D2DF-SDL --------- Doom 2D Forever ( http://repo.or.cz/d2df-sdl.git ) adapted for use with the FreePascal Compiler and ported to SDL 2.0. Building --------- Requirements: * FPC >= 3.0.0; * FMODEx >= 4.26.xx or SDL_mixer >= 2.0; * libenet >= 1.3.13; * SDL >= 2.0. Create the "tmp" and "bin" directories beforehand if they don't exist already. Then run cd src/game fpc -dUSE_FMOD -O3 -Fi../lib/vampimg -Fi../lib/vampimg/JpegLib -Fi../lib/vampimg/ZLib -Fu../lib/vampimg -Fu../lib/vampimg/JpegLib -Fu../lib/vampimg/ZLib -FE../../bin -FU../../tmp Doom2DF.dpr If you want SDL_mixer instead of FMOD, replace -dUSE_FMOD with -dUSE_MIXER. To build a headless (no video/audio, for dedicated servers) executable, add -dHEADLESS. Add -g -dDEBUG to enable debugging features. Windows binaries will require the appropriate DLLs (SDL2.dll, SDL2_mixer.dll or FMODEx.dll, ENet.dll).