#include #include #include namespace odc { Reader::Reader(std::istream &rider): d_rider(rider), d_cancelled(false), d_readAlien(false), d_typeList(), d_state(new ReaderState()) {} SHORTCHAR Reader::readSChar() { SHORTCHAR out; d_rider.read(&out, 1); return out; } INTEGER Reader::readInt() { char *buf = new char[4]; d_rider.read(buf, 4); if (isLittleEndian()) { return *(INTEGER *)buf; } else { char *out = new char[4]; out[0] = buf[3]; out[1] = buf[2]; out[2] = buf[1]; out[3] = buf[0]; return *(INTEGER *)out; } } void Reader::readSString(SHORTCHAR *out) { while (*out = readSChar()) { ++out; } } Store* Reader::readStore() { SHORTCHAR kind = readSChar(); if (kind == Store::NIL) { std::cout << "NIL STORE" << std::endl; return readNilStore(); } else if (kind == Store::LINK) { std::cout << "LINK STORE" << std::endl; return readLinkStore(); } else if (kind == Store::NEWLINK) { std::cout << "NEWLINK STORE" << std::endl; return readNewLinkStore(); } else if (kind == Store::STORE) { std::cout << "STORE STORE" << std::endl; return readStoreOrElemStore(false); } else if (kind == Store::ELEM) { std::cout << "ELEM STORE" << std::endl; return readStoreOrElemStore(true); } else { throw 20; } } // PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadStore* (OUT x: Store), NEW; // VAR a: Alien; t: Kernel.Type; // len, pos, pos1, id, comment, next, down, downPos, nextTypeId, nextElemId, nextStoreId: INTEGER; // kind: SHORTCHAR; path: TypePath; type: TypeName; // save: ReaderState; Store *Reader::readNilStore() { return 0; } // IF kind = nil THEN // rd.ReadInt(comment); rd.ReadInt(next); // rd.st.end := rd.Pos(); // IF (next > 0) OR ((next = 0) & ODD(comment)) THEN rd.st.next := rd.st.end + next ELSE rd.st.next := 0 END; // x := NIL Store *Reader::readLinkStore() { return 0; } // ELSIF kind = link THEN // rd.ReadInt(id); rd.ReadInt(comment); rd.ReadInt(next); // rd.st.end := rd.Pos(); // IF (next > 0) OR ((next = 0) & ODD(comment)) THEN rd.st.next := rd.st.end + next ELSE rd.st.next := 0 END; // x := ThisStore(rd.eDict, id) Store *Reader::readNewLinkStore() { return 0; } // ELSIF kind = newlink THEN // rd.ReadInt(id); rd.ReadInt(comment); rd.ReadInt(next); // rd.st.end := rd.Pos(); // IF (next > 0) OR ((next = 0) & ODD(comment)) THEN rd.st.next := rd.st.end + next ELSE rd.st.next := 0 END; // x := ThisStore(rd.sDict, id) Store *Reader::readStoreOrElemStore(bool isElem) { INTEGER id = isElem ? d_elemList.size() : d_storeList.size(); SHORTCHAR** path = newTypePath(); readPath(path); for (int i = 0; path[i] != 0; ++i) { std::cout << path[i] << std::endl; } SHORTCHAR* type = path[0]; INTEGER comment = readInt(); std::streampos pos1 = d_rider.tellg(); std::streamoff next = readInt(); std::streamoff down = readInt(); std::streamoff len = readInt(); std::streampos pos = d_rider.tellg(); if (next > 0) { d_state->next = pos1 + next + (std::streamoff)4; } else { d_state->next = 0; } int downPos = 0; if (down > 0) { downPos = pos1 + down + (std::streamoff)8; } d_state->end = pos + len; d_cause = 0; // FIXME: insert whole bunch of checks here // ASSERT(len >= 0, 101); // IF next # 0 THEN // ASSERT(rd.st.next > pos1, 102); // IF down # 0 THEN // ASSERT(downPos < rd.st.next, 103) // END // END; // IF down # 0 THEN // ASSERT(downPos > pos1, 104); // ASSERT(downPos < rd.st.end, 105) // END; void *t = 0; // FIXME type lookup here if (t != 0) { // x := NewStore(t); x.isElem := kind = elem } else { // rd.cause := thisTypeRes; AlienTypeReport(rd.cause, type); // x := NIL } Store *x = 0; if (x != 0) { // IF READING SUCCEEDS, INSERT MORE CHECKS HERE } else { // rd.SetPos(pos); // ASSERT(rd.cause # 0, 107); Alien *alien = new Alien(id, path); //, d_cause); //,file if (d_store == 0) { d_store = alien; } else { // join(d_store, alien) std::cout << "Man, should have written join(.,.)" << std::endl; } if (isElem) { d_elemList.push_back(alien); } else { d_storeList.push_back(alien); } ReaderState *save = d_state; // rd.nextTypeId := nextTypeId; rd.nextElemId := nextElemId; rd.nextStoreId := nextStoreId; internalizeAlien(alien, downPos, save->end); d_state = save; // ASSERT(rd.Pos() = rd.st.end, 108); // rd.cause := 0; rd.cancelled := FALSE; rd.readAlien := TRUE return alien; } return x; } // t := ThisType(type); // IF t # NIL THEN // x := NewStore(t); x.isElem := kind = elem // ELSE // rd.cause := thisTypeRes; AlienTypeReport(rd.cause, type); // x := NIL // END; // IF x # NIL THEN // IF SamePath(t, path) THEN // IF kind = elem THEN // x.id := id; AddStore(rd.eDict, rd.eHead, x) // ELSE // x.id := id; AddStore(rd.sDict, rd.sHead, x) // END; // save := rd.st; rd.cause := 0; rd.cancelled := FALSE; // x.Internalize(rd); // rd.st := save; // IF rd.cause # 0 THEN x := NIL // ELSIF (rd.Pos() # rd.st.end) OR rd.rider.eof THEN // rd.cause := inconsistentVersion; AlienReport(rd.cause); // x := NIL // END // ELSE // rd.cause := inconsistentType; AlienTypeReport(rd.cause, type); // x := NIL // END // END; // // IF x # NIL THEN // IF rd.noDomain THEN // rd.store := x; // rd.noDomain := FALSE // ELSE // Join(rd.store, x) // END // ELSE (* x is an alien *) // rd.SetPos(pos); // ASSERT(rd.cause # 0, 107); // NEW(a); a.path := path; a.cause := rd.cause; a.file := rd.rider.Base(); // IF rd.noDomain THEN // rd.store := a; // rd.noDomain := FALSE // ELSE // Join(rd.store, a) // END; // IF kind = elem THEN // a.id := id; AddStore(rd.eDict, rd.eHead, a) // ELSE // a.id := id; AddStore(rd.sDict, rd.sHead, a) // END; // save := rd.st; // rd.nextTypeId := nextTypeId; rd.nextElemId := nextElemId; rd.nextStoreId := nextStoreId; // InternalizeAlien(rd, a.comps, downPos, pos, len); // rd.st := save; // x := a; // ASSERT(rd.Pos() = rd.st.end, 108); // rd.cause := 0; rd.cancelled := FALSE; rd.readAlien := TRUE // END void Reader::internalizeAlien(Alien *alien, std::streampos down, std::streampos end) { std::streampos next = down != 0 ? down : end; while (d_rider.tellg() < end) { if (d_rider.tellg() < next) { // for some reason, this means its a piece (unstructured) std::cout << "Alien Piece" << std::endl; size_t len = next - d_rider.tellg(); char *buf = new char[len]; d_rider.read(buf, len); AlienComponent *comp = new AlienPiece(buf, len); alien->getComponents().push_back(comp); } else { // that means we've got a store std::cout << "Alien Store" << std::endl; d_rider.seekg(next); AlienComponent *comp = new AlienPart(readStore()); alien->getComponents().push_back(comp); next = d_state->next > 0 ? d_state->next : end; } } } void Reader::readPath(SHORTCHAR **path) { SHORTCHAR kind = readSChar(); int i; for (i = 0; kind == Store::NEWEXT; ++i) { readSString(path[i]); addPathComponent(i == 0, path[i]); // IF path[i] # elemTName THEN INC(i) END; kind = readSChar(); } if (kind == Store::NEWBASE) { readSString(path[i]); addPathComponent(i == 0, path[i]); ++i; } else if (kind == Store::OLDTYPE) { int id = readInt(); if (i > 0) { d_typeList[d_typeList.size() - 1]->baseId = id; } while (id != -1) { path[i] = d_typeList[id]->name; id = d_typeList[id]->baseId; // IF path[i] # elemTName THEN INC(i) END ++i; } } else { throw 100; } path[i] = 0; } void Reader::addPathComponent(bool first, SHORTCHAR *typeName) { int next = d_typeList.size(); int curr = next - 1; if (!first) { d_typeList[curr]->baseId = next; } d_typeList.push_back(new TypeEntry(typeName)); } } // namespace odc