system: add option --game-wad and --edtor-wad
[d2df-editor.git] / src / editor / f_maptest.lfm
1 object MapTestForm: TMapTestForm
2 Left = 291
3 Height = 322
4 Top = 194
5 Width = 367
6 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
7 BorderStyle = bsSingle
8 Caption = 'Настройки теста в игре'
9 ClientHeight = 322
10 ClientWidth = 367
11 Color = clBtnFace
12 Font.Color = clWindowText
13 Font.Height = -11
14 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
15 OnActivate = FormActivate
16 OnCreate = FormCreate
17 Position = poScreenCenter
18 LCLVersion = ''
19 object bOK: TButton
20 Left = 192
21 Height = 25
22 Top = 280
23 Width = 75
24 Caption = 'OK'
25 Default = True
26 OnClick = bOKClick
27 TabOrder = 1
28 end
29 object bCancel: TButton
30 Left = 286
31 Height = 25
32 Top = 280
33 Width = 75
34 Cancel = True
35 Caption = 'Отмена'
36 OnClick = bCancelClick
37 TabOrder = 2
38 end
39 object GroupBox1: TGroupBox
40 Left = 8
41 Height = 264
42 Top = 0
43 Width = 353
44 ClientHeight = 262
45 ClientWidth = 351
46 TabOrder = 0
47 object LabelTime: TLabel
48 Left = 14
49 Height = 16
50 Top = 98
51 Width = 80
52 Caption = 'Лимит времени:'
53 ParentColor = False
54 end
55 object LabelSecs: TLabel
56 Left = 174
57 Height = 16
58 Top = 98
59 Width = 35
60 Caption = 'секунд'
61 ParentColor = False
62 end
63 object LabelScore: TLabel
64 Left = 14
65 Height = 16
66 Top = 122
67 Width = 66
68 Caption = 'Лимит очков:'
69 ParentColor = False
70 end
71 object LabelPath: TLabel
72 Left = 14
73 Height = 16
74 Top = 170
75 Width = 103
76 Caption = 'Путь к Doom2DF.exe:'
77 ParentColor = False
78 end
79 object rbDM: TRadioButton
80 Left = 14
81 Height = 21
82 Top = 2
83 Width = 84
84 Caption = 'Deathmatch'
85 Checked = True
86 TabOrder = 0
87 TabStop = True
88 end
89 object rbTDM: TRadioButton
90 Left = 14
91 Height = 21
92 Top = 18
93 Width = 113
94 Caption = 'Team Deathmatch'
95 TabOrder = 1
96 end
97 object rbCTF: TRadioButton
98 Left = 14
99 Height = 21
100 Top = 34
101 Width = 106
102 Caption = 'Capture the Flag'
103 TabOrder = 2
104 end
105 object rbCOOP: TRadioButton
106 Left = 14
107 Height = 21
108 Top = 50
109 Width = 83
110 Caption = 'Cooperative'
111 TabOrder = 3
112 end
113 object cbTwoPlayers: TCheckBox
114 Left = 174
115 Height = 21
116 Top = 2
117 Width = 80
118 Caption = 'Два игрока'
119 TabOrder = 4
120 end
121 object cbTeamDamage: TCheckBox
122 Left = 174
123 Height = 21
124 Top = 18
125 Width = 126
126 Caption = 'Урон своей команде'
127 TabOrder = 5
128 end
129 object cbAllowExit: TCheckBox
130 Left = 174
131 Height = 21
132 Top = 34
133 Width = 109
134 Caption = 'Выход из уровня'
135 Checked = True
136 State = cbChecked
137 TabOrder = 6
138 end
139 object cbWeaponStay: TCheckBox
140 Left = 174
141 Height = 21
142 Top = 50
143 Width = 112
144 Caption = 'Оружие остается'
145 TabOrder = 7
146 end
147 object cbMonstersDM: TCheckBox
148 Left = 174
149 Height = 21
150 Top = 66
151 Width = 98
152 Caption = 'Монстры в DM'
153 TabOrder = 8
154 end
155 object edTime: TEdit
156 Left = 102
157 Height = 28
158 Top = 98
159 Width = 49
160 TabOrder = 9
161 Text = '0'
162 end
163 object edScore: TEdit
164 Left = 102
165 Height = 28
166 Top = 122
167 Width = 49
168 TabOrder = 10
169 Text = '0'
170 end
171 object UpDown2: TUpDown
172 Left = 151
173 Height = 28
174 Top = 122
175 Width = 12
176 Associate = edScore
177 Max = 1000
178 Min = 0
179 Position = 0
180 TabOrder = 12
181 end
182 object UpDown1: TUpDown
183 Left = 151
184 Height = 28
185 Top = 98
186 Width = 12
187 Associate = edTime
188 Max = 28800
189 Min = 0
190 Position = 0
191 TabOrder = 11
192 end
193 object edD2dexe: TEdit
194 Left = 14
195 Height = 28
196 Top = 186
197 Width = 297
198 TabOrder = 14
199 Text = 'Doom2DF.exe'
200 end
201 object bChooseD2d: TButton
202 Left = 318
203 Height = 20
204 Top = 186
205 Width = 25
206 Caption = '...'
207 Font.Color = clWindowText
208 Font.Height = -11
209 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
210 Font.Style = [fsBold]
211 OnClick = bChooseD2dClick
212 ParentFont = False
213 TabOrder = 15
214 end
215 object edD2DArgs: TEdit
216 Left = 14
217 Height = 28
218 Top = 232
219 Width = 297
220 TabOrder = 16
221 end
222 object cbMapOnce: TCheckBox
223 Left = 14
224 Height = 21
225 Top = 146
226 Width = 211
227 Caption = 'Закрыть игру после выхода из карты'
228 TabOrder = 13
229 end
230 object LabelArgs: TLabel
231 Left = 14
232 Height = 16
233 Top = 216
234 Width = 103
235 Caption = 'Параметры запуска:'
236 ParentColor = False
237 end
238 end
239 object FindD2dDialog: TOpenDialog
240 Title = 'Выберите файл игры Doom 2D: Forever'
241 DefaultExt = '.exe'
242 Filter = 'Doom2DF.exe|Doom2DF.exe;Doom2DF'
243 Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofNoChangeDir, ofEnableSizing]
244 left = 296
245 top = 128
246 end
247 end