Map: Use the animation flags in the map texture list only as a hint, not a prescription
[d2df-editor.git] / src / editor / f_packmap.lfm
1 object PackMapForm: TPackMapForm
2 Left = 312
3 Height = 229
4 Top = 231
5 Width = 360
6 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
7 BorderStyle = bsSingle
8 Caption = 'Упаковать карту'
9 ClientHeight = 229
10 ClientWidth = 360
11 Color = clBtnFace
12 Font.Color = clWindowText
13 Font.Height = -11
14 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
15 OnCreate = FormCreate
16 Position = poScreenCenter
17 LCLVersion = ''
18 object Panel1: TPanel
19 Left = 4
20 Height = 189
21 Top = 4
22 Width = 353
23 BevelInner = bvRaised
24 BevelOuter = bvLowered
25 ClientHeight = 189
26 ClientWidth = 353
27 TabOrder = 0
28 object LabelSaveTo: TLabel
29 Left = 6
30 Height = 13
31 Top = 6
32 Width = 65
33 Caption = 'Сохранить в:'
34 ParentColor = False
35 end
36 object LabelMapName: TLabel
37 Left = 214
38 Height = 13
39 Top = 6
40 Width = 109
41 Caption = 'Имя ресурса (карты):'
42 ParentColor = False
43 end
44 object LabelTextures: TLabel
45 Left = 94
46 Height = 13
47 Top = 62
48 Width = 103
49 Caption = 'Секция для текстур:'
50 ParentColor = False
51 end
52 object LabelSky: TLabel
53 Left = 94
54 Height = 13
55 Top = 86
56 Width = 88
57 Caption = 'Секция для неба:'
58 ParentColor = False
59 end
60 object LabelMusic: TLabel
61 Left = 94
62 Height = 13
63 Top = 110
64 Width = 103
65 Caption = 'Секция для музыки:'
66 ParentColor = False
67 end
68 object eWAD: TEdit
69 Left = 6
70 Height = 21
71 Top = 22
72 Width = 169
73 TabOrder = 0
74 end
75 object bSelectWAD: TButton
76 Left = 176
77 Height = 23
78 Hint = 'Выбрать фон'
79 Top = 20
80 Width = 23
81 Caption = '..'
82 OnClick = bSelectWADClick
83 TabOrder = 1
84 end
85 object eResource: TEdit
86 Left = 214
87 Height = 21
88 Top = 22
89 Width = 129
90 CharCase = ecUppercase
91 MaxLength = 16
92 TabOrder = 2
93 end
94 object eTSection: TEdit
95 Left = 214
96 Height = 21
97 Top = 62
98 Width = 129
99 CharCase = ecUppercase
100 MaxLength = 16
101 TabOrder = 4
102 end
103 object eSSection: TEdit
104 Left = 214
105 Height = 21
106 Top = 86
107 Width = 129
108 CharCase = ecUppercase
109 MaxLength = 16
110 TabOrder = 6
111 end
112 object eMSection: TEdit
113 Left = 214
114 Height = 21
115 Top = 110
116 Width = 129
117 CharCase = ecUppercase
118 MaxLength = 16
119 TabOrder = 8
120 end
121 object cbTextrures: TCheckBox
122 Left = 6
123 Height = 17
124 Top = 62
125 Width = 67
126 Caption = 'Текстуры'
127 Checked = True
128 State = cbChecked
129 TabOrder = 3
130 end
131 object cbSky: TCheckBox
132 Left = 6
133 Height = 17
134 Top = 86
135 Width = 44
136 Caption = 'Небо'
137 Checked = True
138 State = cbChecked
139 TabOrder = 5
140 end
141 object cbMusic: TCheckBox
142 Left = 6
143 Height = 17
144 Top = 110
145 Width = 57
146 Caption = 'Музыку'
147 Checked = True
148 State = cbChecked
149 TabOrder = 7
150 end
151 object cbAdd: TCheckBox
152 Left = 6
153 Height = 17
154 Top = 142
155 Width = 149
156 Caption = 'Не перезаписывать WAD'
157 TabOrder = 9
158 end
159 object cbNonStandart: TCheckBox
160 Left = 6
161 Height = 17
162 Hint = 'Не сохранять ресурсы из стандартных WAD''ов - standart.wad и пр.'
163 Top = 158
164 Width = 182
165 Caption = 'Только нестандартные ресурсы'
166 TabOrder = 10
167 end
168 end
169 object bPack: TButton
170 Left = 282
171 Height = 25
172 Top = 200
173 Width = 75
174 Caption = 'Упаковать'
175 Default = True
176 OnClick = bPackClick
177 TabOrder = 1
178 end
179 object SaveDialog: TSaveDialog
180 DefaultExt = '.wad'
181 Filter = 'Карты Doom2D: Forever (*.wad)|*.wad|All files (*.*)|*.*'
182 Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofEnableSizing, ofDontAddToRecent]
183 left = 8
184 top = 200
185 end
186 end