ {$ELSE}
+ (* On other systems use default 800x600 *)
+ gScreenWidth := 800;
+ gScreenHeight := 600;
+ gWinRealPosX := 0;
+ gWinRealPosY := 0;
+ gWinMaximized := False;
+ gFullScreen := False;
+ gBPP := 32;
+ gVSync := True;
+ gTextureFilter := True;
+ glLegacyNPOT := False;
+ {$ENDIF}
procedure g_Options_SetDefault();
i: Integer;
- g_Sound_SetupAllVolumes(75, 65);
+ (* section Sound *)
+ gNoSound := False;
+ gSoundLevel := 75;
+ gMusicLevel := 65;
gMaxSimSounds := 8;
gMuteWhenInactive := False;
gAnnouncer := ANNOUNCE_MEPLUS;
gSoundEffectsDF := True;
gUseChatSounds := True;
- g_GFX_SetMax(2000);
- g_Gibs_SetMax(150);
- g_Corpses_SetMax(20);
- g_Shells_SetMax(300);
- gGibsCount := 32;
- gBloodCount := 3;
- gAdvBlood := True;
- gAdvCorpses := True;
- gAdvGibs := True;
- gFlash := 1;
- gDrawBackGround := True;
- gShowMessages := True;
- gRevertPlayers := False;
- g_dbg_scale := 1.0;
- g_touch_size := 1.0;
- g_touch_fire := True;
- g_touch_offset := 50;
- g_touch_alt := False;
+ gsSDLSampleRate := 44100;
+ gsSDLBufferSize := 2048;
- for i := 0 to e_MaxJoys-1 do
- e_JoystickDeadzones[i] := 8192;
+ g_Sound_SetupAllVolumes(gSoundLevel, gMusicLevel);
+ (* section GameControls *)
with gGameControls.GameControls do
- TakeScreenshot := 183;
- Stat := 15;
- Chat := 20; // [T]
- TeamChat := 21; // [Y]
+ TakeScreenshot := SDL_SCANCODE_F12;
+ TeamChat := SDL_SCANCODE_Y;
+ (* section Player1 *)
with gGameControls.P1Control do
- KeyRight := 77;
- KeyLeft := 75;
- KeyUp := 72;
- KeyDown := 76;
- KeyFire := 184;
- KeyJump := 157;
- KeyNextWeapon := 73;
- KeyPrevWeapon := 71;
- KeyOpen := 54;
- KeyStrafe := 0;
+ KeyRight := SDL_SCANCODE_KP_6;
+ KeyLeft := SDL_SCANCODE_KP_4;
+ KeyDown := SDL_SCANCODE_KP_5;
+ KeyNextWeapon := SDL_SCANCODE_KP_7;
+ KeyPrevWeapon := SDL_SCANCODE_KP_9;
for i := 0 to 9 do
- KeyWeapon[i] := 30 + i;
- KeyWeapon[10] := 45;
- for i := 10 to High(KeyWeapon) do
- KeyWeapon[i] := 0;
+ begin
+ KeyWeapon[i] := SDL_SCANCODE_1 + i (* 1, ..., 9, 0 *)
+ end;
+ KeyWeapon[10] := SDL_SCANCODE_MINUS;
+ for i := 11 to High(KeyWeapon) do
+ begin
+ KeyWeapon[i] := 0
+ end;
KeyRight2 := VK_RIGHT;
KeyLeft2 := VK_LEFT;
KeyPrevWeapon2 := VK_PREV;
KeyOpen2 := VK_OPEN;
KeyStrafe2 := VK_STRAFE;
for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon2) do
- KeyWeapon2[i] := VK_0 + i;
+ begin
+ KeyWeapon2[i] := VK_0 + i
+ end;
+ end;
+ with gPlayer1Settings do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Player1';
+ Team := TEAM_RED;
+ (* section Player2 *)
with gGameControls.P2Control do
- KeyRight := 33;
- KeyLeft := 31;
- KeyUp := 18;
- KeyDown := 32;
- KeyFire := 30;
- KeyJump := 16;
- KeyNextWeapon := 19;
- KeyPrevWeapon := 17;
- KeyOpen := 58;
- KeyStrafe := 0;
+ KeyRight := SDL_SCANCODE_D;
+ KeyLeft := SDL_SCANCODE_A;
+ KeyDown := SDL_SCANCODE_S;
+ KeyFire := SDL_SCANCODE_G;
+ KeyNextWeapon := SDL_SCANCODE_E;
+ KeyPrevWeapon := SDL_SCANCODE_Q;
+ KeyOpen := SDL_SCANCODE_F;
for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon) do
- KeyWeapon[i] := 0;
+ begin
+ KeyWeapon[i] := 0
+ end;
KeyRight2 := 0;
KeyLeft2 := 0;
KeyPrevWeapon2 := 0;
KeyOpen2 := 0;
KeyStrafe2 := 0;
for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon2) do
+ begin
KeyWeapon2[i] := 0;
- end;
- with gPlayer1Settings do
- begin
- Name := 'Player1';
- Team := TEAM_RED;
+ end
with gPlayer2Settings do
Team := TEAM_BLUE;
+ (* section Joysticks *)
+ for i := 0 to e_MaxJoys - 1 do
+ begin
+ e_JoystickDeadzones[i] := 8192
+ end;
+ (* section Touch *)
+ g_touch_size := 1.0;
+ g_touch_fire := True;
+ g_touch_offset := 50;
+ g_touch_alt := False;
+ (* section Game *)
+ g_GFX_SetMax(2000);
+ g_Shells_SetMax(300);
+ g_Gibs_SetMax(150);
+ g_Corpses_SetMax(20);
+ gGibsCount := 32;
+ ITEM_RESPAWNTIME := 60 * 36;
+ gBloodCount := 4;
+ gAdvBlood := True;
+ gAdvCorpses := True;
+ gAdvGibs := True;
+ gFlash := 1;
+ gDrawBackGround := True;
+ gShowMessages := True;
+ gRevertPlayers := False;
+ gChatBubble := 4;
+ gSFSDebug := False;
+ gSFSFastMode := False;
+ e_FastScreenshots := True;
+ gDefaultMegawadStart := DF_Default_Megawad_Start;
+ gBerserkAutoswitch := True;
+ g_dbg_scale := 1.0;
+ gAskLanguage := True;
+ gLanguage := LANGUAGE_ENGLISH;
+ (* section GameplayCustom *)
+ gcMap := '';
+ gcGameMode := _lc[I_MENU_GAME_TYPE_DM];
+ gcTimeLimit := 0;
+ gcGoalLimit := 0;
+ gcMaxLives := 0;
+ gcPlayers := 1;
+ gcTeamDamage := False;
+ gcAllowExit := True;
+ gcWeaponStay := False;
+ gcMonsters := False;
+ gcBotsVS := 'Everybody';
+ (* section GameplayNetwork *)
+ gnMap := '';
+ gnGameMode := _lc[I_MENU_GAME_TYPE_DM];
+ gnTimeLimit := 0;
+ gnGoalLimit := 0;
+ gnMaxLives := 0;
+ gnPlayers := 1;
+ gnTeamDamage := False;
+ gnAllowExit := True;
+ gnWeaponStay := False;
+ gnMonsters := False;
+ gnBotsVS := 'Everybody';
+ (* section MasterServer *)
+ NetSlistIP := '';
+ NetSlistPort := 25665;
+ g_Net_Slist_Set(NetSlistIP, NetSlistPort);
+ (* section Server *)
+ NetServerName := 'Unnamed Server';
+ NetPassword := '';
+ NetPort := 25666;
+ NetMaxClients := 16;
+ NetAllowRCON := False;
+ NetRCONPassword := 'default';
NetUseMaster := True;
+ NetUpdateRate := 0;
+ NetRelupdRate := 18;
+ NetMasterRate := 60000;
NetForwardPorts := False;
- g_Net_Slist_Set('', 25665);
+ (* section Client *)
+ NetInterpLevel := 2;
+ NetForcePlayerUpdate := False;
+ NetPredictSelf := True;
+ NetClientIP := '';
+ NetClientPort := NetPort;
procedure g_Options_Read(FileName: String);
- config: TConfig;
- str: String;
i: Integer;
+ config: TConfig;
+ section: String;
+ procedure ReadInteger (VAR v: Integer; param: String; minv: Integer = Low(Integer); maxv: Integer = High(Integer));
+ begin
+ v := Max(Min(config.ReadInt(section, param, v), maxv), minv)
+ end;
+ procedure ReadInteger (VAR v: Single; param: String; minv: Integer = Low(Integer); maxv: Integer = High(Integer)); overload;
+ begin
+ v := Max(Min(config.ReadInt(section, param, Integer(v)), maxv), minv)
+ end;
+ procedure ReadInteger (VAR v: LongWord; param: String; minv: LongWord = Low(LongWord); maxv: LongWord = High(LongWord)); overload;
+ begin
+ v := Max(Min(config.ReadInt(section, param, v), maxv), minv)
+ end;
+ procedure ReadInteger (VAR v: Word; param: String; minv: Word = Low(Word); maxv: Word = High(Word)); overload;
+ begin
+ v := Max(Min(config.ReadInt(section, param, v), maxv), minv)
+ end;
+ procedure ReadInteger (VAR v: Byte; param: String; minv: Byte = Low(Byte); maxv: Byte = High(Byte)); overload;
+ begin
+ v := Max(Min(config.ReadInt(section, param, v), maxv), minv)
+ end;
+ procedure ReadBoolean (VAR v: Boolean; param: String);
+ begin
+ v := config.ReadBool(section, param, v)
+ end;
+ procedure ReadString (VAR v: String; param: String);
+ begin
+ v := config.ReadStr(section, param, v)
+ end;
gAskLanguage := True;
e_WriteLog('Reading config', TMsgType.Notify);
+ g_Options_SetDefault;
- if not FileExists(FileName) then
+ if FileExists(FileName) = False then
e_WriteLog('Config file '+FileName+' not found', TMsgType.Warning);
- g_Options_SetDefault();
- // Default video options:
- gScreenWidth := 800;
- gScreenHeight := 600;
- gWinRealPosX := 0;
- gWinRealPosY := 0;
- gWinMaximized := False;
- gFullScreen := False;
- gBPP := 32;
- gVSync := False;
- gTextureFilter := True;
- glLegacyNPOT := False;
- Exit;
+ g_Options_SetDefaultVideo;
+ Exit
config := TConfig.CreateFile(FileName);
- gScreenWidth := config.ReadInt('Video', 'ScreenWidth', 800);
- if gScreenWidth < 640 then
- gScreenWidth := 640;
- gScreenHeight := config.ReadInt('Video', 'ScreenHeight', 600);
- if gScreenHeight < 480 then
- gScreenHeight := 480;
- gWinRealPosX := config.ReadInt('Video', 'WinPosX', 60);
- if gWinRealPosX < 0 then
- gWinRealPosX := 60;
- gWinRealPosY := config.ReadInt('Video', 'WinPosY', 60);
- if gWinRealPosY < 0 then
- gWinRealPosY := 60;
- gFullScreen := config.ReadBool('Video', 'Fullscreen', False);
- gWinMaximized := config.ReadBool('Video', 'Maximized', False);
- gBPP := config.ReadInt('Video', 'BPP', 32);
- gFreq := config.ReadInt('Video', 'Freq', 0);
- gVSync := config.ReadBool('Video', 'VSync', True);
- gTextureFilter := config.ReadBool('Video', 'TextureFilter', True);
- glLegacyNPOT := config.ReadBool('Video', 'LegacyCompatible', False);
- gNoSound := config.ReadBool('Sound', 'NoSound', False);
- gSoundLevel := Min(config.ReadInt('Sound', 'SoundLevel', 75), 255);
- gMusicLevel := Min(config.ReadInt('Sound', 'MusicLevel', 65), 255);
- gMaxSimSounds := Max(Min(config.ReadInt('Sound', 'MaxSimSounds', 8), 66), 2);
- gMuteWhenInactive := config.ReadBool('Sound', 'MuteInactive', False);
- gAnnouncer := Min(Max(config.ReadInt('Sound', 'Announcer', ANNOUNCE_MEPLUS), ANNOUNCE_NONE), ANNOUNCE_ALL);
- gSoundEffectsDF := config.ReadBool('Sound', 'SoundEffectsDF', True);
- gUseChatSounds := config.ReadBool('Sound', 'ChatSounds', True);
- gsSDLSampleRate := Min(Max(config.ReadInt('Sound', 'SDLSampleRate', 44100), 11025), 96000);
- gsSDLBufferSize := Min(Max(config.ReadInt('Sound', 'SDLBufferSize', 2048), 64), 16384);
+ section := 'Video';
+ ReadInteger(gScreenWidth, 'ScreenWidth', 0);
+ ReadInteger(gScreenHeight, 'ScreenHeight', 0);
+ ReadInteger(gWinRealPosX, 'WinPosX', 60);
+ ReadInteger(gWinRealPosY, 'WinPosY', 60);
+ ReadBoolean(gFullScreen, 'Fullscreen');
+ ReadBoolean(gWinMaximized, 'Maximized');
+ ReadInteger(gBPP, 'BPP', 0);
+ ReadInteger(gFreq, 'Freq', 0);
+ ReadBoolean(gVSync, 'VSync');
+ ReadBoolean(gTextureFilter, 'TextureFilter');
+ ReadBoolean(glLegacyNPOT, 'LegacyCompatible');
+ section := 'Sound';
+ ReadBoolean(gNoSound, 'NoSound');
+ ReadInteger(gSoundLevel, 'SoundLevel', 0, 255);
+ ReadInteger(gMusicLevel, 'MusicLevel', 0, 255);
+ ReadInteger(gMaxSimSounds, 'MaxSimSounds', 2, 66);
+ ReadBoolean(gMuteWhenInactive, 'MuteInactive');
+ ReadInteger(gAnnouncer, 'Announcer', ANNOUNCE_NONE, ANNOUNCE_ALL);
+ ReadBoolean(gSoundEffectsDF, 'SoundEffectsDF');
+ ReadBoolean(gUseChatSounds, 'ChatSounds');
+ ReadInteger(gsSDLSampleRate, 'SDLSampleRate', 11025, 96000);
+ ReadInteger(gsSDLBufferSize, 'SDLBufferSize', 64, 16384);
+ section := 'GameControls';
with gGameControls.GameControls do
- TakeScreenshot := config.ReadInt('GameControls', 'TakeScreenshot', 183);
- Stat := config.ReadInt('GameControls', 'Stat', 15);
- Chat := config.ReadInt('GameControls', 'Chat', 20);
- TeamChat := config.ReadInt('GameControls', 'TeamChat', 21);
+ ReadInteger(TakeScreenshot, 'TakeScreenshot');
+ ReadInteger(Stat, 'Stat');
+ ReadInteger(Chat, 'Chat');
+ ReadInteger(TeamChat, 'TeamChat');
- with gGameControls.P1Control, config do
+ section := 'Player1';
+ with gGameControls.P1Control do
- KeyRight := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyRight', 33);
- KeyLeft := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyLeft', 31);
- KeyUp := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyUp', 18);
- KeyDown := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyDown', 32);
- KeyFire := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyFire', 30);
- KeyJump := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyJump', 16);
- KeyNextWeapon := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyNextWeapon', 19);
- KeyPrevWeapon := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyPrevWeapon', 17);
- KeyOpen := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyOpen', 58);
- KeyStrafe := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyStrafe', 0);
+ ReadInteger(KeyRight, 'KeyRight');
+ ReadInteger(KeyLeft, 'KeyLeft');
+ ReadInteger(KeyUp, 'KeyUp');
+ ReadInteger(KeyDown, 'KeyDown');
+ ReadInteger(KeyFire, 'KeyFire');
+ ReadInteger(KeyJump, 'KeyJump');
+ ReadInteger(KeyNextWeapon, 'KeyNextWeapon');
+ ReadInteger(KeyPrevWeapon, 'KeyPrevWeapon');
+ ReadInteger(KeyOpen, 'KeyOpen');
+ ReadInteger(KeyStrafe, 'KeyStrafe');
for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon) do
- KeyWeapon[i] := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyWeapon' + IntToStr(i), 0);
- KeyRight2 := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyRight2', 0);
- KeyLeft2 := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyLeft2', 0);
- KeyUp2 := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyUp2', 0);
- KeyDown2 := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyDown2', 0);
- KeyFire2 := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyFire2', 0);
- KeyJump2 := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyJump2', 0);
- KeyNextWeapon2 := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyNextWeapon2', 0);
- KeyPrevWeapon2 := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyPrevWeapon2', 0);
- KeyOpen2 := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyOpen2', 0);
- KeyStrafe2 := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyStrafe2', 0);
+ begin
+ ReadInteger(KeyWeapon[i], 'KeyWeapon' + IntToStr(i))
+ end;
+ ReadInteger(KeyRight2, 'KeyRight2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyLeft2, 'KeyLeft2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyUp2, 'KeyUp2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyDown2, 'KeyDown2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyFire2, 'KeyFire2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyJump2, 'KeyJump2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyNextWeapon2, 'KeyNextWeapon2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyPrevWeapon2, 'KeyPrevWeapon2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyOpen2, 'KeyOpen2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyStrafe2, 'KeyStrafe2');
for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon2) do
- KeyWeapon2[i] := ReadInt('Player1', 'KeyWeapon2' + IntToStr(i), 0);
+ begin
+ ReadInteger(KeyWeapon2[i], 'KeyWeapon2' + IntToStr(i))
+ end;
- with gPlayer1Settings, config do
+ section := 'Player1';
+ with gPlayer1Settings do
- Name := ReadStr('Player1', 'name', 'Player1');
- Model := ReadStr('Player1', 'model', STD_PLAYER_MODEL);
- Color.R := Min(Abs(ReadInt('Player1', 'red', PLAYER1_DEF_COLOR.R)), 255);
- Color.G := Min(Abs(ReadInt('Player1', 'green', PLAYER1_DEF_COLOR.G)), 255);
- Color.B := Min(Abs(ReadInt('Player1', 'blue', PLAYER1_DEF_COLOR.B)), 255);
- Team := ReadInt('Player1', 'team', TEAM_RED);
+ ReadString(Name, 'name');
+ ReadString(Model, 'model');
+ ReadInteger(Color.R, 'red', 0, 255);
+ ReadInteger(Color.G, 'green', 0, 255);
+ ReadInteger(Color.B, 'blue', 0, 255);
+ ReadInteger(Team, 'team');
if (Team < TEAM_RED) or (Team > TEAM_BLUE) then
Team := TEAM_RED;
- with gGameControls.P2Control, config do
+ section := 'Player2';
+ with gGameControls.P2Control do
- KeyRight := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyRight', 205);
- KeyLeft := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyLeft', 203);
- KeyUp := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyUp', 200);
- KeyDown := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyDown', 208);
- KeyFire := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyFire', 184);
- KeyJump := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyJump', 157);
- KeyNextWeapon := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyNextWeapon', 73);
- KeyPrevWeapon := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyPrevWeapon', 71);
- KeyOpen := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyOpen', 54);
- KeyStrafe := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyStrafe', 0);
+ ReadInteger(KeyRight, 'KeyRight');
+ ReadInteger(KeyLeft, 'KeyLeft');
+ ReadInteger(KeyUp, 'KeyUp');
+ ReadInteger(KeyDown, 'KeyDown');
+ ReadInteger(KeyFire, 'KeyFire');
+ ReadInteger(KeyJump, 'KeyJump');
+ ReadInteger(KeyNextWeapon, 'KeyNextWeapon');
+ ReadInteger(KeyPrevWeapon, 'KeyPrevWeapon');
+ ReadInteger(KeyOpen, 'KeyOpen');
+ ReadInteger(KeyStrafe, 'KeyStrafe');
for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon) do
- KeyWeapon[i] := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyWeapon' + IntToStr(i), 0);
- KeyRight2 := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyRight2', 0);
- KeyLeft2 := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyLeft2', 0);
- KeyUp2 := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyUp2', 0);
- KeyDown2 := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyDown2', 0);
- KeyFire2 := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyFire2', 0);
- KeyJump2 := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyJump2', 0);
- KeyNextWeapon2 := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyNextWeapon2', 0);
- KeyPrevWeapon2 := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyPrevWeapon2', 0);
- KeyOpen2 := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyOpen2', 0);
- KeyStrafe2 := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyStrafe2', 0);
+ begin
+ ReadInteger(KeyWeapon[i], 'KeyWeapon' + IntToStr(i))
+ end;
+ ReadInteger(KeyRight2, 'KeyRight2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyLeft2, 'KeyLeft2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyUp2, 'KeyUp2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyDown2, 'KeyDown2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyFire2, 'KeyFire2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyJump2, 'KeyJump2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyNextWeapon2, 'KeyNextWeapon2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyPrevWeapon2, 'KeyPrevWeapon2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyOpen2, 'KeyOpen2');
+ ReadInteger(KeyStrafe2, 'KeyStrafe2');
for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon2) do
- KeyWeapon2[i] := ReadInt('Player2', 'KeyWeapon2' + IntToStr(i), 0);
+ begin
+ ReadInteger(KeyWeapon2[i], 'KeyWeapon2' + IntToStr(i))
+ end;
- with gPlayer2Settings, config do
+ section := 'Player2';
+ with gPlayer2Settings do
- Name := ReadStr('Player2', 'name', 'Player2');
- Model := ReadStr('Player2', 'model', STD_PLAYER_MODEL);
- Color.R := Min(Abs(ReadInt('Player2', 'red', PLAYER2_DEF_COLOR.R)), 255);
- Color.G := Min(Abs(ReadInt('Player2', 'green', PLAYER2_DEF_COLOR.G)), 255);
- Color.B := Min(Abs(ReadInt('Player2', 'blue', PLAYER2_DEF_COLOR.B)), 255);
- Team := ReadInt('Player2', 'team', TEAM_BLUE);
+ ReadString(Name, 'name');
+ ReadString(Model, 'model');
+ ReadInteger(Color.R, 'red', 0, 255);
+ ReadInteger(Color.G, 'green', 0, 255);
+ ReadInteger(Color.B, 'blue', 0, 255);
+ ReadInteger(Team, 'team');
if (Team < TEAM_RED) or (Team > TEAM_BLUE) then
Team := TEAM_RED;
- for i := 0 to e_MaxJoys-1 do
- e_JoystickDeadzones[i] := config.ReadInt('Joysticks', 'Deadzone' + IntToStr(i), 8192);
- g_touch_size := Max(config.ReadInt('Touch', 'Size', 10) / 10, 0.1);
- g_touch_fire := config.ReadBool('Touch', 'Fire', True);
- g_touch_offset := Max(Min(config.ReadInt('Touch', 'Offset', 50), 100), 0);
- g_touch_alt := config.ReadBool('Touch', 'Alt', False);
- g_GFX_SetMax(Min(config.ReadInt('Game', 'MaxParticles', 1000), 50000));
- g_Shells_SetMax(Min(config.ReadInt('Game', 'MaxShells', 300), 600));
- g_Gibs_SetMax(Min(config.ReadInt('Game', 'MaxGibs', 150), 500));
- g_Corpses_SetMax(Min(config.ReadInt('Game', 'MaxCorpses', 20), 100));
+ section := 'Joysticks';
+ for i := 0 to e_MaxJoys - 1 do
+ begin
+ ReadInteger(e_JoystickDeadzones[i], 'Deadzone' + IntToStr(i))
+ end;
- case config.ReadInt('Game', 'GibsCount', 3) of
+ section := 'Touch';
+ ReadInteger(g_touch_size, 'Size', 0); g_touch_size := g_touch_size / 10;
+ ReadBoolean(g_touch_fire, 'Fire');
+ ReadInteger(g_touch_offset, 'Offset', 0, 100);
+ ReadBoolean(g_touch_alt, 'Alt');
+ section := 'Game';
+ ReadInteger(i, 'MaxParticles', 1000, 50000); g_GFX_SetMax(i);
+ ReadInteger(i, 'MaxShells', 300, 600); g_Shells_SetMax(i);
+ ReadInteger(i, 'MaxGibs', 150, 500); g_Gibs_SetMax(i);
+ ReadInteger(i, 'MaxCorpses', 20, 100); g_Corpses_SetMax(i);
+ ReadInteger(i, 'GibsCount');
+ case i of
0: gGibsCount := 0;
1: gGibsCount := 8;
2: gGibsCount := 16;
3: gGibsCount := 32;
else gGibsCount := 48;
+ ReadInteger(gBloodCount, 'BloodCount', 0, 4);
+ ReadBoolean(gAdvBlood, 'AdvancesBlood');
+ ReadBoolean(gAdvCorpses, 'AdvancesCorpses');
+ ReadBoolean(gAdvGibs, 'AdvancesGibs');
+ ReadInteger(gFlash, 'Flash', 0, 2);
+ ReadBoolean(gDrawBackGround, 'BackGround');
+ ReadBoolean(gShowMessages, 'Messages');
+ ReadBoolean(gRevertPlayers, 'RevertPlayers');
+ ReadInteger(gChatBubble, 'ChatBubble', 0, 4);
+ ReadBoolean(gSFSDebug, 'SFSDebug'); wadoptDebug := gSFSDebug;
+ ReadBoolean(gSFSFastMode, 'SFSFastMode'); wadoptFast := gSFSFastMode;
+ ReadBoolean(e_FastScreenshots, 'FastScreenshots');
+ ReadString(gDefaultMegawadStart, 'DefaultMegawadStart');
+ ReadBoolean(gBerserkAutoswitch, 'BerserkAutoswitching');
+ ReadInteger(g_dbg_scale, 'Scale', 1); g_dbg_scale := g_dbg_scale / 100;
+ ReadString(gLanguage, 'Language');
+ if (gLanguage = LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN) or (gLanguage = LANGUAGE_ENGLISH) then
+ gAskLanguage := False
+ else
+ gLanguage := LANGUAGE_ENGLISH;
- ITEM_RESPAWNTIME := 36*Max(config.ReadInt('Game', 'ItemRespawnTime', 60), 0);
- gBloodCount := Min(config.ReadInt('Game', 'BloodCount', 4), 4);
- gAdvBlood := config.ReadBool('Game', 'AdvancesBlood', True);
- gAdvCorpses := config.ReadBool('Game', 'AdvancesCorpses', True);
- gAdvGibs := config.ReadBool('Game', 'AdvancesGibs', True);
- gFlash := Min(Max(config.ReadInt('Game', 'Flash', 1), 0), 2);
- gDrawBackGround := config.ReadBool('Game', 'BackGround', True);
- gShowMessages := config.ReadBool('Game', 'Messages', True);
- gRevertPlayers := config.ReadBool('Game', 'RevertPlayers', False);
- gChatBubble := Min(Max(config.ReadInt('Game', 'ChatBubble', 4), 0), 4);
- gSFSDebug := config.ReadBool('Game', 'SFSDebug', False);
- wadoptDebug := gSFSDebug;
- gSFSFastMode := config.ReadBool('Game', 'SFSFastMode', False);
- wadoptFast := gSFSFastMode;
- e_FastScreenshots := config.ReadBool('Game', 'FastScreenshots', True);
- gDefaultMegawadStart := config.ReadStr('Game', 'DefaultMegawadStart', DF_Default_Megawad_Start);
- gBerserkAutoswitch := config.ReadBool('Game', 'BerserkAutoswitching', True);
- g_dbg_scale := Max(config.ReadInt('Game', 'Scale', 100) / 100, 1.0);
-// Ãåéìïëåé â ñâîåé èãðå
- gcMap := config.ReadStr('GameplayCustom', 'Map', '');
- gcGameMode := config.ReadStr('GameplayCustom', 'GameMode', _lc[I_MENU_GAME_TYPE_DM]);
- gcTimeLimit := Min(Max(config.ReadInt('GameplayCustom', 'TimeLimit', 0), 0), 65535);
- gcGoalLimit := Min(Max(config.ReadInt('GameplayCustom', 'GoalLimit', 0), 0), 65535);
- gcMaxLives := Min(Max(config.ReadInt('GameplayCustom', 'MaxLives', 0), 0), 255);
- gcPlayers := Min(Max(config.ReadInt('GameplayCustom', 'Players', 1), 0), 2);
- gcTeamDamage := config.ReadBool('GameplayCustom', 'TeamDamage', False);
- gcAllowExit := config.ReadBool('GameplayCustom', 'AllowExit', True);
- gcWeaponStay := config.ReadBool('GameplayCustom', 'WeaponStay', False);
- gcMonsters := config.ReadBool('GameplayCustom', 'Monsters', False);
- gcBotsVS := config.ReadStr('GameplayCustom', 'BotsVS', 'Everybody');
+ section := 'GameplayCustom';
+ ReadString(gcMap, 'Map');
+ ReadString(gcGameMode, 'GameMode');
+ ReadInteger(gcTimeLimit, 'TimeLimit', 0, 65535);
+ ReadInteger(gcGoalLimit, 'GoalLimit', 0, 65535);
+ ReadInteger(gcMaxLives, 'MaxLives', 0, 255);
+ ReadInteger(gcPlayers, 'Players', 0, 2);
+ ReadBoolean(gcTeamDamage, 'TeamDamage');
+ ReadBoolean(gcAllowExit, 'AllowExit');
+ ReadBoolean(gcWeaponStay, 'WeaponStay');
+ ReadBoolean(gcMonsters, 'Monsters');
+ ReadString(gcBotsVS, 'BotsVS');
with gGameSettings do
-// Ãåéìïëåé â ñåòåâîé èãðå
- gnMap := config.ReadStr('GameplayNetwork', 'Map', '');
- gnGameMode := config.ReadStr('GameplayNetwork', 'GameMode', _lc[I_MENU_GAME_TYPE_DM]);
- gnTimeLimit := Min(Max(config.ReadInt('GameplayNetwork', 'TimeLimit', 0), 0), 65535);
- gnGoalLimit := Min(Max(config.ReadInt('GameplayNetwork', 'GoalLimit', 0), 0), 65535);
- gnMaxLives := Min(Max(config.ReadInt('GameplayNetwork', 'MaxLives', 0), 0), 255);
- gnPlayers := Min(Max(config.ReadInt('GameplayNetwork', 'Players', 1), 0), 2);
- gnTeamDamage := config.ReadBool('GameplayNetwork', 'TeamDamage', False);
- gnAllowExit := config.ReadBool('GameplayNetwork', 'AllowExit', True);
- gnWeaponStay := config.ReadBool('GameplayNetwork', 'WeaponStay', False);
- gnMonsters := config.ReadBool('GameplayNetwork', 'Monsters', False);
- gnBotsVS := config.ReadStr('GameplayNetwork', 'BotsVS', 'Everybody');
-// Îáùèå ñåòåâûå
- NetSlistIP := config.ReadStr('MasterServer', 'IP', '');
- NetSlistPort := config.ReadInt('MasterServer', 'Port', 25665);
-// Ñåðâåð
- NetServerName := config.ReadStr('Server', 'Name', 'Unnamed Server');
- NetPassword := config.ReadStr('Server', 'Password', '');
- NetPort := Min(Max(0, config.ReadInt('Server', 'Port', 25666)), 65535);
- NetMaxClients := Min(Max(0, config.ReadInt('Server', 'MaxClients', 16)), NET_MAXCLIENTS);
- NetAllowRCON := config.ReadBool('Server', 'RCON', False);
- NetRCONPassword := config.ReadStr('Server', 'RCONPassword', 'default');
- NetUseMaster := config.ReadBool('Server', 'SyncWithMaster', True);
- NetUpdateRate := Max(0, config.ReadInt('Server', 'UpdateInterval', 0));
- NetRelupdRate := Max(0, config.ReadInt('Server', 'ReliableUpdateInterval', 18));
- NetMasterRate := Max(1, config.ReadInt('Server', 'MasterSyncInterval', 60000));
- NetForwardPorts := config.ReadBool('Server', 'ForwardPorts', False);
-// Êëèåíò
- NetInterpLevel := Max(0, config.ReadInt('Client', 'InterpolationSteps', 2));
- NetForcePlayerUpdate := config.ReadBool('Client', 'ForcePlayerUpdate', False);
- NetPredictSelf := config.ReadBool('Client', 'PredictSelf', True);
- NetClientIP := config.ReadStr('Client', 'LastIP', '');
- NetClientPort := Max(0, config.ReadInt('Client', 'LastPort', 25666));
-// ßçûê:
- str := config.ReadStr('Game', 'Language', '');
- if (str = LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN) or
- (str = LANGUAGE_ENGLISH) then
- begin
- gLanguage := str;
- gAskLanguage := False;
- end
- else
- gLanguage := LANGUAGE_ENGLISH;
+ section := 'GameplayNetwork';
+ ReadString(gnMap, 'Map');
+ ReadString(gnGameMode, 'GameMode');
+ ReadInteger(gnTimeLimit, 'TimeLimit', 0, 65535);
+ ReadInteger(gnGoalLimit, 'GoalLimit', 0, 65535);
+ ReadInteger(gnMaxLives, 'MaxLives', 0, 255);
+ ReadInteger(gnPlayers, 'Players', 0, 2);
+ ReadBoolean(gnTeamDamage, 'TeamDamage');
+ ReadBoolean(gnAllowExit, 'AllowExit');
+ ReadBoolean(gnWeaponStay, 'WeaponStay');
+ ReadBoolean(gnMonsters, 'Monsters');
+ ReadString(gnBotsVS, 'BotsVS');
+ section := 'MasterServer';
+ ReadString(NetSlistIP, 'IP');
+ ReadInteger(NetSlistPort, 'Port', 0, 65535);
+ g_Net_Slist_Set(NetSlistIP, NetSlistPort);
+ section := 'Server';
+ ReadString(NetServerName, 'Name');
+ ReadString(NetPassword, 'Password');
+ ReadInteger(NetPort, 'Port', 0, 65535);
+ ReadInteger(NetMaxClients, 'MaxClients', 0, NET_MAXCLIENTS);
+ ReadBoolean(NetAllowRCON, 'RCON');
+ ReadString(NetRCONPassword, 'RCONPassword');
+ ReadBoolean(NetUseMaster, 'SyncWithMaster');
+ ReadInteger(NetUpdateRate, 'UpdateInterval', 0);
+ ReadInteger(NetRelupdRate, 'ReliableUpdateInterval', 0);
+ ReadInteger(NetMasterRate, 'MasterSyncInterval', 1);
+ ReadBoolean(NetForwardPorts, 'ForwardPorts');
+ section := 'Client';
+ ReadInteger(NetInterpLevel, 'InterpolationSteps', 0);
+ ReadBoolean(NetForcePlayerUpdate, 'ForcePlayerUpdate');
+ ReadBoolean(NetPredictSelf, 'PredictSelf');
+ ReadString(NetClientIP, 'LastIP');
+ ReadInteger(NetClientPort, 'LastPort', 0, 65535);