(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} unit g_netmaster; interface uses ENet; const NET_MCHANS = 2; NET_MCHAN_MAIN = 0; NET_MCHAN_UPD = 1; NET_MMSG_UPD = 200; NET_MMSG_DEL = 201; NET_MMSG_GET = 202; type TNetServer = record Number: Byte; Protocol: Byte; Name: string; IP: string; Port: Word; Map: string; Players, MaxPlayers, LocalPl, Bots: Byte; Ping: Int64; GameMode: Byte; Password: Boolean; PingAddr: ENetAddress; end; pTNetServer = ^TNetServer; TNetServerRow = record Indices: Array of Integer; Current: Integer; end; TNetServerList = array of TNetServer; pTNetServerList = ^TNetServerList; TNetServerTable = array of TNetServerRow; var NetMHost: pENetHost = nil; NetMPeer: pENetPeer = nil; slCurrent: TNetServerList = nil; slTable: TNetServerTable = nil; slWaitStr: string = ''; slReturnPressed: Boolean = True; slMOTD: string = ''; slUrgent: string = ''; procedure g_Net_Slist_Set(IP: string; Port: Word); function g_Net_Slist_Fetch(var SL: TNetServerList): Boolean; procedure g_Net_Slist_Update(); procedure g_Net_Slist_Remove(); function g_Net_Slist_Connect(): Boolean; procedure g_Net_Slist_Check(); procedure g_Net_Slist_Disconnect(); procedure g_Net_Slist_WriteInfo(); procedure g_Serverlist_GenerateTable(SL: TNetServerList; var ST: TNetServerTable); procedure g_Serverlist_Draw(var SL: TNetServerList; var ST: TNetServerTable); procedure g_Serverlist_Control(var SL: TNetServerList; var ST: TNetServerTable); implementation uses SysUtils, e_msg, e_input, e_graphics, e_log, g_window, g_net, g_console, g_map, g_game, g_sound, g_gui, g_menu, g_options, g_language, g_basic, wadreader; var NetMEvent: ENetEvent; slSelection: Byte = 0; slFetched: Boolean = False; slDirPressed: Boolean = False; slReadUrgent: Boolean = False; function GetTimerMS(): Int64; begin Result := GetTimer() {div 1000}; end; procedure PingServer(var S: TNetServer; Sock: ENetSocket); var Buf: ENetBuffer; Ping: array [0..9] of Byte; ClTime: Int64; begin ClTime := GetTimerMS(); Buf.data := Addr(Ping[0]); Buf.dataLength := 2+8; Ping[0] := Ord('D'); Ping[1] := Ord('F'); Int64(Addr(Ping[2])^) := ClTime; enet_socket_send(Sock, Addr(S.PingAddr), @Buf, 1); end; procedure PingBcast(Sock: ENetSocket); var S: TNetServer; begin S.IP := ''; S.Port := NET_PING_PORT; enet_address_set_host(Addr(S.PingAddr), PChar(Addr(S.IP[1]))); S.Ping := -1; S.PingAddr.port := S.Port; PingServer(S, Sock); end; function g_Net_Slist_Fetch(var SL: TNetServerList): Boolean; var Cnt: Byte; P: pENetPacket; MID: Byte; I, RX: Integer; T: Int64; Sock: ENetSocket; Buf: ENetBuffer; InMsg: TMsg; SvAddr: ENetAddress; FromSL: Boolean; MyVer, Str: string; procedure ProcessLocal(); begin I := Length(SL); SetLength(SL, I + 1); with SL[I] do begin IP := DecodeIPV4(SvAddr.host); Port := InMsg.ReadWord(); Ping := InMsg.ReadInt64(); Ping := GetTimerMS() - Ping; Name := InMsg.ReadString(); Map := InMsg.ReadString(); GameMode := InMsg.ReadByte(); Players := InMsg.ReadByte(); MaxPlayers := InMsg.ReadByte(); Protocol := InMsg.ReadByte(); Password := InMsg.ReadByte() = 1; LocalPl := InMsg.ReadByte(); Bots := InMsg.ReadWord(); end; end; procedure CheckLocalServers(); begin SetLength(SL, 0); Sock := enet_socket_create(ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM); if Sock = ENET_SOCKET_NULL then Exit; enet_socket_set_option(Sock, ENET_SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK, 1); enet_socket_set_option(Sock, ENET_SOCKOPT_BROADCAST, 1); PingBcast(Sock); T := GetTimerMS(); InMsg.Alloc(NET_BUFSIZE); Buf.data := InMsg.Data; Buf.dataLength := InMsg.MaxSize; while GetTimerMS() - T <= 500 do begin InMsg.Clear(); RX := enet_socket_receive(Sock, @SvAddr, @Buf, 1); if RX <= 0 then continue; InMsg.CurSize := RX; InMsg.BeginReading(); if InMsg.ReadChar() <> 'D' then continue; if InMsg.ReadChar() <> 'F' then continue; ProcessLocal(); end; InMsg.Free(); enet_socket_destroy(Sock); if Length(SL) = 0 then SL := nil; end; begin Result := False; SL := nil; if (NetMHost <> nil) or (NetMPeer <> nil) then begin CheckLocalServers(); Exit; end; if not g_Net_Slist_Connect then begin CheckLocalServers(); Exit; end; e_WriteLog('Fetching serverlist...', TMsgType.Notify); g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_SLIST_FETCH]); NetOut.Clear(); NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MMSG_GET)); // TODO: what should we identify the build with? MyVer := GAME_VERSION; NetOut.Write(MyVer); P := enet_packet_create(NetOut.Data, NetOut.CurSize, Cardinal(ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE)); enet_peer_send(NetMPeer, NET_MCHAN_MAIN, P); enet_host_flush(NetMHost); while enet_host_service(NetMHost, @NetMEvent, 5000) > 0 do begin if NetMEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE then begin if not InMsg.Init(NetMEvent.packet^.data, NetMEvent.packet^.dataLength, True) then continue; MID := InMsg.ReadByte(); if MID <> NET_MMSG_GET then continue; Cnt := InMsg.ReadByte(); g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + Format(_lc[I_NET_SLIST_RETRIEVED], [Cnt]), True); if Cnt > 0 then begin SetLength(SL, Cnt); for I := 0 to Cnt - 1 do begin SL[I].Number := I; SL[I].IP := InMsg.ReadString(); SL[I].Port := InMsg.ReadWord(); SL[I].Name := InMsg.ReadString(); SL[I].Map := InMsg.ReadString(); SL[I].GameMode := InMsg.ReadByte(); SL[I].Players := InMsg.ReadByte(); SL[I].MaxPlayers := InMsg.ReadByte(); SL[I].Protocol := InMsg.ReadByte(); SL[I].Password := InMsg.ReadByte() = 1; enet_address_set_host(Addr(SL[I].PingAddr), PChar(Addr(SL[I].IP[1]))); SL[I].Ping := -1; SL[I].PingAddr.port := NET_PING_PORT; end; end; if InMsg.ReadCount < InMsg.CurSize then begin // new master, supports version reports Str := InMsg.ReadString(); if (Str <> MyVer) then begin { TODO } g_Console_Add('!!! UpdVer = `' + Str + '`'); end; // even newer master, supports extra info if InMsg.ReadCount < InMsg.CurSize then begin slMOTD := b_Text_Format(InMsg.ReadString()); Str := b_Text_Format(InMsg.ReadString()); // check if the message has updated and the user has to read it again if slUrgent <> Str then slReadUrgent := False; slUrgent := Str; end; end; Result := True; break; end; end; g_Net_Slist_Disconnect; NetOut.Clear(); if Length(SL) = 0 then begin CheckLocalServers(); Exit; end; Sock := enet_socket_create(ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM); if Sock = ENET_SOCKET_NULL then Exit; enet_socket_set_option(Sock, ENET_SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK, 1); for I := Low(SL) to High(SL) do PingServer(SL[I], Sock); enet_socket_set_option(Sock, ENET_SOCKOPT_BROADCAST, 1); PingBcast(Sock); T := GetTimerMS(); InMsg.Alloc(NET_BUFSIZE); Buf.data := InMsg.Data; Buf.dataLength := InMsg.MaxSize; Cnt := 0; while GetTimerMS() - T <= 500 do begin InMsg.Clear(); RX := enet_socket_receive(Sock, @SvAddr, @Buf, 1); if RX <= 0 then continue; InMsg.CurSize := RX; InMsg.BeginReading(); if InMsg.ReadChar() <> 'D' then continue; if InMsg.ReadChar() <> 'F' then continue; FromSL := False; for I := Low(SL) to High(SL) do if (SL[I].PingAddr.host = SvAddr.host) and (SL[I].PingAddr.port = SvAddr.port) then begin with SL[I] do begin Port := InMsg.ReadWord(); Ping := InMsg.ReadInt64(); Ping := GetTimerMS() - Ping; Name := InMsg.ReadString(); Map := InMsg.ReadString(); GameMode := InMsg.ReadByte(); Players := InMsg.ReadByte(); MaxPlayers := InMsg.ReadByte(); Protocol := InMsg.ReadByte(); Password := InMsg.ReadByte() = 1; LocalPl := InMsg.ReadByte(); Bots := InMsg.ReadWord(); end; FromSL := True; Inc(Cnt); break; end; if not FromSL then ProcessLocal(); end; InMsg.Free(); enet_socket_destroy(Sock); end; procedure g_Net_Slist_WriteInfo(); var Wad, Map: string; Cli: Byte; begin Wad := g_ExtractWadNameNoPath(gMapInfo.Map); Map := g_ExtractFileName(gMapInfo.Map); NetOut.Write(NetServerName); NetOut.Write(Wad + ':\' + Map); NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.GameMode); Cli := NetClientCount; NetOut.Write(Cli); NetOut.Write(NetMaxClients); NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_PROTOCOL_VER)); NetOut.Write(Byte(NetPassword <> '')); end; procedure g_Net_Slist_Update; var P: pENetPacket; begin if (NetMHost = nil) or (NetMPeer = nil) then Exit; NetOut.Clear(); NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MMSG_UPD)); NetOut.Write(NetAddr.port); g_Net_Slist_WriteInfo(); P := enet_packet_create(NetOut.Data, NetOut.CurSize, Cardinal(ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE)); enet_peer_send(NetMPeer, NET_MCHAN_UPD, P); enet_host_flush(NetMHost); NetOut.Clear(); end; procedure g_Net_Slist_Remove; var P: pENetPacket; begin if (NetMHost = nil) or (NetMPeer = nil) then Exit; NetOut.Clear(); NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MMSG_DEL)); NetOut.Write(NetAddr.port); P := enet_packet_create(NetOut.Data, NetOut.CurSize, Cardinal(ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE)); enet_peer_send(NetMPeer, NET_MCHAN_MAIN, P); enet_host_flush(NetMHost); NetOut.Clear(); end; function g_Net_Slist_Connect: Boolean; begin Result := False; NetMHost := enet_host_create(nil, 1, NET_MCHANS, 0, 0); if (NetMHost = nil) then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_ERROR] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_CLIENT], True); Exit; end; NetMPeer := enet_host_connect(NetMHost, @NetSlistAddr, NET_MCHANS, 0); if (NetMPeer = nil) then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_ERROR] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_CLIENT], True); enet_host_destroy(NetMHost); NetMHost := nil; Exit; end; if (enet_host_service(NetMHost, @NetMEvent, 3000) > 0) then if NetMEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT then begin Result := True; g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_SLIST_CONN]); Exit; end else if NetMEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE then enet_packet_destroy(NetMEvent.packet); g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_ERROR] + _lc[I_NET_SLIST_ERROR], True); NetMHost := nil; NetMPeer := nil; end; procedure g_Net_Slist_Disconnect; begin if (NetMHost = nil) and (NetMPeer = nil) then Exit; if NetMode = NET_SERVER then g_Net_Slist_Remove; enet_peer_disconnect(NetMPeer, 0); enet_host_flush(NetMHost); enet_peer_reset(NetMPeer); enet_host_destroy(NetMHost); NetMPeer := nil; NetMHost := nil; g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_SLIST_DISC]); end; procedure g_Net_Slist_Check; begin if (NetMHost = nil) or (NetMPeer = nil) then Exit; while (enet_host_service(NetMHost, @NetMEvent, 0) > 0) do begin if NetMEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_SLIST_LOST], True); if NetMPeer <> nil then enet_peer_reset(NetMPeer); if NetMHost <> nil then enet_host_destroy(NetMHost); NetMPeer := nil; NetMHost := nil; Break; end else if NetMEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE then enet_packet_destroy(NetMEvent.packet); end; end; procedure g_Net_Slist_Set(IP: string; Port: Word); begin if NetInitDone then begin enet_address_set_host(@NetSlistAddr, PChar(Addr(IP[1]))); NetSlistAddr.Port := Port; e_WriteLog('Masterserver address set to ' + IP + ':' + IntToStr(Port), TMsgType.Notify); end; end; function GetServerFromTable(Index: Integer; SL: TNetServerList; ST: TNetServerTable): TNetServer; begin Result.Number := 0; Result.Protocol := 0; Result.Name := ''; Result.IP := ''; Result.Port := 0; Result.Map := ''; Result.Players := 0; Result.MaxPlayers := 0; Result.LocalPl := 0; Result.Bots := 0; Result.Ping := 0; Result.GameMode := 0; Result.Password := false; FillChar(Result.PingAddr, SizeOf(ENetAddress), 0); if ST = nil then Exit; if (Index < 0) or (Index >= Length(ST)) then Exit; Result := SL[ST[Index].Indices[ST[Index].Current]]; end; procedure g_Serverlist_Draw(var SL: TNetServerList; var ST: TNetServerTable); var Srv: TNetServer; sy, i, y, mw, mx, l: Integer; cw: Byte = 0; ch: Byte = 0; ww: Word = 0; hh: Word = 0; ip: string; begin ip := ''; sy := 0; e_CharFont_GetSize(gMenuFont, _lc[I_NET_SLIST], ww, hh); e_CharFont_Print(gMenuFont, (gScreenWidth div 2) - (ww div 2), 16, _lc[I_NET_SLIST]); e_TextureFontGetSize(gStdFont, cw, ch); ip := _lc[I_NET_SLIST_HELP]; mw := (Length(ip) * cw) div 2; e_DrawFillQuad(16, 64, gScreenWidth-16, gScreenHeight-84, 64, 64, 64, 110); e_DrawQuad(16, 64, gScreenWidth-16, gScreenHeight-84, 255, 127, 0); e_TextureFontPrintEx(gScreenWidth div 2 - mw, gScreenHeight-24, ip, gStdFont, 225, 225, 225, 1); // MOTD if slMOTD <> '' then begin e_DrawFillQuad(16, gScreenHeight-84, gScreenWidth-16, gScreenHeight-44, 64, 64, 64, 110); e_DrawQuad(16, gScreenHeight-84, gScreenWidth-16, gScreenHeight-44, 255, 127, 0); e_TextureFontPrintFmt(20, gScreenHeight-81, slMOTD, gStdFont, False, True); end; // Urgent message if not slReadUrgent and (slUrgent <> '') then begin e_DrawFillQuad(17, 65, gScreenWidth-17, gScreenHeight-85, 64, 64, 64, 128); e_DrawFillQuad(gScreenWidth div 2 - 256, gScreenHeight div 2 - 60, gScreenWidth div 2 + 256, gScreenHeight div 2 + 60, 64, 64, 64, 128); e_DrawQuad(gScreenWidth div 2 - 256, gScreenHeight div 2 - 60, gScreenWidth div 2 + 256, gScreenHeight div 2 + 60, 255, 127, 0); e_DrawLine(1, gScreenWidth div 2 - 256, gScreenHeight div 2 - 40, gScreenWidth div 2 + 256, gScreenHeight div 2 - 40, 255, 127, 0); l := Length(_lc[I_NET_SLIST_URGENT]) div 2; e_TextureFontPrint(gScreenWidth div 2 - cw * l, gScreenHeight div 2 - 58, _lc[I_NET_SLIST_URGENT], gStdFont); l := Length(slUrgent) div 2; e_TextureFontPrintFmt(gScreenWidth div 2 - 253, gScreenHeight div 2 - 38, slUrgent, gStdFont, False, True); l := Length(_lc[I_NET_SLIST_URGENT_CONT]) div 2; e_TextureFontPrint(gScreenWidth div 2 - cw * l, gScreenHeight div 2 + 41, _lc[I_NET_SLIST_URGENT_CONT], gStdFont); e_DrawLine(1, gScreenWidth div 2 - 256, gScreenHeight div 2 + 40, gScreenWidth div 2 + 256, gScreenHeight div 2 + 40, 255, 127, 0); Exit; end; if SL = nil then begin l := Length(slWaitStr) div 2; e_DrawFillQuad(17, 65, gScreenWidth-17, gScreenHeight-85, 64, 64, 64, 128); e_DrawQuad(gScreenWidth div 2 - 192, gScreenHeight div 2 - 10, gScreenWidth div 2 + 192, gScreenHeight div 2 + 11, 255, 127, 0); e_TextureFontPrint(gScreenWidth div 2 - cw * l, gScreenHeight div 2 - ch div 2, slWaitStr, gStdFont); Exit; end; y := 90; if (slSelection < Length(ST)) then begin I := slSelection; sy := y + 42 * I - 4; Srv := GetServerFromTable(I, SL, ST); ip := _lc[I_NET_ADDRESS] + ' ' + Srv.IP + ':' + IntToStr(Srv.Port); if Srv.Password then ip := ip + ' ' + _lc[I_NET_SERVER_PASSWORD] + ' ' + _lc[I_MENU_YES] else ip := ip + ' ' + _lc[I_NET_SERVER_PASSWORD] + ' ' + _lc[I_MENU_NO]; end else if Length(ST) > 0 then slSelection := 0; mw := (gScreenWidth - 188); mx := 16 + mw; e_DrawFillQuad(16 + 1, sy, gScreenWidth - 16 - 1, sy + 40, 64, 64, 64, 0); e_DrawLine(1, 16 + 1, sy, gScreenWidth - 16 - 1, sy, 205, 205, 205); e_DrawLine(1, 16 + 1, sy + 41, gScreenWidth - 16 - 1, sy + 41, 255, 255, 255); e_DrawLine(1, 16, 85, gScreenWidth - 16, 85, 255, 127, 0); e_DrawLine(1, 16, gScreenHeight-104, gScreenWidth-16, gScreenHeight-104, 255, 127, 0); e_DrawLine(1, mx - 70, 64, mx - 70, gScreenHeight-84, 255, 127, 0); e_DrawLine(1, mx, 64, mx, gScreenHeight-104, 255, 127, 0); e_DrawLine(1, mx + 52, 64, mx + 52, gScreenHeight-104, 255, 127, 0); e_DrawLine(1, mx + 104, 64, mx + 104, gScreenHeight-104, 255, 127, 0); e_TextureFontPrintEx(18, 68, 'NAME/MAP', gStdFont, 255, 127, 0, 1); e_TextureFontPrintEx(mx - 68, 68, 'PING', gStdFont, 255, 127, 0, 1); e_TextureFontPrintEx(mx + 2, 68, 'MODE', gStdFont, 255, 127, 0, 1); e_TextureFontPrintEx(mx + 54, 68, 'PLRS', gStdFont, 255, 127, 0, 1); e_TextureFontPrintEx(mx + 106, 68, 'VER', gStdFont, 255, 127, 0, 1); y := 90; for I := 0 to High(ST) do begin Srv := GetServerFromTable(I, SL, ST); // Name and map e_TextureFontPrintEx(18, y, Srv.Name, gStdFont, 255, 255, 255, 1); e_TextureFontPrintEx(18, y + 16, Srv.Map, gStdFont, 210, 210, 210, 1); // Ping and similar count if (Srv.Ping < 0) or (Srv.Ping > 999) then e_TextureFontPrintEx(mx - 68, y, _lc[I_NET_SLIST_NO_ACCESS], gStdFont, 255, 0, 0, 1) else if Srv.Ping = 0 then e_TextureFontPrintEx(mx - 68, y, '<1' + _lc[I_NET_SLIST_PING_MS], gStdFont, 255, 255, 255, 1) else e_TextureFontPrintEx(mx - 68, y, IntToStr(Srv.Ping) + _lc[I_NET_SLIST_PING_MS], gStdFont, 255, 255, 255, 1); if Length(ST[I].Indices) > 1 then e_TextureFontPrintEx(mx - 68, y + 16, '< ' + IntToStr(Length(ST[I].Indices)) + ' >', gStdFont, 210, 210, 210, 1); // Game mode e_TextureFontPrintEx(mx + 2, y, g_Game_ModeToText(Srv.GameMode), gStdFont, 255, 255, 255, 1); // Players e_TextureFontPrintEx(mx + 54, y, IntToStr(Srv.Players) + '/' + IntToStr(Srv.MaxPlayers), gStdFont, 255, 255, 255, 1); e_TextureFontPrintEx(mx + 54, y + 16, IntToStr(Srv.LocalPl) + '+' + IntToStr(Srv.Bots), gStdFont, 210, 210, 210, 1); // Version e_TextureFontPrintEx(mx + 106, y, IntToStr(Srv.Protocol), gStdFont, 255, 255, 255, 1); y := y + 42; end; e_TextureFontPrintEx(20, gScreenHeight-101, ip, gStdFont, 205, 205, 205, 1); ip := IntToStr(Length(ST)) + _lc[I_NET_SLIST_SERVERS]; e_TextureFontPrintEx(gScreenWidth - 48 - (Length(ip) + 1)*cw, gScreenHeight-101, ip, gStdFont, 205, 205, 205, 1); end; procedure g_Serverlist_GenerateTable(SL: TNetServerList; var ST: TNetServerTable); var i, j: Integer; function FindServerInTable(Name: string): Integer; var i: Integer; begin Result := -1; if ST = nil then Exit; for i := Low(ST) to High(ST) do begin if Length(ST[i].Indices) = 0 then continue; if SL[ST[i].Indices[0]].Name = Name then begin Result := i; Exit; end; end; end; function ComparePing(i1, i2: Integer): Boolean; var p1, p2: Int64; begin p1 := SL[i1].Ping; p2 := SL[i2].Ping; if (p1 < 0) then p1 := 999; if (p2 < 0) then p2 := 999; Result := p1 > p2; end; procedure SortIndices(var ind: Array of Integer); var I, J: Integer; T: Integer; begin for I := High(ind) downto Low(ind) do for J := Low(ind) to High(ind) - 1 do if ComparePing(ind[j], ind[j+1]) then begin T := ind[j]; ind[j] := ind[j+1]; ind[j+1] := T; end; end; procedure SortRows(); var I, J: Integer; T: TNetServerRow; begin for I := High(ST) downto Low(ST) do for J := Low(ST) to High(ST) - 1 do if ComparePing(ST[j].Indices[0], ST[j+1].Indices[0]) then begin T := ST[j]; ST[j] := ST[j+1]; ST[j+1] := T; end; end; begin ST := nil; if SL = nil then Exit; for i := Low(SL) to High(SL) do begin j := FindServerInTable(SL[i].Name); if j = -1 then begin j := Length(ST); SetLength(ST, j + 1); ST[j].Current := 0; SetLength(ST[j].Indices, 1); ST[j].Indices[0] := i; end else begin SetLength(ST[j].Indices, Length(ST[j].Indices) + 1); ST[j].Indices[High(ST[j].Indices)] := i; end; end; for i := Low(ST) to High(ST) do SortIndices(ST[i].Indices); SortRows(); end; procedure g_Serverlist_Control(var SL: TNetServerList; var ST: TNetServerTable); var qm: Boolean; Srv: TNetServer; begin if gConsoleShow or gChatShow then Exit; qm := g_ProcessMessages(); // this updates kbd if qm or e_KeyPressed(IK_ESCAPE) or e_KeyPressed(VK_ESCAPE) or e_KeyPressed(JOY0_JUMP) or e_KeyPressed(JOY1_JUMP) or e_KeyPressed(JOY2_JUMP) or e_KeyPressed(JOY3_JUMP) then begin SL := nil; ST := nil; gState := STATE_MENU; g_GUI_ShowWindow('MainMenu'); g_GUI_ShowWindow('NetGameMenu'); g_GUI_ShowWindow('NetClientMenu'); g_Sound_PlayEx(WINDOW_CLOSESOUND); Exit; end; // if there's a message on the screen, if not slReadUrgent and (slUrgent <> '') then begin if e_KeyPressed(IK_RETURN) or e_KeyPressed(IK_KPRETURN) or e_KeyPressed(VK_FIRE) or e_KeyPressed(VK_OPEN) or e_KeyPressed(JOY0_ATTACK) or e_KeyPressed(JOY1_ATTACK) or e_KeyPressed(JOY2_ATTACK) or e_KeyPressed(JOY3_ATTACK) then slReadUrgent := True; Exit; end; if e_KeyPressed(IK_SPACE) or e_KeyPressed(VK_JUMP) or e_KeyPressed(JOY0_ACTIVATE) or e_KeyPressed(JOY1_ACTIVATE) or e_KeyPressed(JOY2_ACTIVATE) or e_KeyPressed(JOY3_ACTIVATE) then begin if not slFetched then begin slWaitStr := _lc[I_NET_SLIST_WAIT]; g_Game_Draw; g_window.ReDrawWindow; if g_Net_Slist_Fetch(SL) then begin if SL = nil then slWaitStr := _lc[I_NET_SLIST_NOSERVERS]; end else if SL = nil then slWaitStr := _lc[I_NET_SLIST_ERROR]; slFetched := True; slSelection := 0; g_Serverlist_GenerateTable(SL, ST); end; end else slFetched := False; if SL = nil then Exit; if e_KeyPressed(IK_RETURN) or e_KeyPressed(IK_KPRETURN) or e_KeyPressed(VK_FIRE) or e_KeyPressed(VK_OPEN) or e_KeyPressed(JOY0_ATTACK) or e_KeyPressed(JOY1_ATTACK) or e_KeyPressed(JOY2_ATTACK) or e_KeyPressed(JOY3_ATTACK) then begin if not slReturnPressed then begin Srv := GetServerFromTable(slSelection, SL, ST); if Srv.Password then begin PromptIP := Srv.IP; PromptPort := Srv.Port; gState := STATE_MENU; g_GUI_ShowWindow('ClientPasswordMenu'); SL := nil; ST := nil; slReturnPressed := True; Exit; end else g_Game_StartClient(Srv.IP, Srv.Port, ''); SL := nil; ST := nil; slReturnPressed := True; Exit; end; end else slReturnPressed := False; if e_KeyPressed(IK_DOWN) or e_KeyPressed(IK_KPDOWN) or e_KeyPressed(VK_DOWN) or e_KeyPressed(JOY0_DOWN) or e_KeyPressed(JOY1_DOWN) or e_KeyPressed(JOY2_DOWN) or e_KeyPressed(JOY3_DOWN) then begin if not slDirPressed then begin Inc(slSelection); if slSelection > High(ST) then slSelection := 0; slDirPressed := True; end; end; if e_KeyPressed(IK_UP) or e_KeyPressed(IK_KPUP) or e_KeyPressed(VK_UP) or e_KeyPressed(JOY0_UP) or e_KeyPressed(JOY1_UP) or e_KeyPressed(JOY2_UP) or e_KeyPressed(JOY3_UP) then begin if not slDirPressed then begin if slSelection = 0 then slSelection := Length(ST); Dec(slSelection); slDirPressed := True; end; end; if e_KeyPressed(IK_RIGHT) or e_KeyPressed(IK_KPRIGHT) or e_KeyPressed(VK_RIGHT) or e_KeyPressed(JOY0_RIGHT) or e_KeyPressed(JOY1_RIGHT) or e_KeyPressed(JOY2_RIGHT) or e_KeyPressed(JOY3_RIGHT) then begin if not slDirPressed then begin Inc(ST[slSelection].Current); if ST[slSelection].Current > High(ST[slSelection].Indices) then ST[slSelection].Current := 0; slDirPressed := True; end; end; if e_KeyPressed(IK_LEFT) or e_KeyPressed(IK_KPLEFT) or e_KeyPressed(VK_LEFT) or e_KeyPressed(JOY0_LEFT) or e_KeyPressed(JOY1_LEFT) or e_KeyPressed(JOY2_LEFT) or e_KeyPressed(JOY3_LEFT) then begin if not slDirPressed then begin if ST[slSelection].Current = 0 then ST[slSelection].Current := Length(ST[slSelection].Indices); Dec(ST[slSelection].Current); slDirPressed := True; end; end; if (not e_KeyPressed(IK_DOWN)) and (not e_KeyPressed(IK_UP)) and (not e_KeyPressed(IK_RIGHT)) and (not e_KeyPressed(IK_LEFT)) and (not e_KeyPressed(IK_KPDOWN)) and (not e_KeyPressed(IK_KPUP)) and (not e_KeyPressed(IK_KPRIGHT)) and (not e_KeyPressed(IK_KPLEFT)) and (not e_KeyPressed(VK_DOWN)) and (not e_KeyPressed(VK_UP)) and (not e_KeyPressed(VK_RIGHT)) and (not e_KeyPressed(VK_LEFT)) and (not e_KeyPressed(JOY0_UP)) and (not e_KeyPressed(JOY1_UP)) and (not e_KeyPressed(JOY2_UP)) and (not e_KeyPressed(JOY3_UP)) and (not e_KeyPressed(JOY0_DOWN)) and (not e_KeyPressed(JOY1_DOWN)) and (not e_KeyPressed(JOY2_DOWN)) and (not e_KeyPressed(JOY3_DOWN)) and (not e_KeyPressed(JOY0_LEFT)) and (not e_KeyPressed(JOY1_LEFT)) and (not e_KeyPressed(JOY2_LEFT)) and (not e_KeyPressed(JOY3_LEFT)) and (not e_KeyPressed(JOY0_RIGHT)) and (not e_KeyPressed(JOY1_RIGHT)) and (not e_KeyPressed(JOY2_RIGHT)) and (not e_KeyPressed(JOY3_RIGHT)) then slDirPressed := False; end; end.