(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} unit g_system; interface (* To fix: * - Joystick support * - Window resizing using SDL_VIDEORESIZE * -- Linux: GL drawing area have wrong size * -- OSX: GL context are recreated *) uses Utils; (* --- Utils --- *) function sys_GetTicks (): Int64; procedure sys_Delay (ms: Integer); (* --- Graphics --- *) function sys_GetDispalyModes (bpp: Integer): SSArray; function sys_SetDisplayMode (w, h, bpp: Integer; fullscreen: Boolean): Boolean; procedure sys_EnableVSync (yes: Boolean); procedure sys_Repaint; (* --- Input --- *) function sys_HandleInput (): Boolean; procedure sys_RequestQuit; (* --- Init --- *) procedure sys_Init; procedure sys_Final; implementation uses SysUtils, SDL, GL, e_log, e_graphics, e_input, g_options, g_window, g_console, g_game, g_menu, g_gui, g_main; var screen: PSDL_Surface; (* --------- Utils --------- *) function sys_GetTicks (): Int64; begin Result := SDL_GetTicks() end; procedure sys_Delay (ms: Integer); begin SDL_Delay(ms) end; (* --------- Graphics --------- *) procedure UpdateSize (w, h: Integer); begin gWinSizeX := w; gWinSizeY := h; gWinRealPosX := 0; gWinRealPosY := 0; gScreenWidth := w; gScreenHeight := h; {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} fuiScrWdt := w; fuiScrHgt := h; {$ENDIF} e_ResizeWindow(w, h); e_InitGL; g_Game_SetupScreenSize; g_Menu_Reset; g_Game_ClearLoading; end; function InitWindow (w, h, bpp: Integer; fullScreen: Boolean): Boolean; var flags: Uint32; begin e_LogWritefln('InitWindow %s %s %s %s', [w, h, bpp, fullscreen]); Result := False; SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE, 8); // lights; it is enough to have 1-bit stencil buffer for lighting, but... flags := SDL_OPENGL or SDL_VIDEORESIZE; if fullScreen then flags := flags or SDL_FULLSCREEN; if (screen = nil) or (SDL_VideoModeOk(w, h, bpp, flags) <> 0) then begin SDL_FreeSurface(screen); screen := SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, bpp, flags); if screen <> nil then begin SDL_WM_SetCaption('Doom 2D: Forever (SDL 1.2)', nil); UpdateSize(w, h); Result := True end end else begin e_LogWritefln('SDL: video mode not supported', []) end end; procedure sys_Repaint; begin SDL_GL_SwapBuffers end; procedure sys_EnableVSync (yes: Boolean); begin (* ??? *) end; function sys_GetDispalyModes (bpp: Integer): SSArray; var m: PPSDL_Rect; f: TSDL_PixelFormat; i, count: Integer; begin SetLength(result, 0); FillChar(f, sizeof(f), 0); f.palette := nil; f.BitsPerPixel := bpp; f.BytesPerPixel := (bpp + 7) div 8; m := SDL_ListModes(@f, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_FULLSCREEN); if (m <> NIL) and (IntPtr(m) <> -1) then begin count := 0; while m[count] <> nil do inc(count); SetLength(result, count); for i := 0 to count - 1 do result[i] := IntToStr(m[i].w) + 'x' + IntToStr(m[i].h); end end; function sys_SetDisplayMode (w, h, bpp: Integer; fullscreen: Boolean): Boolean; begin result := InitWindow(w, h, bpp, fullscreen) end; (* --------- Input --------- *) function Key2Stub (key: Integer): Integer; var x: Integer; begin case key of SDLK_ESCAPE: x := IK_ESCAPE; SDLK_RETURN: x := IK_RETURN; SDLK_KP_ENTER: x := IK_KPRETURN; SDLK_KP0: x := IK_KPINSERT; SDLK_UP: x := IK_UP; SDLK_KP8: x := IK_KPUP; SDLK_DOWN: x := IK_DOWN; SDLK_KP2: x := IK_KPDOWN; SDLK_LEFT: x := IK_LEFT; SDLK_KP4: x := IK_KPLEFT; SDLK_RIGHT: x := IK_RIGHT; SDLK_KP6: x := IK_KPRIGHT; SDLK_DELETE: x := IK_DELETE; SDLK_HOME: x := IK_HOME; SDLK_KP7: x := IK_KPHOME; SDLK_INSERT: x := IK_INSERT; SDLK_SPACE: x := IK_SPACE; SDLK_LSHIFT: x := IK_SHIFT; SDLK_LALT: x := IK_ALT; SDLK_TAB: x := IK_TAB; SDLK_PAGEUP: x := IK_PAGEUP; SDLK_KP9: x := IK_KPPAGEUP; SDLK_PAGEDOWN: x := IK_PAGEDN; SDLK_KP3: x := IK_KPPAGEDN; SDLK_KP5: x := IK_KP5; SDLK_NUMLOCK: x := IK_NUMLOCK; SDLK_KP_DIVIDE: x := IK_KPDIVIDE; SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY: x := IK_KPMULTIPLE; SDLK_KP_MINUS: x := IK_KPMINUS; SDLK_KP_PLUS: x := IK_KPPLUS; SDLK_KP_PERIOD: x := IK_KPDOT; SDLK_CAPSLOCK: x := IK_CAPSLOCK; SDLK_RSHIFT: x := IK_RSHIFT; SDLK_LCTRL: x := IK_CTRL; SDLK_RCTRL: x := IK_RCTRL; SDLK_RALT: x := IK_RALT; SDLK_LSUPER: x := IK_WIN; SDLK_RSUPER: x := IK_RWIN; SDLK_MENU: x := IK_MENU; SDLK_PRINT: x := IK_PRINTSCR; SDLK_SCROLLOCK: x := IK_SCROLLLOCK; SDLK_LEFTBRACKET: x := IK_LBRACKET; SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET: x := IK_RBRACKET; SDLK_SEMICOLON: x := IK_SEMICOLON; SDLK_QUOTE: x := IK_QUOTE; SDLK_BACKSLASH: x := IK_BACKSLASH; SDLK_SLASH: x := IK_SLASH; SDLK_COMMA: x := IK_COMMA; SDLK_PERIOD: x := IK_DOT; SDLK_EQUALS: x := IK_EQUALS; SDLK_0: x := IK_0; SDLK_1: x := IK_1; SDLK_2: x := IK_2; SDLK_3: x := IK_3; SDLK_4: x := IK_4; SDLK_5: x := IK_5; SDLK_6: x := IK_6; SDLK_7: x := IK_7; SDLK_8: x := IK_8; SDLK_9: x := IK_9; SDLK_F1: x := IK_F1; SDLK_F2: x := IK_F2; SDLK_F3: x := IK_F3; SDLK_F4: x := IK_F4; SDLK_F5: x := IK_F5; SDLK_F6: x := IK_F6; SDLK_F7: x := IK_F7; SDLK_F8: x := IK_F8; SDLK_F9: x := IK_F9; SDLK_F10: x := IK_F10; SDLK_F11: x := IK_F11; SDLK_F12: x := IK_F12; SDLK_END: x := IK_END; SDLK_KP1: x := IK_KPEND; SDLK_BACKSPACE: x := IK_BACKSPACE; SDLK_BACKQUOTE: x := IK_BACKQUOTE; SDLK_PAUSE: x := IK_PAUSE; SDLK_A..SDLK_Z: x := IK_A + (key - SDLK_A); SDLK_MINUS: x := IK_MINUS; SDLK_RMETA: x := IK_RMETA; SDLK_LMETA: x := IK_LMETA; else x := IK_INVALID end; result := x end; procedure HandleKeyboard (var ev: TSDL_KeyboardEvent); var down, repeated: Boolean; key: Integer; ch: Char; begin key := Key2Stub(ev.keysym.sym); down := (ev.type_ = SDL_KEYDOWN); repeated := down and e_KeyPressed(key); ch := wchar2win(WideChar(ev.keysym.unicode)); if g_dbg_input then e_LogWritefln('Input Debug: keysym, down=%s, sym=%s, state=%s, unicode=%s, stubsym=%s, cp1251=%s', [down, ev.keysym.sym, ev.state, ev.keysym.unicode, key, Ord(ch)]); if not repeated then begin e_KeyUpDown(key, down); g_Console_ProcessBind(key, down); end else if gConsoleShow or gChatShow or (g_ActiveWindow <> nil) then begin KeyPress(key) end; if down and IsValid1251(ev.keysym.unicode) and IsPrintable1251(ch) then CharPress(ch) end; function sys_HandleInput (): Boolean; var ev: TSDL_Event; begin result := false; while SDL_PollEvent(@ev) <> 0 do begin case ev.type_ of SDL_QUITEV: result := true; SDL_VIDEORESIZE: InitWindow(ev.resize.w, ev.resize.h, gBPP, gFullscreen); SDL_KEYUP, SDL_KEYDOWN: HandleKeyboard(ev.key); end end end; procedure sys_RequestQuit; var ev: TSDL_Event; begin ev.quit.type_ := SDL_QUITEV; SDL_PushEvent(@ev) end; (* --------- Init --------- *) procedure sys_Init; var flags: Uint32; ok: Boolean; begin flags := SDL_INIT_VIDEO or SDL_INIT_AUDIO or SDL_INIT_TIMER or SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK (*or SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE*); if SDL_Init(flags) <> 0 then raise Exception.Create('SDL: Init failed: ' + SDL_GetError()); ok := InitWindow(gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, gBPP, gFullScreen); if not ok then raise Exception.Create('SDL: failed to set videomode: ' + SDL_GetError); SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY, SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL); end; procedure sys_Final; begin e_WriteLog('Releasing SDL', TMsgType.Notify); SDL_FreeSurface(screen); SDL_Quit end; end.