MODULE HostDates; IMPORT Dates, Strings, time := PosixCtime; (* add localization? *) TYPE Hook = POINTER TO RECORD (Dates.Hook) END; VAR day: ARRAY 7, 10 OF CHAR; month: ARRAY 12, 10 OF CHAR; PROCEDURE (h: Hook) GetTime (OUT d: Dates.Date; OUT t: Dates.Time); VAR epoch: time.time_t; tm: time.struct_tm; ptm: time.Pstruct_tm; BEGIN epoch := time.time(NIL); ptm := time.localtime_r(epoch, tm); IF ptm # NIL THEN d.year := tm.tm_year + 1900; d.month := tm.tm_mon + 1; := tm.tm_mday; t.hour := tm.tm_hour; t.minute := tm.tm_min; t.second := tm.tm_sec ELSE d.year := 0; d.month := 0; := 0; t.hour := 0; t.minute := 0; t.second := 0 END END GetTime; PROCEDURE (h: Hook) GetUTCTime (OUT d: Dates.Date; OUT t: Dates.Time); VAR epoch: time.time_t; tm: time.struct_tm; ptm: time.Pstruct_tm; BEGIN epoch := time.time(NIL); ptm := time.gmtime_r(epoch, tm); IF ptm # NIL THEN d.year := tm.tm_year + 1900; d.month := tm.tm_mon + 1; := tm.tm_mday; t.hour := tm.tm_hour; t.minute := tm.tm_min; t.second := tm.tm_sec ELSE d.year := 0; d.month := 0; := 0; t.hour := 0; t.minute := 0; t.second := 0 END END GetUTCTime; PROCEDURE (h: Hook) GetUTCBias (OUT bias: INTEGER); BEGIN time.tzset; (* !!! fix Dev2 *) (* bias := time.timezone DIV 60 *) bias := 0; END GetUTCBias; PROCEDURE (h: Hook) DateToString (d: Dates.Date; format: INTEGER; OUT str: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR s: ARRAY 20 OF CHAR; PROCEDURE Copy (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; n: INTEGER; OUT str: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO n - 1 DO str[i] := s[i] END; str[i] := 0X END Copy; BEGIN CASE format OF | Dates.short: str[0] := CHR( DIV 10 MOD 10 + ORD("0")); str[1] := CHR( MOD 10 + ORD("0")); str[2] := "/"; str[3] := CHR(d.month DIV 10 MOD 10 + ORD("0")); str[4] := CHR(d.month MOD 10 + ORD("0")); str[5] := "/"; str[6] := CHR(d.year DIV 10 MOD 10 + ORD("0")); str[7] := CHR(d.year MOD 10 + ORD("0")); str[8] := 0X | Dates.abbreviated: Copy(day[ - 1], 3, str); Copy(month[d.month - 1], 3, s); str := str + ", " + s; Strings.IntToString(d.year, s); str := str + ", " + s | Dates.long: str := day[ - 1] + ", " + month[d.month - 1]; Strings.IntToString(d.year, s); str := str + ", " + s | Dates.plainAbbreviated: Copy(month[d.month - 1], 3, str); Strings.IntToString(, s); str := str + " " + s; Strings.IntToString(d.year, s); str := str + ", " + s | Dates.plainLong: Strings.IntToString(, s); str := month[d.month - 1] + " " + s; Strings.IntToString(d.year, s); str := str + ", " + s END END DateToString; PROCEDURE (h: Hook) TimeToString (t: Dates.Time; OUT str: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR s: ARRAY 12 OF CHAR; BEGIN Strings.IntToString(t.hour, str); Strings.IntToString(t.minute, s); str := str + ":" + s; Strings.IntToString(t.second, s); str := str + ":" + s; END TimeToString; PROCEDURE Init; VAR h: Hook; BEGIN day[0] := "Monday"; day[1] := "Tuesday"; day[2] := "Wednesday"; day[3] := "Thursday"; day[4] := "Friday"; day[5] := "Saturday"; day[6] := "Sunday"; month[0] := "January"; month[1] := "February"; month[2] := "March"; month[3] := "April"; month[4] := "May"; month[5] := "June"; month[6] := "July"; month[7] := "August"; month[8] := "September"; month[9] := "October"; month[10] := "November"; month[11] := "December"; NEW(h); Dates.SetHook(h) END Init; BEGIN Init END HostDates.