Fix memory leaks in the recent files menu code and simplify it
[d2df-editor.git] / src / editor / f_about.lfm
1 object AboutForm: TAboutForm
2 Left = 414
3 Height = 196
4 Top = 220
5 Width = 294
6 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
7 BorderStyle = bsSingle
8 Caption = 'О программе'
9 ClientHeight = 196
10 ClientWidth = 294
11 Color = clBtnFace
12 Font.Color = clWindowText
13 Font.Height = -11
14 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
15 Position = poScreenCenter
16 LCLVersion = ''
17 object ButtonOK: TButton
18 Left = 8
19 Height = 25
20 Top = 168
21 Width = 281
22 Cancel = True
23 Caption = 'ОК'
24 OnClick = ButtonOKClick
25 TabOrder = 0
26 end
27 object PanelAbout: TPanel
28 Left = 8
29 Height = 153
30 Top = 8
31 Width = 281
32 ClientHeight = 153
33 ClientWidth = 281
34 TabOrder = 1
35 object Bevel1: TBevel
36 Left = 6
37 Height = 41
38 Top = 6
39 Width = 265
40 Shape = bsFrame
41 end
42 object Bevel2: TBevel
43 Left = 6
44 Height = 89
45 Top = 54
46 Width = 265
47 Shape = bsFrame
48 end
49 object LabelTitle: TLabel
50 Left = 10
51 Height = 13
52 Top = 10
53 Width = 164
54 Caption = 'Редактор карт Doom 2D: Forever'
55 ParentColor = False
56 WordWrap = True
57 end
58 object LabelVer: TLabel
59 Left = 200
60 Height = 13
61 Top = 22
62 Width = 64
63 Caption = 'Версия 2.0.3'
64 ParentColor = False
65 end
66 object LabelAuthor: TLabel
67 Left = 10
68 Height = 13
69 Top = 62
70 Width = 76
71 Caption = 'Автор: rs.falcon'
72 ParentColor = False
73 end
74 object LabelMail: TLabel
75 Cursor = crHandPoint
76 Left = 172
77 Height = 13
78 Top = 62
79 Width = 92
80 Caption = ''
81 ParentColor = False
82 OnClick = LabelMailClick
83 OnMouseLeave = LabelMailMouseLeave
84 OnMouseMove = LabelMailMouseMove
85 end
86 object LabelSite: TLabel
87 Left = 10
88 Height = 13
89 Top = 118
90 Width = 114
91 Caption = 'Сайт Doom 2D: Forever'
92 ParentColor = False
93 end
94 object LabelHttp: TLabel
95 Cursor = crHandPoint
96 Left = 180
97 Height = 13
98 Top = 118
99 Width = 83
100 Caption = ''
101 ParentColor = False
102 OnClick = LabelHttpClick
103 OnMouseLeave = LabelMailMouseLeave
104 OnMouseMove = LabelMailMouseMove
105 end
106 object LabelAuthor2: TLabel
107 Left = 10
108 Height = 13
109 Top = 90
110 Width = 93
111 Caption = 'Дорабатывал: Pss'
112 ParentColor = False
113 end
114 object LabelMail2: TLabel
115 Cursor = crHandPoint
116 Left = 197
117 Height = 13
118 Top = 90
119 Width = 67
120 Caption = ''
121 ParentColor = False
122 OnClick = LabelMail2Click
123 OnMouseLeave = LabelMailMouseLeave
124 OnMouseMove = LabelMailMouseMove
125 end
126 end
127 end