[d2df-sdl.git] / src / gx / glgfx.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 * (at your option) any later version.
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 *)
16 {$INCLUDE ../shared/}
17 unit glgfx;
19 interface
21 uses
22 SysUtils, Classes,
23 GL, GLExt, SDL2,
24 sdlcarcass;
27 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
28 type
29 THMouseEvent = record
30 public
31 const
32 // both for but and for bstate
33 None = 0;
34 Left = $0001;
35 Right = $0002;
36 Middle = $0004;
37 WheelUp = $0008;
38 WheelDown = $0010;
40 // event types
41 type
42 TKind = (Release, Press, Motion);
44 public
45 kind: TKind; // motion, press, release
46 x, y: Integer; // current mouse position
47 dx, dy: Integer; // for wheel this is wheel motion, otherwise this is relative mouse motion
48 but: Word; // current pressed/released button, or 0 for motion
49 bstate: Word; // button state BEFORE event (i.e. press/release modifications aren't done yet)
50 kstate: Word; // keyboard state (see THKeyEvent);
52 public
53 function press (): Boolean; inline;
54 function release (): Boolean; inline;
55 function motion (): Boolean; inline;
56 end;
58 THKeyEvent = record
59 public
60 const
61 // modifiers
62 ModCtrl = $0001;
63 ModAlt = $0002;
64 ModShift = $0004;
65 ModHyper = $0008;
67 // event types
68 type
69 TKind = (Release, Press);
71 public
72 kind: TKind;
73 scan: Word; // SDL_SCANCODE_XXX
74 sym: LongWord; // SDLK_XXX
75 x, y: Integer; // current mouse position
76 bstate: Word; // button state
77 kstate: Word; // keyboard state BEFORE event (i.e. press/release modifications aren't done yet)
79 public
80 function press (): Boolean; inline;
81 function release (): Boolean; inline;
82 end;
85 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
86 // setup 2D OpenGL mode; will be called automatically in `glInit()`
87 procedure oglSetup2D (winWidth, winHeight: Integer; upsideDown: Boolean=false);
89 type
90 TScissorSave = record
91 public
92 wassc: Boolean;
93 scxywh: packed array[0..3] of GLint;
95 public
97 public
98 procedure save (enableScissoring: Boolean);
99 procedure restore ();
101 // set new scissor rect, bounded by the saved scissor rect
102 procedure setRect (x, y, w, h: Integer);
103 end;
106 procedure oglDrawCursor ();
107 procedure oglDrawCursorAt (msX, msY: Integer);
109 // return `false` if destination rect is empty
110 // modifies rect0
111 function intersectRect (var x0, y0, w0, h0: Integer; const x1, y1, w1, h1: Integer): Boolean;
113 procedure normRGBA (var r, g, b, a: Integer); inline;
114 function setupGLColor (r, g, b, a: Integer): Boolean;
115 function isScaled (): Boolean;
117 function textWidth6 (const s: AnsiString): Integer;
118 function textWidth8 (const s: AnsiString): Integer;
119 // return width (including last empty pixel)
120 function drawTextInternal (wdt, x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer; tid: GLuint; constref fontwdt: array of Byte; prop: Boolean): Integer;
121 procedure drawLine (x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255);
122 procedure drawVLine (x, y, len: Integer; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255);
123 procedure drawHLine (x, y, len: Integer; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255);
124 procedure drawRect (x, y, w, h: Integer; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255);
125 procedure drawRectUI (x, y, w, h: Integer; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255);
126 procedure darkenRect (x, y, w, h: Integer; a: Integer);
127 procedure fillRect (x, y, w, h: Integer; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255);
128 function drawText6 (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255): Integer;
129 function drawText8 (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255): Integer;
130 function drawText6Prop (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255): Integer;
131 function drawText8Prop (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255): Integer;
132 // x-centered at `x`
133 function drawText6XC (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255): Integer;
134 function drawText8XC (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255): Integer;
135 function drawText6PropXC (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255): Integer;
136 function drawText8PropXC (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255): Integer;
139 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
140 // event handlers
141 var
142 evMouseCB: function (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean = nil; // `true`: event eaten
143 evKeyCB: function (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean = nil; // `true`: event eaten
146 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
147 function getMouseX (): Integer; inline;
148 function getMouseY (): Integer; inline;
149 function getButState (): Word; inline;
150 function getModState (): Word; inline;
153 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
154 property
155 gMouseX: Integer read getMouseX;
156 gMouseY: Integer read getMouseY;
157 gButState: Word read getButState;
158 gModState: Word read getModState;
160 var
161 gGfxDoClear: Boolean = true;
164 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
165 // any mods = 255: nothing was defined
166 function parseModKeys (const s: AnsiString; out kmods: Byte; out mbuts: Byte): AnsiString;
168 operator = (constref ev: THKeyEvent; const s: AnsiString): Boolean;
169 operator = (const s: AnsiString; constref ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean;
171 operator = (constref ev: THMouseEvent; const s: AnsiString): Boolean;
172 operator = (const s: AnsiString; constref ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean;
175 implementation
178 var
179 curButState: Word = 0;
180 curModState: Word = 0;
181 curMsX: Integer = 0;
182 curMsY: Integer = 0;
185 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
186 function strEquCI (const s0, s1: AnsiString): Boolean;
187 var
188 f: Integer;
189 c0, c1: AnsiChar;
190 begin
191 result := (Length(s0) = Length(s1));
192 if result then
193 begin
194 for f := 1 to Length(s0) do
195 begin
196 c0 := s0[f];
197 if (c0 >= 'a') and (c0 <= 'z') then Dec(c0, 32); // poor man's `toupper()`
198 c1 := s1[f];
199 if (c1 >= 'a') and (c1 <= 'z') then Dec(c1, 32); // poor man's `toupper()`
200 if (c0 <> c1) then begin result := false; exit; end;
201 end;
202 end;
203 end;
206 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
207 function getMouseX (): Integer; inline; begin result := curMsX; end;
208 function getMouseY (): Integer; inline; begin result := curMsY; end;
209 function getButState (): Word; inline; begin result := curButState; end;
210 function getModState (): Word; inline; begin result := curModState; end;
213 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
214 function (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (kind = TKind.Press); end;
215 function THMouseEvent.release (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (kind = TKind.Release); end;
216 function THMouseEvent.motion (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (kind = TKind.Motion); end;
218 function (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (kind = TKind.Press); end;
219 function THKeyEvent.release (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (kind = TKind.Release); end;
222 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
223 // any mods = 255: nothing was defined
224 function parseModKeys (const s: AnsiString; out kmods: Byte; out mbuts: Byte): AnsiString;
225 var
226 pos, epos: Integer;
227 begin
228 kmods := 255;
229 mbuts := 255;
230 pos := 1;
231 //while (pos <= Length(s)) and (s[pos] <= ' ') do Inc(pos);
232 if (pos < Length(s)) and ((s[pos] = '+') or (s[pos] = '-') or (s[pos] = '*')) then Inc(pos);
233 while (pos < Length(s)) do
234 begin
235 if (Length(s)-pos >= 2) and (s[pos+1] = '-') then
236 begin
237 case s[pos] of
238 'C', 'c': begin if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0; kmods := kmods or THKeyEvent.ModCtrl; Inc(pos, 2); continue; end;
239 'M', 'm': begin if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0; kmods := kmods or THKeyEvent.ModAlt; Inc(pos, 2); continue; end;
240 'S', 's': begin if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0; kmods := kmods or THKeyEvent.ModShift; Inc(pos, 2); continue; end;
241 end;
242 break;
243 end;
244 if (Length(s)-pos >= 4) and ((s[pos+1] = 'M') or (s[pos+1] = 'm')) and ((s[pos+2] = 'B') or (s[pos+1] = 'b')) and (s[pos+3] = '-') then
245 begin
246 case s[pos] of
247 'L', 'l': begin if (mbuts = 255) then mbuts := 0; mbuts := mbuts or THMouseEvent.Left; Inc(pos, 4); continue; end;
248 'R', 'r': begin if (mbuts = 255) then mbuts := 0; mbuts := mbuts or THMouseEvent.Right; Inc(pos, 4); continue; end;
249 'M', 'm': begin if (mbuts = 255) then mbuts := 0; mbuts := mbuts or THMouseEvent.Middle; Inc(pos, 4); continue; end;
250 end;
251 break;
252 end;
253 break;
254 end;
255 epos := Length(s)+1;
256 while (epos > pos) and (s[epos-1] <= ' ') do Dec(epos);
257 if (epos > pos) then result := Copy(s, pos, epos-pos) else result := '';
258 end;
261 operator = (constref ev: THKeyEvent; const s: AnsiString): Boolean;
262 var
263 f: Integer;
264 kmods: Byte = 255;
265 mbuts: Byte = 255;
266 kname: AnsiString;
267 begin
268 result := false;
269 if (Length(s) > 0) then
270 begin
271 if (s[1] = '+') then begin if (not then exit; end
272 else if (s[1] = '-') then begin if (not ev.release) then exit; end
273 else if (s[1] = '*') then begin end
274 else if (not then exit;
275 end;
276 kname := parseModKeys(s, kmods, mbuts);
277 if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0;
278 if (ev.kstate <> kmods) then exit;
279 if (mbuts <> 255) and (ev.bstate <> mbuts) then exit;
281 if (strEquCI(kname, 'Enter')) then kname := 'RETURN';
283 for f := 0 to SDL_NUM_SCANCODES-1 do
284 begin
285 if strEquCI(kname, SDL_GetScancodeName(f)) then
286 begin
287 result := (ev.scan = f);
288 exit;
289 end;
290 end;
291 end;
294 operator = (const s: AnsiString; constref ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean;
295 begin
296 result := (ev = s);
297 end;
300 operator = (constref ev: THMouseEvent; const s: AnsiString): Boolean;
301 var
302 kmods: Byte = 255;
303 mbuts: Byte = 255;
304 kname: AnsiString;
305 but: Integer = -1;
306 begin
307 result := false;
309 if (Length(s) > 0) then
310 begin
311 if (s[1] = '+') then begin if (not then exit; end
312 else if (s[1] = '-') then begin if (not ev.release) then exit; end
313 else if (s[1] = '*') then begin if (not ev.motion) then exit; end
314 else if (not then exit;
315 end;
317 kname := parseModKeys(s, kmods, mbuts);
318 if strEquCI(kname, 'LMB') then but := THMouseEvent.Left
319 else if strEquCI(kname, 'RMB') then but := THMouseEvent.Right
320 else if strEquCI(kname, 'MMB') then but := THMouseEvent.Middle
321 else if strEquCI(kname, 'WheelUp') or strEquCI(kname, 'WUP') then but := THMouseEvent.WheelUp
322 else if strEquCI(kname, 'WheelDown') or strEquCI(kname, 'WDN') or strEquCI(kname, 'WDOWN') then but := THMouseEvent.WheelDown
323 else if strEquCI(kname, 'None') then but := 0
324 else exit;
326 if (mbuts = 255) then mbuts := 0;
327 if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0;
328 if (ev.kstate <> kmods) then exit;
330 result := (ev.bstate = mbuts) and (ev.but = but);
331 end;
334 operator = (const s: AnsiString; constref ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean;
335 begin
336 result := (ev = s);
337 end;
340 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
341 procedure resetKMState (sendEvents: Boolean=true);
342 var
343 mask: Word;
344 mev: THMouseEvent;
345 kev: THKeyEvent;
346 begin
347 // generate mouse release events
348 if (curButState <> 0) then
349 begin
350 if sendEvents then
351 begin
352 mask := 1;
353 while (mask <> 0) do
354 begin
355 // checked each time, 'cause `evMouseCB` can be changed from the handler
356 if ((curButState and mask) <> 0) and assigned(evMouseCB) then
357 begin
358 mev.kind := mev.TKind.Release;
359 mev.x := curMsX;
360 mev.y := curMsY;
361 mev.dx := 0;
362 mev.dy := 0;
363 mev.but := mask;
364 mev.bstate := curButState;
365 mev.kstate := curModState;
366 curButState := curButState and (not mask);
367 evMouseCB(mev);
368 end;
369 mask := mask shl 1;
370 end;
371 end;
372 curButState := 0;
373 end;
375 // generate modifier release events
376 if (curModState <> 0) then
377 begin
378 if sendEvents then
379 begin
380 mask := 1;
381 while (mask <= 8) do
382 begin
383 // checked each time, 'cause `evMouseCB` can be changed from the handler
384 if ((curModState and mask) <> 0) and assigned(evKeyCB) then
385 begin
386 kev.kind := kev.TKind.Release;
387 case mask of
388 THKeyEvent.ModCtrl: begin kev.scan := SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL; kev.sym := SDLK_LCTRL;{arbitrary} end;
389 THKeyEvent.ModAlt: begin kev.scan := SDL_SCANCODE_LALT; kev.sym := SDLK_LALT;{arbitrary} end;
390 THKeyEvent.ModShift: begin kev.scan := SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT; kev.sym := SDLK_LSHIFT;{arbitrary} end;
391 THKeyEvent.ModHyper: begin kev.scan := SDL_SCANCODE_LGUI; kev.sym := SDLK_LGUI;{arbitrary} end;
392 else assert(false);
393 end;
394 kev.x := curMsX;
395 kev.y := curMsY;
396 mev.bstate := 0{curMsButState}; // anyway
397 mev.kstate := curModState;
398 curModState := curModState and (not mask);
399 evKeyCB(kev);
400 end;
401 mask := mask shl 1;
402 end;
403 end;
404 curModState := 0;
405 end;
406 end;
409 function onSDLEvent (var ev: TSDL_Event): Boolean;
410 var
411 mev: THMouseEvent;
412 kev: THKeyEvent;
414 function buildBut (b: Byte): Word;
415 begin
416 result := 0;
417 case b of
418 SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: result := result or THMouseEvent.Left;
419 SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE: result := result or THMouseEvent.Middle;
420 SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT: result := result or THMouseEvent.Right;
421 end;
422 end;
424 begin
425 result := false;
427 case ev.type_ of
429 begin
430 // fix left/right modifiers
431 if (ev.type_ = SDL_KEYDOWN) then kev.kind := THKeyEvent.TKind.Press else kev.kind := THKeyEvent.TKind.Release;
432 kev.scan := ev.key.keysym.scancode;
433 kev.sym := ev.key.keysym.sym;
435 if (kev.scan = SDL_SCANCODE_RCTRL) then kev.scan := SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL;
436 if (kev.scan = SDL_SCANCODE_RALT) then kev.scan := SDL_SCANCODE_LALT;
437 if (kev.scan = SDL_SCANCODE_RSHIFT) then kev.scan := SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT;
438 if (kev.scan = SDL_SCANCODE_RGUI) then kev.scan := SDL_SCANCODE_LGUI;
440 if (kev.sym = SDLK_RCTRL) then kev.sym := SDLK_LCTRL;
441 if (kev.sym = SDLK_RALT) then kev.sym := SDLK_LALT;
442 if (kev.sym = SDLK_RSHIFT) then kev.sym := SDLK_LSHIFT;
443 if (kev.sym = SDLK_RGUI) then kev.sym := SDLK_LGUI;
445 kev.x := curMsX;
446 kev.y := curMsY;
447 kev.bstate := curButState;
448 kev.kstate := curModState;
450 case kev.scan of
451 SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL: if ( then curModState := curModState or THKeyEvent.ModCtrl else curModState := curModState and (not THKeyEvent.ModCtrl);
452 SDL_SCANCODE_LALT: if ( then curModState := curModState or THKeyEvent.ModAlt else curModState := curModState and (not THKeyEvent.ModAlt);
453 SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT: if ( then curModState := curModState or THKeyEvent.ModShift else curModState := curModState and (not THKeyEvent.ModShift);
454 end;
456 if assigned(evKeyCB) then result := evKeyCB(kev);
457 end;
460 begin
461 mev.dx := ev.button.x-curMsX;
462 mev.dy := ev.button.y-curMsY;
463 curMsX := ev.button.x;
464 curMsY := ev.button.y;
465 if (ev.type_ = SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) then mev.kind := THMouseEvent.TKind.Press else mev.kind := THMouseEvent.TKind.Release;
466 mev.but := buildBut(ev.button.button);
467 mev.x := curMsX;
468 mev.y := curMsY;
469 mev.bstate := curButState;
470 mev.kstate := curModState;
471 if (mev.but <> 0) then
472 begin
473 // ev.button.clicks: Byte
474 if (ev.type_ = SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) then curButState := curButState or mev.but else curButState := curButState and (not mev.but);
475 if assigned(evMouseCB) then result := evMouseCB(mev);
476 end;
477 end;
479 begin
480 if (ev.wheel.y <> 0) then
481 begin
482 mev.dx := 0;
483 mev.dy := ev.wheel.y;
484 mev.kind := THMouseEvent.TKind.Press;
485 if (ev.wheel.y < 0) then mev.but := THMouseEvent.WheelUp else mev.but := THMouseEvent.WheelDown;
486 mev.x := curMsX;
487 mev.y := curMsY;
488 mev.bstate := curButState;
489 mev.kstate := curModState;
490 if assigned(evMouseCB) then result := evMouseCB(mev);
491 end;
492 end;
494 begin
495 mev.dx := ev.button.x-curMsX;
496 mev.dy := ev.button.y-curMsY;
497 curMsX := ev.button.x;
498 curMsY := ev.button.y;
499 mev.kind := THMouseEvent.TKind.Motion;
500 mev.but := 0;
501 mev.x := curMsX;
502 mev.y := curMsY;
503 mev.bstate := curButState;
504 mev.kstate := curModState;
505 if assigned(evMouseCB) then result := evMouseCB(mev);
506 end;
510 begin
511 Utf8ToUnicode(@uc, PChar(ev.text.text), 1);
512 keychr := Word(uc);
513 if (keychr > 127) then keychr := Word(wchar2win(WideChar(keychr)));
514 CharPress(AnsiChar(keychr));
515 end;
517 end;
518 end;
521 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
522 procedure oglSetup2D (winWidth, winHeight: Integer; upsideDown: Boolean=false);
523 begin
524 glViewport(0, 0, winWidth, winHeight);
526 glDisable(GL_BLEND);
528 glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
529 glDisable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH);
530 glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
531 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
532 glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
533 glDisable(GL_DITHER);
534 glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST);
535 glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
536 glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
538 glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
539 glLoadIdentity();
540 if (upsideDown) then
541 begin
542 glOrtho(0, winWidth, 0, winHeight, -1, 1); // set origin to bottom left
543 end
544 else
545 begin
546 glOrtho(0, winWidth, winHeight, 0, -1, 1); // set origin to top left
547 end;
549 glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
550 glLoadIdentity();
552 glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
553 glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
554 end;
557 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
558 // cursor (hi, Death Track!)
559 const curTexWidth = 32;
560 const curTexHeight = 32;
561 const curWidth = 17;
562 const curHeight = 23;
564 const cursorImg: array[0..curWidth*curHeight-1] of Byte = (
565 2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
566 3,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
567 3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
568 3,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
569 3,3,4,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
570 3,3,4,4,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
571 3,3,4,4,4,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
572 3,3,4,4,4,4,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
573 3,3,4,4,4,5,6,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
574 3,3,4,4,5,6,7,5,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
575 3,3,4,5,6,7,5,4,5,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,
576 3,3,5,6,7,5,4,5,6,7,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,
577 3,3,6,7,5,4,5,6,7,7,7,2,2,0,0,0,0,
578 3,3,7,5,4,5,6,7,7,7,7,7,2,2,0,0,0,
579 3,3,5,4,5,6,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,2,0,0,
580 3,3,4,5,6,3,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,0,0,
581 3,3,5,6,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
582 3,3,6,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
583 3,3,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
584 3,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
585 3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
586 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
587 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
588 );
589 const cursorPal: array[0..9*4-1] of Byte = (
590 0, 0, 0, 0,
591 0, 0, 0,163,
592 85,255,255,255,
593 85, 85,255,255,
594 255, 85, 85,255,
595 170, 0,170,255,
596 85, 85, 85,255,
597 0, 0, 0,255,
598 0, 0,170,255
599 );
602 var
603 curtexid: GLuint = 0;
605 procedure createCursorTexture ();
606 var
607 tex, tpp: PByte;
608 c: Integer;
609 x, y: Integer;
610 begin
611 if (curtexid <> 0) then exit; //begin glDeleteTextures(1, @curtexid); curtexid := 0; end;
613 GetMem(tex, curTexWidth*curTexHeight*4);
614 try
615 FillChar(tex^, curTexWidth*curTexHeight*4, 0);
617 // draw shadow
618 for y := 0 to curHeight-1 do
619 begin
620 for x := 0 to curWidth-1 do
621 begin
622 if (cursorImg[y*curWidth+x] <> 0) then
623 begin
624 c := 1*4;
625 tpp := tex+((y+1)*(curTexWidth*4)+(x+3)*4);
626 tpp^ := cursorPal[c+0]; Inc(tpp);
627 tpp^ := cursorPal[c+1]; Inc(tpp);
628 tpp^ := cursorPal[c+2]; Inc(tpp);
629 tpp^ := cursorPal[c+3]; Inc(tpp);
630 tpp^ := cursorPal[c+0]; Inc(tpp);
631 tpp^ := cursorPal[c+1]; Inc(tpp);
632 tpp^ := cursorPal[c+2]; Inc(tpp);
633 tpp^ := cursorPal[c+3]; Inc(tpp);
634 end;
635 end;
636 end;
638 // draw cursor
639 for y := 0 to curHeight-1 do
640 begin
641 for x := 0 to curWidth-1 do
642 begin
643 c := cursorImg[y*curWidth+x]*4;
644 if (c <> 0) then
645 begin
646 tpp := tex+(y*(curTexWidth*4)+x*4);
647 tpp^ := cursorPal[c+0]; Inc(tpp);
648 tpp^ := cursorPal[c+1]; Inc(tpp);
649 tpp^ := cursorPal[c+2]; Inc(tpp);
650 tpp^ := cursorPal[c+3]; Inc(tpp);
651 end;
652 end;
653 end;
655 glGenTextures(1, @curtexid);
656 if (curtexid = 0) then raise Exception.Create('can''t create cursor texture');
658 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, curtexid);
664 //GLfloat[4] bclr = 0.0;
665 //glTexParameterfv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, bclr.ptr);
667 glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, curTexWidth, curTexHeight, 0, GL_RGBA{gltt}, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, tex);
668 glFlush();
669 finally
670 FreeMem(tex);
671 end;
672 end;
674 procedure oglDrawCursorAt (msX, msY: Integer);
675 begin
676 //if (curtexid = 0) then createCursorTexture() else glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, curtexid);
677 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, curtexid);
678 // blend it
679 glEnable(GL_BLEND);
681 glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
682 glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST);
683 glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
684 glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
685 glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
686 glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
687 // color and opacity
688 glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.9);
689 //Dec(msX, 2);
690 glBegin(GL_QUADS);
691 glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0); glVertex2i(msX, msY); // top-left
692 glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0); glVertex2i(msX+curTexWidth, msY); // top-right
693 glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0); glVertex2i(msX+curTexWidth, msY+curTexHeight); // bottom-right
694 glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0); glVertex2i(msX, msY+curTexHeight); // bottom-left
695 glEnd();
696 //Inc(msX, 2);
697 glDisable(GL_BLEND);
698 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
699 glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
700 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
701 end;
703 procedure oglDrawCursor (); begin oglDrawCursorAt(curMsX, curMsY); end;
706 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
707 // fonts
708 const kgiFont6: array[0..256*8-1] of Byte = (
709 $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$3c,$42,$a5,$81,$a5,$99,$42,$3c,$3c,$7e,$db,$ff,$ff,$db,$66,$3c,$6c,$fe,
710 $fe,$fe,$7c,$38,$10,$00,$10,$38,$7c,$fe,$7c,$38,$10,$00,$10,$38,$54,$fe,$54,$10,$38,$00,$10,$38,$7c,$fe,
711 $fe,$10,$38,$00,$00,$00,$00,$30,$30,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$ff,$ff,$e7,$e7,$ff,$ff,$ff,$38,$44,$82,$82,$82,$44,
712 $38,$00,$c7,$bb,$7d,$7d,$7d,$bb,$c7,$ff,$0f,$03,$05,$79,$88,$88,$88,$70,$38,$44,$44,$44,$38,$10,$7c,$10,
713 $30,$28,$24,$24,$28,$20,$e0,$c0,$3c,$24,$3c,$24,$24,$e4,$dc,$18,$10,$54,$38,$ee,$38,$54,$10,$00,$10,$10,
714 $10,$7c,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$ff,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$f0,
715 $10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$1f,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$ff,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,
716 $10,$10,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$1f,$10,$10,$10,$10,$00,$00,$00,$f0,$10,$10,$10,$10,
717 $10,$10,$10,$1f,$00,$00,$00,$00,$10,$10,$10,$f0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$42,$24,$18,$18,$24,$42,$81,$01,$02,
718 $04,$08,$10,$20,$40,$80,$80,$40,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$01,$00,$10,$10,$ff,$10,$10,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,
719 $00,$00,$00,$00,$20,$20,$20,$20,$00,$00,$20,$00,$50,$50,$50,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$50,$50,$f8,$50,$f8,$50,
720 $50,$00,$20,$78,$a0,$70,$28,$f0,$20,$00,$c0,$c8,$10,$20,$40,$98,$18,$00,$40,$a0,$40,$a8,$90,$98,$60,$00,
721 $10,$20,$40,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$10,$20,$40,$40,$40,$20,$10,$00,$40,$20,$10,$10,$10,$20,$40,$00,$88,$50,
722 $20,$f8,$20,$50,$88,$00,$00,$20,$20,$f8,$20,$20,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$20,$20,$40,$00,$00,$00,$78,
723 $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$60,$60,$00,$00,$00,$08,$10,$20,$40,$80,$00,$70,$88,$98,$a8,$c8,$88,
724 $70,$00,$20,$60,$a0,$20,$20,$20,$f8,$00,$70,$88,$08,$10,$60,$80,$f8,$00,$70,$88,$08,$30,$08,$88,$70,$00,
725 $10,$30,$50,$90,$f8,$10,$10,$00,$f8,$80,$e0,$10,$08,$10,$e0,$00,$30,$40,$80,$f0,$88,$88,$70,$00,$f8,$88,
726 $10,$20,$20,$20,$20,$00,$70,$88,$88,$70,$88,$88,$70,$00,$70,$88,$88,$78,$08,$10,$60,$00,$00,$00,$20,$00,
727 $00,$20,$00,$00,$00,$00,$20,$00,$00,$20,$20,$40,$18,$30,$60,$c0,$60,$30,$18,$00,$00,$00,$f8,$00,$f8,$00,
728 $00,$00,$c0,$60,$30,$18,$30,$60,$c0,$00,$70,$88,$08,$10,$20,$00,$20,$00,$70,$88,$08,$68,$a8,$a8,$70,$00,
729 $20,$50,$88,$88,$f8,$88,$88,$00,$f0,$48,$48,$70,$48,$48,$f0,$00,$30,$48,$80,$80,$80,$48,$30,$00,$e0,$50,
730 $48,$48,$48,$50,$e0,$00,$f8,$80,$80,$f0,$80,$80,$f8,$00,$f8,$80,$80,$f0,$80,$80,$80,$00,$70,$88,$80,$b8,
731 $88,$88,$70,$00,$88,$88,$88,$f8,$88,$88,$88,$00,$70,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$70,$00,$38,$10,$10,$10,$90,$90,
732 $60,$00,$88,$90,$a0,$c0,$a0,$90,$88,$00,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$f8,$00,$88,$d8,$a8,$a8,$88,$88,$88,$00,
733 $88,$c8,$c8,$a8,$98,$98,$88,$00,$70,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$70,$00,$f0,$88,$88,$f0,$80,$80,$80,$00,$70,$88,
734 $88,$88,$a8,$90,$68,$00,$f0,$88,$88,$f0,$a0,$90,$88,$00,$70,$88,$80,$70,$08,$88,$70,$00,$f8,$20,$20,$20,
735 $20,$20,$20,$00,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$70,$00,$88,$88,$88,$88,$50,$50,$20,$00,$88,$88,$88,$a8,$a8,$d8,
736 $88,$00,$88,$88,$50,$20,$50,$88,$88,$00,$88,$88,$88,$70,$20,$20,$20,$00,$f8,$08,$10,$20,$40,$80,$f8,$00,
737 $70,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$70,$00,$00,$00,$80,$40,$20,$10,$08,$00,$70,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$70,$00,$20,$50,
738 $88,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$f8,$00,$40,$20,$10,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$70,$08,
739 $78,$88,$78,$00,$80,$80,$b0,$c8,$88,$c8,$b0,$00,$00,$00,$70,$88,$80,$88,$70,$00,$08,$08,$68,$98,$88,$98,
740 $68,$00,$00,$00,$70,$88,$f8,$80,$70,$00,$10,$28,$20,$f8,$20,$20,$20,$00,$00,$00,$68,$98,$98,$68,$08,$70,
741 $80,$80,$f0,$88,$88,$88,$88,$00,$20,$00,$60,$20,$20,$20,$70,$00,$10,$00,$30,$10,$10,$10,$90,$60,$40,$40,
742 $48,$50,$60,$50,$48,$00,$60,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$70,$00,$00,$00,$d0,$a8,$a8,$a8,$a8,$00,$00,$00,$b0,$c8,
743 $88,$88,$88,$00,$00,$00,$70,$88,$88,$88,$70,$00,$00,$00,$b0,$c8,$c8,$b0,$80,$80,$00,$00,$68,$98,$98,$68,
744 $08,$08,$00,$00,$b0,$c8,$80,$80,$80,$00,$00,$00,$78,$80,$f0,$08,$f0,$00,$40,$40,$f0,$40,$40,$48,$30,$00,
745 $00,$00,$90,$90,$90,$90,$68,$00,$00,$00,$88,$88,$88,$50,$20,$00,$00,$00,$88,$a8,$a8,$a8,$50,$00,$00,$00,
746 $88,$50,$20,$50,$88,$00,$00,$00,$88,$88,$98,$68,$08,$70,$00,$00,$f8,$10,$20,$40,$f8,$00,$18,$20,$20,$40,
747 $20,$20,$18,$00,$20,$20,$20,$00,$20,$20,$20,$00,$c0,$20,$20,$10,$20,$20,$c0,$00,$40,$a8,$10,$00,$00,$00,
748 $00,$00,$00,$00,$20,$50,$f8,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$ff,$f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,
749 $00,$00,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$3c,$3c,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$ff,
750 $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$00,$00,$c0,$c0,$c0,$c0,$c0,$c0,$c0,$c0,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$fc,$fc,$fc,$fc,
751 $fc,$fc,$fc,$fc,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$3f,$3f,$3f,$3f,$3f,$3f,$3f,$3f,$11,$22,$44,$88,$11,$22,
752 $44,$88,$88,$44,$22,$11,$88,$44,$22,$11,$fe,$7c,$38,$10,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$10,$38,$7c,$fe,
753 $80,$c0,$e0,$f0,$e0,$c0,$80,$00,$01,$03,$07,$0f,$07,$03,$01,$00,$ff,$7e,$3c,$18,$18,$3c,$7e,$ff,$81,$c3,
754 $e7,$ff,$ff,$e7,$c3,$81,$f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,
755 $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$33,$33,$cc,$cc,$33,$33,$cc,$cc,$00,$20,$20,$50,$50,$88,
756 $f8,$00,$20,$20,$70,$20,$70,$20,$20,$00,$00,$00,$00,$50,$88,$a8,$50,$00,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,
757 $00,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$ff,$ff,
758 $ff,$ff,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$68,$90,$90,$90,$68,$00,$30,$48,$48,$70,$48,$48,$70,$c0,$f8,$88,$80,$80,
759 $80,$80,$80,$00,$00,$50,$70,$88,$f8,$80,$70,$00,$00,$00,$78,$80,$f0,$80,$78,$00,$00,$00,$78,$90,$90,$90,
760 $60,$00,$20,$00,$60,$20,$20,$20,$70,$00,$50,$00,$70,$20,$20,$20,$70,$00,$f8,$20,$70,$a8,$a8,$70,$20,$f8,
761 $20,$50,$88,$f8,$88,$50,$20,$00,$70,$88,$88,$88,$50,$50,$d8,$00,$30,$40,$40,$20,$50,$50,$50,$20,$00,$00,
762 $00,$50,$a8,$a8,$50,$00,$08,$70,$a8,$a8,$a8,$70,$80,$00,$38,$40,$80,$f8,$80,$40,$38,$00,$70,$88,$88,$88,
763 $88,$88,$88,$00,$00,$f8,$00,$f8,$00,$f8,$00,$00,$20,$20,$f8,$20,$20,$00,$f8,$00,$c0,$30,$08,$30,$c0,$00,
764 $f8,$00,$50,$f8,$80,$f0,$80,$80,$f8,$00,$78,$80,$80,$f0,$80,$80,$78,$00,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$a0,$40,
765 $70,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$70,$00,$50,$70,$20,$20,$20,$20,$70,$00,$00,$18,$24,$24,$18,$00,$00,$00,$00,$30,
766 $78,$78,$30,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$30,$00,$00,$00,$3e,$20,$20,$20,$a0,$60,$20,$00,$a0,$50,$50,$50,
767 $00,$00,$00,$00,$40,$a0,$20,$40,$e0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$38,$38,$38,$38,$38,$38,$00,$3c,$42,$99,$a1,$a1,$99,
768 $42,$3c,$00,$00,$90,$a8,$e8,$a8,$90,$00,$00,$00,$60,$10,$70,$90,$68,$00,$00,$00,$f0,$80,$f0,$88,$f0,$00,
769 $00,$00,$90,$90,$90,$f8,$08,$00,$00,$00,$30,$50,$50,$70,$88,$00,$00,$00,$70,$88,$f8,$80,$70,$00,$00,$20,
770 $70,$a8,$a8,$70,$20,$00,$00,$00,$78,$48,$40,$40,$40,$00,$00,$00,$88,$50,$20,$50,$88,$00,$00,$00,$88,$98,
771 $a8,$c8,$88,$00,$00,$50,$20,$00,$98,$a8,$c8,$00,$00,$00,$90,$a0,$c0,$a0,$90,$00,$00,$00,$38,$28,$28,$48,
772 $88,$00,$00,$00,$88,$d8,$a8,$88,$88,$00,$00,$00,$88,$88,$f8,$88,$88,$00,$00,$00,$70,$88,$88,$88,$70,$00,
773 $00,$00,$78,$48,$48,$48,$48,$00,$00,$00,$78,$88,$78,$28,$48,$00,$00,$00,$f0,$88,$f0,$80,$80,$00,$00,$00,
774 $78,$80,$80,$80,$78,$00,$00,$00,$f8,$20,$20,$20,$20,$00,$00,$00,$88,$50,$20,$40,$80,$00,$00,$00,$a8,$70,
775 $20,$70,$a8,$00,$00,$00,$f0,$48,$70,$48,$f0,$00,$00,$00,$40,$40,$70,$48,$70,$00,$00,$00,$88,$88,$c8,$a8,
776 $c8,$00,$00,$00,$f0,$08,$70,$08,$f0,$00,$00,$00,$a8,$a8,$a8,$a8,$f8,$00,$00,$00,$70,$88,$38,$88,$70,$00,
777 $00,$00,$a8,$a8,$a8,$f8,$08,$00,$00,$00,$48,$48,$78,$08,$08,$00,$00,$00,$c0,$40,$70,$48,$70,$00,$90,$a8,
778 $a8,$e8,$a8,$a8,$90,$00,$20,$50,$88,$88,$f8,$88,$88,$00,$f8,$88,$80,$f0,$88,$88,$f0,$00,$90,$90,$90,$90,
779 $90,$f8,$08,$00,$38,$28,$28,$48,$48,$f8,$88,$00,$f8,$80,$80,$f0,$80,$80,$f8,$00,$20,$70,$a8,$a8,$a8,$70,
780 $20,$00,$f8,$88,$88,$80,$80,$80,$80,$00,$88,$88,$50,$20,$50,$88,$88,$00,$88,$88,$98,$a8,$c8,$88,$88,$00,
781 $50,$20,$88,$98,$a8,$c8,$88,$00,$88,$90,$a0,$c0,$a0,$90,$88,$00,$18,$28,$48,$48,$48,$48,$88,$00,$88,$d8,
782 $a8,$a8,$88,$88,$88,$00,$88,$88,$88,$f8,$88,$88,$88,$00,$70,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$70,$00,$f8,$88,$88,$88,
783 $88,$88,$88,$00,$78,$88,$88,$78,$28,$48,$88,$00,$f0,$88,$88,$f0,$80,$80,$80,$00,$70,$88,$80,$80,$80,$88,
784 $70,$00,$f8,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$00,$88,$88,$88,$50,$20,$40,$80,$00,$a8,$a8,$70,$20,$70,$a8,$a8,$00,
785 $f0,$48,$48,$70,$48,$48,$f0,$00,$80,$80,$80,$f0,$88,$88,$f0,$00,$88,$88,$88,$c8,$a8,$a8,$c8,$00,$f0,$08,
786 $08,$30,$08,$08,$f0,$00,$a8,$a8,$a8,$a8,$a8,$a8,$f8,$00,$70,$88,$08,$78,$08,$88,$70,$00,$a8,$a8,$a8,$a8,
787 $a8,$f8,$08,$00,$88,$88,$88,$88,$78,$08,$08,$00,$c0,$40,$40,$70,$48,$48,$70,$00
788 );
790 const kgiFont8: array[0..256*8-1] of Byte = (
791 $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$7e,$81,$a5,$81,$bd,$99,$81,$7e,$7e,$ff,$db,$ff,$c3,$e7,$ff,$7e,$6c,$fe,
792 $fe,$fe,$7c,$38,$10,$00,$10,$38,$7c,$fe,$7c,$38,$10,$00,$38,$7c,$38,$fe,$fe,$d6,$10,$38,$10,$10,$38,$7c,
793 $fe,$7c,$10,$38,$00,$00,$18,$3c,$3c,$18,$00,$00,$ff,$ff,$e7,$c3,$c3,$e7,$ff,$ff,$00,$3c,$66,$42,$42,$66,
794 $3c,$00,$ff,$c3,$99,$bd,$bd,$99,$c3,$ff,$0f,$07,$0f,$7d,$cc,$cc,$cc,$78,$3c,$66,$66,$66,$3c,$18,$7e,$18,
795 $3f,$33,$3f,$30,$30,$70,$f0,$e0,$7f,$63,$7f,$63,$63,$67,$e6,$c0,$99,$5a,$3c,$e7,$e7,$3c,$5a,$99,$80,$e0,
796 $f8,$fe,$f8,$e0,$80,$00,$02,$0e,$3e,$fe,$3e,$0e,$02,$00,$18,$3c,$7e,$18,$18,$7e,$3c,$18,$66,$66,$66,$66,
797 $66,$00,$66,$00,$7f,$db,$db,$7b,$1b,$1b,$1b,$00,$7e,$c3,$78,$cc,$cc,$78,$8c,$f8,$00,$00,$00,$00,$7e,$7e,
798 $7e,$00,$18,$3c,$7e,$18,$7e,$3c,$18,$ff,$18,$3c,$7e,$18,$18,$18,$18,$00,$18,$18,$18,$18,$7e,$3c,$18,$00,
799 $00,$18,$0c,$fe,$0c,$18,$00,$00,$00,$30,$60,$fe,$60,$30,$00,$00,$00,$00,$c0,$c0,$c0,$fe,$00,$00,$00,$24,
800 $66,$ff,$66,$24,$00,$00,$00,$18,$3c,$7e,$ff,$ff,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$ff,$7e,$3c,$18,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,
801 $00,$00,$00,$00,$30,$78,$78,$30,$30,$00,$30,$00,$6c,$6c,$6c,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$6c,$6c,$fe,$6c,$fe,$6c,
802 $6c,$00,$30,$7c,$c0,$78,$0c,$f8,$30,$00,$00,$c6,$cc,$18,$30,$66,$c6,$00,$38,$6c,$38,$76,$dc,$cc,$76,$00,
803 $60,$60,$c0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$18,$30,$60,$60,$60,$30,$18,$00,$60,$30,$18,$18,$18,$30,$60,$00,$00,$66,
804 $3c,$ff,$3c,$66,$00,$00,$00,$30,$30,$fc,$30,$30,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$70,$30,$60,$00,$00,$00,$fc,
805 $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$30,$30,$00,$06,$0c,$18,$30,$60,$c0,$80,$00,$78,$cc,$dc,$fc,$ec,$cc,
806 $78,$00,$30,$f0,$30,$30,$30,$30,$fc,$00,$78,$cc,$0c,$38,$60,$cc,$fc,$00,$78,$cc,$0c,$38,$0c,$cc,$78,$00,
807 $1c,$3c,$6c,$cc,$fe,$0c,$0c,$00,$fc,$c0,$f8,$0c,$0c,$cc,$78,$00,$38,$60,$c0,$f8,$cc,$cc,$78,$00,$fc,$cc,
808 $0c,$18,$30,$60,$60,$00,$78,$cc,$cc,$78,$cc,$cc,$78,$00,$78,$cc,$cc,$7c,$0c,$18,$70,$00,$00,$00,$30,$30,
809 $00,$30,$30,$00,$00,$00,$30,$30,$00,$70,$30,$60,$18,$30,$60,$c0,$60,$30,$18,$00,$00,$00,$fc,$00,$fc,$00,
810 $00,$00,$60,$30,$18,$0c,$18,$30,$60,$00,$78,$cc,$0c,$18,$30,$00,$30,$00,$7c,$c6,$de,$de,$de,$c0,$78,$00,
811 $30,$78,$cc,$cc,$fc,$cc,$cc,$00,$fc,$66,$66,$7c,$66,$66,$fc,$00,$3c,$66,$c0,$c0,$c0,$66,$3c,$00,$fc,$6c,
812 $66,$66,$66,$6c,$fc,$00,$fe,$62,$68,$78,$68,$62,$fe,$00,$fe,$62,$68,$78,$68,$60,$f0,$00,$3c,$66,$c0,$c0,
813 $ce,$66,$3e,$00,$cc,$cc,$cc,$fc,$cc,$cc,$cc,$00,$78,$30,$30,$30,$30,$30,$78,$00,$1e,$0c,$0c,$0c,$cc,$cc,
814 $78,$00,$e6,$66,$6c,$78,$6c,$66,$e6,$00,$f0,$60,$60,$60,$62,$66,$fe,$00,$c6,$ee,$fe,$d6,$c6,$c6,$c6,$00,
815 $c6,$e6,$f6,$de,$ce,$c6,$c6,$00,$38,$6c,$c6,$c6,$c6,$6c,$38,$00,$fc,$66,$66,$7c,$60,$60,$f0,$00,$78,$cc,
816 $cc,$cc,$dc,$78,$1c,$00,$fc,$66,$66,$7c,$78,$6c,$e6,$00,$78,$cc,$e0,$38,$1c,$cc,$78,$00,$fc,$b4,$30,$30,
817 $30,$30,$78,$00,$cc,$cc,$cc,$cc,$cc,$cc,$fc,$00,$cc,$cc,$cc,$cc,$cc,$78,$30,$00,$c6,$c6,$c6,$d6,$fe,$ee,
818 $c6,$00,$c6,$c6,$6c,$38,$6c,$c6,$c6,$00,$cc,$cc,$cc,$78,$30,$30,$78,$00,$fe,$cc,$98,$30,$62,$c6,$fe,$00,
819 $78,$60,$60,$60,$60,$60,$78,$00,$c0,$60,$30,$18,$0c,$06,$02,$00,$78,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$78,$00,$10,$38,
820 $6c,$c6,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$30,$30,$18,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$78,$0c,
821 $7c,$cc,$76,$00,$e0,$60,$7c,$66,$66,$66,$bc,$00,$00,$00,$78,$cc,$c0,$cc,$78,$00,$1c,$0c,$0c,$7c,$cc,$cc,
822 $76,$00,$00,$00,$78,$cc,$fc,$c0,$78,$00,$38,$6c,$60,$f0,$60,$60,$f0,$00,$00,$00,$76,$cc,$cc,$7c,$0c,$f8,
823 $e0,$60,$6c,$76,$66,$66,$e6,$00,$30,$00,$70,$30,$30,$30,$78,$00,$18,$00,$78,$18,$18,$18,$d8,$70,$e0,$60,
824 $66,$6c,$78,$6c,$e6,$00,$70,$30,$30,$30,$30,$30,$78,$00,$00,$00,$ec,$fe,$d6,$c6,$c6,$00,$00,$00,$f8,$cc,
825 $cc,$cc,$cc,$00,$00,$00,$78,$cc,$cc,$cc,$78,$00,$00,$00,$dc,$66,$66,$7c,$60,$f0,$00,$00,$76,$cc,$cc,$7c,
826 $0c,$1e,$00,$00,$d8,$6c,$6c,$60,$f0,$00,$00,$00,$7c,$c0,$78,$0c,$f8,$00,$10,$30,$7c,$30,$30,$34,$18,$00,
827 $00,$00,$cc,$cc,$cc,$cc,$76,$00,$00,$00,$cc,$cc,$cc,$78,$30,$00,$00,$00,$c6,$c6,$d6,$fe,$6c,$00,$00,$00,
828 $c6,$6c,$38,$6c,$c6,$00,$00,$00,$cc,$cc,$cc,$7c,$0c,$f8,$00,$00,$fc,$98,$30,$64,$fc,$00,$1c,$30,$30,$e0,
829 $30,$30,$1c,$00,$18,$18,$18,$00,$18,$18,$18,$00,$e0,$30,$30,$1c,$30,$30,$e0,$00,$76,$dc,$00,$00,$00,$00,
830 $00,$00,$10,$38,$6c,$c6,$c6,$c6,$fe,$00,$78,$cc,$c0,$cc,$78,$18,$0c,$78,$00,$cc,$00,$cc,$cc,$cc,$7e,$00,
831 $1c,$00,$78,$cc,$fc,$c0,$78,$00,$7e,$c3,$3c,$06,$3e,$66,$3f,$00,$cc,$00,$78,$0c,$7c,$cc,$7e,$00,$e0,$00,
832 $78,$0c,$7c,$cc,$7e,$00,$30,$30,$78,$0c,$7c,$cc,$7e,$00,$00,$00,$7c,$c0,$c0,$7c,$06,$3c,$7e,$c3,$3c,$66,
833 $7e,$60,$3c,$00,$cc,$00,$78,$cc,$fc,$c0,$78,$00,$e0,$00,$78,$cc,$fc,$c0,$78,$00,$cc,$00,$70,$30,$30,$30,
834 $78,$00,$7c,$c6,$38,$18,$18,$18,$3c,$00,$e0,$00,$70,$30,$30,$30,$78,$00,$cc,$30,$78,$cc,$cc,$fc,$cc,$00,
835 $30,$30,$00,$78,$cc,$fc,$cc,$00,$1c,$00,$fc,$60,$78,$60,$fc,$00,$00,$00,$7f,$0c,$7f,$cc,$7f,$00,$3e,$6c,
836 $cc,$fe,$cc,$cc,$ce,$00,$78,$cc,$00,$78,$cc,$cc,$78,$00,$00,$cc,$00,$78,$cc,$cc,$78,$00,$00,$e0,$00,$78,
837 $cc,$cc,$78,$00,$78,$cc,$00,$cc,$cc,$cc,$7e,$00,$00,$e0,$00,$cc,$cc,$cc,$7e,$00,$00,$cc,$00,$cc,$cc,$fc,
838 $0c,$f8,$c6,$38,$7c,$c6,$c6,$7c,$38,$00,$cc,$00,$cc,$cc,$cc,$cc,$78,$00,$18,$18,$7e,$c0,$c0,$7e,$18,$18,
839 $38,$6c,$64,$f0,$60,$e6,$fc,$00,$cc,$cc,$78,$fc,$30,$fc,$30,$00,$f0,$d8,$d8,$f4,$cc,$de,$cc,$0e,$0e,$1b,
840 $18,$7e,$18,$18,$d8,$70,$1c,$00,$78,$0c,$7c,$cc,$7e,$00,$38,$00,$70,$30,$30,$30,$78,$00,$00,$1c,$00,$78,
841 $cc,$cc,$78,$00,$00,$1c,$00,$cc,$cc,$cc,$7e,$00,$00,$f8,$00,$f8,$cc,$cc,$cc,$00,$fc,$00,$cc,$ec,$fc,$dc,
842 $cc,$00,$3c,$6c,$6c,$3e,$00,$7e,$00,$00,$3c,$66,$66,$3c,$00,$7e,$00,$00,$30,$00,$30,$60,$c0,$cc,$78,$00,
843 $00,$00,$00,$fc,$c0,$c0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$fc,$0c,$0c,$00,$00,$c6,$cc,$d8,$3e,$63,$ce,$98,$1f,$c6,$cc,
844 $d8,$f3,$67,$cf,$9f,$03,$00,$18,$00,$18,$18,$3c,$3c,$18,$00,$33,$66,$cc,$66,$33,$00,$00,$00,$cc,$66,$33,
845 $66,$cc,$00,$00,$22,$88,$22,$88,$22,$88,$22,$88,$55,$aa,$55,$aa,$55,$aa,$55,$aa,$dc,$76,$dc,$76,$dc,$76,
846 $dc,$76,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$f8,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$f8,$18,$f8,$18,$18,$18,
847 $36,$36,$36,$36,$f6,$36,$36,$36,$00,$00,$00,$00,$fe,$36,$36,$36,$00,$00,$f8,$18,$f8,$18,$18,$18,$36,$36,
848 $f6,$06,$f6,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$00,$00,$fe,$06,$f6,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$f6,$06,
849 $fe,$00,$00,$00,$36,$36,$36,$36,$fe,$00,$00,$00,$18,$18,$f8,$18,$f8,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$f8,$18,
850 $18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$1f,$00,$00,$00,$18,$18,$18,$18,$ff,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$18,$18,$18,
851 $18,$18,$18,$18,$1f,$18,$18,$18,$00,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$00,$00,$00,$18,$18,$18,$18,$ff,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,
852 $1f,$18,$1f,$18,$18,$18,$36,$36,$36,$36,$37,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$37,$30,$3f,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$3f,$30,
853 $37,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$f7,$00,$ff,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$00,$f7,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$37,$30,$37,$36,
854 $36,$36,$00,$00,$ff,$00,$ff,$00,$00,$00,$36,$36,$f7,$00,$f7,$36,$36,$36,$18,$18,$ff,$00,$ff,$00,$00,$00,
855 $36,$36,$36,$36,$ff,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$00,$ff,$18,$18,$18,$00,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,
856 $36,$36,$3f,$00,$00,$00,$18,$18,$1f,$18,$1f,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$1f,$18,$1f,$18,$18,$18,$00,$00,$00,$00,
857 $3f,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$f7,$36,$36,$36,$18,$18,$ff,$00,$ff,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$f8,$00,
858 $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$1f,$18,$18,$18,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$00,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,
859 $f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,
860 $76,$dc,$c8,$dc,$76,$00,$00,$78,$cc,$f8,$cc,$f8,$c0,$c0,$00,$fe,$c6,$c0,$c0,$c0,$c0,$00,$00,$fe,$6c,$6c,
861 $6c,$6c,$6c,$00,$fe,$66,$30,$18,$30,$66,$fe,$00,$00,$00,$7e,$cc,$cc,$cc,$78,$00,$00,$66,$66,$66,$66,$7c,
862 $60,$c0,$00,$76,$dc,$18,$18,$18,$18,$00,$fc,$30,$78,$cc,$cc,$78,$30,$fc,$38,$6c,$c6,$fe,$c6,$6c,$38,$00,
863 $38,$6c,$c6,$c6,$6c,$6c,$ee,$00,$1c,$30,$18,$7c,$cc,$cc,$78,$00,$00,$00,$7e,$db,$db,$7e,$00,$00,$06,$0c,
864 $7e,$db,$db,$7e,$60,$c0,$3c,$60,$c0,$fc,$c0,$60,$3c,$00,$78,$cc,$cc,$cc,$cc,$cc,$cc,$00,$00,$fc,$00,$fc,
865 $00,$fc,$00,$00,$30,$30,$fc,$30,$30,$00,$fc,$00,$60,$30,$18,$30,$60,$00,$fc,$00,$18,$30,$60,$30,$18,$00,
866 $fc,$00,$0e,$1b,$1b,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$d8,$d8,$70,$30,$30,$00,$fc,$00,$30,$30,$00,
867 $00,$72,$9c,$00,$72,$9c,$00,$00,$38,$6c,$6c,$38,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$18,$18,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,
868 $00,$00,$18,$00,$00,$00,$0f,$0c,$0c,$0c,$ec,$6c,$3c,$1c,$78,$6c,$6c,$6c,$6c,$00,$00,$00,$78,$0c,$38,$60,
869 $7c,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$3c,$3c,$3c,$3c,$00,$00,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff
870 );
872 const kgiFont6PropWidth: array[0..256-1] of Byte = (
873 $08,$08,$08,$07,$07,$07,$07,$04,$08,$07,$08,$08,$06,$06,$06,$07,
874 $06,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,
875 $85,$21,$13,$05,$05,$05,$05,$13,$13,$13,$05,$05,$12,$14,$12,$05,
876 $05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$21,$12,$05,$05,$05,$05,
877 $05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$13,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,
878 $05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$13,$05,$13,$05,$05,
879 $13,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$13,$04,$14,$13,$05,$05,$05,
880 $05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$14,$21,$04,$05,$08,
881 $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$04,
882 $44,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$05,$04,$05,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,
883 $05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$13,$13,$05,$05,$05,$04,$05,$05,$05,$05,
884 $05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$03,$04,$04,$06,$05,$04,$07,$04,$03,$05,$08,
885 $05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$14,$05,$05,$05,$04,$05,$05,$05,$05,
886 $14,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$14,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$14,$05,
887 $05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,
888 $05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05
889 );
891 const kgiFont8PropWidth: array[0..256-1] of Byte = (
892 $08,$08,$08,$07,$07,$07,$07,$06,$08,$07,$08,$08,$07,$08,$08,$08,
893 $07,$07,$07,$07,$08,$08,$07,$08,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$08,$08,$08,
894 $85,$14,$15,$07,$06,$07,$07,$03,$14,$14,$08,$06,$13,$06,$22,$07,
895 $05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$22,$13,$05,$06,$15,$06,
896 $07,$06,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$06,$14,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,
897 $07,$06,$07,$06,$06,$06,$06,$07,$07,$06,$07,$14,$07,$14,$07,$08,
898 $23,$07,$07,$06,$07,$06,$06,$07,$07,$14,$05,$07,$14,$07,$06,$06,
899 $07,$07,$06,$06,$15,$07,$06,$07,$07,$06,$06,$06,$32,$06,$07,$07,
900 $06,$07,$06,$08,$07,$07,$07,$07,$08,$06,$06,$06,$07,$05,$06,$06,
901 $06,$08,$07,$06,$06,$06,$07,$07,$06,$07,$06,$07,$07,$06,$07,$08,
902 $07,$05,$06,$07,$06,$06,$16,$16,$06,$06,$06,$08,$08,$06,$08,$08,
903 $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,
904 $38,$08,$08,$38,$08,$08,$38,$28,$28,$28,$08,$08,$28,$08,$08,$08,
905 $08,$08,$08,$28,$38,$38,$28,$08,$08,$08,$38,$08,$08,$08,$48,$08,
906 $07,$06,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$06,$07,$07,$06,$08,$08,$06,$06,
907 $06,$06,$06,$06,$35,$05,$06,$07,$15,$32,$32,$08,$15,$15,$24,$08
908 );
911 function createFontTexture (constref font: array of Byte; constref fontwdt: array of Byte; prop: Boolean): GLuint;
912 const
913 Width = 16*8;
914 Height = 16*8;
915 var
916 tex, tpp: PByte;
917 b: Byte;
918 cc: Integer;
919 x, y, dx, dy: Integer;
920 begin
921 GetMem(tex, Width*Height*4);
923 for cc := 0 to 255 do
924 begin
925 x := (cc mod 16)*8;
926 y := (cc div 16)*8;
927 for dy := 0 to 7 do
928 begin
929 b := font[cc*8+dy];
930 if prop then b := b shl (fontwdt[cc] shr 4);
931 tpp := tex+((y+dy)*(Width*4))+x*4;
932 for dx := 0 to 7 do
933 begin
934 if ((b and $80) <> 0) then
935 begin
936 tpp^ := 255; Inc(tpp);
937 tpp^ := 255; Inc(tpp);
938 tpp^ := 255; Inc(tpp);
939 tpp^ := 255; Inc(tpp);
940 end
941 else
942 begin
943 tpp^ := 0; Inc(tpp);
944 tpp^ := 0; Inc(tpp);
945 tpp^ := 0; Inc(tpp);
946 tpp^ := 0; Inc(tpp);
947 end;
948 b := (b and $7f) shl 1;
949 end;
950 end;
951 end;
953 glGenTextures(1, @result);
954 if (result = 0) then raise Exception.Create('can''t create Holmes font texture');
956 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, result);
962 //GLfloat[4] bclr = 0.0;
963 //glTexParameterfv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, bclr.ptr);
965 glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, Width, Height, 0, GL_RGBA{gltt}, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, tex);
966 glFlush();
968 //FreeMem(tex);
969 end;
972 var
973 font6texid: GLuint = 0;
974 font8texid: GLuint = 0;
975 prfont6texid: GLuint = 0;
976 prfont8texid: GLuint = 0;
979 procedure deleteFonts ();
980 begin
981 if (font6texid <> 0) then glDeleteTextures(1, @font6texid);
982 if (font8texid <> 0) then glDeleteTextures(1, @font8texid);
983 if (prfont6texid <> 0) then glDeleteTextures(1, @prfont6texid);
984 if (prfont8texid <> 0) then glDeleteTextures(1, @prfont8texid);
985 font6texid := 0;
986 font8texid := 0;
987 prfont6texid := 0;
988 prfont8texid := 0;
989 end;
992 procedure createFonts ();
993 begin
994 if (font6texid = 0) then font6texid := createFontTexture(kgiFont6, kgiFont6PropWidth, false);
995 if (font8texid = 0) then font8texid := createFontTexture(kgiFont8, kgiFont8PropWidth, false);
996 if (prfont6texid = 0) then prfont6texid := createFontTexture(kgiFont6, kgiFont6PropWidth, true);
997 if (prfont8texid = 0) then prfont8texid := createFontTexture(kgiFont8, kgiFont8PropWidth, true);
998 end;
1001 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
1002 procedure (enableScissoring: Boolean);
1003 begin
1004 wassc := (glIsEnabled(GL_SCISSOR_TEST) <> 0);
1005 if wassc then glGetIntegerv(GL_SCISSOR_BOX, @scxywh[0]) else glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, @scxywh[0]);
1006 //conwritefln('(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [scxywh[0], scxywh[1], scxywh[2], scxywh[3]]);
1007 if enableScissoring then glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
1008 end;
1010 procedure TScissorSave.restore ();
1011 begin
1012 glScissor(scxywh[0], scxywh[1], scxywh[2], scxywh[3]);
1013 if wassc then glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST) else glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
1014 end;
1016 procedure TScissorSave.setRect (x, y, w, h: Integer);
1017 begin
1018 if (w < 1) or (h < 1) then begin glScissor(0, 0, 0, 0); exit; end;
1019 y := gScrHeight-(y+h);
1020 if not intersectRect(x, y, w, h, scxywh[0], scxywh[1], scxywh[2], scxywh[3]) then glScissor(0, 0, 0, 0) else glScissor(x, y, w, h);
1021 end;
1023 //TODO: overflow checks
1024 function intersectRect (var x0, y0, w0, h0: Integer; const x1, y1, w1, h1: Integer): Boolean;
1025 var
1026 ex0, ey0: Integer;
1027 begin
1028 result := false;
1029 if (w0 < 1) or (h0 < 1) or (w1 < 1) or (h1 < 1) then exit;
1030 // check for intersection
1031 if (x0+w0 <= x1) or (y0+h0 <= y1) or (x1+w1 <= x0) or (y1+h1 <= y0) then exit;
1032 if (x0 >= x1+w1) or (y0 >= y1+h1) or (x1 >= x0+h0) or (y1 >= y0+h0) then exit;
1033 // ok, intersects
1034 ex0 := x0+w0;
1035 ey0 := y0+h0;
1036 if (x0 < x1) then x0 := x1;
1037 if (y0 < y1) then y0 := y1;
1038 if (ex0 > x1+w1) then ex0 := x1+w1;
1039 if (ey0 > y1+h1) then ey0 := y1+h1;
1040 w0 := ex0-x0;
1041 h0 := ey0-y0;
1042 result := (w0 > 0) and (h0 > 0);
1043 end;
1046 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
1047 procedure normRGBA (var r, g, b, a: Integer); inline;
1048 begin
1049 if (a < 0) then a := 0 else if (a > 255) then a := 255;
1050 if (r < 0) then r := 0 else if (r > 255) then r := 255;
1051 if (g < 0) then g := 0 else if (g > 255) then g := 255;
1052 if (b < 0) then b := 0 else if (b > 255) then b := 255;
1053 end;
1055 // returns `false` if the color is transparent
1056 function setupGLColor (r, g, b, a: Integer): Boolean;
1057 begin
1058 normRGBA(r, g, b, a);
1059 if (a < 255) then
1060 begin
1061 if (a = 0) then begin result := false; exit; end;
1062 glEnable(GL_BLEND);
1064 end
1065 else
1066 begin
1067 glDisable(GL_BLEND);
1068 end;
1069 glColor4ub(Byte(r), Byte(g), Byte(b), Byte(a));
1070 result := true;
1071 end;
1073 function isScaled (): Boolean;
1074 var
1075 mt: packed array [0..15] of Double;
1076 begin
1077 glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, @mt[0]);
1078 result := (mt[0] <> 1.0) or (mt[1*4+1] <> 1.0);
1079 end;
1082 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
1083 function textWidth6 (const s: AnsiString): Integer;
1084 var
1085 f: Integer;
1086 begin
1087 result := 0;
1088 for f := 1 to Length(s) do Inc(result, Integer(kgiFont6PropWidth[Integer(s[f])] and $0f)+1);
1089 if (result > 0) then Dec(result); // don't count last empty pixel
1090 end;
1093 function textWidth8 (const s: AnsiString): Integer;
1094 var
1095 f: Integer;
1096 begin
1097 result := 0;
1098 for f := 1 to Length(s) do Inc(result, Integer(kgiFont8PropWidth[Integer(s[f])] and $0f)+1);
1099 if (result > 0) then Dec(result); // don't count last empty pixel
1100 end;
1103 // return width (including last empty pixel)
1104 function drawTextInternal (wdt, x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer; tid: GLuint; constref fontwdt: array of Byte; prop: Boolean): Integer;
1105 var
1106 f, c: Integer;
1107 tx, ty: Integer;
1108 begin
1109 result := 0;
1110 if (Length(s) = 0) then exit;
1111 if not setupGLColor(r, g, b, a) then exit;
1113 glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
1114 glAlphaFunc(GL_NOTEQUAL, 0.0);
1115 glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
1116 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tid);
1118 for f := 1 to Length(s) do
1119 begin
1120 c := Integer(s[f]) and $ff;
1121 tx := (c mod 16)*8;
1122 ty := (c div 16)*8;
1123 glBegin(GL_QUADS);
1124 glTexCoord2f((tx+0)/128.0, (ty+0)/128.0); glVertex2i(x+0, y+0); // top-left
1125 glTexCoord2f((tx+8)/128.0, (ty+0)/128.0); glVertex2i(x+8, y+0); // top-right
1126 glTexCoord2f((tx+8)/128.0, (ty+8)/128.0); glVertex2i(x+8, y+8); // bottom-right
1127 glTexCoord2f((tx+0)/128.0, (ty+8)/128.0); glVertex2i(x+0, y+8); // bottom-left
1128 glEnd();
1129 if prop then
1130 begin
1131 x += Integer(fontwdt[c] and $0f)+1;
1132 result += Integer(fontwdt[c] and $0f)+1;
1133 end
1134 else
1135 begin
1136 x += wdt;
1137 result += wdt;
1138 end;
1139 end;
1141 glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
1142 glDisable(GL_BLEND);
1143 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
1144 glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
1145 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
1146 end;
1149 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
1150 procedure drawHLine (x, y, len: Integer; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255);
1151 begin
1152 if (len < 1) then exit;
1153 if not setupGLColor(r, g, b, a) then exit;
1154 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
1155 if (not isScaled) then
1156 begin
1157 glBegin(GL_LINES);
1158 glVertex2f(x+0.375, y+0.375);
1159 glVertex2f(x+len+0.375, y+0.375);
1160 glEnd();
1161 end
1162 else
1163 begin
1164 glBegin(GL_QUADS);
1165 glVertex2i(x, y);
1166 glVertex2i(x+len, y);
1167 glVertex2i(x+len, y+1);
1168 glVertex2i(x, y+1);
1169 glEnd();
1170 end;
1171 end;
1174 procedure drawVLine (x, y, len: Integer; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255);
1175 begin
1176 if (len < 1) then exit;
1177 if not setupGLColor(r, g, b, a) then exit;
1178 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
1179 if (not isScaled) then
1180 begin
1181 glBegin(GL_LINES);
1182 glVertex2f(x+0.375, y+0.375);
1183 glVertex2f(x+0.375, y+len+0.375);
1184 glEnd();
1185 end
1186 else
1187 begin
1188 glBegin(GL_QUADS);
1189 glVertex2i(x, y);
1190 glVertex2i(x, y+len);
1191 glVertex2i(x+1, y+len);
1192 glVertex2i(x+1, y);
1193 glEnd();
1194 end;
1195 end;
1198 procedure drawLine (x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255);
1199 begin
1200 if not setupGLColor(r, g, b, a) then exit;
1202 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
1204 glLineWidth(1);
1205 glPointSize(1);
1207 if (not isScaled) then
1208 begin
1209 glBegin(GL_LINES);
1210 glVertex2f(x1+0.375, y1+0.375);
1211 glVertex2f(x2+0.375, y2+0.375);
1212 glEnd();
1214 if (x1 <> x2) or (y1 <> y2) then
1215 begin
1216 glBegin(GL_POINTS);
1217 glVertex2f(x2+0.375, y2+0.375);
1218 glEnd();
1219 end;
1220 end
1221 else
1222 begin
1223 glBegin(GL_LINES);
1224 glVertex2i(x1, y1);
1225 glVertex2i(x2, y2);
1226 // draw last point
1227 glVertex2i(x2, y2);
1228 glVertex2i(x2+1, y2+1);
1229 glEnd();
1230 end;
1232 glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
1233 glDisable(GL_BLEND);
1234 end;
1237 procedure drawRect (x, y, w, h: Integer; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255);
1238 begin
1239 if (w < 0) or (h < 0) then exit;
1240 if not setupGLColor(r, g, b, a) then exit;
1241 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
1242 glLineWidth(1);
1243 glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
1244 glDisable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH);
1245 if (w = 1) and (h = 1) then
1246 begin
1247 glBegin(GL_POINTS);
1248 glVertex2f(x+0.375, y+0.375);
1249 glEnd();
1250 end
1251 else
1252 begin
1253 glBegin(GL_LINES);
1254 glVertex2i(x, y); glVertex2i(x+w, y); // top
1255 glVertex2i(x, y+h-1); glVertex2i(x+w, y+h-1); // bottom
1256 glVertex2f(x+0.375, y+1); glVertex2f(x+0.375, y+h-1); // left
1257 glVertex2f(x+w-1+0.375, y+1); glVertex2f(x+w-1+0.375, y+h-1); // right
1258 glEnd();
1259 end;
1260 //glRect(x, y, x+w, y+h);
1261 glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
1262 glDisable(GL_BLEND);
1263 end;
1266 procedure drawRectUI (x, y, w, h: Integer; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255);
1267 procedure hline (x, y, len: Integer);
1268 begin
1269 if (len < 1) then exit;
1270 glBegin(GL_QUADS);
1271 glVertex2i(x, y);
1272 glVertex2i(x+len, y);
1273 glVertex2i(x+len, y+1);
1274 glVertex2i(x, y+1);
1275 glEnd();
1276 end;
1278 procedure vline (x, y, len: Integer);
1279 begin
1280 if (len < 1) then exit;
1281 glBegin(GL_QUADS);
1282 glVertex2i(x, y);
1283 glVertex2i(x, y+len);
1284 glVertex2i(x+1, y+len);
1285 glVertex2i(x+1, y);
1286 glEnd();
1287 end;
1289 var
1290 scaled: Boolean;
1291 begin
1292 if (w < 0) or (h < 0) then exit;
1293 if not setupGLColor(r, g, b, a) then exit;
1294 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
1295 glLineWidth(1);
1296 glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
1297 glDisable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH);
1298 scaled := isScaled();
1299 if (w = 1) and (h = 1) then
1300 begin
1301 glBegin(GL_POINTS);
1302 if scaled then glVertex2i(x, y) else glVertex2f(x+0.375, y+0.375);
1303 glEnd();
1304 end
1305 else
1306 begin
1307 if not scaled then
1308 begin
1309 glBegin(GL_LINES);
1310 glVertex2i(x, y); glVertex2i(x+w, y); // top
1311 glVertex2i(x, y+h-1); glVertex2i(x+w, y+h-1); // bottom
1312 glVertex2f(x+0.375, y+1); glVertex2f(x+0.375, y+h-1); // left
1313 glVertex2f(x+w-1+0.375, y+1); glVertex2f(x+w-1+0.375, y+h-1); // right
1314 glEnd();
1315 end
1316 else
1317 begin
1318 hline(x, y, w);
1319 hline(x, y+h-1, w);
1320 vline(x, y+1, h-2);
1321 vline(x+w-1, y+1, h-2);
1322 end;
1323 end;
1324 //glRect(x, y, x+w, y+h);
1325 glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
1326 glDisable(GL_BLEND);
1327 end;
1330 procedure darkenRect (x, y, w, h: Integer; a: Integer);
1331 begin
1332 if (w < 0) or (h < 0) then exit;
1333 if (a < 0) then a := 0;
1334 if (a >= 255) then exit;
1335 glEnable(GL_BLEND);
1336 glBlendFunc(GL_ZERO, GL_SRC_ALPHA);
1337 glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
1338 glDisable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH);
1339 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
1340 glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, a/255.0);
1341 glBegin(GL_QUADS);
1342 glVertex2i(x, y);
1343 glVertex2i(x+w, y);
1344 glVertex2i(x+w, y+h);
1345 glVertex2i(x, y+h);
1346 glEnd();
1347 //glRect(x, y, x+w, y+h);
1348 glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
1349 glDisable(GL_BLEND);
1350 //glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD);
1351 end;
1354 procedure fillRect (x, y, w, h: Integer; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255);
1355 begin
1356 if (w < 0) or (h < 0) then exit;
1357 if not setupGLColor(r, g, b, a) then exit;
1358 glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
1359 glDisable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH);
1360 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
1361 glBegin(GL_QUADS);
1362 glVertex2f(x, y);
1363 glVertex2f(x+w, y);
1364 glVertex2f(x+w, y+h);
1365 glVertex2f(x, y+h);
1366 glEnd();
1367 glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
1368 glDisable(GL_BLEND);
1369 end;
1372 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
1373 function drawText6 (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255): Integer;
1374 begin
1375 if (font6texid = 0) then createFonts();
1376 drawTextInternal(6, x, y, s, r, g, b, a, font6texid, kgiFont6PropWidth, false);
1377 result := Length(s)*6;
1378 end;
1380 function drawText8 (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255): Integer;
1381 begin
1382 if (font8texid = 0) then createFonts();
1383 drawTextInternal(8, x, y, s, r, g, b, a, font8texid, kgiFont8PropWidth, false);
1384 result := Length(s)*8;
1385 end;
1387 function drawText6Prop (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255): Integer;
1388 begin
1389 if (prfont6texid = 0) then createFonts();
1390 result := drawTextInternal(6, x, y, s, r, g, b, a, prfont6texid, kgiFont6PropWidth, true);
1391 end;
1393 function drawText8Prop (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255): Integer;
1394 begin
1395 if (prfont8texid = 0) then createFonts();
1396 result := drawTextInternal(8, x, y, s, r, g, b, a, prfont8texid, kgiFont8PropWidth, true);
1397 end;
1400 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
1401 // x-centered at `x`
1402 function drawText6XC (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255): Integer;
1403 begin
1404 if (font6texid = 0) then createFonts();
1405 x -= Length(s)*6 div 2;
1406 drawTextInternal(6, x, y, s, r, g, b, a, font6texid, kgiFont6PropWidth, false);
1407 result := Length(s)*6;
1408 end;
1410 function drawText8XC (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255): Integer;
1411 begin
1412 if (font8texid = 0) then createFonts();
1413 x -= Length(s)*8 div 2;
1414 drawTextInternal(8, x, y, s, r, g, b, a, font8texid, kgiFont8PropWidth, false);
1415 result := Length(s)*8;
1416 end;
1418 function drawText6PropXC (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255): Integer;
1419 begin
1420 if (prfont6texid = 0) then createFonts();
1421 x -= textWidth6(s) div 2;
1422 result := drawTextInternal(6, x, y, s, r, g, b, a, prfont6texid, kgiFont6PropWidth, true);
1423 end;
1425 function drawText8PropXC (x, y: Integer; const s: AnsiString; r, g, b: Integer; a: Integer=255): Integer;
1426 begin
1427 if (prfont8texid = 0) then createFonts();
1428 x -= textWidth8(s) div 2;
1429 result := drawTextInternal(8, x, y, s, r, g, b, a, prfont8texid, kgiFont8PropWidth, true);
1430 end;
1433 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
1434 procedure oglRestoreMode (doClear: Boolean);
1435 begin
1436 oglSetup2D(gScrWidth, gScrHeight);
1437 glScissor(0, 0, gScrWidth, gScrHeight);
1439 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
1440 glDisable(GL_BLEND);
1441 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
1442 glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST);
1443 glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
1444 glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
1445 glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
1446 glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
1447 glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
1448 glDisable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH);
1449 glLineWidth(1);
1450 glPointSize(1);
1451 glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
1453 if doClear then
1454 begin
1455 glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
1457 end;
1459 // scale everything
1460 glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
1461 glLoadIdentity();
1462 //glScalef(4, 4, 1);
1463 end;
1466 procedure onWinFocus (); begin end;
1468 procedure onWinBlur (); begin resetKMState(true); end;
1470 procedure onPreRender (); begin oglRestoreMode(gGfxDoClear); end;
1472 procedure onPostRender (); begin oglRestoreMode(false); oglDrawCursor(); end;
1474 procedure onInit ();
1475 begin
1476 oglSetup2D(gScrWidth, gScrHeight);
1478 createCursorTexture();
1479 createFonts();
1480 end;
1482 procedure onDeinit ();
1483 begin
1484 resetKMState(false);
1485 if (curtexid <> 0) then glDeleteTextures(1, @curtexid);
1486 curtexid := 0;
1487 deleteFonts();
1488 curButState := 0;
1489 curModState := 0;
1490 curMsX := 0;
1491 curMsY := 0;
1492 end;
1495 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
1496 begin
1497 evSDLCB := onSDLEvent;
1498 winFocusCB := onWinFocus;
1499 winBlurCB := onWinBlur;
1500 prerenderFrameCB := onPreRender;
1501 postrenderFrameCB := onPostRender;
1502 oglInitCB := onInit;
1503 oglDeinitCB := onDeinit;
1504 end.