get rid of "kastet" and "pulemet" in symbols
[d2df-editor.git] / editor / f_choosetype.lfm
1 object ChooseTypeForm: TChooseTypeForm
2 Left = 414
3 Height = 220
4 Top = 235
5 Width = 205
6 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
7 BorderStyle = bsToolWindow
8 Caption = 'Выбор типа'
9 ClientHeight = 220
10 ClientWidth = 205
11 Color = clBtnFace
12 Font.Color = clWindowText
13 Font.Height = -11
14 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
15 Position = poScreenCenter
16 LCLVersion = ''
17 object lbTypeSelect: TListBox
18 Left = 2
19 Height = 183
20 Top = 2
21 Width = 201
22 ItemHeight = 0
23 TabOrder = 0
24 end
25 object bOK: TButton
26 Left = 2
27 Height = 25
28 Top = 192
29 Width = 201
30 Caption = 'OK'
31 Default = True
32 ModalResult = 1
33 TabOrder = 1
34 end
35 end