/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Aleksey Volynskov * Copyright (C) 2011 Rambo * Copyright (C) 2020 SovietPony * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "glob.h" #include #include #include #include "files.h" #include "memory.h" #include "sound.h" #include "view.h" #include "bmap.h" #include "fx.h" #include "switch.h" #include "weapons.h" #include "items.h" #include "dots.h" #include "smoke.h" #include "player.h" #include "monster.h" #include "menu.h" #include "misc.h" #include "map.h" #include "my.h" #include "game.h" #include "config.h" #include "music.h" #include "a8.h" #include "error.h" #include "input.h" #include "save.h" #define LT_DELAY 8 #define LT_HITTIME 6 #define GETIME 1092 byte transdraw; byte _2pl; byte g_dm; byte g_st = GS_TITLE; byte g_exit; byte g_map = 1; char g_music[8] = "MENU"; dword g_time; int dm_pnum; int dm_pl1p; int dm_pl2p; pos_t dm_pos[100]; byte cheat; static void *telepsnd; int lt_time; int lt_type; int lt_side; int lt_ypos; static int lt_force; static void *ltnsnd[2]; int g_trans; static int g_transt; static void set_trans(int st) { switch(g_st) { case GS_ENDANIM: case GS_END2ANIM: case GS_DARKEN: case GS_BVIDEO: case GS_EVIDEO: case GS_END3ANIM: g_st=st;return; } switch(g_st=st) { case GS_ENDANIM: case GS_END2ANIM: case GS_DARKEN: case GS_BVIDEO: case GS_EVIDEO: case GS_END3ANIM: return; } g_trans=1;g_transt=0; } void load_game (int n) { MUS_free(); W_init(); F_loadgame(n); set_trans(GS_GAME); pl1.drawst=0xFF; if(_2pl) pl2.drawst=0xFF; BM_remapfld(); BM_clear(BM_PLR1|BM_PLR2|BM_MONSTER); BM_mark(&pl1.o,BM_PLR1); if(_2pl) BM_mark(&pl2.o,BM_PLR2); MN_mark(); //MUS_start(music_time); MUS_start(0); } void G_start (void) { char s[8]; MUS_free(); sprintf(s,"MAP%02u",(word)g_map); F_loadmap(s); set_trans(GS_GAME); pl1.drawst=0xFF; if(_2pl) pl2.drawst=0xFF; g_exit=0; itm_rtime=(g_dm)?1092:0; p_immortal=0;PL_JUMP=10; g_time=0; lt_time=1000; lt_force=1; if(!_2pl) pl1.lives=3; BM_remapfld(); BM_clear(BM_PLR1|BM_PLR2|BM_MONSTER); BM_mark(&pl1.o,BM_PLR1); if(_2pl) BM_mark(&pl2.o,BM_PLR2); MN_mark(); //MUS_start(music_time); MUS_start(0); } #define GGAS_TOTAL (MN__LAST-MN_DEMON+16+10) void G_init (void) { int i,j; char s[9]; logo("G_init: setup game resources "); logo_gas(5,GGAS_TOTAL); telepsnd=Z_getsnd("TELEPT"); ltnsnd[0]=Z_getsnd("THUND1"); ltnsnd[1]=Z_getsnd("THUND2"); DOT_alloc(); SMK_alloc(); FX_alloc(); WP_alloc(); IT_alloc(); SW_alloc(); PL_alloc(); MN_alloc(); Z_initst(); logo_gas(GGAS_TOTAL,GGAS_TOTAL); logo("\n"); GM_init(); pl1.color=0x70; pl2.color=0x60; g_trans=0; } static int G_beg_video (void) { /* switch(g_map) { case 3: return A8_start("FALL"); case 4: return A8_start("KORIDOR"); case 5: return A8_start("SKULL"); case 6: return A8_start("TORCHES"); case 7: return A8_start("CACO"); case 8: return A8_start("DARTS"); case 9: return A8_start("FISH"); case 10: return A8_start("TRAP"); case 11: return A8_start("JAIL"); case 12: return A8_start("MMON1"); case 13: return A8_start("TOWER"); case 14: return A8_start("SAPOG"); case 15: return A8_start("SWITCH"); case 16: return A8_start("ACCEL"); case 17: return A8_start("MEAT"); case 18: return A8_start("LEGION"); case 19: return A8_start("CLOUDS"); } */ return 0; } static int G_end_video (void) { /* switch(g_map) { case 1: return A8_start("TRUBA"); case 10: return A8_start("GOTCHA"); } */ return 0; } void G_act (void) { static byte pcnt=0; /* if(g_trans) { if(g_transt==0) { V_setscr(NULL);memcpy(fx_scr1,scra,64000); V_setscr(fx_scr2); transdraw=1;G_draw();transdraw=0; V_setscr(scrbuf); } FX_trans1(g_transt*2); V_copytoscr(0,320,0,200); if(++g_transt>32) { g_trans=0; } return; g_trans=0; } */ g_trans=0; if(g_st==GS_BVIDEO || g_st==GS_EVIDEO) { if (!A8_nextframe() || lastkey == KEY_ESCAPE) { if (lastkey == KEY_ESCAPE) lastkey = KEY_UNKNOWN; A8_close(); if(g_st==GS_BVIDEO) G_start(); else goto inter; } // V_copytoscr(0,SCRW,0,SCRH);//V_copytoscr(0,320,0,200); return; }else if(g_st==GS_ENDANIM || g_st==GS_END2ANIM || g_st==GS_END3ANIM) { if(!A8_nextframe()) { switch(g_st) { case GS_ENDANIM: g_st=GS_DARKEN;break; case GS_END2ANIM: g_st=GS_END3ANIM;A8_start("KONEC");break; case GS_END3ANIM: g_st=GS_ENDSCR;lastkey=0;break; } return; } // V_copytoscr(0,SCRW,0,SCRH);//V_copytoscr(0,320,0,200); return; }else if(g_st==GS_DARKEN) { g_st=GS_END2ANIM;A8_start("CREDITS"); return; } if(GM_act()) return; switch(g_st) { case GS_TITLE: case GS_ENDSCR: return; case GS_INTER: #ifdef DEMO if(keys[0x39] || keys[0x1C] || keys[0x9C]) { set_trans(GS_TITLE); } #else if (I_pressed(KEY_SPACE) || I_pressed(KEY_RETURN) || I_pressed(KEY_KP_ENTER)) { if (!G_beg_video()) { G_start(); } else { g_st = GS_BVIDEO; MUS_free(); } } #endif return; } if(sky_type==2) { if(lt_time>LT_DELAY || lt_force) { if(!(rand()&31) || lt_force) { lt_force=0; lt_time=-LT_HITTIME; lt_type=rand()%2; lt_side=rand()&1; lt_ypos=rand()&31; Z_sound(ltnsnd[rand()&1],128); } }else ++lt_time; } ++g_time; pl1.hit=0;pl1.hito=-3; if(_2pl) {pl2.hit=0;pl2.hito=-3;} G_code(); IT_act(); SW_act(); if(_2pl) { if(pcnt) {PL_act(&pl1);PL_act(&pl2);} else {PL_act(&pl2);PL_act(&pl1);} pcnt^=1; }else PL_act(&pl1); MN_act(); if(fld_need_remap) BM_remapfld(); BM_clear(BM_PLR1|BM_PLR2|BM_MONSTER); BM_mark(&pl1.o,BM_PLR1); if(_2pl) BM_mark(&pl2.o,BM_PLR2); MN_mark(); WP_act(); DOT_act(); SMK_act(); FX_act(); if(_2pl) { PL_damage(&pl1);PL_damage(&pl2); if(!(pl1.f&PLF_PNSND) && pl1.pain) PL_cry(&pl1); if(!(pl2.f&PLF_PNSND) && pl2.pain) PL_cry(&pl2); if((pl1.pain-=5) < 0) {pl1.pain=0;pl1.f&=(0xFFFF-PLF_PNSND);} if((pl2.pain-=5) < 0) {pl2.pain=0;pl2.f&=(0xFFFF-PLF_PNSND);} }else{ PL_damage(&pl1); if(!(pl1.f&PLF_PNSND) && pl1.pain) PL_cry(&pl1); if((pl1.pain-=5) < 0) {pl1.pain=0;pl1.f&=(0xFFFF-PLF_PNSND);} } if(g_exit==1) { if(G_end_video()) { MUS_free(); g_st=GS_EVIDEO; return; } inter: switch(g_map) { case 19: g_st=GS_ENDANIM;A8_start("FINAL");break; case 31: case 32: g_map=16;set_trans(GS_INTER);break; default: ++g_map;set_trans(GS_INTER);break; } MUS_free(); if (g_st == GS_INTER) { MUS_load("INTERMUS"); } else { MUS_load("\x8a\x8e\x8d\x85\x96\x0"); MUS_volume(128); } MUS_start(0); }else if(g_exit==2) { switch(g_map) { case 31: g_map=32;set_trans(GS_INTER);break; case 32: g_map=16;set_trans(GS_INTER);break; default: g_map=31;set_trans(GS_INTER);break; } MUS_free(); MUS_load("INTERMUS"); MUS_start(0); } #ifdef DEMO if(g_dm && g_time>10920) {set_trans(GS_INTER);} #endif } void G_respawn_player (player_t *p) { int i; if(dm_pnum==2) { if(p==&pl1) i=dm_pl1p^=1; else i=dm_pl2p^=1; p->o.x=dm_pos[i].x;p->o.y=dm_pos[i].y;p->d=dm_pos[i].d; FX_tfog(dm_pos[i].x,dm_pos[i].y);Z_sound(telepsnd,128); return; } do{i=myrand(dm_pnum);}while(i==dm_pl1p || i==dm_pl2p); p->o.x=dm_pos[i].x;p->o.y=dm_pos[i].y;p->d=dm_pos[i].d; if(p==&pl1) dm_pl1p=i; else dm_pl2p=i; FX_tfog(dm_pos[i].x,dm_pos[i].y);Z_sound(telepsnd,128); }