/* Copyright (C) Prikol Software 1996-1997 Copyright (C) Aleksey Volynskov 1996-1997 Copyright (C) 2011 This file is part of the Doom2D:Rembo project. Doom2D:Rembo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Doom2D:Rembo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "glob.h" #include #include "error.h" #include "view.h" #include "items.h" #include "fx.h" #include "player.h" #include "monster.h" #include "things.h" #include "misc.h" #include "map.h" #include "my.h" extern map_block_t blk; #pragma pack(1) typedef struct{ obj_t o; int t; int s; }item_t; #pragma pack() static void *snd[4],*spr[58]; static char sprd[58]; static int tsndtm,rsndtm; static item_t it[MAXITEM]; int itm_rtime=1092; void IT_savegame (FILE *h) { int i, n; for (n = MAXITEM - 1; n >= 0 && it[n].t == 0; n--) { // empty } n += 1; myfwrite32(n, h); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { myfwrite32(it[i].o.x, h); myfwrite32(it[i].o.y, h); myfwrite32(it[i].o.xv, h); myfwrite32(it[i].o.yv, h); myfwrite32(it[i].o.vx, h); myfwrite32(it[i].o.vy, h); myfwrite32(it[i].o.r, h); myfwrite32(it[i].o.h, h); myfwrite32(it[i].t, h); myfwrite32(it[i].s, h); } myfwrite32(itm_rtime, h); } void IT_loadgame (FILE *h) { int i, n; n = myfread32(h); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { it[i].o.x = myfread32(h); it[i].o.y = myfread32(h); it[i].o.xv = myfread32(h); it[i].o.yv = myfread32(h); it[i].o.vx = myfread32(h); it[i].o.vy = myfread32(h); it[i].o.r = myfread32(h); it[i].o.h = myfread32(h); it[i].t = myfread32(h); it[i].s = myfread32(h); } itm_rtime = myfread32(h); } void IT_alloc(void) { int i,j,n; static char nm[][6]={ "ITEMUP","WPNUP","GETPOW","ITMBK" },snm[][4]={ "CLIP","SHEL","ROCK","CELL","AMMO","SBOX","BROK","CELP", "STIM","MEDI","BPAK", "CSAW","SHOT","SGN2","MGUN","LAUN","PLAS","BFUG" },n4[][4]={ "SOUL","SMRT","SMGT","SMBT" },n3[][4]={ "GOR1","FCAN" }; // logo(" items"); for(i=0;i<18;++i) spr[i]=Z_getspr(snm[i],0,0,sprd+i); for(;i<20;++i) { spr[i]=Z_getspr("ARM1",i-18,0,sprd+i); spr[i+2]=Z_getspr("ARM2",i-18,0,sprd+i); }i+=2; for(;i<26;++i) spr[i]=Z_getspr("MEGA",i-22,0,sprd+i); for(;i<30;++i) spr[i]=Z_getspr("PINV",i-26,0,sprd+i); spr[30]=Z_getspr("AQUA",0,0,sprd+30); spr[31]=Z_getspr("KEYR",0,0,sprd+31); spr[32]=Z_getspr("KEYG",0,0,sprd+32); spr[33]=Z_getspr("KEYB",0,0,sprd+33); spr[34]=Z_getspr("SUIT",0,0,sprd+34); for(n=35,j=0;j<4;++j) for(i=0;i<4;++i,++n) spr[n]=Z_getspr(n4[j],i,0,sprd+n); for(j=0;j<2;++j) for(i=0;i<3;++i,++n) spr[n]=Z_getspr(n3[j],i,0,sprd+n); spr[57]=Z_getspr("GUN2",0,0,sprd+57); for(i=0;i<4;++i) snd[i]=Z_getsnd(nm[i]); for(i=0;i 0; ++i, blk.sz -= 8) { t.x = myfread16(h); t.y = myfread16(h); t.t = myfread16(h); t.f = myfread16(h); it[i].o.x = t.x; it[i].o.y = t.y; it[i].t = t.t; it[i].s = t.f; if (it[i].t && (it[i].s & THF_DM) && !g_dm) { it[i].t=0; } } m = i; for (i = 0, j = -1; i < m; ++i) { if (it[i].t == TH_PLR1) { j = i; it[i].t = 0; } } if (!g_dm) { if (j == -1) { ERR_fatal("Предмет игрок_1 не найден"); } dm_pos[0].x = it[j].o.x; dm_pos[0].y = it[j].o.y; dm_pos[0].d = it[j].s & THF_DIR; } for (i = 0, j = -1; i < m; ++i) { if (it[i].t == TH_PLR2) { j = i; it[i].t = 0; } } if (!g_dm && _2pl) { if (j == -1) { ERR_fatal("Предмет игрок_2 не найден"); } dm_pos[1].x = it[j].o.x; dm_pos[1].y = it[j].o.y; dm_pos[1].d = it[j].s & THF_DIR; } for (i = 0, j = 0; i < m; ++i) { if (it[i].t == TH_DMSTART) { if (g_dm) { dm_pos[j].x = it[i].o.x; dm_pos[j].y = it[i].o.y; dm_pos[j].d = it[i].s & THF_DIR; } it[i].t = 0; ++j; } } if (g_dm && j < 2) { ERR_fatal("Меньше 2-ух точек DM"); } if (g_dm) { dm_pnum = j; dm_pl1p = myrand(dm_pnum); do { dm_pl2p = myrand(dm_pnum); } while (dm_pl2p == dm_pl1p); } else { dm_pl1p = 0; dm_pl2p = 1; dm_pnum = 2; } PL_spawn(&pl1, dm_pos[dm_pl1p].x, dm_pos[dm_pl1p].y, dm_pos[dm_pl1p].d); if (_2pl) { PL_spawn(&pl2, dm_pos[dm_pl2p].x, dm_pos[dm_pl2p].y, dm_pos[dm_pl2p].d); } for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) { if (it[i].t >= TH_CLIP && it[i].t < TH_DEMON) { it[i].s = 0; it[i].t = it[i].t - TH_CLIP + I_CLIP; if (it[i].t >= I_KEYR && it[i].t <= I_KEYB) { it[i].t |= 0x8000; } } else if (it[i].t >= TH_DEMON) { MN_spawn(it[i].o.x, it[i].o.y, it[i].s & THF_DIR, it[i].t - TH_DEMON + MN_DEMON); it[i].t = 0; } } return 1; } return 0; } static void takesnd(int t) { if(tsndtm) return; t&=0x7FFF; if(t<=I_CELP || (t>=I_BPACK && t<=I_BFG) || t==I_GUN2) {tsndtm=Z_sound(snd[1],128);return;} if(t==I_MEGA || t==I_INVL || t==I_SUPER) {tsndtm=Z_sound(snd[2],192);return;} tsndtm=Z_sound(snd[0],256); } void IT_act(void) { int i,j; if(tsndtm) --tsndtm; if(rsndtm) --rsndtm; for(i=0;i=18) it[i].s=0; break; case I_MEGA: case I_INVL: case I_SUPER: case I_RTORCH: case I_GTORCH: case I_BTORCH: if(++it[i].s>=8) it[i].s=0; break; case I_GOR1: case I_FCAN: if(++it[i].s>=6) it[i].s=0; break; } if(it[i].t&0x8000) { if((j=Z_moveobj(&it[i].o))&Z_FALLOUT) {it[i].t=0;continue;} else if(j&Z_HITWATER) Z_splash(&it[i].o,it[i].o.r+it[i].o.h); } if(Z_overlap(&it[i].o,&pl1.o)) if(PL_give(&pl1,it[i].t&0x7FFF)) { takesnd(it[i].t); if(_2pl) if((it[i].t&0x7FFF)>=I_KEYR && (it[i].t&0x7FFF)<=I_KEYB) continue; if(!(it[i].s=-itm_rtime) || (it[i].t&0x8000)) it[i].t=0; continue; } if(_2pl) if(Z_overlap(&it[i].o,&pl2.o)) if(PL_give(&pl2,it[i].t&0x7FFF)) { takesnd(it[i].t); if((it[i].t&0x7FFF)>=I_KEYR && (it[i].t&0x7FFF)<=I_KEYB) continue; if(!(it[i].s=-itm_rtime) || (it[i].t&0x8000)) it[i].t=0; continue; } } } void IT_draw(void) { int i,s; for(i=0;i=0) switch(it[i].t&0x7FFF) { case I_ARM1: s=it[i].s/9+18;break; case I_ARM2: s=it[i].s/9+20;break; case I_MEGA: s=it[i].s/2+22;break; case I_INVL: s=it[i].s/2+26;break; case I_SUPER: case I_RTORCH: case I_GTORCH: case I_BTORCH: s=it[i].s/2+(it[i].t-I_SUPER)*4+35;break; case I_GOR1: case I_FCAN: s=it[i].s/2+(it[i].t-I_GOR1)*3+51;break; case I_AQUA: s=30;break; case I_SUIT: s=34;break; case I_KEYR: case I_KEYG: case I_KEYB: s=(it[i].t&0x7FFF)-I_KEYR+31;break; case I_GUN2: s=57;break; default: s=(it[i].t&0x7FFF)-1; } if(s>=0) Z_drawspr(it[i].o.x,it[i].o.y,spr[s],sprd[s]); } } void IT_spawn(int x,int y,int t) { int i; for(i=0;i=a;n-=a) IT_spawn(x+myrand(3*2+1)-3,y-myrand(7),t); if(t>=I_AMMO) {t-=4;goto again;} }