dfzip: fix error codes on read
[d2df-editor.git] / src / editor / g_textures.pas
1 unit g_textures;
3 {$INCLUDE ../shared/}
5 interface
7 uses LCLIntf, LCLType, LMessages, e_graphics, utils;
9 function g_SimpleCreateTextureWAD(var ID: DWORD; Resource: string): Boolean;
10 function g_SimpleCreateTextureWADSize(var ID: DWORD; Resource: string;
11 X, Y, Width, Height: Word): Boolean;
13 function g_CreateTextureWAD(TextureName: ShortString; Resource: string; flag: Byte = 0): Boolean;
14 function g_CreateTextureWADSize(TextureName: ShortString; Resource: string;
15 X, Y, Width, Height: Word; flag: Byte = 0): Boolean;
16 function g_CreateTextureMemorySize(pData: Pointer; dataLen: Integer; Name: ShortString; X, Y,
17 Width, Height: Word; flag: Byte = 0): Boolean;
19 function g_GetTexture(TextureName: ShortString; var ID: DWORD): Boolean;
20 function g_GetTextureFlagByName(TextureName: ShortString): Byte;
21 function g_GetTextureFlagByID(ID: DWORD): Byte;
22 procedure g_GetTextureSizeByName(TextureName: ShortString; var Width, Height: Word);
23 procedure g_GetTextureSizeByID(ID: DWORD; var Width, Height: Word);
25 procedure g_DeleteTexture(TextureName: ShortString);
26 procedure g_DeleteAllTextures();
28 implementation
30 uses
31 e_log, WADEDITOR, g_basic, SysUtils;
33 type
34 _TTexture = record
35 Name: ShortString;
37 Width, Height: Word;
38 flag: Byte;
39 end;
41 var
42 TexturesArray: array of _TTexture = nil;
44 function FindTexture: DWORD;
45 var
46 i: integer;
47 begin
48 if TexturesArray <> nil then
49 for i := 0 to High(TexturesArray) do
50 if TexturesArray[i].Name = '' then
51 begin
52 Result := i;
53 Exit;
54 end;
56 if TexturesArray = nil then
57 begin
58 SetLength(TexturesArray, 8);
59 Result := 0;
60 end
61 else
62 begin
63 Result := High(TexturesArray) + 1;
64 SetLength(TexturesArray, Length(TexturesArray) + 8);
65 end;
66 end;
68 function g_SimpleCreateTextureWAD(var ID: DWORD; Resource: string): Boolean;
69 var
70 WAD: TWADEditor_1;
71 FileName,
72 SectionName,
73 ResourceName: string;
74 TextureData: Pointer;
75 ResourceLength: Integer;
76 begin
77 Result := False;
78 g_ProcessResourceStr(Resource, FileName, SectionName, ResourceName);
80 WAD := TWADEditor_1.Create;
81 WAD.ReadFile(FileName);
83 if WAD.GetResource(utf2win(SectionName), utf2win(ResourceName), TextureData, ResourceLength) then
84 begin
85 if e_CreateTextureMem(TextureData, ResourceLength, ID) then Result := True;
86 FreeMem(TextureData);
87 end
88 else
89 begin
90 e_WriteLog(Format('Error loading texture %s', [Resource]), MSG_WARNING);
91 e_WriteLog(Format('WAD Reader error: %s', [WAD.GetLastErrorStr]), MSG_WARNING);
92 end;
93 WAD.Destroy;
94 end;
96 function g_CreateTextureMemorySize(pData: Pointer; dataLen: Integer; Name: ShortString; X, Y,
97 Width, Height: Word; flag: Byte = 0): Boolean;
98 var
99 find_id: DWORD;
100 begin
101 Result := False;
102 if pData = nil then
103 Exit;
105 find_id := FindTexture;
107 if not e_CreateTextureMemEx(pData, dataLen, TexturesArray[find_id].ID, X, Y, Width, Height) then
108 begin
109 FreeMem(pData);
110 Exit;
111 end;
113 TexturesArray[find_id].Width := Width;
114 TexturesArray[find_id].Height := Height;
115 TexturesArray[find_id].Name := Name;
116 TexturesArray[find_id].flag := flag;
118 FreeMem(pData);
120 Result := True;
121 end;
123 function g_CreateTextureWAD(TextureName: ShortString; Resource: string; flag: Byte = 0): Boolean;
124 var
125 WAD: TWADEditor_1;
126 FileName,
127 SectionName,
128 ResourceName: string;
129 TextureData: Pointer;
130 find_id: DWORD;
131 ResourceLength: Integer;
132 begin
133 g_ProcessResourceStr(Resource, FileName, SectionName, ResourceName);
135 find_id := FindTexture;
137 WAD := TWADEditor_1.Create;
138 WAD.ReadFile(FileName);
140 if WAD.GetResource(utf2win(SectionName), utf2win(ResourceName), TextureData, ResourceLength) then
141 begin
142 Result := e_CreateTextureMem(TextureData, ResourceLength, TexturesArray[find_id].ID);
143 FreeMem(TextureData);
144 if Result then
145 begin
146 e_GetTextureSize(TexturesArray[find_id].ID, @TexturesArray[find_id].Width,
147 @TexturesArray[find_id].Height);
148 TexturesArray[find_id].Name := TextureName;
149 TexturesArray[find_id].flag := flag;
150 end;
151 end
152 else
153 begin
154 e_WriteLog(Format('Error loading texture %s', [Resource]), MSG_WARNING);
155 e_WriteLog(Format('WAD Reader error: %s', [WAD.GetLastErrorStr]), MSG_WARNING);
156 Result := False;
157 end;
158 WAD.Destroy;
159 end;
161 function g_SimpleCreateTextureWADSize(var ID: DWORD; Resource: string; X, Y, Width, Height: Word): Boolean;
162 var
163 WAD: TWADEditor_1;
164 FileName,
165 SectionName,
166 ResourceName: String;
167 TextureData: Pointer;
168 ResourceLength: Integer;
169 begin
170 Result := False;
171 g_ProcessResourceStr(Resource, FileName, SectionName, ResourceName);
173 WAD := TWADEditor_1.Create;
174 WAD.ReadFile(FileName);
176 if WAD.GetResource(utf2win(SectionName), utf2win(ResourceName), TextureData, ResourceLength) then
177 begin
178 if e_CreateTextureMemEx(TextureData, ResourceLength, ID, X, Y, Width, Height) then Result := True;
179 FreeMem(TextureData);
180 end
181 else
182 begin
183 e_WriteLog(Format('Error loading texture %s', [Resource]), MSG_WARNING);
184 e_WriteLog(Format('WAD Reader error: %s', [WAD.GetLastErrorStr]), MSG_WARNING);
185 end;
186 WAD.Destroy;
187 end;
189 function g_CreateTextureWADSize(TextureName: ShortString; Resource: string;
190 X, Y, Width, Height: Word; flag: Byte = 0): Boolean;
191 var
192 WAD: TWADEditor_1;
193 FileName,
194 SectionName,
195 ResourceName: String;
196 TextureData: Pointer;
197 find_id: DWORD;
198 ResourceLength: Integer;
199 begin
200 g_ProcessResourceStr(Resource, FileName, SectionName, ResourceName);
202 find_id := FindTexture;
204 WAD := TWADEditor_1.Create;
205 WAD.ReadFile(FileName);
207 if WAD.GetResource(utf2win(SectionName), utf2win(ResourceName), TextureData, ResourceLength) then
208 begin
209 Result := e_CreateTextureMemEx(TextureData, ResourceLength, TexturesArray[find_id].ID, X, Y, Width, Height);
210 FreeMem(TextureData);
211 if Result then
212 begin
213 TexturesArray[find_id].Width := Width;
214 TexturesArray[find_id].Height := Height;
215 TexturesArray[find_id].Name := TextureName;
216 TexturesArray[find_id].flag := flag;
217 end;
218 end
219 else
220 begin
221 e_WriteLog(Format('Error loading texture %s', [Resource]), MSG_WARNING);
222 e_WriteLog(Format('WAD Reader error: %s', [WAD.GetLastErrorStr]), MSG_WARNING);
223 Result := False;
224 end;
225 WAD.Destroy;
226 end;
228 function g_GetTexture(TextureName: ShortString; var ID: DWORD): Boolean;
229 var
230 a: DWORD;
231 begin
232 Result := False;
234 if TexturesArray = nil then Exit;
236 if TextureName = '' then Exit;
238 for a := 0 to High(TexturesArray) do
239 if TexturesArray[a].Name = TextureName then
240 begin
241 ID := TexturesArray[a].ID;
242 Result := True;
243 Break;
244 end;
245 end;
247 function g_GetTextureFlagByName(TextureName: ShortString): Byte;
248 var
249 ID: DWORD;
250 begin
251 Result := 0;
253 if not g_GetTexture(TextureName, ID) then Exit;
255 Result := TexturesArray[ID].flag;
256 end;
258 function g_GetTextureFlagByID(ID: DWORD): Byte;
259 begin
260 Result := TexturesArray[ID].flag;
261 end;
263 procedure g_GetTextureSizeByName(TextureName: ShortString; var Width, Height: Word);
264 var
265 ID: DWORD;
266 begin
267 Width := 0;
268 Height := 0;
270 if not g_GetTexture(TextureName, ID) then Exit;
272 e_GetTextureSize(ID, @Width, @Height);
273 end;
275 procedure g_GetTextureSizeByID(ID: DWORD; var Width, Height: Word);
276 begin
277 e_GetTextureSize(ID, @Width, @Height);
278 end;
280 procedure g_DeleteTexture(TextureName: ShortString);
281 var
282 a: DWORD;
283 begin
284 if TexturesArray = nil then Exit;
286 for a := 0 to High(TexturesArray) do
287 if TexturesArray[a].Name = TextureName then
288 begin
289 e_DeleteTexture(TexturesArray[a].ID);
290 TexturesArray[a].Name := '';
291 TexturesArray[a].ID := 0;
292 TexturesArray[a].Width := 0;
293 TexturesArray[a].Height := 0;
294 end;
295 end;
297 procedure g_DeleteAllTextures;
298 var
299 a: DWORD;
300 begin
301 if TexturesArray = nil then Exit;
303 for a := 0 to High(TexturesArray) do
304 if TexturesArray[a].Name <> '' then
305 e_DeleteTexture(TexturesArray[a].ID);
307 TexturesArray := nil;
308 end;
310 end.