(* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE a_modes.inc} unit utils; interface uses SysUtils, Classes; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // type TUtf8DecoderFast = packed record public const Replacement = $FFFD; // replacement char for invalid unicode const Accept = 0; const Reject = 12; private state: LongWord; public codepoint: LongWord; // decoded codepoint (valid only when decoder is in "complete" state) public constructor Create (v: Boolean{fuck you, fpc}); procedure reset (); inline; function complete (): Boolean; inline; // is current character complete? take `codepoint` then function invalid (): Boolean; inline; function completeOrInvalid (): Boolean; inline; // process one byte, return `true` if codepoint is ready function decode (b: Byte): Boolean; inline; overload; function decode (c: AnsiChar): Boolean; inline; overload; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // does filename have one of ".wad", ".pk3", ".zip" extensions? function hasWadExtension (fn: AnsiString): Boolean; // does filepath have ".XXX:\" in it? function isWadPath (fn: AnsiString): Boolean; // adds ".wad" extension if filename doesn't have one of ".wad", ".pk3", ".zip" function addWadExtension (fn: AnsiString): AnsiString; // convert number to strig with nice commas function Int64ToStrComma (i: Int64): AnsiString; function UpCase1251 (ch: AnsiChar): AnsiChar; inline; function LoCase1251 (ch: AnsiChar): AnsiChar; inline; function toLowerCase1251 (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString; // `true` if strings are equal; ignoring case for cp1251 function StrEquCI1251 (const s0, s1: AnsiString): Boolean; function utf8Valid (const s: AnsiString): Boolean; function utf8to1251 (s: AnsiString): AnsiString; // `pathname` will be modified if path is valid // `lastIsDir` should be `true` if we are searching for directory // nobody cares about shitdoze, so i'll use the same code path for it function findFileCI (var pathname: AnsiString; lastIsDir: Boolean=false): Boolean; function findFileCIStr (pathname: AnsiString): AnsiString; // they throws function openDiskFileRO (pathname: AnsiString): TStream; function createDiskFile (pathname: AnsiString): TStream; // little endian procedure writeInt (st: TStream; v: Byte); overload; procedure writeInt (st: TStream; v: ShortInt); overload; procedure writeInt (st: TStream; v: Word); overload; procedure writeInt (st: TStream; v: SmallInt); overload; procedure writeInt (st: TStream; v: LongWord); overload; procedure writeInt (st: TStream; v: LongInt); overload; procedure writeInt (st: TStream; v: Int64); overload; procedure writeInt (st: TStream; v: UInt64); overload; function readByte (st: TStream): Byte; function readShortInt (st: TStream): ShortInt; function readWord (st: TStream): Word; function readSmallInt (st: TStream): SmallInt; function readLongWord (st: TStream): LongWord; function readLongInt (st: TStream): LongInt; function readInt64 (st: TStream): Int64; function readUInt64 (st: TStream): UInt64; // big endian procedure writeIntBE (st: TStream; v: Byte); overload; procedure writeIntBE (st: TStream; v: ShortInt); overload; procedure writeIntBE (st: TStream; v: Word); overload; procedure writeIntBE (st: TStream; v: SmallInt); overload; procedure writeIntBE (st: TStream; v: LongWord); overload; procedure writeIntBE (st: TStream; v: LongInt); overload; procedure writeIntBE (st: TStream; v: Int64); overload; procedure writeIntBE (st: TStream; v: UInt64); overload; function readByteBE (st: TStream): Byte; function readShortIntBE (st: TStream): ShortInt; function readWordBE (st: TStream): Word; function readSmallIntBE (st: TStream): SmallInt; function readLongWordBE (st: TStream): LongWord; function readLongIntBE (st: TStream): LongInt; function readInt64BE (st: TStream): Int64; function readUInt64BE (st: TStream): UInt64; type TFormatStrFCallback = procedure (constref buf; len: SizeUInt); function wchar2win (wc: WideChar): AnsiChar; inline; function utf2win (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString; function win2utf (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString; function digitInBase (ch: AnsiChar; base: Integer): Integer; // returns string in single or double quotes // single quotes supports only pascal-style '' for single quote char // double quotes supports c-style escapes // function will select quote mode automatically function quoteStr (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var wc2shitmap: array[0..65535] of AnsiChar; wc2shitmapInited: Boolean = false; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // const cp1251: array[0..127] of Word = ( $0402,$0403,$201A,$0453,$201E,$2026,$2020,$2021,$20AC,$2030,$0409,$2039,$040A,$040C,$040B,$040F, $0452,$2018,$2019,$201C,$201D,$2022,$2013,$2014,$003F,$2122,$0459,$203A,$045A,$045C,$045B,$045F, $00A0,$040E,$045E,$0408,$00A4,$0490,$00A6,$00A7,$0401,$00A9,$0404,$00AB,$00AC,$00AD,$00AE,$0407, $00B0,$00B1,$0406,$0456,$0491,$00B5,$00B6,$00B7,$0451,$2116,$0454,$00BB,$0458,$0405,$0455,$0457, $0410,$0411,$0412,$0413,$0414,$0415,$0416,$0417,$0418,$0419,$041A,$041B,$041C,$041D,$041E,$041F, $0420,$0421,$0422,$0423,$0424,$0425,$0426,$0427,$0428,$0429,$042A,$042B,$042C,$042D,$042E,$042F, $0430,$0431,$0432,$0433,$0434,$0435,$0436,$0437,$0438,$0439,$043A,$043B,$043C,$043D,$043E,$043F, $0440,$0441,$0442,$0443,$0444,$0445,$0446,$0447,$0448,$0449,$044A,$044B,$044C,$044D,$044E,$044F ); implementation procedure initShitMap (); var f: Integer; begin for f := 0 to High(wc2shitmap) do wc2shitmap[f] := '?'; for f := 0 to 127 do wc2shitmap[f] := AnsiChar(f); for f := 0 to 127 do wc2shitmap[cp1251[f]] := AnsiChar(f+128); wc2shitmapInited := true; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // fast state-machine based UTF-8 decoder; using 8 bytes of memory // code points from invalid range will never be valid, this is the property of the state machine const // see http://bjoern.hoehrmann.de/utf-8/decoder/dfa/ utf8dfa: array[0..$16c-1] of Byte = ( // maps bytes to character classes $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00, // 00-0f $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00, // 10-1f $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00, // 20-2f $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00, // 30-3f $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00, // 40-4f $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00, // 50-5f $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00, // 60-6f $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00, // 70-7f $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01, // 80-8f $09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09, // 90-9f $07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07, // a0-af $07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07, // b0-bf $08,$08,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02, // c0-cf $02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02, // d0-df $0a,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$04,$03,$03, // e0-ef $0b,$06,$06,$06,$05,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08, // f0-ff // maps a combination of a state of the automaton and a character class to a state $00,$0c,$18,$24,$3c,$60,$54,$0c,$0c,$0c,$30,$48,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c, // 100-10f $0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$00,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$00, // 110-11f $0c,$00,$0c,$0c,$0c,$18,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$18,$0c,$18,$0c,$0c, // 120-12f $0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$18,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$18,$0c,$0c, // 130-13f $0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$18,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$24, // 140-14f $0c,$24,$0c,$0c,$0c,$24,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$24,$0c,$24,$0c,$0c, // 150-15f $0c,$24,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor TUtf8DecoderFast.Create (v: Boolean{fuck you, fpc}); begin state := Accept; codepoint := 0; end; procedure TUtf8DecoderFast.reset (); inline; begin state := Accept; codepoint := 0; end; function TUtf8DecoderFast.complete (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (state = Accept); end; function TUtf8DecoderFast.invalid (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (state = Reject); end; function TUtf8DecoderFast.completeOrInvalid (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (state = Accept) or (state = Reject); end; function TUtf8DecoderFast.decode (c: AnsiChar): Boolean; inline; overload; begin result := decode(Byte(c)); end; function TUtf8DecoderFast.decode (b: Byte): Boolean; inline; overload; var tp: LongWord; begin if (state = Reject) then begin state := Accept; codepoint := 0; end; tp := utf8dfa[b]; if (state <> Accept) then codepoint := (b and $3f) or (codepoint shl 6) else codepoint := ($ff shr tp) and b; state := utf8dfa[256+state+tp]; if (state = Reject) then begin codepoint := Replacement; state := Accept; end; result := (state = Accept); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function wchar2win (wc: WideChar): AnsiChar; inline; begin if not wc2shitmapInited then initShitMap(); if (LongWord(wc) > 65535) then result := '?' else result := wc2shitmap[LongWord(wc)]; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function utf2win (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString; var f, c: Integer; ud: TUtf8DecoderFast; begin for f := 1 to Length(s) do begin if (Byte(s[f]) > 127) then begin ud := TUtf8DecoderFast.Create(true); result := ''; for c := 1 to Length(s) do begin if ud.decode(s[c]) then result += wchar2win(WideChar(ud.codepoint)); end; exit; end; end; result := s; end; function win2utf (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString; var f, c: Integer; function utf8Encode (code: Integer): AnsiString; begin if (code < 0) or (code > $10FFFF) then begin result := '?'; exit; end; if (code <= $7f) then begin result := Char(code and $ff); end else if (code <= $7FF) then begin result := Char($C0 or (code shr 6)); result += Char($80 or (code and $3F)); end else if (code <= $FFFF) then begin result := Char($E0 or (code shr 12)); result += Char($80 or ((code shr 6) and $3F)); result += Char($80 or (code and $3F)); end else if (code <= $10FFFF) then begin result := Char($F0 or (code shr 18)); result += Char($80 or ((code shr 12) and $3F)); result += Char($80 or ((code shr 6) and $3F)); result += Char($80 or (code and $3F)); end else begin result := '?'; end; end; begin for f := 1 to Length(s) do begin if (Byte(s[f]) > 127) then begin result := ''; for c := 1 to Length(s) do begin if (Byte(s[c]) < 128) then begin result += s[c]; end else begin result += utf8Encode(cp1251[Byte(s[c])-128]) end; end; exit; end; end; result := s; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function digitInBase (ch: AnsiChar; base: Integer): Integer; begin result := -1; if (base < 1) or (base > 36) then exit; if (ch < '0') then exit; if (base <= 10) then begin if (Integer(ch) >= 48+base) then exit; result := Integer(ch)-48; end else begin if (ch >= '0') and (ch <= '9') then begin result := Integer(ch)-48; exit; end; if (ch >= 'a') and (ch <= 'z') then Dec(ch, 32); // poor man's tolower() if (ch < 'A') or (Integer(ch) >= 65+(base-10)) then exit; result := Integer(ch)-65+10; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function quoteStr (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString; function squote (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString; var f: Integer; begin result := ''''; for f := 1 to Length(s) do begin if (s[f] = '''') then result += ''''; result += s[f]; end; result += ''''; end; function dquote (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString; var f: Integer; ch: AnsiChar; begin result := '"'; for f := 1 to Length(s) do begin ch := s[f]; if (ch = #0) then result += '\z' else if (ch = #9) then result += '\t' else if (ch = #10) then result += '\n' else if (ch = #13) then result += '\r' else if (ch = #27) then result += '\e' else if (ch < ' ') or (ch = #127) then begin result += '\x'; result += LowerCase(IntToHex(Integer(ch), 2)); end else if (ch = '"') or (ch = '\') then begin result += '\'; result += ch; end else begin result += ch; end; end; result += '"'; end; var needSingle: Boolean = false; f: Integer; begin for f := 1 to Length(s) do begin if (s[f] = '''') then begin needSingle := true; continue; end; if (s[f] < ' ') or (s[f] = #127) then begin result := dquote(s); exit; end; end; if needSingle then result := squote(s) else result := ''''+s+''''; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function hasWadExtension (fn: AnsiString): Boolean; begin fn := ExtractFileExt(fn); result := StrEquCI1251(fn, '.wad') or StrEquCI1251(fn, '.pk3') or StrEquCI1251(fn, '.zip'); end; function addWadExtension (fn: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin result := fn; if not hasWadExtension(result) then result := result+'.wad'; end; function isWadPath (fn: AnsiString): Boolean; var p: Integer; s: AnsiString; begin result := false; while true do begin p := Pos(':', fn); if (p = 0) or (length(fn)-p < 1) then break; if (p-4 > 1) and (fn[p-4] = '.') and ((fn[p+1] = '\') or (fn[p+1] = '/')) then begin s := Copy(fn, p-4, 4); if StrEquCI1251(s, '.wad') or StrEquCI1251(s, '.pk3') or StrEquCI1251(s, '.zip') then begin result := true; exit; end; end; Delete(fn, 1, p); end; end; function Int64ToStrComma (i: Int64): AnsiString; var f: Integer; begin Str(i, result); f := Length(result)+1; while f > 4 do begin Dec(f, 3); Insert(',', result, f); end; end; function UpCase1251 (ch: AnsiChar): AnsiChar; inline; begin if ch < #128 then begin if (ch >= 'a') and (ch <= 'z') then Dec(ch, 32); end else begin if (ch >= #224) and (ch <= #255) then begin Dec(ch, 32); end else begin case ch of #184, #186, #191: Dec(ch, 16); #162, #179: Dec(ch); end; end; end; result := ch; end; function LoCase1251 (ch: AnsiChar): AnsiChar; inline; begin if ch < #128 then begin if (ch >= 'A') and (ch <= 'Z') then Inc(ch, 32); end else begin if (ch >= #192) and (ch <= #223) then begin Inc(ch, 32); end else begin case ch of #168, #170, #175: Inc(ch, 16); #161, #178: Inc(ch); end; end; end; result := ch; end; function StrEquCI1251 (const s0, s1: AnsiString): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin result := false; if length(s0) <> length(s1) then exit; for i := 1 to length(s0) do if UpCase1251(s0[i]) <> UpCase1251(s1[i]) then exit; result := true; end; function toLowerCase1251 (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString; var f: Integer; ch: AnsiChar; begin for ch in s do begin if (ch <> LoCase1251(ch)) then begin result := ''; SetLength(result, Length(s)); for f := 1 to Length(s) do result[f] := LoCase1251(s[f]); exit; end; end; // nothing to do result := s; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // utils // `ch`: utf8 start // -1: invalid utf8 function utf8CodeLen (ch: Word): Integer; begin if ch < $80 then begin result := 1; exit; end; if (ch and $FE) = $FC then begin result := 6; exit; end; if (ch and $FC) = $F8 then begin result := 5; exit; end; if (ch and $F8) = $F0 then begin result := 4; exit; end; if (ch and $F0) = $E0 then begin result := 3; exit; end; if (ch and $E0) = $C0 then begin result := 2; exit; end; result := -1; // invalid end; function utf8Valid (const s: AnsiString): Boolean; var pos, len: Integer; begin result := false; pos := 1; while pos <= length(s) do begin len := utf8CodeLen(Byte(s[pos])); if len < 1 then exit; // invalid sequence start if pos+len-1 > length(s) then exit; // out of chars in string Dec(len); Inc(pos); // check other sequence bytes while len > 0 do begin if (Byte(s[pos]) and $C0) <> $80 then exit; Dec(len); Inc(pos); end; end; result := true; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // const uni2wint: array [128..255] of Word = ( $0402,$0403,$201A,$0453,$201E,$2026,$2020,$2021,$20AC,$2030,$0409,$2039,$040A,$040C,$040B,$040F, $0452,$2018,$2019,$201C,$201D,$2022,$2013,$2014,$003F,$2122,$0459,$203A,$045A,$045C,$045B,$045F, $00A0,$040E,$045E,$0408,$00A4,$0490,$00A6,$00A7,$0401,$00A9,$0404,$00AB,$00AC,$00AD,$00AE,$0407, $00B0,$00B1,$0406,$0456,$0491,$00B5,$00B6,$00B7,$0451,$2116,$0454,$00BB,$0458,$0405,$0455,$0457, $0410,$0411,$0412,$0413,$0414,$0415,$0416,$0417,$0418,$0419,$041A,$041B,$041C,$041D,$041E,$041F, $0420,$0421,$0422,$0423,$0424,$0425,$0426,$0427,$0428,$0429,$042A,$042B,$042C,$042D,$042E,$042F, $0430,$0431,$0432,$0433,$0434,$0435,$0436,$0437,$0438,$0439,$043A,$043B,$043C,$043D,$043E,$043F, $0440,$0441,$0442,$0443,$0444,$0445,$0446,$0447,$0448,$0449,$044A,$044B,$044C,$044D,$044E,$044F ); function decodeUtf8Char (s: AnsiString; var pos: Integer): char; var b, c: Integer; begin (* The following encodings are valid, except for the 5 and 6 byte * combinations: * 0xxxxxxx * 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx * 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx * 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx * 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx * 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx *) result := '?'; if pos > length(s) then exit; b := Byte(s[pos]); Inc(pos); if b < $80 then begin result := char(b); exit; end; // mask out unused bits if (b and $FE) = $FC then b := b and $01 else if (b and $FC) = $F8 then b := b and $03 else if (b and $F8) = $F0 then b := b and $07 else if (b and $F0) = $E0 then b := b and $0F else if (b and $E0) = $C0 then b := b and $1F else exit; // invalid utf8 // now continue while pos <= length(s) do begin c := Byte(s[pos]); if (c and $C0) <> $80 then break; // no more b := b shl 6; b := b or (c and $3F); Inc(pos); end; // done, try 1251 for c := 128 to 255 do if uni2wint[c] = b then begin result := char(c and $FF); exit; end; // alas end; function utf8to1251 (s: AnsiString): AnsiString; var pos: Integer; begin if not utf8Valid(s) then begin result := s; exit; end; pos := 1; while pos <= length(s) do begin if Byte(s[pos]) >= $80 then break; Inc(pos); end; if pos > length(s) then begin result := s; exit; end; // nothing to do here result := ''; pos := 1; while pos <= length(s) do result := result+decodeUtf8Char(s, pos); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // `pathname` will be modified if path is valid // `lastIsDir` should be `true` if we are searching for directory // nobody cares about shitdoze, so i'll use the same code path for it function findFileCI (var pathname: AnsiString; lastIsDir: Boolean=false): Boolean; var sr: TSearchRec; npt: AnsiString; newname: AnsiString = ''; curname: AnsiString; wantdir: Boolean; attr: LongInt; foundher: Boolean; begin npt := pathname; result := (length(npt) > 0); if (length(npt) > 0) and ((npt[1] = '/') or (npt[1] = '\')) then newname := '/'; while length(npt) > 0 do begin // remove trailing slashes while (length(npt) > 0) and ((npt[1] = '/') or (npt[1] = '\')) do Delete(npt, 1, 1); if length(npt) = 0 then break; // extract name curname := ''; while (length(npt) > 0) and (npt[1] <> '/') and (npt[1] <> '\') do begin curname := curname+npt[1]; Delete(npt, 1, 1); end; // remove trailing slashes again while (length(npt) > 0) and ((npt[1] = '/') or (npt[1] = '\')) do Delete(npt, 1, 1); wantdir := lastIsDir or (length(npt) > 0); // do we want directory here? //writeln(Format('npt=[%s]; newname=[%s]; curname=[%s]; wantdir=%d', [npt, newname, curname, Integer(wantdir)])); // try the easiest case first attr := FileGetAttr(newname+curname); if attr <> -1 then begin if wantdir = ((attr and faDirectory) <> 0) then begin // i found her! newname := newname+curname; if wantdir then newname := newname+'/'; continue; end; end; //writeln(Format('npt=[%s]; newname=[%s]; curname=[%s]; wantdir=%d', [npt, newname, curname, Integer(wantdir)])); // alas, either not found, or invalid attributes foundher := false; try if FindFirst(newname+'*', faAnyFile, sr) = 0 then repeat if (wantdir = ((sr.attr and faDirectory) <> 0)) and StrEquCI1251(sr.name, curname) then begin // i found her! newname := newname+sr.name; if wantdir then newname := newname+'/'; foundher := true; break; end; until FindNext(sr) <> 0; finally FindClose(sr); end; if not foundher then begin newname := ''; result := false; break; end; end; if result then pathname := newname; end; function findFileCIStr (pathname: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin result := pathname; findFileCI(result); end; function openDiskFileRO (pathname: AnsiString): TStream; begin if not findFileCI(pathname) then raise Exception.Create('can''t open file "'+pathname+'"'); result := TFileStream.Create(pathname, fmOpenRead or {fmShareDenyWrite}fmShareDenyNone); end; function createDiskFile (pathname: AnsiString): TStream; var path: AnsiString; begin path := ExtractFilePath(pathname); if length(path) > 0 then begin if not findFileCI(path, true) then raise Exception.Create('can''t create file "'+pathname+'"'); end; result := TFileStream.Create(path+ExtractFileName(pathname), fmCreate); end; procedure writeIntegerLE (st: TStream; vp: Pointer; size: Integer); {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} begin st.writeBuffer(vp^, size); end; {$ELSE} var p: PByte; begin p := PByte(vp)+size-1; while size > 0 do begin st.writeBuffer(p^, 1); Dec(size); Dec(p); end; end; {$ENDIF} procedure writeIntegerBE (st: TStream; vp: Pointer; size: Integer); {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} var p: PByte; begin p := PByte(vp)+size-1; while size > 0 do begin st.writeBuffer(p^, 1); Dec(size); Dec(p); end; end; {$ELSE} begin st.writeBuffer(vp^, size); end; {$ENDIF} procedure writeInt (st: TStream; v: Byte); overload; begin writeIntegerLE(st, @v, 1); end; procedure writeInt (st: TStream; v: ShortInt); overload; begin writeIntegerLE(st, @v, 1); end; procedure writeInt (st: TStream; v: Word); overload; begin writeIntegerLE(st, @v, 2); end; procedure writeInt (st: TStream; v: SmallInt); overload; begin writeIntegerLE(st, @v, 2); end; procedure writeInt (st: TStream; v: LongWord); overload; begin writeIntegerLE(st, @v, 4); end; procedure writeInt (st: TStream; v: LongInt); overload; begin writeIntegerLE(st, @v, 4); end; procedure writeInt (st: TStream; v: Int64); overload; begin writeIntegerLE(st, @v, 8); end; procedure writeInt (st: TStream; v: UInt64); overload; begin writeIntegerLE(st, @v, 8); end; procedure writeIntBE (st: TStream; v: Byte); overload; begin writeIntegerBE(st, @v, 1); end; procedure writeIntBE (st: TStream; v: ShortInt); overload; begin writeIntegerBE(st, @v, 1); end; procedure writeIntBE (st: TStream; v: Word); overload; begin writeIntegerBE(st, @v, 2); end; procedure writeIntBE (st: TStream; v: SmallInt); overload; begin writeIntegerBE(st, @v, 2); end; procedure writeIntBE (st: TStream; v: LongWord); overload; begin writeIntegerBE(st, @v, 4); end; procedure writeIntBE (st: TStream; v: LongInt); overload; begin writeIntegerBE(st, @v, 4); end; procedure writeIntBE (st: TStream; v: Int64); overload; begin writeIntegerBE(st, @v, 8); end; procedure writeIntBE (st: TStream; v: UInt64); overload; begin writeIntegerBE(st, @v, 8); end; procedure readIntegerLE (st: TStream; vp: Pointer; size: Integer); {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} begin st.readBuffer(vp^, size); end; {$ELSE} var p: PByte; begin p := PByte(vp)+size-1; while size > 0 do begin st.readBuffer(p^, 1); Dec(size); Dec(p); end; end; {$ENDIF} procedure readIntegerBE (st: TStream; vp: Pointer; size: Integer); {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} var p: PByte; begin p := PByte(vp)+size-1; while size > 0 do begin st.readBuffer(p^, 1); Dec(size); Dec(p); end; end; {$ELSE} begin st.readBuffer(vp^, size); end; {$ENDIF} function readByte (st: TStream): Byte; begin readIntegerLE(st, @result, 1); end; function readShortInt (st: TStream): ShortInt; begin readIntegerLE(st, @result, 1); end; function readWord (st: TStream): Word; begin readIntegerLE(st, @result, 2); end; function readSmallInt (st: TStream): SmallInt; begin readIntegerLE(st, @result, 2); end; function readLongWord (st: TStream): LongWord; begin readIntegerLE(st, @result, 4); end; function readLongInt (st: TStream): LongInt; begin readIntegerLE(st, @result, 4); end; function readInt64 (st: TStream): Int64; begin readIntegerLE(st, @result, 8); end; function readUInt64 (st: TStream): UInt64; begin readIntegerLE(st, @result, 8); end; function readByteBE (st: TStream): Byte; begin readIntegerBE(st, @result, 1); end; function readShortIntBE (st: TStream): ShortInt; begin readIntegerBE(st, @result, 1); end; function readWordBE (st: TStream): Word; begin readIntegerBE(st, @result, 2); end; function readSmallIntBE (st: TStream): SmallInt; begin readIntegerBE(st, @result, 2); end; function readLongWordBE (st: TStream): LongWord; begin readIntegerBE(st, @result, 4); end; function readLongIntBE (st: TStream): LongInt; begin readIntegerBE(st, @result, 4); end; function readInt64BE (st: TStream): Int64; begin readIntegerBE(st, @result, 8); end; function readUInt64BE (st: TStream): UInt64; begin readIntegerBE(st, @result, 8); end; end.