/* Copyright (C) Prikol Software 1996-1997 Copyright (C) Aleksey Volynskov 1996-1997 Copyright (C) 2011 This file is part of the Doom2D:Rembo project. Doom2D:Rembo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Doom2D:Rembo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "glob.h" #include #include #include #include #include "files.h" #include "map.h" #include "my.h" #include "game.h" #include "view.h" #include "dots.h" #include "smoke.h" #include "fx.h" #include "items.h" #include "monster.h" #include "player.h" #include "switch.h" #include "weapons.h" #include "error.h" #include "cp866.h" typedef struct { byte n, i, v, d; } dmv; int d_start, d_end; byte savname[7][24]; byte savok[7]; mwad_t wad[MAX_WAD]; map_block_t blk; static byte seq[255]; static byte seqn; static int inum=0; static dmv *pat=NULL; static unsigned *patp; static void **dmi; static int m_start, m_end; static int s_start, s_end; static int wad_num; static char wads[MAX_WADS][__MAX_PATH]; static FILE* wadh[MAX_WADS]; static char f_drive[__MAX_DRIVE]; static char f_dir[__MAX_DIR]; static char f_name[__MAX_FNAME]; static char f_ext[__MAX_EXT]; void F_startup (void) { logo("F_startup: настройка файловой системы\n"); memset(wads,0,sizeof(wads)); } static char *getsavfpname (int n, int ro) { static char fn[]="savgame0.dat"; fn[7]=n+'0'; #ifndef WIN32 static char p[100]; char *e = getenv("HOME"); strncpy(p,e,60); strcat(p,"/.doom2d-rembo"); if (!ro) mkdir(p, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); strcat(p,"/"); strcat(p,fn); #else strcpy(p,fn); #endif return p; } void F_getsavnames (void) { int i; FILE *h; short ver; char *p; for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { p = getsavfpname(i, 1); memset(savname[i], 0, 24); savok[i] = 0; h = fopen(p, "rb"); if (h != NULL) { ver = -1; myfread(savname[i], 24, 1, h); ver = myfread16(h); savname[i][23] = 0; savok[i] = (ver == 3) ? 1 : 0; fclose(h); } } } void F_savegame (int n, char *s) { char *p = getsavfpname(n, 0); FILE *h = fopen(p, "wb"); if (h != NULL) { myfwrite(s, 24, 1, h); // slot name myfwrite16(3, h); // version G_savegame(h); W_savegame(h); DOT_savegame(h); SMK_savegame(h); FX_savegame(h); IT_savegame(h); MN_savegame(h); PL_savegame(h); SW_savegame(h); WP_savegame(h); fclose(h); } } void F_loadgame (int n) { short ver; char *p = getsavfpname(n, 1); FILE *h = fopen(p, "rb"); if (h != NULL) { fseek(h, 24, SEEK_SET); // skip name ver = myfread16(h); // version if (ver == 3) { G_loadgame(h); W_loadgame(h); DOT_loadgame(h); SMK_loadgame(h); FX_loadgame(h); IT_loadgame(h); MN_loadgame(h); PL_loadgame(h); SW_loadgame(h); WP_loadgame(h); } fclose(h); } } void F_addwad (const char *fn) { int i; for(i=0;i= MAX_WAD) { ERR_failinit("Слишком много элементов WAD'а"); } wad[p].o = w.o; wad[p].l = w.l; memcpy(wad[p].n, w.n, 8); wad[p].f = 0; ++p; } //fclose(h); for (i = 1; i < MAX_WADS; ++i) { if (wads[i][0] != 0) { logo(" подключается %s\n", wads[i]); if ((wadh[i] = h = fopen(wads[i], "rb")) == NULL) { ERR_failinit("Не могу открыть файл2: %s", wads[i]); } mysplitpath(wads[i], f_drive, f_dir, f_name, f_ext); if (cp866_strcasecmp(f_ext, ".lmp") == 0) { for (k = 0; k < MAX_WAD; ++k) { if (cp866_strncasecmp(wad[k].n, f_name, 8) == 0) { wad[k].o = 0; wad[k].l = myfilelength(h); wad[k].f = i; break; } if (k >= MAX_WAD) { if (p >= MAX_WAD) { ERR_failinit("Слишком много элементов WAD'а"); } memset(wad[p].n, 0, 8); strncpy(wad[p].n, f_name, 8); wad[p].o = 0; wad[p].l = myfilelength(h); wad[p].f = i; ++p; } } s[0] = '\0'; myfread(s, 1, 4, h); if (strncmp(s, "IWAD", 4) != 0 && strncmp(s, "PWAD", 4) != 0) { ERR_failinit("Нет подписи IWAD или PWAD (2)"); } n = myfread32(h); // num o = myfread32(h); // offset fseek(h, o, SEEK_SET); for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) { w.o = myfread32(h); // offset w.o = myfread32(h); // len myfread(w.n, 1, 8, h); // name for (k = 0; k < MAX_WAD; ++k) { if (cp866_strncasecmp(wad[k].n, w.n, 8) == 0) { wad[k].o = w.o; wad[k].l = w.l; wad[k].f = i; break; } if (k >= MAX_WAD) { if (p >= MAX_WAD) { ERR_failinit("Слишком много элементов WAD'а"); } memcpy(wad[p].n, w.n, 8); wad[p].o = w.o; wad[p].l = w.l; wad[p].f = i; ++p; } } } } } } wad_num = p; } // allocate resources // (called from M_startup) void F_allocres (void) { d_start=F_getresid("D_START"); d_end=F_getresid("D_END"); m_start=F_getresid("M_START"); m_end=F_getresid("M_END"); s_start=F_getresid("S_START"); s_end=F_getresid("S_END"); } // load resource void F_loadres (int r, void *p, dword o, dword l) { int oo; FILE *fh; oo=ftell(fh=wadh[wad[r].f]); if(fseek(fh,wad[r].o+o,SEEK_SET)!=0) ERR_fatal("Ошибка при чтении файла"); if((dword)myfreadc(p,1,l,fh)!=l) ERR_fatal("Ошибка при загрузке ресурса %.8s",wad[r].n); fseek(fh,oo,SEEK_SET); } /* // unused void F_saveres(int r, void *p, dword o, dword l) { FILE* fh = wadh[wad[r].f]; int oo = ftell(fh); if (fseek(fh, wad[r].o + o, SEEK_SET) != 0) { ERR_fatal("Ошибка при чтении файла"); } myfwrite(p, l, 1, fh); fseek(fh, oo, SEEK_SET); } */ // get resource id int F_findres (const char n[8]) { int i; for (i = 0; i < wad_num; i++) { if (cp866_strncasecmp(wad[i].n, n, 8) == 0) { return i; } } return -1; } // get resource id int F_getresid (const char n[8]) { int i = F_findres(n); if (i == -1) { ERR_fatal("F_getresid: ресурс %.8s не найден", n); } return i; } void F_getresname (char n[8], int r) { memcpy(n, wad[r].n, 8); } // get sprite id int F_getsprid (const char n[4], int s, int d, char *dir) { int i; byte a, b; s += 'A'; d += '0'; for (i = s_start + 1; i < s_end; i++) { if (cp866_strncasecmp(wad[i].n, n, 4) == 0 && (wad[i].n[4] == s || wad[i].n[6] == s)) { a = wad[i].n[4] == s ? wad[i].n[5] : 0; b = wad[i].n[6] == s ? wad[i].n[7] : 0; if (a == '0' || b == '0' || a == d || b == d) { if (dir != NULL) { *dir = a != '0' && b == '0' || a != d && b == d; } return i; } } } ERR_fatal("F_getsprid: image %.4s%c%c not found", n, s, d); return -1; } int F_getreslen (int r) { return wad[r].l; } void F_nextmus (char *s) { int i; i=F_findres(s); if(i<=m_start || i>=m_end) i=m_start; for(++i;;++i) { if(i>=m_end) i=m_start+1; if (cp866_strcasecmp(wad[i].n,"MENU") == 0 || cp866_strcasecmp(wad[i].n,"INTERMUS") == 0 || cp866_strcasecmp(wad[i].n,"\x8a\x8e\x8d\x85\x96\x0") == 0) continue; if(cp866_strncasecmp(wad[i].n,"DMI",3)!=0) break; } memcpy(s,wad[i].n,8); } void F_randmus (char *s) { int i; int n = myrand(10); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { F_nextmus(s); } } // reads bytes from file until CR void F_readstr (FILE* h, char *s, int m) { int i = 0; size_t len = 0; static char c = 0; while (i < m) { c = 13; len = myfreadc(&c, 1, 1, h); if (len == 0 || c == 13 || c == 10) { break; } s[i] = c; i++; } s[i] = 0; } /* // unused // reads bytes from file until NUL void F_readstrz (FILE* h,char *s,int m) { int i = 0; size_t len = 0; static char c = 0; while (i < m) { c = 0; len = myfreadc(&c, 1, 1, h); if (len == 0 || c == 0) { break; } s[i] = c; i++; } s[i] = 0; } */ void F_loadmap (char n[8]) { int r, o; FILE *h; map_header_t hdr; W_init(); r = F_getresid(n); h = wadh[wad[r].f]; fseek(h, wad[r].o, SEEK_SET); myfread(hdr.id, 8, 1, h); hdr.ver = myfread16(h); if (memcmp(hdr.id, "Doom2D\x1A", 8) != 0) { ERR_fatal("%.8s не является уровнем", n); } for(;;) { blk.t = myfread16(h); blk.st = myfread16(h); blk.sz = myfread32(h); if(blk.t == MB_END) { break; } if(blk.t == MB_COMMENT) { fseek(h, blk.sz, SEEK_CUR); continue; } o = ftell(h) + blk.sz; if(!G_load(h)) { if(!W_load(h)) { if(!IT_load(h)) { if(!SW_load(h)) { ERR_fatal("Неизвестный блок %d(%d) в уровне %.8s", blk.t, blk.st, n); } } } } fseek(h, o, SEEK_SET); } } /*void F_freemus(void) { int i; if(!pat) return; S_stopmusic(); free(pat);free(patp); for(i=0;i