#include "reader/reader.ih" namespace odc { Store *Reader::readStoreOrElemStore(bool isElem) { INTEGER id = isElem ? d_elemList.size() : d_storeList.size(); TypePath path = readPath(); //std::cout << path.toString() << std::endl; const std::string &type = path[0]; INTEGER comment = readInt(); std::streampos pos1 = d_rider.tellg(); std::streamoff next = readInt(); std::streamoff down = readInt(); std::streamoff len = readInt(); std::streampos pos = d_rider.tellg(); if (next > 0) { d_state->next = pos1 + next + (std::streamoff)4; } else { d_state->next = 0; } int downPos = 0; if (down > 0) { downPos = pos1 + down + (std::streamoff)8; } d_state->end = pos + len; d_cause = 0; assert(len >= 0); if (next != 0) { assert(d_state->next > pos1); if (down != 0) { assert(downPos < d_state->next); } } if (down > 0) { assert(downPos > pos1); assert(downPos < d_state->end); } const TypeProxyBase *t = TypeRegister::getInstance().get(type); // FIXME type lookup here Store *x = 0; if (t != 0) { x = t->newInstance(id); } else { d_cause = TYPENOTFOUND; } if (x != 0) { // IF READING SUCCEEDS, INSERT MORE CHECKS HERE if (true) { // samePath(x, path) ReaderState *save = d_state; d_state = new ReaderState(); x->internalize(*this); delete d_state; d_state = save; if (d_cause != 0) { x = 0; } assert(d_rider.tellg() == d_state->end); assert(!d_rider.eof()); } else { // rd.cause := inconsistentType; AlienTypeReport(rd.cause, type); x = 0; } } if (x != 0) { if (d_store == 0) { d_store = x; } else { // join(d_store, x) } if (isElem) { d_elemList.push_back(x); } else { d_storeList.push_back(x); } } else { d_rider.seekg(pos); // x->internalize() could have left us anywhere assert(d_cause != 0); Alien *alien = new Alien(id, path); //, d_cause); //,file if (d_store == 0) { d_store = alien; } else { // join(d_store, alien) } if (isElem) { d_elemList.push_back(alien); } else { d_storeList.push_back(alien); } ReaderState *save = d_state; d_state = new ReaderState(); readAlien(alien, downPos, save->end); delete d_state; d_state = save; assert(d_rider.tellg() == d_state->end); // we've just read the alien, so reset the state d_cause = 0; d_cancelled = false; d_readAlien = true; return alien; } return x; } } // namespace odc