(* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} {$DEFINE MAP_DEBUG_ENABLED_FLAG} unit g_map; interface uses e_graphics, g_basic, MAPDEF, g_textures, Classes, g_phys, wadreader, BinEditor, g_panel, g_grid, md5, binheap, xprofiler, xparser, xdynrec; type TMapInfo = record Map: String; Name: String; Description: String; Author: String; MusicName: String; SkyName: String; Height: Word; Width: Word; end; PRespawnPoint = ^TRespawnPoint; TRespawnPoint = record X, Y: Integer; Direction: TDirection; PointType: Byte; end; PFlagPoint = ^TFlagPoint; TFlagPoint = TRespawnPoint; PFlag = ^TFlag; TFlag = record Obj: TObj; RespawnType: Byte; State: Byte; Count: Integer; CaptureTime: LongWord; Animation: TAnimation; Direction: TDirection; end; function g_Map_Load(Res: String): Boolean; function g_Map_GetMapInfo(Res: String): TMapInfo; function g_Map_GetMapsList(WADName: String): SArray; function g_Map_Exist(Res: String): Boolean; procedure g_Map_Free(freeTextures: Boolean=true); procedure g_Map_Update(); function g_Map_PanelByGUID (aguid: Integer): TPanel; inline; procedure g_Map_DrawPanels (PanelType: Word); // unaccelerated procedure g_Map_CollectDrawPanels (x0, y0, wdt, hgt: Integer); procedure g_Map_DrawBack(dx, dy: Integer); function g_Map_CollidePanel(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word; PanelType: Word; b1x3: Boolean=false): Boolean; function g_Map_CollideLiquid_Texture(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word): DWORD; procedure g_Map_EnableWallGUID (pguid: Integer); procedure g_Map_DisableWallGUID (pguid: Integer); procedure g_Map_SetLiftGUID (pguid: Integer; t: Integer); // HACK!!! procedure g_Map_EnableWall_XXX (ID: DWORD); procedure g_Map_DisableWall_XXX (ID: DWORD); procedure g_Map_SetLift_XXX (ID: DWORD; t: Integer); procedure g_Map_SwitchTextureGUID (PanelType: Word; pguid: Integer; AnimLoop: Byte = 0); procedure g_Map_ReAdd_DieTriggers(); function g_Map_IsSpecialTexture(Texture: String): Boolean; function g_Map_GetPoint(PointType: Byte; var RespawnPoint: TRespawnPoint): Boolean; function g_Map_GetPointCount(PointType: Byte): Word; function g_Map_HaveFlagPoints(): Boolean; procedure g_Map_ResetFlag(Flag: Byte); procedure g_Map_DrawFlags(); procedure g_Map_SaveState(Var Mem: TBinMemoryWriter); procedure g_Map_LoadState(Var Mem: TBinMemoryReader); procedure g_Map_DrawPanelShadowVolumes(lightX: Integer; lightY: Integer; radius: Integer); // returns panel or nil // sets `ex` and `ey` to `x1` and `y1` when no hit was detected function g_Map_traceToNearestWall (x0, y0, x1, y1: Integer; hitx: PInteger=nil; hity: PInteger=nil): TPanel; // returns panel or nil // sets `ex` and `ey` to `x1` and `y1` when no hit was detected function g_Map_traceToNearest (x0, y0, x1, y1: Integer; tag: Integer; hitx: PInteger=nil; hity: PInteger=nil): TPanel; type TForEachPanelCB = function (pan: TPanel): Boolean; // return `true` to stop function g_Map_HasAnyPanelAtPoint (x, y: Integer; panelType: Word): Boolean; function g_Map_PanelAtPoint (x, y: Integer; tagmask: Integer=-1): TPanel; // trace liquid, stepping by `dx` and `dy` // return last seen liquid coords, and `false` if we're started outside of the liquid function g_Map_TraceLiquidNonPrecise (x, y, dx, dy: Integer; out topx, topy: Integer): Boolean; procedure g_Map_ProfilersBegin (); procedure g_Map_ProfilersEnd (); function g_Map_ParseMap (data: Pointer; dataLen: Integer): TDynRecord; function g_Map_MinX (): Integer; inline; function g_Map_MinY (): Integer; inline; function g_Map_MaxX (): Integer; inline; function g_Map_MaxY (): Integer; inline; const NNF_NO_NAME = 0; NNF_NAME_BEFORE = 1; NNF_NAME_EQUALS = 2; NNF_NAME_AFTER = 3; function g_Texture_NumNameFindStart(name: String): Boolean; function g_Texture_NumNameFindNext(var newName: String): Byte; const RESPAWNPOINT_PLAYER1 = 1; RESPAWNPOINT_PLAYER2 = 2; RESPAWNPOINT_DM = 3; RESPAWNPOINT_RED = 4; RESPAWNPOINT_BLUE = 5; FLAG_NONE = 0; FLAG_RED = 1; FLAG_BLUE = 2; FLAG_DOM = 3; FLAG_STATE_NONE = 0; FLAG_STATE_NORMAL = 1; FLAG_STATE_DROPPED = 2; FLAG_STATE_CAPTURED = 3; FLAG_STATE_SCORED = 4; // Для эвентов через сетку. FLAG_STATE_RETURNED = 5; // Для эвентов через сетку. FLAG_TIME = 720; // 20 seconds SKY_STRETCH: Single = 1.5; const GridTagInvalid = 0; (* draw order: PANEL_BACK PANEL_STEP PANEL_WALL PANEL_CLOSEDOOR PANEL_ACID1 PANEL_ACID2 PANEL_WATER PANEL_FORE *) // sorted by draw priority GridTagBack = 1 shl 0; // gRenderBackgrounds GridTagStep = 1 shl 1; // gSteps GridTagWall = 1 shl 2; // gWalls GridTagDoor = 1 shl 3; // gWalls GridTagAcid1 = 1 shl 4; // gAcid1 GridTagAcid2 = 1 shl 5; // gAcid2 GridTagWater = 1 shl 6; // gWater GridTagFore = 1 shl 7; // gRenderForegrounds // the following are invisible GridTagLift = 1 shl 8; // gLifts GridTagBlockMon = 1 shl 9; // gBlockMon GridTagObstacle = (GridTagStep or GridTagWall or GridTagDoor); GridTagLiquid = (GridTagAcid1 or GridTagAcid2 or GridTagWater); GridDrawableMask = (GridTagBack or GridTagStep or GridTagWall or GridTagDoor or GridTagAcid1 or GridTagAcid2 or GridTagWater or GridTagFore); var gWalls: TPanelArray; gRenderBackgrounds: TPanelArray; gRenderForegrounds: TPanelArray; gWater, gAcid1, gAcid2: TPanelArray; gSteps: TPanelArray; gLifts: TPanelArray; gBlockMon: TPanelArray; gFlags: array [FLAG_RED..FLAG_BLUE] of TFlag; //gDOMFlags: array of TFlag; gMapInfo: TMapInfo; gBackSize: TDFPoint; gDoorMap: array of array of DWORD; gLiftMap: array of array of DWORD; gWADHash: TMD5Digest; BackID: DWORD = DWORD(-1); gExternalResources: TStringList; gMovingWallIds: array of Integer = nil; gdbg_map_use_accel_render: Boolean = true; gdbg_map_use_accel_coldet: Boolean = true; profMapCollision: TProfiler = nil; //WARNING: FOR DEBUGGING ONLY! gDrawPanelList: TBinaryHeapObj = nil; // binary heap of all walls we have to render, populated by `g_Map_CollectDrawPanels()` gCurrentMap: TDynRecord = nil; gCurrentMapFileName: AnsiString = ''; // so we can skip texture reloading function panelTypeToTag (panelType: Word): Integer; // returns GridTagXXX type TPanelGrid = specialize TBodyGridBase; var mapGrid: TPanelGrid = nil; // DO NOT USE! public for debugging only! implementation uses e_input, g_main, e_log, SysUtils, g_items, g_gfx, g_console, GL, GLExt, g_weapons, g_game, g_sound, e_sound, CONFIG, g_options, g_triggers, g_player, Math, g_monsters, g_saveload, g_language, g_netmsg, utils, sfs, xstreams, hashtable, ImagingTypes, Imaging, ImagingUtility, ImagingGif, ImagingNetworkGraphics; const FLAGRECT: TRectWH = (X:15; Y:12; Width:33; Height:52); MUSIC_SIGNATURE = $4953554D; // 'MUSI' FLAG_SIGNATURE = $47414C46; // 'FLAG' var panByGUID: array of TPanel = nil; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function g_Map_PanelByGUID (aguid: Integer): TPanel; inline; begin //if (panByGUID = nil) or (not panByGUID.get(aguid, result)) then result := nil; if (aguid >= 0) and (aguid < Length(panByGUID)) then result := panByGUID[aguid] else result := nil; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function g_Map_MinX (): Integer; inline; begin if (mapGrid <> nil) then result := mapGrid.gridX0 else result := 0; end; function g_Map_MinY (): Integer; inline; begin if (mapGrid <> nil) then result := mapGrid.gridY0 else result := 0; end; function g_Map_MaxX (): Integer; inline; begin if (mapGrid <> nil) then result := mapGrid.gridX0+mapGrid.gridWidth-1 else result := 0; end; function g_Map_MaxY (): Integer; inline; begin if (mapGrid <> nil) then result := mapGrid.gridY0+mapGrid.gridHeight-1 else result := 0; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var dfmapdef: TDynMapDef = nil; procedure loadMapDefinition (); var pr: TTextParser = nil; st: TStream = nil; WAD: TWADFile = nil; begin if (dfmapdef <> nil) then exit; try e_LogWritefln('parsing "mapdef.txt"...', []); st := openDiskFileRO(DataDir+'mapdef.txt'); e_LogWritefln('found local "%smapdef.txt"', [DataDir]); except st := nil; end; if (st = nil) then begin WAD := TWADFile.Create(); if not WAD.ReadFile(GameWAD) then begin //raise Exception.Create('cannot load "game.wad"'); st := nil; end else begin st := WAD.openFileStream('mapdef.txt'); end; end; try if (st = nil) then begin //raise Exception.Create('cannot open "mapdef.txt"'); e_LogWriteln('using default "mapdef.txt"...'); pr := TStrTextParser.Create(defaultMapDef); end else begin pr := TFileTextParser.Create(st); end; except on e: Exception do begin e_LogWritefln('something is VERY wrong here! -- ', [e.message]); raise; end; end; try dfmapdef := TDynMapDef.Create(pr); except on e: Exception do raise Exception.Create(Format('ERROR in "mapdef.txt" at (%s,%s): %s', [pr.line, pr.col, e.message])); end; st.Free(); WAD.Free(); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function g_Map_ParseMap (data: Pointer; dataLen: Integer): TDynRecord; var wst: TSFSMemoryChunkStream = nil; pr: TTextParser = nil; begin result := nil; if (dataLen < 4) then exit; if (dfmapdef = nil) then writeln('need to load mapdef'); loadMapDefinition(); if (dfmapdef = nil) then raise Exception.Create('internal map loader error'); wst := TSFSMemoryChunkStream.Create(data, dataLen); if (PAnsiChar(data)[0] = 'M') and (PAnsiChar(data)[1] = 'A') and (PAnsiChar(data)[2] = 'P') and (PByte(data)[3] = 1) then begin // binary map try //e_LogWriteln('parsing binary map...'); result := dfmapdef.parseBinMap(wst); except on e: Exception do begin e_LogWritefln('ERROR: %s', [e.message]); wst.Free(); result := nil; exit; end; end; wst.Free(); end else begin // text map pr := TFileTextParser.Create(wst); try //e_LogWriteln('parsing text map...'); result := dfmapdef.parseMap(pr); except on e: Exception do begin if (pr <> nil) then e_LogWritefln('ERROR at (%s,%s): %s', [pr.line, pr.col, e.message]) else e_LogWritefln('ERROR: %s', [e.message]); pr.Free(); // will free `wst` result := nil; exit; end; end; pr.Free(); // will free `wst` end; //e_LogWriteln('map parsed.'); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var NNF_PureName: String; // Имя текстуры без цифр в конце NNF_FirstNum: Integer; // Число у начальной текстуры NNF_CurrentNum: Integer; // Следующее число у текстуры function g_Texture_NumNameFindStart(name: String): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result := False; NNF_PureName := ''; NNF_FirstNum := -1; NNF_CurrentNum := -1; for i := Length(name) downto 1 do if (name[i] = '_') then // "_" - символ начала номерного постфикса begin if i = Length(name) then begin // Нет цифр в конце строки Exit; end else begin NNF_PureName := Copy(name, 1, i); Delete(name, 1, i); Break; end; end; // Не перевести в число: if not TryStrToInt(name, NNF_FirstNum) then Exit; NNF_CurrentNum := 0; Result := True; end; function g_Texture_NumNameFindNext(var newName: String): Byte; begin if (NNF_PureName = '') or (NNF_CurrentNum < 0) then begin newName := ''; Result := NNF_NO_NAME; Exit; end; newName := NNF_PureName + IntToStr(NNF_CurrentNum); if NNF_CurrentNum < NNF_FirstNum then Result := NNF_NAME_BEFORE else if NNF_CurrentNum > NNF_FirstNum then Result := NNF_NAME_AFTER else Result := NNF_NAME_EQUALS; Inc(NNF_CurrentNum); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function panelTypeToTag (panelType: Word): Integer; begin case panelType of PANEL_WALL: result := GridTagWall; // gWalls PANEL_OPENDOOR, PANEL_CLOSEDOOR: result := GridTagDoor; // gWalls PANEL_BACK: result := GridTagBack; // gRenderBackgrounds PANEL_FORE: result := GridTagFore; // gRenderForegrounds PANEL_WATER: result := GridTagWater; // gWater PANEL_ACID1: result := GridTagAcid1; // gAcid1 PANEL_ACID2: result := GridTagAcid2; // gAcid2 PANEL_STEP: result := GridTagStep; // gSteps PANEL_LIFTUP, PANEL_LIFTDOWN, PANEL_LIFTLEFT, PANEL_LIFTRIGHT: result := GridTagLift; // gLifts -- this is for all lifts PANEL_BLOCKMON: result := GridTagBlockMon; // gBlockMon -- this is for all blockmons else result := GridTagInvalid; end; end; function dplLess (a, b: TObject): Boolean; var pa, pb: TPanel; begin pa := TPanel(a); pb := TPanel(b); if (pa.tag < pb.tag) then begin result := true; exit; end; if (pa.tag > pb.tag) then begin result := false; exit; end; result := (pa.arrIdx < pb.arrIdx); end; procedure dplClear (); begin if (gDrawPanelList = nil) then gDrawPanelList := TBinaryHeapObj.Create(@dplLess) else gDrawPanelList.clear(); end; var Textures: TLevelTextureArray = nil; TextNameHash: THashStrInt = nil; // key: texture name; value: index in `Textures` BadTextNameHash: THashStrInt = nil; // set; so we won't spam with non-existing texture messages RespawnPoints: array of TRespawnPoint; FlagPoints: array[FLAG_RED..FLAG_BLUE] of PFlagPoint; //DOMFlagPoints: Array of TFlagPoint; procedure g_Map_ProfilersBegin (); begin if (profMapCollision = nil) then profMapCollision := TProfiler.Create('COLSOLID', g_profile_history_size); profMapCollision.mainBegin(g_profile_collision); // create sections if g_profile_collision then begin profMapCollision.sectionBegin('*solids'); profMapCollision.sectionEnd(); profMapCollision.sectionBegin('liquids'); profMapCollision.sectionEnd(); end; end; procedure g_Map_ProfilersEnd (); begin if (profMapCollision <> nil) then profMapCollision.mainEnd(); end; // wall index in `gWalls` or -1 function g_Map_traceToNearestWall (x0, y0, x1, y1: Integer; hitx: PInteger=nil; hity: PInteger=nil): TPanel; var ex, ey: Integer; begin result := mapGrid.traceRay(ex, ey, x0, y0, x1, y1, nil, (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor)); if (result <> nil) then begin if (hitx <> nil) then hitx^ := ex; if (hity <> nil) then hity^ := ey; end else begin if (hitx <> nil) then hitx^ := x1; if (hity <> nil) then hity^ := y1; end; end; // returns panel or nil function g_Map_traceToNearest (x0, y0, x1, y1: Integer; tag: Integer; hitx: PInteger=nil; hity: PInteger=nil): TPanel; var ex, ey: Integer; begin result := mapGrid.traceRay(ex, ey, x0, y0, x1, y1, nil, tag); if (result <> nil) then begin if (hitx <> nil) then hitx^ := ex; if (hity <> nil) then hity^ := ey; end else begin if (hitx <> nil) then hitx^ := x1; if (hity <> nil) then hity^ := y1; end; end; function g_Map_HasAnyPanelAtPoint (x, y: Integer; panelType: Word): Boolean; function checker (pan: TPanel; tag: Integer): Boolean; begin { if ((tag and (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor)) <> 0) then begin result := pan.Enabled; // stop if wall is enabled exit; end; } if ((tag and GridTagLift) <> 0) then begin // stop if the lift of the right type result := ((WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_LIFTUP) and (pan.LiftType = 0)) or (WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_LIFTDOWN) and (pan.LiftType = 1)) or (WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_LIFTLEFT) and (pan.LiftType = 2)) or (WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_LIFTRIGHT) and (pan.LiftType = 3))); exit; end; result := true; // otherwise, stop anyway, 'cause `forEachAtPoint()` is guaranteed to call this only for correct panels end; var tagmask: Integer = 0; begin result := false; if WordBool(PanelType and (PANEL_WALL or PANEL_CLOSEDOOR or PANEL_OPENDOOR)) then tagmask := tagmask or (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor); if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_WATER) then tagmask := tagmask or GridTagWater; if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_ACID1) then tagmask := tagmask or GridTagAcid1; if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_ACID2) then tagmask := tagmask or GridTagAcid2; if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_STEP) then tagmask := tagmask or GridTagStep; if WordBool(PanelType and (PANEL_LIFTUP or PANEL_LIFTDOWN or PANEL_LIFTLEFT or PANEL_LIFTRIGHT)) then tagmask := tagmask or GridTagLift; if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_BLOCKMON) then tagmask := tagmask or GridTagBlockMon; if (tagmask = 0) then exit;// just in case if ((tagmask and GridTagLift) <> 0) then begin // slow result := (mapGrid.forEachAtPoint(x, y, checker, tagmask) <> nil); end else begin // fast result := (mapGrid.forEachAtPoint(x, y, nil, tagmask) <> nil); end; end; function g_Map_PanelAtPoint (x, y: Integer; tagmask: Integer=-1): TPanel; begin result := nil; if (tagmask = 0) then exit; result := mapGrid.forEachAtPoint(x, y, nil, tagmask); end; function g_Map_IsSpecialTexture(Texture: String): Boolean; begin Result := (Texture = TEXTURE_NAME_WATER) or (Texture = TEXTURE_NAME_ACID1) or (Texture = TEXTURE_NAME_ACID2); end; procedure CreateDoorMap(); var PanelArray: Array of record X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word; Active: Boolean; PanelID: DWORD; end; a, b, c, m, i, len: Integer; ok: Boolean; begin if gWalls = nil then Exit; i := 0; len := 128; SetLength(PanelArray, len); for a := 0 to High(gWalls) do if gWalls[a].Door then begin PanelArray[i].X := gWalls[a].X; PanelArray[i].Y := gWalls[a].Y; PanelArray[i].Width := gWalls[a].Width; PanelArray[i].Height := gWalls[a].Height; PanelArray[i].Active := True; PanelArray[i].PanelID := a; i := i + 1; if i = len then begin len := len + 128; SetLength(PanelArray, len); end; end; // Нет дверей: if i = 0 then begin PanelArray := nil; Exit; end; SetLength(gDoorMap, 0); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_DOOR_MAP], i-1, False); for a := 0 to i-1 do if PanelArray[a].Active then begin PanelArray[a].Active := False; m := Length(gDoorMap); SetLength(gDoorMap, m+1); SetLength(gDoorMap[m], 1); gDoorMap[m, 0] := PanelArray[a].PanelID; ok := True; while ok do begin ok := False; for b := 0 to i-1 do if PanelArray[b].Active then for c := 0 to High(gDoorMap[m]) do if {((gRenderWalls[PanelArray[b].RenderPanelID].TextureID = gRenderWalls[gDoorMap[m, c]].TextureID) or gRenderWalls[PanelArray[b].RenderPanelID].Hide or gRenderWalls[gDoorMap[m, c]].Hide) and} g_CollideAround(PanelArray[b].X, PanelArray[b].Y, PanelArray[b].Width, PanelArray[b].Height, gWalls[gDoorMap[m, c]].X, gWalls[gDoorMap[m, c]].Y, gWalls[gDoorMap[m, c]].Width, gWalls[gDoorMap[m, c]].Height) then begin PanelArray[b].Active := False; SetLength(gDoorMap[m], Length(gDoorMap[m])+1); gDoorMap[m, High(gDoorMap[m])] := PanelArray[b].PanelID; ok := True; Break; end; end; g_Game_StepLoading(); end; PanelArray := nil; end; procedure CreateLiftMap(); var PanelArray: Array of record X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word; Active: Boolean; end; a, b, c, len, i, j: Integer; ok: Boolean; begin if gLifts = nil then Exit; len := Length(gLifts); SetLength(PanelArray, len); for a := 0 to len-1 do begin PanelArray[a].X := gLifts[a].X; PanelArray[a].Y := gLifts[a].Y; PanelArray[a].Width := gLifts[a].Width; PanelArray[a].Height := gLifts[a].Height; PanelArray[a].Active := True; end; SetLength(gLiftMap, len); i := 0; g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_LIFT_MAP], len-1, False); for a := 0 to len-1 do if PanelArray[a].Active then begin PanelArray[a].Active := False; SetLength(gLiftMap[i], 32); j := 0; gLiftMap[i, j] := a; ok := True; while ok do begin ok := False; for b := 0 to len-1 do if PanelArray[b].Active then for c := 0 to j do if g_CollideAround(PanelArray[b].X, PanelArray[b].Y, PanelArray[b].Width, PanelArray[b].Height, PanelArray[gLiftMap[i, c]].X, PanelArray[gLiftMap[i, c]].Y, PanelArray[gLiftMap[i, c]].Width, PanelArray[gLiftMap[i, c]].Height) then begin PanelArray[b].Active := False; j := j+1; if j > High(gLiftMap[i]) then SetLength(gLiftMap[i], Length(gLiftMap[i])+32); gLiftMap[i, j] := b; ok := True; Break; end; end; SetLength(gLiftMap[i], j+1); i := i+1; g_Game_StepLoading(); end; SetLength(gLiftMap, i); PanelArray := nil; end; function CreatePanel (PanelRec: TDynRecord; AddTextures: TAddTextureArray; CurTex: Integer; sav: Boolean): Integer; var len: Integer; panels: ^TPanelArray; pan: TPanel; pguid: Integer; begin Result := -1; case PanelRec.PanelType of PANEL_WALL, PANEL_OPENDOOR, PANEL_CLOSEDOOR: panels := @gWalls; PANEL_BACK: panels := @gRenderBackgrounds; PANEL_FORE: panels := @gRenderForegrounds; PANEL_WATER: panels := @gWater; PANEL_ACID1: panels := @gAcid1; PANEL_ACID2: panels := @gAcid2; PANEL_STEP: panels := @gSteps; PANEL_LIFTUP, PANEL_LIFTDOWN, PANEL_LIFTLEFT, PANEL_LIFTRIGHT: panels := @gLifts; PANEL_BLOCKMON: panels := @gBlockMon; else exit; end; len := Length(panels^); SetLength(panels^, len+1); pguid := Length(panByGUID); SetLength(panByGUID, pguid+1); //FIXME! pan := TPanel.Create(PanelRec, AddTextures, CurTex, Textures, pguid); assert(pguid >= 0); assert(pguid < Length(panByGUID)); panByGUID[pguid] := pan; panels^[len] := pan; pan.arrIdx := len; pan.proxyId := -1; pan.tag := panelTypeToTag(PanelRec.PanelType); if sav then pan.SaveIt := True; PanelRec.user['panel_guid'] := pguid; //result := len; result := pguid; end; function CreateNullTexture(RecName: String): Integer; begin RecName := toLowerCase1251(RecName); if (TextNameHash = nil) then TextNameHash := hashNewStrInt(); if TextNameHash.get(RecName, result) then exit; // i found her! SetLength(Textures, Length(Textures)+1); result := High(Textures); with Textures[High(Textures)] do begin TextureName := RecName; Width := 1; Height := 1; Anim := False; TextureID := LongWord(TEXTURE_NONE); end; TextNameHash.put(RecName, result); end; function CreateTexture(RecName: AnsiString; Map: string; log: Boolean): Integer; var WAD: TWADFile; TextureData: Pointer; WADName: String; a, ResLength: Integer; begin RecName := toLowerCase1251(RecName); if (TextNameHash = nil) then TextNameHash := hashNewStrInt(); if TextNameHash.get(RecName, result) then begin // i found her! //e_LogWritefln('texture ''%s'' already loaded', [RecName]); exit; end; Result := -1; if (BadTextNameHash <> nil) and BadTextNameHash.has(RecName) then exit; // don't do it again and again { if Textures <> nil then begin for a := 0 to High(Textures) do begin if (Textures[a].TextureName = RecName) then begin // Текстура с таким именем уже есть e_LogWritefln('texture ''%s'' already loaded', [RecName]); Result := a; Exit; end; end; end; } // Текстуры со специальными именами (вода, лава, кислота): if (RecName = TEXTURE_NAME_WATER) or (RecName = TEXTURE_NAME_ACID1) or (RecName = TEXTURE_NAME_ACID2) then begin SetLength(Textures, Length(Textures)+1); with Textures[High(Textures)] do begin TextureName := RecName; if (TextureName = TEXTURE_NAME_WATER) then TextureID := LongWord(TEXTURE_SPECIAL_WATER) else if (TextureName = TEXTURE_NAME_ACID1) then TextureID := LongWord(TEXTURE_SPECIAL_ACID1) else if (TextureName = TEXTURE_NAME_ACID2) then TextureID := LongWord(TEXTURE_SPECIAL_ACID2); Anim := False; end; result := High(Textures); TextNameHash.put(RecName, result); Exit; end; // Загружаем ресурс текстуры в память из WAD'а: WADName := g_ExtractWadName(RecName); WAD := TWADFile.Create(); if WADName <> '' then WADName := GameDir+'/wads/'+WADName else WADName := Map; WAD.ReadFile(WADName); //txname := RecName; { if (WADName = Map) and WAD.GetResource(g_ExtractFilePathName(RecName), TextureData, ResLength) then begin FreeMem(TextureData); RecName := 'COMMON\ALIEN'; end; } if WAD.GetResource(g_ExtractFilePathName(RecName), TextureData, ResLength, log) then begin SetLength(Textures, Length(Textures)+1); if not e_CreateTextureMem(TextureData, ResLength, Textures[High(Textures)].TextureID) then begin SetLength(Textures, Length(Textures)-1); Exit; end; e_GetTextureSize(Textures[High(Textures)].TextureID, @Textures[High(Textures)].Width, @Textures[High(Textures)].Height); FreeMem(TextureData); Textures[High(Textures)].TextureName := RecName; Textures[High(Textures)].Anim := False; result := High(Textures); TextNameHash.put(RecName, result); end else // Нет такого реусрса в WAD'е begin //e_WriteLog(Format('SHIT! Error loading texture %s : %s', [RecName, g_ExtractFilePathName(RecName)]), MSG_WARNING); if (BadTextNameHash = nil) then BadTextNameHash := hashNewStrInt(); if log and (not BadTextNameHash.get(RecName, a)) then begin e_WriteLog(Format('Error loading texture %s', [RecName]), MSG_WARNING); //e_WriteLog(Format('WAD Reader error: %s', [WAD.GetLastErrorStr]), MSG_WARNING); end; BadTextNameHash.put(RecName, -1); end; WAD.Free(); end; function CreateAnimTexture(RecName: String; Map: string; log: Boolean): Integer; var WAD: TWADFile; TextureWAD: PChar = nil; TextData: Pointer = nil; TextureData: Pointer = nil; cfg: TConfig = nil; WADName: String; ResLength: Integer; TextureResource: String; _width, _height, _framecount, _speed: Integer; _backanimation: Boolean; //imgfmt: string; ia: TDynImageDataArray = nil; f, c, frdelay, frloop: Integer; begin RecName := toLowerCase1251(RecName); if (TextNameHash = nil) then TextNameHash := hashNewStrInt(); if TextNameHash.get(RecName, result) then begin // i found her! //e_LogWritefln('animated texture ''%s'' already loaded', [RecName]); exit; end; result := -1; //e_LogWritefln('*** Loading animated texture "%s"', [RecName]); if (BadTextNameHash = nil) then BadTextNameHash := hashNewStrInt(); if BadTextNameHash.get(RecName, f) then begin //e_WriteLog(Format('no animation texture %s (don''t worry)', [RecName]), MSG_NOTIFY); exit; end; // Читаем WAD-ресурс аним.текстуры из WAD'а в память: WADName := g_ExtractWadName(RecName); WAD := TWADFile.Create(); try if WADName <> '' then WADName := GameDir+'/wads/'+WADName else WADName := Map; WAD.ReadFile(WADName); if not WAD.GetResource(g_ExtractFilePathName(RecName), TextureWAD, ResLength, log) then begin if (BadTextNameHash = nil) then BadTextNameHash := hashNewStrInt(); if log and (not BadTextNameHash.get(RecName, f)) then begin e_WriteLog(Format('Error loading animation texture %s', [RecName]), MSG_WARNING); //e_WriteLog(Format('WAD Reader error: %s', [WAD.GetLastErrorStr]), MSG_WARNING); end; BadTextNameHash.put(RecName, -1); exit; end; {TEST if WADName = Map then begin //FreeMem(TextureWAD); if not WAD.GetResource('COMMON/animation', TextureWAD, ResLength) then Halt(1); end; } WAD.FreeWAD(); if ResLength < 6 then begin e_WriteLog(Format('Animated texture file "%s" too short', [RecName]), MSG_WARNING); BadTextNameHash.put(RecName, -1); exit; end; // это птица? это самолёт? if (TextureWAD[0] = 'D') and (TextureWAD[1] = 'F') and (TextureWAD[2] = 'W') and (TextureWAD[3] = 'A') and (TextureWAD[4] = 'D') then begin // нет, это супермен! if not WAD.ReadMemory(TextureWAD, ResLength) then begin e_WriteLog(Format('Animated texture WAD file "%s" is invalid', [RecName]), MSG_WARNING); BadTextNameHash.put(RecName, -1); exit; end; // Читаем INI-ресурс аним. текстуры и запоминаем его установки: if not WAD.GetResource('TEXT/ANIM', TextData, ResLength) then begin e_WriteLog(Format('Animated texture file "%s" has invalid INI', [RecName]), MSG_WARNING); BadTextNameHash.put(RecName, -1); exit; end; cfg := TConfig.CreateMem(TextData, ResLength); TextureResource := cfg.ReadStr('', 'resource', ''); if TextureResource = '' then begin e_WriteLog(Format('Animated texture WAD file "%s" has no "resource"', [RecName]), MSG_WARNING); BadTextNameHash.put(RecName, -1); exit; end; _width := cfg.ReadInt('', 'framewidth', 0); _height := cfg.ReadInt('', 'frameheight', 0); _framecount := cfg.ReadInt('', 'framecount', 0); _speed := cfg.ReadInt('', 'waitcount', 0); _backanimation := cfg.ReadBool('', 'backanimation', False); cfg.Free(); cfg := nil; // Читаем ресурс текстур (кадров) аним. текстуры в память: if not WAD.GetResource('TEXTURES/'+TextureResource, TextureData, ResLength) then begin e_WriteLog(Format('Animated texture WAD file "%s" has no texture "%s"', [RecName, 'TEXTURES/'+TextureResource]), MSG_WARNING); BadTextNameHash.put(RecName, -1); exit; end; WAD.Free(); WAD := nil; SetLength(Textures, Length(Textures)+1); with Textures[High(Textures)] do begin // Создаем кадры аним. текстуры из памяти: if g_Frames_CreateMemory(@FramesID, '', TextureData, ResLength, _width, _height, _framecount, _backanimation) then begin TextureName := RecName; Width := _width; Height := _height; Anim := True; FramesCount := _framecount; Speed := _speed; result := High(Textures); TextNameHash.put(RecName, result); end else begin if (BadTextNameHash = nil) then BadTextNameHash := hashNewStrInt(); if log and (not BadTextNameHash.get(RecName, f)) then begin e_WriteLog(Format('Error loading animation texture %s', [RecName]), MSG_WARNING); end; BadTextNameHash.put(RecName, -1); end; end; end else begin // try animated image { imgfmt := DetermineMemoryFormat(TextureWAD, ResLength); if length(imgfmt) = 0 then begin e_WriteLog(Format('Animated texture file "%s" has unknown format', [RecName]), MSG_WARNING); exit; end; } GlobalMetadata.ClearMetaItems(); GlobalMetadata.ClearMetaItemsForSaving(); if not LoadMultiImageFromMemory(TextureWAD, ResLength, ia) then begin e_WriteLog(Format('Animated texture file "%s" cannot be loaded', [RecName]), MSG_WARNING); BadTextNameHash.put(RecName, -1); exit; end; if length(ia) = 0 then begin e_WriteLog(Format('Animated texture file "%s" has no frames', [RecName]), MSG_WARNING); BadTextNameHash.put(RecName, -1); exit; end; WAD.Free(); WAD := nil; _width := ia[0].width; _height := ia[0].height; _framecount := length(ia); _speed := 1; _backanimation := false; frdelay := -1; frloop := -666; if GlobalMetadata.HasMetaItem(SMetaFrameDelay) then begin //writeln(' frame delay: ', GlobalMetadata.MetaItems[SMetaFrameDelay]); try f := GlobalMetadata.MetaItems[SMetaFrameDelay]; frdelay := f; if f < 0 then f := 0; // rounding ;-) c := f mod 28; if c < 13 then c := 0 else c := 1; f := (f div 28)+c; if f < 1 then f := 1 else if f > 255 then f := 255; _speed := f; except end; end; if GlobalMetadata.HasMetaItem(SMetaAnimationLoops) then begin //writeln(' frame loop : ', GlobalMetadata.MetaItems[SMetaAnimationLoops]); try f := GlobalMetadata.MetaItems[SMetaAnimationLoops]; frloop := f; if f <> 0 then _backanimation := true; // non-infinite looping == forth-and-back except end; end; //writeln(' creating animated texture with ', length(ia), ' frames (delay:', _speed, '; backloop:', _backanimation, ') from "', RecName, '"...'); //for f := 0 to high(ia) do writeln(' frame #', f, ': ', ia[f].width, 'x', ia[f].height); f := ord(_backanimation); e_WriteLog(Format('Animated texture file "%s": %d frames (delay:%d; back:%d; frdelay:%d; frloop:%d), %dx%d', [RecName, length(ia), _speed, f, frdelay, frloop, _width, _height]), MSG_NOTIFY); SetLength(Textures, Length(Textures)+1); // cоздаем кадры аним. текстуры из картинок if g_CreateFramesImg(ia, @Textures[High(Textures)].FramesID, '', _backanimation) then begin Textures[High(Textures)].TextureName := RecName; Textures[High(Textures)].Width := _width; Textures[High(Textures)].Height := _height; Textures[High(Textures)].Anim := True; Textures[High(Textures)].FramesCount := length(ia); Textures[High(Textures)].Speed := _speed; result := High(Textures); TextNameHash.put(RecName, result); //writeln(' CREATED!'); end else begin if (BadTextNameHash = nil) then BadTextNameHash := hashNewStrInt(); if log and (not BadTextNameHash.get(RecName, f)) then begin e_WriteLog(Format('Error loading animation texture "%s" images', [RecName]), MSG_WARNING); end; BadTextNameHash.put(RecName, -1); end; end; finally for f := 0 to High(ia) do FreeImage(ia[f]); WAD.Free(); cfg.Free(); if (TextureWAD <> nil) then FreeMem(TextureWAD); if (TextData <> nil) then FreeMem(TextData); if (TextureData <> nil) then FreeMem(TextureData); end; end; procedure CreateItem(Item: TDynRecord); begin if g_Game_IsClient then Exit; if (not (gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_DM, GM_TDM, GM_CTF])) and ByteBool(Item.Options and ITEM_OPTION_ONLYDM) then Exit; g_Items_Create(Item.X, Item.Y, Item.ItemType, ByteBool(Item.Options and ITEM_OPTION_FALL), gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_DM, GM_TDM, GM_CTF, GM_COOP]); end; procedure CreateArea(Area: TDynRecord); var a: Integer; id: DWORD = 0; begin case Area.AreaType of AREA_DMPOINT, AREA_PLAYERPOINT1, AREA_PLAYERPOINT2, AREA_REDTEAMPOINT, AREA_BLUETEAMPOINT: begin SetLength(RespawnPoints, Length(RespawnPoints)+1); with RespawnPoints[High(RespawnPoints)] do begin X := Area.X; Y := Area.Y; Direction := TDirection(Area.Direction); case Area.AreaType of AREA_DMPOINT: PointType := RESPAWNPOINT_DM; AREA_PLAYERPOINT1: PointType := RESPAWNPOINT_PLAYER1; AREA_PLAYERPOINT2: PointType := RESPAWNPOINT_PLAYER2; AREA_REDTEAMPOINT: PointType := RESPAWNPOINT_RED; AREA_BLUETEAMPOINT: PointType := RESPAWNPOINT_BLUE; end; end; end; AREA_REDFLAG, AREA_BLUEFLAG: begin if Area.AreaType = AREA_REDFLAG then a := FLAG_RED else a := FLAG_BLUE; if FlagPoints[a] <> nil then Exit; New(FlagPoints[a]); with FlagPoints[a]^ do begin X := Area.X-FLAGRECT.X; Y := Area.Y-FLAGRECT.Y; Direction := TDirection(Area.Direction); end; with gFlags[a] do begin case a of FLAG_RED: g_Frames_Get(id, 'FRAMES_FLAG_RED'); FLAG_BLUE: g_Frames_Get(id, 'FRAMES_FLAG_BLUE'); end; Animation := TAnimation.Create(id, True, 8); Obj.Rect := FLAGRECT; g_Map_ResetFlag(a); end; end; AREA_DOMFLAG: begin {SetLength(DOMFlagPoints, Length(DOMFlagPoints)+1); with DOMFlagPoints[High(DOMFlagPoints)] do begin X := Area.X; Y := Area.Y; Direction := TDirection(Area.Direction); end; g_Map_CreateFlag(DOMFlagPoints[High(DOMFlagPoints)], FLAG_DOM, FLAG_STATE_NORMAL);} end; end; end; procedure CreateTrigger (amapIdx: Integer; Trigger: TDynRecord; atpanid, atrigpanid: Integer; fTexturePanel1Type, fTexturePanel2Type: Word); var _trigger: TTrigger; begin if g_Game_IsClient and not (Trigger.TriggerType in [TRIGGER_SOUND, TRIGGER_MUSIC]) then Exit; with _trigger do begin mapId := Trigger.id; mapIndex := amapIdx; X := Trigger.X; Y := Trigger.Y; Width := Trigger.Width; Height := Trigger.Height; Enabled := Trigger.Enabled; //TexturePanel := Trigger.TexturePanel; TexturePanelGUID := atpanid; TexturePanelType := fTexturePanel1Type; ShotPanelType := fTexturePanel2Type; TriggerType := Trigger.TriggerType; ActivateType := Trigger.ActivateType; Keys := Trigger.Keys; trigPanelGUID := atrigpanid; //trigShotPanelId := ashotpanid; //Data.Default := Trigger.DATA; if (Trigger.trigRec = nil) then begin trigData := nil; if (TriggerType <> TRIGGER_SECRET) then begin e_LogWritefln('trigger of type %s has no triggerdata; wtf?!', [TriggerType], MSG_WARNING); end; end else begin trigData := Trigger.trigRec.clone(nil); end; end; g_Triggers_Create(_trigger); end; procedure CreateMonster(monster: TDynRecord); var a: Integer; mon: TMonster; begin if g_Game_IsClient then Exit; if (gGameSettings.GameType = GT_SINGLE) or LongBool(gGameSettings.Options and GAME_OPTION_MONSTERS) then begin mon := g_Monsters_Create(monster.MonsterType, monster.X, monster.Y, TDirection(monster.Direction)); if gTriggers <> nil then begin for a := 0 to High(gTriggers) do begin if gTriggers[a].TriggerType in [TRIGGER_PRESS, TRIGGER_ON, TRIGGER_OFF, TRIGGER_ONOFF] then begin //if (gTriggers[a].Data.MonsterID-1) = Integer(mon.StartID) then mon.AddTrigger(a); if (gTriggers[a].trigData.trigMonsterId) = Integer(mon.StartID) then mon.AddTrigger(a); end; end; end; if monster.MonsterType <> MONSTER_BARREL then Inc(gTotalMonsters); end; end; procedure g_Map_ReAdd_DieTriggers(); function monsDieTrig (mon: TMonster): Boolean; var a: Integer; //tw: TStrTextWriter; begin result := false; // don't stop mon.ClearTriggers(); for a := 0 to High(gTriggers) do begin if gTriggers[a].TriggerType in [TRIGGER_PRESS, TRIGGER_ON, TRIGGER_OFF, TRIGGER_ONOFF] then begin //if (gTriggers[a].Data.MonsterID-1) = Integer(mon.StartID) then mon.AddTrigger(a); { tw := TStrTextWriter.Create(); try gTriggers[a].trigData.writeTo(tw); e_LogWritefln('=== trigger #%s ==='#10'%s'#10'---', [a, tw.str]); finally tw.Free(); end; } if (gTriggers[a].trigData.trigMonsterId) = Integer(mon.StartID) then mon.AddTrigger(a); end; end; end; begin if g_Game_IsClient then Exit; g_Mons_ForEach(monsDieTrig); end; function extractWadName(resourceName: string): string; var posN: Integer; begin posN := Pos(':', resourceName); if posN > 0 then Result:= Copy(resourceName, 0, posN-1) else Result := ''; end; procedure addResToExternalResList(res: string); begin res := extractWadName(res); if (res <> '') and (gExternalResources.IndexOf(res) = -1) then gExternalResources.Add(res); end; procedure generateExternalResourcesList({mapReader: TMapReader_1}map: TDynRecord); //var //textures: TTexturesRec1Array; //textures: TDynField; //trec: TDynRecord; //mapHeader: TMapHeaderRec_1; //i: integer; //resFile: String = ''; begin if gExternalResources = nil then gExternalResources := TStringList.Create; gExternalResources.Clear; (* { textures := GetTextures(map); for i := 0 to High(textures) do begin addResToExternalResList(resFile); end; } textures := map['texture']; if (textures <> nil) then begin for trec in textures do begin addResToExternalResList(resFile); end; end; textures := nil; *) //mapHeader := GetMapHeader(map); addResToExternalResList(map.MusicName); addResToExternalResList(map.SkyName); end; procedure mapCreateGrid (); var mapX0: Integer = $3fffffff; mapY0: Integer = $3fffffff; mapX1: Integer = -$3fffffff; mapY1: Integer = -$3fffffff; procedure calcBoundingBox (constref panels: TPanelArray); var idx: Integer; pan: TPanel; begin for idx := 0 to High(panels) do begin pan := panels[idx]; if not pan.visvalid then continue; if (pan.Width < 1) or (pan.Height < 1) then continue; if (mapX0 > pan.x0) then mapX0 := pan.x0; if (mapY0 > pan.y0) then mapY0 := pan.y0; if (mapX1 < pan.x1) then mapX1 := pan.x1; if (mapY1 < pan.y1) then mapY1 := pan.y1; end; end; procedure addPanelsToGrid (constref panels: TPanelArray); var idx: Integer; pan: TPanel; newtag: Integer; begin //tag := panelTypeToTag(tag); for idx := 0 to High(panels) do begin pan := panels[idx]; if not pan.visvalid then continue; if (pan.proxyId <> -1) then begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} e_WriteLog(Format('DUPLICATE wall #%d(%d) enabled (%d); type:%08x', [Integer(idx), Integer(pan.proxyId), Integer(mapGrid.proxyEnabled[pan.proxyId]), pan.PanelType]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} continue; end; case pan.PanelType of PANEL_WALL: newtag := GridTagWall; PANEL_OPENDOOR, PANEL_CLOSEDOOR: newtag := GridTagDoor; PANEL_BACK: newtag := GridTagBack; PANEL_FORE: newtag := GridTagFore; PANEL_WATER: newtag := GridTagWater; PANEL_ACID1: newtag := GridTagAcid1; PANEL_ACID2: newtag := GridTagAcid2; PANEL_STEP: newtag := GridTagStep; PANEL_LIFTUP, PANEL_LIFTDOWN, PANEL_LIFTLEFT, PANEL_LIFTRIGHT: newtag := GridTagLift; PANEL_BLOCKMON: newtag := GridTagBlockMon; else continue; // oops end; pan.tag := newtag; pan.proxyId := mapGrid.insertBody(pan, pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height, newtag); // "enabled" flag has meaning only for doors and walls (engine assumes it); but meh... mapGrid.proxyEnabled[pan.proxyId] := pan.Enabled; {$IFDEF MAP_DEBUG_ENABLED_FLAG} { if ((tag and (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor)) <> 0) then begin e_WriteLog(Format('INSERTED wall #%d(%d) enabled (%d)', [Integer(idx), Integer(pan.proxyId), Integer(mapGrid.proxyEnabled[pan.proxyId])]), MSG_NOTIFY); end; } {$ENDIF} end; end; begin mapGrid.Free(); mapGrid := nil; calcBoundingBox(gWalls); calcBoundingBox(gRenderBackgrounds); calcBoundingBox(gRenderForegrounds); calcBoundingBox(gWater); calcBoundingBox(gAcid1); calcBoundingBox(gAcid2); calcBoundingBox(gSteps); calcBoundingBox(gLifts); calcBoundingBox(gBlockMon); e_LogWritefln('map dimensions: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d); editor size:(0,0)-(%d,%d)', [mapX0, mapY0, mapX1, mapY1, gMapInfo.Width, gMapInfo.Height]); if (mapX0 > 0) then mapX0 := 0; if (mapY0 > 0) then mapY0 := 0; if (mapX1 < gMapInfo.Width-1) then mapX1 := gMapInfo.Width-1; if (mapY1 < gMapInfo.Height-1) then mapY1 := gMapInfo.Height-1; mapGrid := TPanelGrid.Create(mapX0-128, mapY0-128, mapX1-mapX0+1+128*2, mapY1-mapY0+1+128*2); //mapGrid := TPanelGrid.Create(0, 0, gMapInfo.Width, gMapInfo.Height); addPanelsToGrid(gWalls); addPanelsToGrid(gRenderBackgrounds); addPanelsToGrid(gRenderForegrounds); addPanelsToGrid(gWater); addPanelsToGrid(gAcid1); addPanelsToGrid(gAcid2); addPanelsToGrid(gSteps); addPanelsToGrid(gLifts); // it doesn't matter which LIFT type is used here addPanelsToGrid(gBlockMon); mapGrid.dumpStats(); g_Mons_InitTree(mapGrid.gridX0, mapGrid.gridY0, mapGrid.gridWidth, mapGrid.gridHeight); end; function g_Map_Load(Res: String): Boolean; const DefaultMusRes = 'Standart.wad:STDMUS\MUS1'; DefaultSkyRes = 'Standart.wad:STDSKY\SKY0'; type PTRec = ^TTRec; TTRec = record //TexturePanel: Integer; texPanIdx: Integer; LiftPanelIdx: Integer; DoorPanelIdx: Integer; ShotPanelIdx: Integer; MPlatPanelIdx: Integer; trigrec: TDynRecord; texPan: TDynRecord; liftPan: TDynRecord; doorPan: TDynRecord; shotPan: TDynRecord; mplatPan: TDynRecord; end; var WAD: TWADFile; mapReader: TDynRecord = nil; mapTextureList: TDynField = nil; //TTexturesRec1Array; tagInt: texture index panels: TDynField = nil; //TPanelsRec1Array; items: TDynField = nil; //TItemsRec1Array; monsters: TDynField = nil; //TMonsterRec1Array; areas: TDynField = nil; //TAreasRec1Array; triggers: TDynField = nil; //TTriggersRec1Array; b, c, k: Integer; PanelID: DWORD; AddTextures: TAddTextureArray; TriggersTable: array of TTRec; FileName, mapResName, s, TexName: String; Data: Pointer; Len: Integer; ok, isAnim, trigRef: Boolean; CurTex, ntn: Integer; rec, texrec: TDynRecord; pttit: PTRec; pannum, trignum, cnt, tgpid: Integer; stt: UInt64; moveSpeed{, moveStart, moveEnd}: TDFPoint; //moveActive: Boolean; begin mapGrid.Free(); mapGrid := nil; gCurrentMap.Free(); gCurrentMap := nil; panByGUID := nil; Result := False; gMapInfo.Map := Res; TriggersTable := nil; mapReader := nil; sfsGCDisable(); // temporary disable removing of temporary volumes try // Загрузка WAD: FileName := g_ExtractWadName(Res); e_WriteLog('Loading map WAD: '+FileName, MSG_NOTIFY); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_WAD_FILE], 0, False); WAD := TWADFile.Create(); if not WAD.ReadFile(FileName) then begin g_FatalError(Format(_lc[I_GAME_ERROR_MAP_WAD], [FileName])); WAD.Free(); Exit; end; //k8: why loader ignores path here? mapResName := g_ExtractFileName(Res); if not WAD.GetMapResource(mapResName, Data, Len) then begin g_FatalError(Format(_lc[I_GAME_ERROR_MAP_RES], [mapResName])); WAD.Free(); Exit; end; WAD.Free(); if (Len < 4) then begin e_LogWritefln('invalid map file: ''%s''', [mapResName]); FreeMem(Data); exit; end; // Загрузка карты: e_LogWritefln('Loading map: %s', [mapResName], MSG_NOTIFY); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_MAP], 0, False); stt := curTimeMicro(); try mapReader := g_Map_ParseMap(Data, Len); except mapReader.Free(); g_FatalError(Format(_lc[I_GAME_ERROR_MAP_LOAD], [Res])); FreeMem(Data); Exit; end; FreeMem(Data); generateExternalResourcesList(mapReader); mapTextureList := mapReader['texture']; // get all other lists here too panels := mapReader['panel']; triggers := mapReader['trigger']; items := mapReader['item']; areas := mapReader['area']; monsters := mapReader['monster']; // Загрузка описания карты: e_WriteLog(' Reading map info...', MSG_NOTIFY); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_MAP_HEADER], 0, False); with gMapInfo do begin Name := mapReader.MapName; Description := mapReader.MapDesc; Author := mapReader.MapAuthor; MusicName := mapReader.MusicName; SkyName := mapReader.SkyName; Height := mapReader.Height; Width := mapReader.Width; end; // Загрузка текстур: g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_TEXTURES], 0, False); // Добавление текстур в Textures[]: if (mapTextureList <> nil) and (mapTextureList.count > 0) then begin e_WriteLog(' Loading textures:', MSG_NOTIFY); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_TEXTURES], mapTextureList.count-1, False); cnt := -1; for rec in mapTextureList do begin Inc(cnt); s := rec.Resource; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_TXLOAD)} e_WriteLog(Format(' Loading texture #%d: %s', [cnt, s]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} //if g_Map_IsSpecialTexture(s) then e_WriteLog(' SPECIAL!', MSG_NOTIFY); if rec.Anim then begin // Анимированная текстура ntn := CreateAnimTexture(rec.Resource, FileName, True); if (ntn < 0) then g_SimpleError(Format(_lc[I_GAME_ERROR_TEXTURE_ANIM], [s])); end else begin // Обычная текстура ntn := CreateTexture(rec.Resource, FileName, True); if (ntn < 0) then g_SimpleError(Format(_lc[I_GAME_ERROR_TEXTURE_SIMPLE], [s])); end; if (ntn < 0) then ntn := CreateNullTexture(rec.Resource); rec.tagInt := ntn; // remember texture number g_Game_StepLoading(); end; // set panel tagInt to texture index if (panels <> nil) then begin for rec in panels do begin texrec := rec.TextureRec; if (texrec = nil) then rec.tagInt := -1 else rec.tagInt := texrec.tagInt; end; end; end; // Загрузка триггеров gTriggerClientID := 0; e_WriteLog(' Loading triggers...', MSG_NOTIFY); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_TRIGGERS], 0, False); // Загрузка панелей e_WriteLog(' Loading panels...', MSG_NOTIFY); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_PANELS], 0, False); // check texture numbers for panels if (panels <> nil) and (panels.count > 0) then begin for rec in panels do begin if (rec.tagInt < 0) then begin e_WriteLog('error loading map: invalid texture index for panel', MSG_FATALERROR); result := false; exit; end; end; end; // Создание таблицы триггеров (соответствие панелей триггерам) if (triggers <> nil) and (triggers.count > 0) then begin e_WriteLog(' Setting up trigger table...', MSG_NOTIFY); //SetLength(TriggersTable, triggers.count); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_TRIGGERS_TABLE], triggers.count-1, False); for rec in triggers do begin SetLength(TriggersTable, Length(TriggersTable)+1); pttit := @TriggersTable[High(TriggersTable)]; pttit.trigrec := rec; // Смена текстуры (возможно, кнопки) pttit.texPan := mapReader.panel[rec.TexturePanel]; pttit.liftPan := nil; pttit.doorPan := nil; pttit.shotPan := nil; pttit.mplatPan := nil; pttit.texPanIdx := -1; pttit.LiftPanelIdx := -1; pttit.DoorPanelIdx := -1; pttit.ShotPanelIdx := -1; pttit.MPlatPanelIdx := -1; // Лифты if rec.TriggerType in [TRIGGER_LIFTUP, TRIGGER_LIFTDOWN, TRIGGER_LIFT] then begin pttit.liftPan := mapReader.panel[rec.trigRec.tgPanelID]; end; // Двери if rec.TriggerType in [TRIGGER_OPENDOOR, TRIGGER_CLOSEDOOR, TRIGGER_DOOR, TRIGGER_DOOR5, TRIGGER_CLOSETRAP, TRIGGER_TRAP] then begin pttit.doorPan := mapReader.panel[rec.trigRec.tgPanelID]; end; // Турель if (rec.TriggerType = TRIGGER_SHOT) then begin pttit.shotPan := mapReader.panel[rec.trigRec.tgShotPanelID]; end; // if rec.TriggerType in [TRIGGER_PRESS, TRIGGER_ON, TRIGGER_OFF, TRIGGER_ONOFF] then begin pttit.mplatPan := mapReader.panel[rec.trigRec.tgPanelID]; end; if (pttit.texPan <> nil) then pttit.texPan.userPanelTrigRef := true; if (pttit.liftPan <> nil) then pttit.liftPan.userPanelTrigRef := true; if (pttit.doorPan <> nil) then pttit.doorPan.userPanelTrigRef := true; if (pttit.shotPan <> nil) then pttit.shotPan.userPanelTrigRef := true; if (pttit.mplatPan <> nil) then pttit.mplatPan.userPanelTrigRef := true; g_Game_StepLoading(); end; end; // Создаем панели if (panels <> nil) and (panels.count > 0) then begin e_WriteLog(' Setting up trigger links...', MSG_NOTIFY); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_LINK_TRIGGERS], panels.count-1, False); pannum := -1; for rec in panels do begin Inc(pannum); //e_LogWritefln('PANSTART: pannum=%s', [pannum]); texrec := nil; SetLength(AddTextures, 0); trigRef := False; CurTex := -1; ok := false; if (mapTextureList <> nil) then begin texrec := rec.TextureRec; ok := (texrec <> nil); end; if ok then begin // Смотрим, ссылаются ли на эту панель триггеры. // Если да - то надо создать еще текстур ok := false; if (TriggersTable <> nil) and (mapTextureList <> nil) then begin { for b := 0 to High(TriggersTable) do begin if (TriggersTable[b].texPan = rec) or (TriggersTable[b].shotPan = rec) then begin trigRef := True; ok := True; break; end; end; } if rec.userPanelTrigRef then begin // e_LogWritefln('trigref for panel %s', [pannum]); trigRef := True; ok := True; end; end; end; if ok then begin // Есть ссылки триггеров на эту панель s := texrec.Resource; // Спец-текстуры запрещены if g_Map_IsSpecialTexture(s) then begin ok := false end else begin // Определяем наличие и положение цифр в конце строки ok := g_Texture_NumNameFindStart(s); end; // Если ok, значит есть цифры в конце. // Загружаем текстуры с остальными # if ok then begin k := NNF_NAME_BEFORE; // Цикл по изменению имени текстуры while ok or (k = NNF_NAME_BEFORE) or (k = NNF_NAME_EQUALS) do begin k := g_Texture_NumNameFindNext(TexName); if (k = NNF_NAME_BEFORE) or (k = NNF_NAME_AFTER) then begin // Пробуем добавить новую текстуру if texrec.Anim then begin // Начальная - анимированная, ищем анимированную isAnim := True; //e_LogWritefln('000: pannum=%s; TexName=[%s]; FileName=[%s]', [pannum, TexName, FileName]); ok := CreateAnimTexture(TexName, FileName, False) >= 0; //e_LogWritefln('001: pannum=%s; TexName=[%s]; FileName=[%s]', [pannum, TexName, FileName]); if not ok then begin // Нет анимированной, ищем обычную isAnim := False; //e_LogWritefln('002: pannum=%s; TexName=[%s]; FileName=[%s]', [pannum, TexName, FileName]); ok := CreateTexture(TexName, FileName, False) >= 0; //e_LogWritefln('003: pannum=%s; TexName=[%s]; FileName=[%s]', [pannum, TexName, FileName]); end; end else begin // Начальная - обычная, ищем обычную isAnim := False; //e_LogWritefln('004: pannum=%s; TexName=[%s]; FileName=[%s]', [pannum, TexName, FileName]); ok := CreateTexture(TexName, FileName, False) >= 0; //e_LogWritefln('005: pannum=%s; TexName=[%s]; FileName=[%s]', [pannum, TexName, FileName]); if not ok then begin // Нет обычной, ищем анимированную isAnim := True; //e_LogWritefln('006: pannum=%s; TexName=[%s]; FileName=[%s]', [pannum, TexName, FileName]); ok := CreateAnimTexture(TexName, FileName, False) >= 0; //e_LogWritefln('007: pannum=%s; TexName=[%s]; FileName=[%s]', [pannum, TexName, FileName]); end; end; // Она существует. Заносим ее ID в список панели if ok then begin { for c := 0 to High(Textures) do begin if (Textures[c].TextureName = TexName) then begin SetLength(AddTextures, Length(AddTextures)+1); AddTextures[High(AddTextures)].Texture := c; AddTextures[High(AddTextures)].Anim := isAnim; break; end; end; } if (TextNameHash <> nil) and TextNameHash.get(toLowerCase1251(TexName), c) then begin SetLength(AddTextures, Length(AddTextures)+1); AddTextures[High(AddTextures)].Texture := c; AddTextures[High(AddTextures)].Anim := isAnim; end; end; end else begin if k = NNF_NAME_EQUALS then begin // Заносим текущую текстуру на свое место SetLength(AddTextures, Length(AddTextures)+1); AddTextures[High(AddTextures)].Texture := rec.tagInt; // internal texture number, not map index AddTextures[High(AddTextures)].Anim := texrec.Anim; CurTex := High(AddTextures); ok := true; end else // NNF_NO_NAME begin ok := false; end; end; end; // while ok... ok := true; end; // if ok - есть смежные текстуры end; // if ok - ссылаются триггеры if not ok then begin // Заносим только текущую текстуру SetLength(AddTextures, 1); AddTextures[0].Texture := rec.tagInt; // internal texture number, not map index AddTextures[0].Anim := false; if (texrec <> nil) then AddTextures[0].Anim := texrec.Anim; CurTex := 0; end; //e_WriteLog(Format('panel #%d: TextureNum=%d; ht=%d; ht1=%d; atl=%d', [a, panels[a].TextureNum, High(mapTextureList), High(Textures), High(AddTextures)]), MSG_NOTIFY); //e_LogWritefln('PANADD: pannum=%s', [pannum]); // Создаем панель и запоминаем ее GUID PanelID := CreatePanel(rec, AddTextures, CurTex, trigRef); //e_LogWritefln('panel #%s of type %s got guid #%s', [pannum, rec.PanelType, PanelID]); rec.userPanelId := PanelID; // remember game panel id, we'll fix triggers later // setup lifts moveSpeed := rec.moveSpeed; //moveStart := rec.moveStart; //moveEnd := rec.moveEnd; //moveActive := rec['move_active'].varvalue; if not moveSpeed.isZero then begin SetLength(gMovingWallIds, Length(gMovingWallIds)+1); gMovingWallIds[High(gMovingWallIds)] := PanelID; //e_LogWritefln('found moving panel ''%s'' (idx=%s; id=%s)', [rec.id, pannum, PanelID]); end; //e_LogWritefln('PANEND: pannum=%s', [pannum]); g_Game_StepLoading(); end; end; // Чиним ID'ы панелей, которые используются в триггерах for b := 0 to High(TriggersTable) do begin if (TriggersTable[b].texPan <> nil) then TriggersTable[b].texPanIdx := TriggersTable[b].texPan.userPanelId; if (TriggersTable[b].liftPan <> nil) then TriggersTable[b].LiftPanelIdx := TriggersTable[b].liftPan.userPanelId; if (TriggersTable[b].doorPan <> nil) then TriggersTable[b].DoorPanelIdx := TriggersTable[b].doorPan.userPanelId; if (TriggersTable[b].shotPan <> nil) then TriggersTable[b].ShotPanelIdx := TriggersTable[b].shotPan.userPanelId; if (TriggersTable[b].mplatPan <> nil) then TriggersTable[b].MPlatPanelIdx := TriggersTable[b].mplatPan.userPanelId; end; // create map grid, init other grids (for monsters, for example) e_WriteLog('Creating map grid', MSG_NOTIFY); mapCreateGrid(); // Если не LoadState, то создаем триггеры if (triggers <> nil) and (panels <> nil) and (not gLoadGameMode) then begin e_LogWritefln(' Creating triggers (%d)...', [triggers.count]); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_CREATE_TRIGGERS], 0, False); // Указываем тип панели, если есть trignum := -1; for rec in triggers do begin Inc(trignum); if (TriggersTable[trignum].texPan <> nil) then b := TriggersTable[trignum].texPan.PanelType else b := 0; if (TriggersTable[trignum].shotPan <> nil) then c := TriggersTable[trignum].shotPan.PanelType else c := 0; // we can have only one of those if (TriggersTable[trignum].LiftPanelIdx <> -1) then tgpid := TriggersTable[trignum].LiftPanelIdx else if (TriggersTable[trignum].DoorPanelIdx <> -1) then tgpid := TriggersTable[trignum].DoorPanelIdx else if (TriggersTable[trignum].ShotPanelIdx <> -1) then tgpid := TriggersTable[trignum].ShotPanelIdx else if (TriggersTable[trignum].MPlatPanelIdx <> -1) then tgpid := TriggersTable[trignum].MPlatPanelIdx else tgpid := -1; //e_LogWritefln('creating trigger #%s; texpantype=%s; shotpantype=%s (%d,%d)', [trignum, b, c, TriggersTable[trignum].texPanIdx, TriggersTable[trignum].ShotPanelIdx]); CreateTrigger(trignum, rec, TriggersTable[trignum].texPanIdx, tgpid, Word(b), Word(c)); end; end; // Загрузка предметов e_WriteLog(' Loading items...', MSG_NOTIFY); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_ITEMS], 0, False); // Если не LoadState, то создаем предметы if (items <> nil) and not gLoadGameMode then begin e_WriteLog(' Spawning items...', MSG_NOTIFY); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_CREATE_ITEMS], 0, False); for rec in items do CreateItem(rec); end; // Загрузка областей e_WriteLog(' Loading areas...', MSG_NOTIFY); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_AREAS], 0, False); // Если не LoadState, то создаем области if areas <> nil then begin e_WriteLog(' Creating areas...', MSG_NOTIFY); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_CREATE_AREAS], 0, False); for rec in areas do CreateArea(rec); end; // Загрузка монстров e_WriteLog(' Loading monsters...', MSG_NOTIFY); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_MONSTERS], 0, False); gTotalMonsters := 0; // Если не LoadState, то создаем монстров if (monsters <> nil) and not gLoadGameMode then begin e_WriteLog(' Spawning monsters...', MSG_NOTIFY); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_CREATE_MONSTERS], 0, False); for rec in monsters do CreateMonster(rec); end; gCurrentMap := mapReader; // this will be our current map now gCurrentMapFileName := Res; mapReader := nil; // Загрузка неба if gMapInfo.SkyName <> '' then begin e_WriteLog(' Loading sky: ' + gMapInfo.SkyName, MSG_NOTIFY); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_SKY], 0, False); FileName := g_ExtractWadName(gMapInfo.SkyName); if FileName <> '' then FileName := GameDir+'/wads/'+FileName else begin FileName := g_ExtractWadName(Res); end; s := FileName+':'+g_ExtractFilePathName(gMapInfo.SkyName); if g_Texture_CreateWAD(BackID, s) then begin g_Game_SetupScreenSize(); end else g_FatalError(Format(_lc[I_GAME_ERROR_SKY], [s])); end; // Загрузка музыки ok := False; if gMapInfo.MusicName <> '' then begin e_WriteLog(' Loading music: ' + gMapInfo.MusicName, MSG_NOTIFY); g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_MUSIC], 0, False); FileName := g_ExtractWadName(gMapInfo.MusicName); if FileName <> '' then FileName := GameDir+'/wads/'+FileName else begin FileName := g_ExtractWadName(Res); end; s := FileName+':'+g_ExtractFilePathName(gMapInfo.MusicName); if g_Sound_CreateWADEx(gMapInfo.MusicName, s, True) then ok := True else g_FatalError(Format(_lc[I_GAME_ERROR_MUSIC], [s])); end; // Остальные устанвки CreateDoorMap(); CreateLiftMap(); g_Items_Init(); g_Weapon_Init(); g_Monsters_Init(); // Если не LoadState, то создаем карту столкновений: if not gLoadGameMode then g_GFX_Init(); // Сброс локальных массивов: mapTextureList := nil; panels := nil; items := nil; areas := nil; triggers := nil; TriggersTable := nil; AddTextures := nil; // Включаем музыку, если это не загрузка: if ok and (not gLoadGameMode) then begin gMusic.SetByName(gMapInfo.MusicName); gMusic.Play(); end else begin gMusic.SetByName(''); end; stt := curTimeMicro()-stt; e_LogWritefln('map loaded in %s.%s milliseconds', [Integer(stt div 1000), Integer(stt mod 1000)]); finally sfsGCEnable(); // enable releasing unused volumes mapReader.Free(); e_ClearInputBuffer(); // why not? end; e_WriteLog('Done loading map.', MSG_NOTIFY); Result := True; end; function g_Map_GetMapInfo(Res: String): TMapInfo; var WAD: TWADFile; mapReader: TDynRecord; //Header: TMapHeaderRec_1; FileName: String; Data: Pointer; Len: Integer; begin FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); FileName := g_ExtractWadName(Res); WAD := TWADFile.Create(); if not WAD.ReadFile(FileName) then begin WAD.Free(); Exit; end; //k8: it ignores path again if not WAD.GetMapResource(g_ExtractFileName(Res), Data, Len) then begin WAD.Free(); Exit; end; WAD.Free(); try mapReader := g_Map_ParseMap(Data, Len); except mapReader := nil; FreeMem(Data); exit; end; FreeMem(Data); if (mapReader.Width > 0) and (mapReader.Height > 0) then begin Result.Name := mapReader.MapName; Result.Description := mapReader.MapDesc; Result.Map := Res; Result.Author := mapReader.MapAuthor; Result.Height := mapReader.Height; Result.Width := mapReader.Width; end else begin g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_GAME_ERROR_MAP_LOAD], [Res]), True); //ZeroMemory(@Header, SizeOf(Header)); Result.Name := _lc[I_GAME_ERROR_MAP_SELECT]; Result.Description := _lc[I_GAME_ERROR_MAP_SELECT]; Result.Map := Res; Result.Author := ''; Result.Height := 0; Result.Width := 0; end; mapReader.Free(); end; function g_Map_GetMapsList(WADName: string): SArray; var WAD: TWADFile; a: Integer; ResList: SArray; begin Result := nil; WAD := TWADFile.Create(); if not WAD.ReadFile(WADName) then begin WAD.Free(); Exit; end; ResList := WAD.GetMapResources(); if ResList <> nil then begin for a := 0 to High(ResList) do begin SetLength(Result, Length(Result)+1); Result[High(Result)] := ResList[a]; end; end; WAD.Free(); end; function g_Map_Exist(Res: string): Boolean; var WAD: TWADFile; FileName, mnn: string; ResList: SArray; a: Integer; begin Result := False; FileName := addWadExtension(g_ExtractWadName(Res)); WAD := TWADFile.Create; if not WAD.ReadFile(FileName) then begin WAD.Free(); Exit; end; ResList := WAD.GetMapResources(); WAD.Free(); mnn := g_ExtractFileName(Res); if ResList <> nil then for a := 0 to High(ResList) do if StrEquCI1251(ResList[a], mnn) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; procedure g_Map_Free(freeTextures: Boolean=true); var a: Integer; procedure FreePanelArray(var panels: TPanelArray); var i: Integer; begin if panels <> nil then begin for i := 0 to High(panels) do panels[i].Free(); panels := nil; end; end; begin g_GFX_Free(); g_Weapon_Free(); g_Items_Free(); g_Triggers_Free(); g_Monsters_Free(); RespawnPoints := nil; if FlagPoints[FLAG_RED] <> nil then begin Dispose(FlagPoints[FLAG_RED]); FlagPoints[FLAG_RED] := nil; end; if FlagPoints[FLAG_BLUE] <> nil then begin Dispose(FlagPoints[FLAG_BLUE]); FlagPoints[FLAG_BLUE] := nil; end; //DOMFlagPoints := nil; //gDOMFlags := nil; if (Length(gCurrentMapFileName) <> 0) then begin e_LogWritefln('g_Map_Free: previous map was ''%s''...', [gCurrentMapFileName]); end else begin e_LogWritefln('g_Map_Free: no previous map.', []); end; if freeTextures then begin e_LogWritefln('g_Map_Free: clearing textures...', []); if (Textures <> nil) then begin for a := 0 to High(Textures) do begin if not g_Map_IsSpecialTexture(Textures[a].TextureName) then begin if Textures[a].Anim then begin g_Frames_DeleteByID(Textures[a].FramesID) end else begin if (Textures[a].TextureID <> LongWord(TEXTURE_NONE)) then begin e_DeleteTexture(Textures[a].TextureID); end; end; end; end; Textures := nil; end; TextNameHash.Free(); TextNameHash := nil; BadTextNameHash.Free(); BadTextNameHash := nil; end; panByGUID := nil; FreePanelArray(gWalls); FreePanelArray(gRenderBackgrounds); FreePanelArray(gRenderForegrounds); FreePanelArray(gWater); FreePanelArray(gAcid1); FreePanelArray(gAcid2); FreePanelArray(gSteps); FreePanelArray(gLifts); FreePanelArray(gBlockMon); gMovingWallIds := nil; if BackID <> DWORD(-1) then begin gBackSize.X := 0; gBackSize.Y := 0; e_DeleteTexture(BackID); BackID := DWORD(-1); end; g_Game_StopAllSounds(False); gMusic.FreeSound(); g_Sound_Delete(gMapInfo.MusicName); gMapInfo.Name := ''; gMapInfo.Description := ''; gMapInfo.MusicName := ''; gMapInfo.Height := 0; gMapInfo.Width := 0; gDoorMap := nil; gLiftMap := nil; end; procedure g_Map_Update(); var a, d, j: Integer; m: Word; s: String; procedure UpdatePanelArray(var panels: TPanelArray); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to High(panels) do panels[i].Update(); end; begin if g_dbgpan_mplat_step then g_dbgpan_mplat_active := true; UpdatePanelArray(gWalls); UpdatePanelArray(gRenderBackgrounds); UpdatePanelArray(gRenderForegrounds); UpdatePanelArray(gWater); UpdatePanelArray(gAcid1); UpdatePanelArray(gAcid2); UpdatePanelArray(gSteps); if g_dbgpan_mplat_step then begin g_dbgpan_mplat_step := false; g_dbgpan_mplat_active := false; end; if gGameSettings.GameMode = GM_CTF then begin for a := FLAG_RED to FLAG_BLUE do begin if not (gFlags[a].State in [FLAG_STATE_NONE, FLAG_STATE_CAPTURED]) then begin with gFlags[a] do begin if gFlags[a].Animation <> nil then gFlags[a].Animation.Update(); m := g_Obj_Move(@Obj, True, True); if gTime mod (GAME_TICK*2) <> 0 then Continue; // Сопротивление воздуха Obj.Vel.X := z_dec(Obj.Vel.X, 1); // Таймаут потерянного флага, либо он выпал за карту if ((Count = 0) or ByteBool(m and MOVE_FALLOUT)) and g_Game_IsServer then begin g_Map_ResetFlag(a); gFlags[a].CaptureTime := 0; if a = FLAG_RED then s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_RED] else s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_BLUE]; g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_FLAG_RETURN], [AnsiUpperCase(s)]), 144); if g_Game_IsNet then MH_SEND_FlagEvent(FLAG_STATE_RETURNED, a, 0); Continue; end; if Count > 0 then Count -= 1; // Игрок берет флаг if gPlayers <> nil then begin j := Random(Length(gPlayers)) - 1; for d := 0 to High(gPlayers) do begin Inc(j); if j > High(gPlayers) then j := 0; if gPlayers[j] <> nil then begin if gPlayers[j].Live and g_Obj_Collide(@Obj, @gPlayers[j].Obj) then begin if gPlayers[j].GetFlag(a) then Break; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; // old algo procedure g_Map_DrawPanels (PanelType: Word); procedure DrawPanels (constref panels: TPanelArray; drawDoors: Boolean=False); var idx: Integer; begin if (panels <> nil) then begin // alas, no visible set for idx := 0 to High(panels) do begin if not (drawDoors xor panels[idx].Door) then panels[idx].Draw(); end; end; end; begin case PanelType of PANEL_WALL: DrawPanels(gWalls); PANEL_CLOSEDOOR: DrawPanels(gWalls, True); PANEL_BACK: DrawPanels(gRenderBackgrounds); PANEL_FORE: DrawPanels(gRenderForegrounds); PANEL_WATER: DrawPanels(gWater); PANEL_ACID1: DrawPanels(gAcid1); PANEL_ACID2: DrawPanels(gAcid2); PANEL_STEP: DrawPanels(gSteps); end; end; // new algo procedure g_Map_CollectDrawPanels (x0, y0, wdt, hgt: Integer); function checker (pan: TPanel; tag: Integer): Boolean; begin result := false; // don't stop, ever if ((tag and GridTagDoor) <> 0) <> pan.Door then exit; gDrawPanelList.insert(pan); end; begin dplClear(); //tagmask := panelTypeToTag(PanelType); mapGrid.forEachInAABB(x0, y0, wdt, hgt, checker, GridDrawableMask); // list will be rendered in `g_game.DrawPlayer()` end; procedure g_Map_DrawPanelShadowVolumes(lightX: Integer; lightY: Integer; radius: Integer); function checker (pan: TPanel; tag: Integer): Boolean; begin result := false; // don't stop, ever pan.DrawShadowVolume(lightX, lightY, radius); end; begin mapGrid.forEachInAABB(lightX-radius, lightY-radius, radius*2, radius*2, checker, (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor)); end; procedure g_Map_DrawBack(dx, dy: Integer); begin if gDrawBackGround and (BackID <> DWORD(-1)) then e_DrawSize(BackID, dx, dy, 0, False, False, gBackSize.X, gBackSize.Y) else e_Clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, 0, 0, 0); end; function g_Map_CollidePanelOld(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word; PanelType: Word; b1x3: Boolean=false): Boolean; var a, h: Integer; begin Result := False; if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_WALL) then if gWalls <> nil then begin h := High(gWalls); for a := 0 to h do if gWalls[a].Enabled and g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, gWalls[a].X, gWalls[a].Y, gWalls[a].Width, gWalls[a].Height) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_WATER) then if gWater <> nil then begin h := High(gWater); for a := 0 to h do if g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, gWater[a].X, gWater[a].Y, gWater[a].Width, gWater[a].Height) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_ACID1) then if gAcid1 <> nil then begin h := High(gAcid1); for a := 0 to h do if g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, gAcid1[a].X, gAcid1[a].Y, gAcid1[a].Width, gAcid1[a].Height) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_ACID2) then if gAcid2 <> nil then begin h := High(gAcid2); for a := 0 to h do if g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, gAcid2[a].X, gAcid2[a].Y, gAcid2[a].Width, gAcid2[a].Height) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_STEP) then if gSteps <> nil then begin h := High(gSteps); for a := 0 to h do if g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, gSteps[a].X, gSteps[a].Y, gSteps[a].Width, gSteps[a].Height) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; if WordBool(PanelType and (PANEL_LIFTUP or PANEL_LIFTDOWN or PANEL_LIFTLEFT or PANEL_LIFTRIGHT)) then if gLifts <> nil then begin h := High(gLifts); for a := 0 to h do if ((WordBool(PanelType and (PANEL_LIFTUP)) and (gLifts[a].LiftType = 0)) or (WordBool(PanelType and (PANEL_LIFTDOWN)) and (gLifts[a].LiftType = 1)) or (WordBool(PanelType and (PANEL_LIFTLEFT)) and (gLifts[a].LiftType = 2)) or (WordBool(PanelType and (PANEL_LIFTRIGHT)) and (gLifts[a].LiftType = 3))) and g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, gLifts[a].X, gLifts[a].Y, gLifts[a].Width, gLifts[a].Height) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_BLOCKMON) then if gBlockMon <> nil then begin h := High(gBlockMon); for a := 0 to h do if ( (not b1x3) or ((gBlockMon[a].Width + gBlockMon[a].Height) >= 64) ) and g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, gBlockMon[a].X, gBlockMon[a].Y, gBlockMon[a].Width, gBlockMon[a].Height) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; end; function g_Map_CollideLiquid_TextureOld(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word): DWORD; var texid: DWORD; function checkPanels (constref panels: TPanelArray): Boolean; var a: Integer; begin result := false; if panels = nil then exit; for a := 0 to High(panels) do begin if g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, panels[a].X, panels[a].Y, panels[a].Width, panels[a].Height) then begin result := true; texid := panels[a].GetTextureID(); exit; end; end; end; begin texid := LongWord(TEXTURE_NONE); result := texid; if not checkPanels(gWater) then if not checkPanels(gAcid1) then if not checkPanels(gAcid2) then exit; result := texid; end; function g_Map_CollidePanel(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word; PanelType: Word; b1x3: Boolean): Boolean; const SlowMask = GridTagLift or GridTagBlockMon; function checker (pan: TPanel; tag: Integer): Boolean; begin { if ((tag and (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor)) <> 0) then begin result := pan.Enabled; exit; end; } if ((tag and GridTagLift) <> 0) then begin result := ((WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_LIFTUP) and (pan.LiftType = 0)) or (WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_LIFTDOWN) and (pan.LiftType = 1)) or (WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_LIFTLEFT) and (pan.LiftType = 2)) or (WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_LIFTRIGHT) and (pan.LiftType = 3))) {and g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height)}; exit; end; if ((tag and GridTagBlockMon) <> 0) then begin result := ((not b1x3) or (pan.Width+pan.Height >= 64)); //and g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height); exit; end; // other shit //result := g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height); result := true; // i found her! end; var tagmask: Integer = 0; begin if WordBool(PanelType and (PANEL_WALL or PANEL_CLOSEDOOR or PANEL_OPENDOOR)) then tagmask := tagmask or (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor); if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_WATER) then tagmask := tagmask or GridTagWater; if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_ACID1) then tagmask := tagmask or GridTagAcid1; if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_ACID2) then tagmask := tagmask or GridTagAcid2; if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_STEP) then tagmask := tagmask or GridTagStep; if WordBool(PanelType and (PANEL_LIFTUP or PANEL_LIFTDOWN or PANEL_LIFTLEFT or PANEL_LIFTRIGHT)) then tagmask := tagmask or GridTagLift; if WordBool(PanelType and PANEL_BLOCKMON) then tagmask := tagmask or GridTagBlockMon; if (tagmask = 0) then begin result := false; exit; end; // just in case if (profMapCollision <> nil) then profMapCollision.sectionBeginAccum('*solids'); if gdbg_map_use_accel_coldet then begin if (Width = 1) and (Height = 1) then begin if ((tagmask and SlowMask) <> 0) then begin // slow result := (mapGrid.forEachAtPoint(X, Y, checker, tagmask) <> nil); end else begin // fast result := (mapGrid.forEachAtPoint(X, Y, nil, tagmask) <> nil); end; end else begin if ((tagmask and SlowMask) <> 0) then begin // slow result := (mapGrid.forEachInAABB(X, Y, Width, Height, checker, tagmask) <> nil); end else begin // fast result := (mapGrid.forEachInAABB(X, Y, Width, Height, nil, tagmask) <> nil); end; end; end else begin result := g_Map_CollidePanelOld(X, Y, Width, Height, PanelType, b1x3); end; if (profMapCollision <> nil) then profMapCollision.sectionEnd(); end; function g_Map_CollideLiquid_Texture(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word): DWORD; var cctype: Integer = 3; // priority: 0: water was hit, 1: acid1 was hit, 2: acid2 was hit; 3: nothing was hit texid: DWORD; // slightly different from the old code, but meh... function checker (pan: TPanel; tag: Integer): Boolean; begin result := false; // don't stop, ever //if ((tag and (GridTagWater or GridTagAcid1 or GridTagAcid2)) = 0) then exit; // check priorities case cctype of 0: if ((tag and GridTagWater) = 0) then exit; // allowed: water 1: if ((tag and (GridTagWater or GridTagAcid1)) = 0) then exit; // allowed: water, acid1 //2: if ((tag and (GridTagWater or GridTagAcid1 or GridTagAcid2) = 0) then exit; // allowed: water, acid1, acid2 end; // collision? //if not g_Collide(X, Y, Width, Height, pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height) then exit; // yeah texid := pan.GetTextureID(); // water? water has the highest priority, so stop right here if ((tag and GridTagWater) <> 0) then begin cctype := 0; result := true; exit; end; // acid2? if ((tag and GridTagAcid2) <> 0) then cctype := 2; // acid1? if ((tag and GridTagAcid1) <> 0) then cctype := 1; end; begin if (profMapCollision <> nil) then profMapCollision.sectionBeginAccum('liquids'); if gdbg_map_use_accel_coldet then begin texid := LongWord(TEXTURE_NONE); if (Width = 1) and (Height = 1) then begin mapGrid.forEachAtPoint(X, Y, checker, (GridTagWater or GridTagAcid1 or GridTagAcid2)); end else begin mapGrid.forEachInAABB(X, Y, Width, Height, checker, (GridTagWater or GridTagAcid1 or GridTagAcid2)); end; result := texid; end else begin result := g_Map_CollideLiquid_TextureOld(X, Y, Width, Height); end; if (profMapCollision <> nil) then profMapCollision.sectionEnd(); end; procedure g_Map_EnableWall_XXX (ID: DWORD); begin if (ID < Length(gWalls)) then g_Map_EnableWallGUID(gWalls[ID].guid); end; procedure g_Map_DisableWall_XXX (ID: DWORD); begin if (ID < Length(gWalls)) then g_Map_DisableWallGUID(gWalls[ID].guid); end; procedure g_Map_SetLift_XXX (ID: DWORD; t: Integer); begin if (ID < Length(gLifts)) then g_Map_SetLiftGUID(gLifts[ID].guid, t); end; procedure g_Map_EnableWallGUID (pguid: Integer); var pan: TPanel; begin //pan := gWalls[ID]; pan := g_Map_PanelByGUID(pguid); if (pan = nil) then exit; pan.Enabled := True; g_Mark(pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height, MARK_DOOR, true); mapGrid.proxyEnabled[pan.proxyId] := true; //if (pan.proxyId >= 0) then mapGrid.proxyEnabled[pan.proxyId] := true //else pan.proxyId := mapGrid.insertBody(pan, pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height, GridTagDoor); if g_Game_IsServer and g_Game_IsNet then MH_SEND_PanelState({gWalls[ID]}pan.PanelType, pguid); {$IFDEF MAP_DEBUG_ENABLED_FLAG} //e_WriteLog(Format('ENABLE: wall #%d(%d) enabled (%d) (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [Integer(ID), Integer(pan.proxyId), Integer(mapGrid.proxyEnabled[pan.proxyId]), pan.x, pan.y, pan.width, pan.height]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} end; procedure g_Map_DisableWallGUID (pguid: Integer); var pan: TPanel; begin //pan := gWalls[ID]; pan := g_Map_PanelByGUID(pguid); if (pan = nil) then exit; pan.Enabled := False; g_Mark(pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height, MARK_DOOR, false); mapGrid.proxyEnabled[pan.proxyId] := false; //if (pan.proxyId >= 0) then begin mapGrid.removeBody(pan.proxyId); pan.proxyId := -1; end; if g_Game_IsServer and g_Game_IsNet then MH_SEND_PanelState(pan.PanelType, pguid); {$IFDEF MAP_DEBUG_ENABLED_FLAG} //e_WriteLog(Format('DISABLE: wall #%d(%d) disabled (%d) (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [Integer(ID), Integer(pan.proxyId), Integer(mapGrid.proxyEnabled[pan.proxyId]), pan.x, pan.y, pan.width, pan.height]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} end; procedure g_Map_SwitchTextureGUID (PanelType: Word; pguid: Integer; AnimLoop: Byte = 0); var tp: TPanel; begin tp := g_Map_PanelByGUID(pguid); if (tp = nil) then exit; { case PanelType of PANEL_WALL, PANEL_OPENDOOR, PANEL_CLOSEDOOR: tp := gWalls[ID]; PANEL_FORE: tp := gRenderForegrounds[ID]; PANEL_BACK: tp := gRenderBackgrounds[ID]; PANEL_WATER: tp := gWater[ID]; PANEL_ACID1: tp := gAcid1[ID]; PANEL_ACID2: tp := gAcid2[ID]; PANEL_STEP: tp := gSteps[ID]; else exit; end; } tp.NextTexture(AnimLoop); if g_Game_IsServer and g_Game_IsNet then MH_SEND_PanelTexture(PanelType, pguid, AnimLoop); end; procedure g_Map_SetLiftGUID (pguid: Integer; t: Integer); var pan: TPanel; begin //pan := gLifts[ID]; pan := g_Map_PanelByGUID(pguid); if (pan = nil) then exit; if not pan.isGLift then exit; if ({gLifts[ID]}pan.LiftType = t) then exit; //!FIXME!TRIGANY! with {gLifts[ID]} pan do begin LiftType := t; g_Mark(X, Y, Width, Height, MARK_LIFT, false); //TODO: make separate lift tags, and change tag here case LiftType of 0: g_Mark(X, Y, Width, Height, MARK_LIFTUP); 1: g_Mark(X, Y, Width, Height, MARK_LIFTDOWN); 2: g_Mark(X, Y, Width, Height, MARK_LIFTLEFT); 3: g_Mark(X, Y, Width, Height, MARK_LIFTRIGHT); end; if g_Game_IsServer and g_Game_IsNet then MH_SEND_PanelState(PanelType, pguid); end; end; function g_Map_GetPoint (PointType: Byte; var RespawnPoint: TRespawnPoint): Boolean; var a: Integer; PointsArray: Array of TRespawnPoint; begin Result := False; SetLength(PointsArray, 0); if RespawnPoints = nil then Exit; for a := 0 to High(RespawnPoints) do if RespawnPoints[a].PointType = PointType then begin SetLength(PointsArray, Length(PointsArray)+1); PointsArray[High(PointsArray)] := RespawnPoints[a]; end; if PointsArray = nil then Exit; RespawnPoint := PointsArray[Random(Length(PointsArray))]; Result := True; end; function g_Map_GetPointCount(PointType: Byte): Word; var a: Integer; begin Result := 0; if RespawnPoints = nil then Exit; for a := 0 to High(RespawnPoints) do if RespawnPoints[a].PointType = PointType then Result := Result + 1; end; function g_Map_HaveFlagPoints(): Boolean; begin Result := (FlagPoints[FLAG_RED] <> nil) and (FlagPoints[FLAG_BLUE] <> nil); end; procedure g_Map_ResetFlag(Flag: Byte); begin with gFlags[Flag] do begin Obj.X := -1000; Obj.Y := -1000; Obj.Vel.X := 0; Obj.Vel.Y := 0; Direction := D_LEFT; State := FLAG_STATE_NONE; if FlagPoints[Flag] <> nil then begin Obj.X := FlagPoints[Flag]^.X; Obj.Y := FlagPoints[Flag]^.Y; Direction := FlagPoints[Flag]^.Direction; State := FLAG_STATE_NORMAL; end; Count := -1; end; end; procedure g_Map_DrawFlags(); var i, dx: Integer; Mirror: TMirrorType; begin if gGameSettings.GameMode <> GM_CTF then Exit; for i := FLAG_RED to FLAG_BLUE do with gFlags[i] do if State <> FLAG_STATE_CAPTURED then begin if State = FLAG_STATE_NONE then continue; if Direction = D_LEFT then begin Mirror := M_HORIZONTAL; dx := -1; end else begin Mirror := M_NONE; dx := 1; end; Animation.Draw(Obj.X+dx, Obj.Y+1, Mirror); if g_debug_Frames then begin e_DrawQuad(Obj.X+Obj.Rect.X, Obj.Y+Obj.Rect.Y, Obj.X+Obj.Rect.X+Obj.Rect.Width-1, Obj.Y+Obj.Rect.Y+Obj.Rect.Height-1, 0, 255, 0); end; end; end; procedure g_Map_SaveState (var Mem: TBinMemoryWriter); var dw: DWORD; b: Byte; str: String; boo: Boolean; procedure savePanels (); var PAMem: TBinMemoryWriter; pan: TPanel; begin // Создаем новый список сохраняемых панелей PAMem := TBinMemoryWriter.Create((Length(panByGUID)+1) * 40); for pan in panByGUID do begin if true{pan.SaveIt} then begin // ID панели //PAMem.WriteInt(i); // Сохраняем панель pan.SaveState(PAMem); end; end; // Сохраняем этот список панелей PAMem.SaveToMemory(Mem); PAMem.Free(); end; procedure SaveFlag (flag: PFlag); begin // Сигнатура флага dw := FLAG_SIGNATURE; // 'FLAG' Mem.WriteDWORD(dw); // Время перепоявления флага Mem.WriteByte(flag^.RespawnType); // Состояние флага Mem.WriteByte(flag^.State); // Направление флага if flag^.Direction = D_LEFT then b := 1 else b := 2; // D_RIGHT Mem.WriteByte(b); // Объект флага Obj_SaveState(@flag^.Obj, Mem); end; begin Mem := TBinMemoryWriter.Create(1024 * 1024); // 1 MB ///// Сохраняем списки панелей: ///// savePanels(); ///// ///// ///// Сохраняем музыку: ///// // Сигнатура музыки: dw := MUSIC_SIGNATURE; // 'MUSI' Mem.WriteDWORD(dw); // Название музыки: Assert(gMusic <> nil, 'g_Map_SaveState: gMusic = nil'); if gMusic.NoMusic then str := '' else str := gMusic.Name; Mem.WriteString(str, 64); // Позиция проигрывания музыки dw := gMusic.GetPosition(); Mem.WriteDWORD(dw); // Стоит ли музыка на спец-паузе boo := gMusic.SpecPause; Mem.WriteBoolean(boo); ///// ///// ///// Сохраняем количество монстров: ///// Mem.WriteInt(gTotalMonsters); ///// ///// //// Сохраняем флаги, если это CTF: ///// if gGameSettings.GameMode = GM_CTF then begin // Флаг Красной команды SaveFlag(@gFlags[FLAG_RED]); // Флаг Синей команды SaveFlag(@gFlags[FLAG_BLUE]); end; ///// ///// ///// Сохраняем количество побед, если это TDM/CTF: ///// if gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_TDM, GM_CTF] then begin // Очки Красной команды Mem.WriteSmallInt(gTeamStat[TEAM_RED].Goals); // Очки Синей команды Mem.WriteSmallInt(gTeamStat[TEAM_BLUE].Goals); end; ///// ///// end; procedure g_Map_LoadState (var Mem: TBinMemoryReader); var dw: DWORD; b: Byte; str: String; boo: Boolean; procedure loadPanels (); var PAMem: TBinMemoryReader; pan: TPanel; begin // Загружаем текущий список панелей PAMem := TBinMemoryReader.Create(); PAMem.LoadFromMemory(Mem); for pan in panByGUID do begin if true{pan.SaveIt} then begin // ID панели: //PAMem.ReadInt(id); { if id <> i then raise EBinSizeError.Create('g_Map_LoadState: LoadPanelArray: Wrong Panel ID'); } // Загружаем панель pan.LoadState(PAMem); //if (panels[i].arrIdx <> i) then raise Exception.Create('g_Map_LoadState: LoadPanelArray: Wrong Panel arrIdx'); if (pan.proxyId >= 0) then mapGrid.proxyEnabled[pan.proxyId] := pan.Enabled; end; end; // Этот список панелей загружен PAMem.Free(); end; procedure LoadFlag(flag: PFlag); begin // Сигнатура флага Mem.ReadDWORD(dw); // 'FLAG' if dw <> FLAG_SIGNATURE then raise EBinSizeError.Create('g_Map_LoadState: LoadFlag: Wrong Flag Signature'); // Время перепоявления флага Mem.ReadByte(flag^.RespawnType); // Состояние флага Mem.ReadByte(flag^.State); // Направление флага Mem.ReadByte(b); if b = 1 then flag^.Direction := D_LEFT else flag^.Direction := D_RIGHT; // b = 2 // Объект флага Obj_LoadState(@flag^.Obj, Mem); end; begin if Mem = nil then Exit; ///// Загружаем списки панелей: ///// loadPanels(); ///// ///// // Обновляем карту столкновений и сетку g_GFX_Init(); //mapCreateGrid(); ///// Загружаем музыку: ///// // Сигнатура музыки Mem.ReadDWORD(dw); // 'MUSI' if dw <> MUSIC_SIGNATURE then raise EBinSizeError.Create('g_Map_LoadState: Wrong Music Signature'); // Название музыки Assert(gMusic <> nil, 'g_Map_LoadState: gMusic = nil'); Mem.ReadString(str); // Позиция проигрывания музыки Mem.ReadDWORD(dw); // Стоит ли музыка на спец-паузе Mem.ReadBoolean(boo); // Запускаем эту музыку gMusic.SetByName(str); gMusic.SpecPause := boo; gMusic.Play(); gMusic.Pause(True); gMusic.SetPosition(dw); ///// ///// ///// Загружаем количество монстров: ///// Mem.ReadInt(gTotalMonsters); ///// ///// //// Загружаем флаги, если это CTF: ///// if gGameSettings.GameMode = GM_CTF then begin // Флаг Красной команды LoadFlag(@gFlags[FLAG_RED]); // Флаг Синей команды LoadFlag(@gFlags[FLAG_BLUE]); end; ///// ///// ///// Загружаем количество побед, если это TDM/CTF: ///// if gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_TDM, GM_CTF] then begin // Очки Красной команды Mem.ReadSmallInt(gTeamStat[TEAM_RED].Goals); // Очки Синей команды Mem.ReadSmallInt(gTeamStat[TEAM_BLUE].Goals); end; ///// ///// end; // trace liquid, stepping by `dx` and `dy` // return last seen liquid coords, and `false` if we're started outside of the liquid function g_Map_TraceLiquidNonPrecise (x, y, dx, dy: Integer; out topx, topy: Integer): Boolean; const MaskLiquid = GridTagWater or GridTagAcid1 or GridTagAcid2; begin topx := x; topy := y; // started outside of the liquid? if (mapGrid.forEachAtPoint(x, y, nil, MaskLiquid) = nil) then begin result := false; exit; end; if (dx = 0) and (dy = 0) then begin result := false; exit; end; // sanity check result := true; while true do begin Inc(x, dx); Inc(y, dy); if (mapGrid.forEachAtPoint(x, y, nil, MaskLiquid) = nil) then exit; // out of the water, just exit topx := x; topy := y; end; end; end.