unit f_addresource; {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} interface uses LCLIntf, LCLType, LMessages, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ExtDlgs, e_Log, e_textures, WADEDITOR; type TOKFunction = function: Boolean; TAddResourceForm = class (TForm) LabelWADs: TLabel; cbWADList: TComboBox; LabelSections: TLabel; cbSectionsList: TComboBox; lbResourcesList: TListBox; bOK: TButton; bCancel: TButton; procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); procedure bOKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cbWADListChange(Sender: TObject); procedure cbSectionsListChange(Sender: TObject); procedure lbResourcesListClick(Sender: TObject); protected FResourceName: String; FFullResourceName: String; FResourceSelected: Boolean; FOKFunction: TOKFunction; public property ResourceName: String read FResourceName; property FullResourceName: String read FFullResourceName; property OKFunction: TOKFunction read FOKFunction write FOKFunction; end; var AddResourceForm: TAddResourceForm; implementation uses f_main, WADSTRUCT, g_language, utils, g_options; {$R *.lfm} const STANDART_WAD = 'standart.wad'; procedure TAddResourceForm.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); var SR: TSearchRec; begin cbWADList.Clear(); cbSectionsList.Clear(); lbResourcesList.Clear(); FResourceName := ''; FFullResourceName := ''; FResourceSelected := False; if FindFirst(WadsDir + DirectorySeparator + '*.*', faAnyFile, SR) = 0 then repeat cbWADList.Items.Add(SR.Name); until FindNext(SR) <> 0; FindClose(SR); // "standart.wad" в начало списка: if cbWADList.Items.IndexOf(STANDART_WAD) > 0 then begin cbWADList.Items.Delete(cbWADList.Items.IndexOf(STANDART_WAD)); cbWADList.Items.Insert(0, STANDART_WAD); end; // WAD карты: if OpenedMap <> '' then cbWADList.Items.Add(MsgWadSpecialMap); end; procedure TAddResourceForm.bOKClick(Sender: TObject); begin if FResourceName = '' then begin Application.MessageBox(PChar(MsgMsgChooseRes), PChar(MsgMsgError), MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); Exit; end; if @FOKFunction <> nil then begin if FOKFunction() then Close(); end else Close(); end; procedure TAddResourceForm.cbWADListChange(Sender: TObject); var WAD: TWADEditor_1; SectionList: SArray; i: Integer; FileName, fn, sn, rn: String; begin WAD := TWADEditor_1.Create(); // Внешний WAD: if cbWADList.Text <> MsgWadSpecialMap then FileName := WadsDir + DirectorySeparator + cbWADList.Text else // WAD карты: begin g_ProcessResourceStr(OpenedMap, fn, sn, rn); FileName := fn; end; // Читаем секции: WAD.ReadFile(FileName); SectionList := WAD.GetSectionList(); WAD.Free(); cbSectionsList.Clear(); lbResourcesList.Clear(); if SectionList <> nil then for i := 0 to High(SectionList) do if SectionList[i] <> '' then cbSectionsList.Items.Add(win2utf(SectionList[i])) else cbSectionsList.Items.Add('..'); end; procedure TAddResourceForm.cbSectionsListChange(Sender: TObject); var ResourceList: SArray; WAD: TWADEditor_1; i: DWORD; FileName, SectionName, fn, sn, rn: String; begin WAD := TWADEditor_1.Create(); // Внешний WAD: if cbWADList.Text <> MsgWadSpecialMap then FileName := WadsDir + DirectorySeparator + cbWADList.Text else // WAD карты: begin g_ProcessResourceStr(OpenedMap, fn, sn, rn); FileName := fn; end; // Читаем WAD: WAD.ReadFile(FileName); if cbSectionsList.Text <> '..' then SectionName := cbSectionsList.Text else SectionName := ''; // Читаем ресурсы выбранной секции: ResourceList := WAD.GetResourcesList(utf2win(SectionName)); WAD.Free(); lbResourcesList.Clear(); if ResourceList <> nil then for i := 0 to High(ResourceList) do lbResourcesList.Items.Add(win2utf(ResourceList[i])); end; procedure TAddResourceForm.lbResourcesListClick(Sender: TObject); var FileName, SectionName, fn: String; begin FResourceSelected := (lbResourcesList.SelCount > 0) or (lbResourcesList.ItemIndex > -1); if not FResourceSelected then begin FResourceName := ''; FFullResourceName := ''; Exit; end; if cbSectionsList.Text = '..' then SectionName := '' else SectionName := cbSectionsList.Text; if cbWADList.Text[1] <> '<' then FileName := cbWADList.Text else FileName := ''; FResourceName := FileName+':'+SectionName+'\'+lbResourcesList.Items[lbResourcesList.ItemIndex]; if FileName <> '' then FFullResourceName := WadsDir + DirectorySeparator + FResourceName else begin g_ProcessResourceStr(OpenedMap, @fn, nil, nil); FFullResourceName := fn+FResourceName; end; end; end.