summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 1e39821)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 1e39821)
author | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Mon, 7 Jun 2021 20:34:07 +0000 (23:34 +0300) | ||
committer | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Tue, 29 Jun 2021 09:51:11 +0000 (12:51 +0300) |
src/game/Doom2DF.lpr | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/g_panel.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/opengl/r_game.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/opengl/r_map.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/opengl/r_panel.pas | [new file with mode: 0644] | patch | blob |
diff --git a/src/game/Doom2DF.lpr b/src/game/Doom2DF.lpr
index 05b5025776403adb1c14e97012033480cf76d4aa..4e24a451acc932c41fe58dcf543d85e66a34596e 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/Doom2DF.lpr
+++ b/src/game/Doom2DF.lpr
r_gfx in 'opengl/r_gfx.pas',
r_items in 'opengl/r_items.pas',
r_map in 'opengl/r_map.pas',
+ r_panel in 'opengl/r_panel.pas',
fmod in '../lib/FMOD/fmod.pas',
diff --git a/src/game/g_panel.pas b/src/game/g_panel.pas
index 0a52568dd4706237bf1506fa881add0d2694c20f..07d162215fce4f2297fcb95b2db58b771f672e54 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_panel.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_panel.pas
Anim: Boolean;
+ ATextureID = array of record
+ case Anim: Boolean of
+ False: (Tex: Cardinal);
+ True: (AnTex: TAnimation);
+ end;
PPanel = ^TPanel;
TPanel = Class (TObject)
FTextureHeight: Word;
FAlpha: Byte;
FBlending: Boolean;
- FTextureIDs: Array of
- record
- case Anim: Boolean of
- False: (Tex: Cardinal);
- True: (AnTex: TAnimation);
- end;
+ FTextureIDs: ATextureID;
mMovingSpeed: TDFPoint;
mMovingStart: TDFPoint;
mMovingEnd: TDFPoint;
var Textures: TLevelTextureArray; aguid: Integer);
destructor Destroy(); override;
- procedure Draw (hasAmbient: Boolean; constref ambColor: TDFColor);
- procedure DrawShadowVolume(lightX: Integer; lightY: Integer; radius: Integer);
procedure Update();
procedure SetFrame(Frame: Integer; Count: Byte);
procedure NextTexture(AnimLoop: Byte = 0);
property isGLift: Boolean read getIsGLift;
property isGBlockMon: Boolean read getIsGBlockMon;
+ (* private state *)
+ property Alpha: Byte read FAlpha;
+ property TextureWidth: Word read FTextureWidth;
+ property TextureHeight: Word read FTextureHeight;
+ property Blending: Boolean read FBlending;
+ property TextureIDs: ATextureID read FTextureIDs;
property movingSpeed: TDFPoint read mMovingSpeed write mMovingSpeed;
property movingStart: TDFPoint read mMovingStart write mMovingStart;
{$INCLUDE ../nogl/}
- e_texture, g_basic, g_map, g_game, g_gfx, e_graphics, g_weapons, g_triggers,
+ e_texture, g_basic, g_map, g_game, g_gfx, g_weapons, g_triggers,
g_console, g_language, g_monsters, g_player, g_grid, e_log, geom, utils, xstreams;
@@ -423,111 +428,6 @@ function TPanel.getIsGBlockMon (): Boolean; inline; begin result := ((tag and Gr
function TPanel.gncNeedSend (): Boolean; inline; begin result := mNeedSend; mNeedSend := false; end;
procedure TPanel.setDirty (); inline; begin mNeedSend := true; end;
-procedure TPanel.Draw (hasAmbient: Boolean; constref ambColor: TDFColor);
- xx, yy: Integer;
- NoTextureID: DWORD;
- NW, NH: Word;
- if {Enabled and} (FCurTexture >= 0) and
- (Width > 0) and (Height > 0) and (FAlpha < 255) {and
- g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight)} then
- begin
- if FTextureIDs[FCurTexture].Anim then
- begin // Àíèìèðîâàííàÿ òåêñòóðà
- if FTextureIDs[FCurTexture].AnTex = nil then
- Exit;
- for xx := 0 to (Width div FTextureWidth)-1 do
- for yy := 0 to (Height div FTextureHeight)-1 do
- FTextureIDs[FCurTexture].AnTex.Draw(
- X + xx*FTextureWidth,
- Y + yy*FTextureHeight, TMirrorType.None);
- end
- else
- begin // Îáû÷íàÿ òåêñòóðà
- case FTextureIDs[FCurTexture].Tex of
- LongWord(TEXTURE_SPECIAL_WATER): e_DrawFillQuad(X, Y, X+Width-1, Y+Height-1, 0, 0, 255, 0, TBlending.Filter);
- LongWord(TEXTURE_SPECIAL_ACID1): e_DrawFillQuad(X, Y, X+Width-1, Y+Height-1, 0, 230, 0, 0, TBlending.Filter);
- LongWord(TEXTURE_SPECIAL_ACID2): e_DrawFillQuad(X, Y, X+Width-1, Y+Height-1, 230, 0, 0, 0, TBlending.Filter);
- if g_Texture_Get('NOTEXTURE', NoTextureID) then
- begin
- e_GetTextureSize(NoTextureID, @NW, @NH);
- e_DrawFill(NoTextureID, X, Y, Width div NW, Height div NH, 0, False, False);
- end
- else
- begin
- xx := X + (Width div 2);
- yy := Y + (Height div 2);
- e_DrawFillQuad(X, Y, xx, yy, 255, 0, 255, 0);
- e_DrawFillQuad(xx, Y, X+Width-1, yy, 255, 255, 0, 0);
- e_DrawFillQuad(X, yy, xx, Y+Height-1, 255, 255, 0, 0);
- e_DrawFillQuad(xx, yy, X+Width-1, Y+Height-1, 255, 0, 255, 0);
- end;
- else
- begin
- if not mMovingActive then
- e_DrawFill(FTextureIDs[FCurTexture].Tex, X, Y, Width div FTextureWidth, Height div FTextureHeight, FAlpha, True, FBlending, hasAmbient)
- else
- e_DrawFillX(FTextureIDs[FCurTexture].Tex, X, Y, Width, Height, FAlpha, True, FBlending, g_dbg_scale, hasAmbient);
- if hasAmbient then e_AmbientQuad(X, Y, Width, Height, ambColor.r, ambColor.g, ambColor.b, ambColor.a);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TPanel.DrawShadowVolume(lightX: Integer; lightY: Integer; radius: Integer);
- procedure extrude (x: Integer; y: Integer);
- begin
- glVertex2i(x+(x-lightX)*500, y+(y-lightY)*500);
- //e_WriteLog(Format(' : (%d,%d)', [x+(x-lightX)*300, y+(y-lightY)*300]), MSG_WARNING);
- end;
- procedure drawLine (x0: Integer; y0: Integer; x1: Integer; y1: Integer);
- begin
- // does this side facing the light?
- if ((x1-x0)*(lightY-y0)-(lightX-x0)*(y1-y0) >= 0) then exit;
- //e_WriteLog(Format('lightpan: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [x0, y0, x1, y1]), MSG_WARNING);
- // this edge is facing the light, extrude and draw it
- glVertex2i(x0, y0);
- glVertex2i(x1, y1);
- extrude(x1, y1);
- extrude(x0, y0);
- end;
- if radius < 4 then exit;
- if Enabled and (FCurTexture >= 0) and (Width > 0) and (Height > 0) and (FAlpha < 255) {and
- g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight)} then
- begin
- if not FTextureIDs[FCurTexture].Anim then
- begin
- case FTextureIDs[FCurTexture].Tex of
- LongWord(TEXTURE_SPECIAL_ACID1): exit;
- LongWord(TEXTURE_SPECIAL_ACID2): exit;
- LongWord(TEXTURE_NONE): exit;
- end;
- end;
- if (X+Width < lightX-radius) then exit;
- if (Y+Height < lightY-radius) then exit;
- if (X > lightX+radius) then exit;
- if (Y > lightY+radius) then exit;
- //e_DrawFill(FTextureIDs[FCurTexture].Tex, X, Y, Width div FTextureWidth, Height div FTextureHeight, FAlpha, True, FBlending);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- drawLine(x, y, x+width, y); // top
- drawLine(x+width, y, x+width, y+height); // right
- drawLine(x+width, y+height, x, y+height); // bottom
- drawLine(x, y+height, x, y); // left
- glEnd();
- end;
procedure TPanel.positionChanged (); inline;
px, py, pw, ph: Integer;
index 0510fc8699e30908086195245dadcd2377b56883..8015bb4ca6740a2fb1704722aa461d19e7f53b0d 100644 (file)
g_textures, e_input, e_sound,
g_language, g_console, g_menu, g_triggers, g_player, g_options, g_monsters, g_map, g_panel, g_window,
g_items, g_weapons, g_gfx, g_phys, g_net, g_gui, g_netmaster,
- g_game, r_console, r_gfx, r_items, r_map
+ g_game, r_console, r_gfx, r_items, r_map, r_panel
pan := TPanel(gDrawPanelList.front());
if ((pan.tag and tagmask) = 0) then break;
- if doDraw then pan.Draw(doAmbient, ambColor);
+ if doDraw then r_Panel_Draw(pan, doAmbient, ambColor);
index eb50ad9bfa35e6791e0783b2e8c8653477f6b236..9ab45a0ed4485e9d665b7660207e7cd9bbc0d9a6 100644 (file)
SysUtils, Classes, Math,
g_basic, g_game, g_options,
- g_panel, g_map
+ g_panel, g_map,
+ r_panel
procedure dplClear ();
// alas, no visible set
for idx := 0 to High(panels) do
- if not (drawDoors xor panels[idx].Door) then panels[idx].Draw(hasAmbient, ambColor);
+ if not (drawDoors xor panels[idx].Door) then
+ r_Panel_Draw(panels[idx], hasAmbient, ambColor);
it: TPanelGrid.Iter;
it := mapGrid.forEachInAABB(lightX-radius, lightY-radius, radius*2, radius*2, (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor));
- for mwit in it do mwit^.DrawShadowVolume(lightX, lightY, radius);
+ for mwit in it do r_Panel_DrawShadowVolume(mwit^, lightX, lightY, radius);
diff --git a/src/game/opengl/r_panel.pas b/src/game/opengl/r_panel.pas
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *)
+{$INCLUDE ../../shared/}
+unit r_panel;
+ uses g_panel, MAPDEF; // TPanel + TDFColor
+ procedure r_Panel_Draw (constref p: TPanel; hasAmbient: Boolean; constref ambColor: TDFColor);
+ procedure r_Panel_DrawShadowVolume (constref p: TPanel; lightX, lightY: Integer; radius: Integer);
+ uses
+ {$INCLUDE ../nogl/}
+ SysUtils, Classes, Math,
+ e_graphics,
+ g_basic, g_textures
+ ;
+ // TODO: remove WITH operator
+ procedure r_Panel_Draw (constref p: TPanel; hasAmbient: Boolean; constref ambColor: TDFColor);
+ var xx, yy: Integer; NoTextureID: DWORD; NW, NH: Word;
+ begin
+ with p do
+ begin
+ if {Enabled and} (FCurTexture >= 0) and (Width > 0) and (Height > 0) and (Alpha < 255) {and g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight)} then
+ begin
+ if TextureIDs[FCurTexture].Anim then
+ begin
+ if TextureIDs[FCurTexture].AnTex = nil then
+ Exit;
+ for xx := 0 to Width div TextureWidth - 1 do
+ for yy := 0 to Height div TextureHeight - 1 do
+ TextureIDs[FCurTexture].AnTex.Draw(X + xx * TextureWidth, Y + yy * TextureHeight, TMirrorType.None);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ case TextureIDs[FCurTexture].Tex of
+ LongWord(TEXTURE_SPECIAL_WATER): e_DrawFillQuad(X, Y, X + Width - 1, Y + Height - 1, 0, 0, 255, 0, TBlending.Filter);
+ LongWord(TEXTURE_SPECIAL_ACID1): e_DrawFillQuad(X, Y, X + Width - 1, Y + Height - 1, 0, 230, 0, 0, TBlending.Filter);
+ LongWord(TEXTURE_SPECIAL_ACID2): e_DrawFillQuad(X, Y, X + Width - 1, Y + Height - 1, 230, 0, 0, 0, TBlending.Filter);
+ if g_Texture_Get('NOTEXTURE', NoTextureID) then
+ begin
+ e_GetTextureSize(NoTextureID, @NW, @NH);
+ e_DrawFill(NoTextureID, X, Y, Width div NW, Height div NH, 0, False, False);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ xx := X + (Width div 2);
+ yy := Y + (Height div 2);
+ e_DrawFillQuad(X, Y, xx, yy, 255, 0, 255, 0);
+ e_DrawFillQuad(xx, Y, X + Width - 1, yy, 255, 255, 0, 0);
+ e_DrawFillQuad(X, yy, xx, Y + Height - 1, 255, 255, 0, 0);
+ e_DrawFillQuad(xx, yy, X + Width - 1, Y + Height - 1, 255, 0, 255, 0);
+ end;
+ else
+ begin
+ if not movingActive then
+ e_DrawFill(TextureIDs[FCurTexture].Tex, X, Y, Width div TextureWidth, Height div TextureHeight, Alpha, True, Blending, hasAmbient)
+ else
+ e_DrawFillX(TextureIDs[FCurTexture].Tex, X, Y, Width, Height, Alpha, True, Blending, g_dbg_scale, hasAmbient);
+ if hasAmbient then
+ e_AmbientQuad(X, Y, Width, Height, ambColor.r, ambColor.g, ambColor.b, ambColor.a);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ procedure r_Panel_DrawShadowVolume (constref p: TPanel; lightX, lightY: Integer; radius: Integer);
+ procedure extrude (x: Integer; y: Integer);
+ begin
+ glVertex2i(x + (x - lightX) * 500, y + (y - lightY) * 500);
+ //e_WriteLog(Format(' : (%d,%d)', [x + (x - lightX) * 300, y + (y - lightY) * 300]), MSG_WARNING);
+ end;
+ procedure drawLine (x0: Integer; y0: Integer; x1: Integer; y1: Integer);
+ begin
+ // does this side facing the light?
+ if ((x1 - x0) * (lightY - y0) - (lightX - x0) * (y1 - y0) >= 0) then exit;
+ //e_WriteLog(Format('lightpan: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [x0, y0, x1, y1]), MSG_WARNING);
+ // this edge is facing the light, extrude and draw it
+ glVertex2i(x0, y0);
+ glVertex2i(x1, y1);
+ extrude(x1, y1);
+ extrude(x0, y0);
+ end;
+ begin
+ with p do
+ begin
+ if radius < 4 then exit;
+ if Enabled and (FCurTexture >= 0) and (Width > 0) and (Height > 0) and (Alpha < 255) {and g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight)} then
+ begin
+ if not TextureIDs[FCurTexture].Anim then
+ begin
+ case TextureIDs[FCurTexture].Tex of
+ LongWord(TEXTURE_SPECIAL_ACID1): exit;
+ LongWord(TEXTURE_SPECIAL_ACID2): exit;
+ LongWord(TEXTURE_NONE): exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (X + Width < lightX - radius) then exit;
+ if (Y + Height < lightY - radius) then exit;
+ if (X > lightX + radius) then exit;
+ if (Y > lightY + radius) then exit;
+ //e_DrawFill(TextureIDs[FCurTexture].Tex, X, Y, Width div TextureWidth, Height div TextureHeight, Alpha, True, Blending);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ drawLine(x, y, x + width, y); // top
+ drawLine(x + width, y, x + width, y + height); // right
+ drawLine(x + width, y + height, x, y + height); // bottom
+ drawLine(x, y + height, x, y); // left
+ glEnd;
+ end
+ end
+ end;