Improve the usability of pasting objects from the clipboard
[d2df-editor.git] / src / editor / f_activationtype.lfm
1 object ActivationTypeForm: TActivationTypeForm
2 Left = 231
3 Height = 149
4 Top = 196
5 Width = 124
6 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
7 BorderStyle = bsToolWindow
8 Caption = 'Тип активации'
9 ClientHeight = 149
10 ClientWidth = 124
11 Color = clBtnFace
12 Font.Color = clWindowText
13 Font.Height = -11
14 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
15 Position = poScreenCenter
16 LCLVersion = ''
17 object cbPlayerCollide: TCheckBox
18 Left = 2
19 Height = 17
20 Top = 0
21 Width = 88
22 Caption = 'Игрок близко'
23 TabOrder = 0
24 end
25 object cbMonsterCollide: TCheckBox
26 Left = 2
27 Height = 17
28 Top = 16
29 Width = 95
30 Caption = 'Монстр близко'
31 TabOrder = 1
32 end
33 object cbPlayerPress: TCheckBox
34 Left = 2
35 Height = 17
36 Top = 32
37 Width = 84
38 Caption = 'Игрок нажал'
39 TabOrder = 2
40 end
41 object bOK: TButton
42 Left = 2
43 Height = 25
44 Top = 120
45 Width = 121
46 Caption = 'OK'
47 Default = True
48 ModalResult = 1
49 TabOrder = 6
50 end
51 object cbMonsterPress: TCheckBox
52 Left = 2
53 Height = 17
54 Top = 48
55 Width = 91
56 Caption = 'Монстр нажал'
57 TabOrder = 3
58 end
59 object cbShot: TCheckBox
60 Left = 2
61 Height = 17
62 Top = 64
63 Width = 62
64 Caption = 'Выстрел'
65 TabOrder = 4
66 end
67 object cbNoMonster: TCheckBox
68 Left = 2
69 Height = 17
70 Top = 80
71 Width = 88
72 Caption = 'Монстров нет'
73 TabOrder = 5
74 end
75 end