unit items_logic; interface function set_block_code(it,xx,yy:integer):boolean;//Выполнение кода при установке блока procedure destroy_block_cr(id,xx,yy:integer);//Выполнение кода при разрушении блока в креативе procedure destroy_block_0(id,xx,yy:integer);//Выполнение кода при разрушении блока не "тем" инструментом procedure destroy_block_1(id,xx,yy:integer);//Выполнение кода при разрушении блока "нужным" инструментом function useBlock(invcur, x, y:integer):boolean; function useItem(invcur, x, y:integer):boolean; procedure updateBlock(x, y:integer); implementation uses invui, maps, drop, console, furnace, png3, func, jpeg, mobs, vars, bmp, chest, inv, player, items_store, particles, worldgen, phy, sign, Blocks; procedure usebonemeal(block:integer); var ix,iy,rnd_set:integer; begin if block=2 then begin for ix:=curx-4 to curx+4 do for iy:=cury-4 to cury+4 do begin if (getmap(ix,iy+1)=2) and (getmap(ix,iy)=0) then begin rnd_set:=random(3); if rnd_set=0 then setmap(22,ix,iy); else if rnd_set=1 then setmap(23,ix,iy); else if rnd_set=2 then setmap(57,ix,iy); else end; end; inv.setSum(inv.getSum(invslot)-1, invslot); inv.fixNull(invslot); end; else if block=122 then begin setmapinfo(3,curx,cury); inv.setSum(inv.getSum(invslot)-1, invslot); inv.fixNull(invslot); end; else if (block=123) or (block=124) then begin setmapinfo(8,curx,cury); inv.setSum(inv.getSum(invslot)-1, invslot); inv.fixNull(invslot); end; else if block=52 then begin genwood1(curx, cury); inv.setSum(inv.getSum(invslot)-1, invslot); inv.fixNull(invslot); end; else if block=114 then begin genwood2(curx, cury); inv.setSum(inv.getSum(invslot)-1, invslot); inv.fixNull(invslot); end; else if block=115 then begin genwood3(curx, cury); inv.setSum(inv.getSum(invslot)-1, invslot); inv.fixNull(invslot); end; end; function searchportal(ix,iy:integer):boolean; begin if (getmap(ix+1,iy)=10) and (getmap(ix-1,iy-1)=10) and (getmap(ix+2,iy-1)=10) and (getmap(ix-1,iy-2)=10) and (getmap(ix+2,iy-2)=10) and (getmap(ix-1,iy-3)=10) and (getmap(ix+2,iy-3)=10) and (getmap(ix,iy-4)=10) and (getmap(ix+1,iy-4)=10) then searchportal:=true; else searchportal:=false; end; procedure create_screenshot_png; var screen:image; date:string; i,time:integer; begin time:=getCurrentTime; screen:=ImageFromCanvas(0,0,getWidth,getHeight); date:=''+getWeekDay(time)+'-'+getMonth(time)+'-'+getDay(time)+'_'+getHour(time)+'.'+getMinute(time)+'.'+getSecond(time); i:=save_png(screen,sd+'/cavecraft/screenshots/'+date+'.png'); addToLog('Screenshot saved!'); end; procedure create_screenshot_jpeg; var screen:image; date:string; time:integer; begin time:=getCurrentTime; screen:=ImageFromCanvas(0,0,getWidth,getHeight); date:=''+getWeekDay(time)+'-'+getMonth(time)+'-'+getDay(time)+'_'+getHour(time)+'.'+getMinute(time)+'.'+getSecond(time); jpeg.saveimagetofile(screen,s_jpeg_quality,'/'+sd+'/cavecraft/screenshots/'+date+'.jpg'); addToLog('Screenshot saved!'); end; procedure create_screenshot_bmp; var screen:image; date:string; time:integer; begin time:=getCurrentTime; screen:=ImageFromCanvas(0,0,getWidth,getHeight); date:=''+getWeekDay(time)+'-'+getMonth(time)+'-'+getDay(time)+'_'+getHour(time)+'.'+getMinute(time)+'.'+getSecond(time); savebmp(screen,'/'+sd+'/cavecraft/screenshots/'+date+'.bmp'); addToLog('Screenshot saved!'); end; procedure boom(rr,mm,xx,yy:integer); var ix,iy,iz,ir,imob,erru,minhp:integer; rays:array [0..359] of integer; mobs_minhp:array[0..31] of integer; begin {setmap(0,xx,yy); setmapinfo(0,xx,yy); for iz:=0 to 359 do rays[iz]:=mm; for ir:=1 to rr do for iz:=0 to 359 do if rays[iz]>0 then begin if (iz>=0) and (iz<=180) and (ir=1) then erru:=-1; else erru:=0; if (iz>=180) and (iz<=360) and (ir=1) then erru:=1; else erru:=0; ix:=xx+trunc(cos(iz)*ir)+erru; iy:=yy+trunc(sin(iz)*ir)+erru; rays[iz]:=rays[iz]-getBlockHp(getmap(ix,iy)); if rays[iz]<0 then rays[iz]:=0; if coll_boom(ix,iy)=true then minhp:=minhp+(rays[iz]*2); for imob:=0 to 31 do if mob[imob].m_hp>0 then begin if mob_coll_boom(imob,ix,iy)=true then begin mobs_minhp[imob]:=mobs_minhp[imob]+(rays[iz]*2); mob[imob].m_hp:=0; end; end; if getmap(ix,iy)=27 then boom(4,100,ix,iy); if getBlockHp(getmap(ix,iy))<=mm then begin if 30<=random(100) then destroy_block_1(getmap(ix,iy),ix,iy); setmap(0,ix,iy); Particles.Create(Particles.explosion, (ix * 16) + 8 - 16, (iy * 16) + 8 - 16); end; end; minhp:=minhp/360; hp:=hp-minhp; for imob:=0 to 31 do begin mobs_minhp[imob]:=mobs_minhp[imob]/360; mob[imob].m_hp:=mob[imob].m_hp-mobs_minhp[imob]; end;} end; procedure destroy_block_cr(id, xx, yy:integer); begin if id=27 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); setmapinfo(0,xx,yy); end; else if id=28 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); chest.destroy(false, xx, yy); end; else if id=62 then begin setmap(50,xx,yy); end; else if id=62 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); setmapinfo(0,xx,yy); end; else if id=66 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); setmapinfo(8,xx+1,yy); end; else if id=73 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); setmapinfo(8,xx+1,yy); end; else if id=77 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); setmap(0,xx+1,yy); end; else if id=78 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); setmap(0,xx-1,yy); end; else if id=79 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); setmap(0,xx,yy+1); end; else if id=80 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); setmap(0,xx,yy-1); end; else if id=81 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); setmap(0,xx,yy-1); end; else if id=82 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); setmap(0,xx,yy-1); end; else if id=102 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); chest.destroy(false, xx, yy); end; else if id=104 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); destsign(getmapinfo(xx,yy)); end; else if (id = 106) or (id = 125) then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); DestroyFurnace(xx, yy); end; else if id=121 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); setmapinfo(0,xx,yy); end; else if id=122 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); setmapinfo(0,xx,yy); end; else begin setmap(0,xx,yy); setmapinfo(0,xx,yy); end; end; function set_block_code(it,xx,yy:integer):boolean;//Если false тогда блок устанавливается begin if it=28 then begin if chest.create(xx,yy)=-1 then set_block_code:=true; end; else if it=102 then begin if chest.create(xx,yy)=-1 then set_block_code:=true; end; if it=104 then begin if createsign(xx,yy)=-1 then set_block_code:=true; end; else if (it = 106) or (it = 125) then begin if CreateFurnace(xx, yy)=FURNACE_ERROR then set_block_code:=true; end; else if it=121 then begin setmapinfo(16,xx,yy); set_block_code:=false; end; else set_block_code:=false; end; procedure destroy_block_0(id,xx,yy:integer); begin if id=27 then begin setmapinfo(0,xx,yy); end; else if id=21 then begin if random(8)=random(8) then drop.create(201,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); else if random(5)=random(5) then drop.create(52,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=28 then begin chest.destroy(false, xx, yy); end; else if id=57 then begin if random(4)=random(4) then drop.create(217,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=62 then begin setmap(50,xx,yy); end; else if id=62 then begin setmapinfo(0,xx,yy); end; else if id=77 then begin setmap(0,xx+1,yy); end; else if id=78 then begin setmap(0,xx-1,yy); end; else if id=79 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy+1); end; else if id=80 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy-1); end; else if id=81 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy+1); end; else if id=82 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy-1); end; else if id=102 then begin chest.destroy(true, xx, yy); end; else if id=104 then begin destsign(getmapinfo(xx,yy)); end; else if (id = 106) or (id = 125) then begin DestroyFurnace(xx, yy); end; else if id=112 then begin if random(8)=random(8) then drop.create(201,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); else if random(5)=random(5) then drop.create(114,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=87 then begin if random(10)=random(10) then drop.create(115,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=121 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); setmapinfo(0,xx,yy); end; else if id=122 then begin if getmapinfo(xx,yy)<3 then drop.create(217,random(4),xx*16+4,yy*16+4); else if getmapinfo(xx,yy)=3 then begin drop.create(217,random(4),xx*16+4,yy*16+4); drop.create(218,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; setmap(0,xx,yy); setmapinfo(0,xx,yy); end; if (id=123) or (id=124) then begin drop.create(221+(id-123),random(4),xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; //setmap(0,xx,yy); //setmapinfo(0,xx,yy); end; procedure destroy_block_1(id,xx,yy:integer); begin if id=27 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); setmapinfo(0,xx,yy); end; else if id=2 then begin drop.create(1,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=3 then begin drop.create(5,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=8 then begin if random(10)=random(10) then drop.create(207,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); else drop.create(8,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=11 then begin drop.create(170,3,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=18 then begin drop.create(160,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=19 then begin drop.create(162,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=20 then begin drop.create(161,4+random(2),xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=28 then begin chest.destroy(true, xx, yy); drop.create(28,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=48 then begin drop.create(1,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=50 then begin drop.create(0,0,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=51 then begin drop.create(0,0,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=54 then begin drop.create(166,4+random(4),xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=59 then begin drop.create(167,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=61 then begin drop.create(168,4+random(2),xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=62 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); end; else if id=63 then begin drop.create(168,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=64 then begin drop.create(169,4,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=66 then begin setmapinfo(8,xx+1,yy); drop.create(66,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=73 then begin drop.create(176,3+random(4),xx*16+4,yy*16+4); setmapinfo(8,xx+1,yy); end; else if id=74 then begin drop.create(1,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=75 then begin drop.create(9,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=76 then begin setmapinfo(0,xx,yy); end; else if id=77 then begin drop.create(179,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); setmap(0,xx+1,yy); end; else if id=78 then begin drop.create(179,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); setmap(0,xx-1,yy); end; else if id=79 then begin drop.create(178,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); setmap(0,xx,yy+1); end; else if id=80 then begin drop.create(178,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); setmap(0,xx,yy-1); end; else if id=81 then begin drop.create(178,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); setmap(0,xx,yy+1); end; else if id=82 then begin drop.create(178,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); setmap(0,xx,yy-1); end; else if id=84 then begin drop.create(83,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=86 then begin drop.create(85,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=88 then begin drop.create(24,random(3)-1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=89 then begin drop.create(24,random(3)-1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=90 then begin drop.create(25,random(3)-1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=91 then begin drop.create(25,random(3)-1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=93 then begin drop.create(92,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=94 then begin drop.create(4,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=95 then begin drop.create(187,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=95 then begin drop.create(187,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=95 then begin drop.create(187,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=96 then begin drop.create(187,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=97 then begin drop.create(187,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=98 then begin drop.create(187,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=99 then begin drop.create(187,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=100 then begin drop.create(187,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=101 then begin drop.create(187,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=102 then begin chest.destroy(true, xx, yy); drop.create(28,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=104 then begin destsign(getmapinfo(xx,yy)); drop.create(104,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if (id = 106) or (id = 125) then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); DestroyFurnace(xx, yy); end; else if id=107 then begin drop.create(108,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=111 then begin drop.create(214,random(4)+1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=117 then begin drop.create(116,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=118 then begin drop.create(10,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=120 then begin drop.create(1,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else if id=121 then begin setmap(0,xx,yy); setmapinfo(0,xx,yy); end; else if id=122 then begin if getmapinfo(xx,yy)<3 then drop.create(217,random(2),xx*16+4,yy*16+4); else if getmapinfo(xx,yy)=3 then begin drop.create(217,random(2),xx*16+4,yy*16+4); drop.create(218,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; setmap(0,xx,yy); setmapinfo(0,xx,yy); end; else if (id=123) or (id=124) then begin drop.create(221+(id-123),random(4),xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; else begin setmapinfo(0,xx,yy); drop.create(id,1,xx*16+4,yy*16+4); end; end; procedure decItem(invcur:integer); begin if gamemode<>1 then begin inv.setSum(inv.getSum(invcur)-1, invcur); inv.fixNull(invcur); end; end; //Возвращает true если блок небыл использован. function useBlock(invcur, x, y:integer):boolean; var item, sum, block, info:integer; begin item:=inv.getItem(invcur); sum:=inv.getSum(invcur); block:=getMap(x, y); info:=getMapInfo(x, y); if (block=28) or (block=102) then begin if info<=MAX_CHEST then OpenChestWindow(info); end; else if block=29 then OpenFastCraftWindow(1); else if block=79 then begin setMap(81, x, y); setMap(82, x, y+1); end; else if block=80 then begin setMap(81, x, y-1); setMap(82, x, y); end; else if block=81 then begin setMap(79, x, y); setMap(80, x, y+1); end; else if block=82 then begin setMap(79, x, y-1); setMap(80, x, y); end; /*else if block=104 then keymode:=5;*/ else if (block = 106) or (block = 125) then OpenFurnaceWindow(info); else if block=107 then setMap(108, x, y); else if block=108 then setMap(107, x, y); else if block=116 then setMap(117, x, y); else if block=117 then setMap(116, x, y); else if block=121 then begin if hunger<20 then begin hunger:=hunger+2; info:=info-2; if (info=14) or (info=2) then info:=info-2; if info<1 then setMap(0, x, y); else setMapInfo(info, x, y); end; end; else useBlock:=true; /* if (getmap(curx,cury)=1) or (getmap(curx,cury)=2) or (getmap(curx,cury)=48) or (getmap(curx,cury)=74) then begin if (get_item(0, item)=1) and (get_tool(0, item)=6) and (sum>0) and (getmap(curx,cury-1)=0) then begin setmap(120,curx,cury); inv.setSum(inv.getSum(invslot)-1, invslot); inv.fixNull(invslot); end; end; else if (getmap(curx,cury)=77) or (getmap(curx,cury)=78) then begin if pl_world=0 then sleep; else boom(4,100,curx,cury); end;*/ end; function useItem(invcur, x, y:integer):boolean; var item, sum, block, info:integer; begin if inv.isNull(invcur) then useItem:=true; item:=inv.getItem(invcur); sum:=inv.getSum(invcur); block:=getMap(x, y); info:=getMapInfo(x, y); if item=171 then begin if block=50 then begin inv.setItem(172, invcur); setMap(0, x, y); end; else if block=51 then begin inv.setItem(173, invcur); setMap(0, x, y); end; end; else if item=220 then usebonemeal(block); else if item=217 then begin if (block=120) and (getMap(x, y-1)=0) then begin setMap(122, x, y-1); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=221 then begin if (block=120) and (getMap(x, y-1)=0) then begin setMap(123, x, y-1); setMapInfo(1, x, y-1); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=222 then begin if (block=120) and (getMap(x, y-1)=0) then begin setMap(124, x, y-1); setMapInfo(1, x, y-1); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=172 then begin if (block=0) then begin inv.setItem(171, invcur); setMap(50, x, y); end; end; else if item=173 then begin if (block=0) then begin inv.setItem(171, invcur); setMap(51, x, y); end; end; else if item=176 then begin if hunger<20 then begin hunger:=hunger+2; if hunger>20 then hunger:=20; decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=177 then begin {if random(10)=random(10) then create_mob(4, x*16, y*16);} decItem(invcur); end; else if item=178 then begin if (block=0) and (getMap(x, y-1)=0) then begin setMap(81, x, y-1); setMap(82, x, y); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=179 then begin if (block=0) and (getMap(x+1, y)=0) then begin setMap(77, x, y); setMap(78, x+1, y); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=180 then begin if getBlockColl(block)=0 then begin Mobs.Create(Mobs.zomby, x * 16, y * 16); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=181 then begin if getBlockColl(block)=0 then begin //create_mob(2, x*16, y*16); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=182 then begin if getBlockColl(block)=0 then begin //create_mob(3, x*16, y*16); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=185 then begin if hunger<20 then begin inv.setItem(184, invslot); hunger:=hunger+6; if hunger>20 then hunger:=20; end; end; else if item=187 then begin if block=0 then begin setMap(95+random(7), x, y); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=188 then begin if hunger<20 then begin hunger:=hunger+3; if hunger>20 then hunger:=20; decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=189 then begin if hunger<20 then begin hunger:=hunger+8; if hunger>20 then hunger:=20; decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=190 then begin if hunger<20 then begin hunger:=hunger+4; if hunger>20 then hunger:=20; decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=191 then create_screenshot_png; else if item=192 then create_screenshot_jpeg; else if item=193 then create_screenshot_bmp; else if item=196 then begin if hunger<20 then begin hp:=hp-4; hunger:=hunger+2; if hunger>20 then hunger:=20; decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=199 then begin if hunger<20 then begin hunger:=hunger+3; if hunger>20 then hunger:=20; decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=200 then begin if hunger<20 then begin hunger:=hunger+8; if hunger>20 then hunger:=20; decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=201 then begin if hunger<20 then begin hunger:=hunger+4; if hunger>20 then hunger:=20; decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=202 then begin if hp<20 then begin hp:=20; decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=203 then begin if hunger<20 then begin hunger:=hunger+2; if hunger>20 then hunger:=20; decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=204 then begin if hunger<20 then begin hunger:=hunger+6; if hunger>20 then hunger:=20; decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=205 then begin if getBlockColl(block)=0 then begin //create_mob(4, x*16, y*16); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=206 then begin if getBlockColl(block)=0 then begin //create_mob(5, x*16, y*16); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=208 then begin if getBlockColl(block)=0 then begin //create_mob(6, x*16, y*16); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=209 then begin if getBlockColl(block)=0 then begin //create_mob(7, x*16, y*16); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=213 then begin if getBlockColl(block)=0 then begin //create_mob(8, x*16, y*16); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=212 then begin if getBlockColl(block)=0 then begin //create_mob(10, x*16, y*16); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=210 then begin if hunger<20 then begin hunger:=hunger+2; if hunger>20 then hunger:=20; decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=211 then begin if hunger<20 then begin hunger:=hunger+5; if hunger>20 then hunger:=20; decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=219 then begin if hunger<20 then begin hunger:=hunger+5; if hunger>20 then hunger:=20; decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=153 then begin if block=10 then begin if searchportal(x , y)=true then begin genportal(x-1, y-4); decItem(invcur); end; else if searchportal(x-1, y)=true then begin genportal(x-2, y-4); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if block=27 then begin setmapinfo(getrelativetimems/1000-(getrelativetimems/1000 div 100*100),curx,cury); decItem(invcur); end; end; else if item=152 then begin if block=50 then begin fish:=true; fish_time:=getrelativetimems; fx:=curx; fy:=cury; end; end; else useItem:=true; end; procedure fluidLogic(x, y, ifbx, thenbx, ifby, thenby:integer); var block, blockXm1, blockXp1, blockYp1:integer; begin block:=getMap(x, y); blockXm1:=getMap(x-1, y); blockXp1:=getMap(x+1, y); blockYp1:=getMap(x, y+1); //Если внизу условный блок, то заменяем. if blockYp1=ifby then setMap(thenby, x, y+1); else //Если нижний блок можно уничтожить, то ставим туда копию if Blocks.IsOverlapped(blockYp1) then begin destroy_block_0(blockYp1, x, y+1); setMap(block, x, y+1); end; //Если ничего не можем, то пытаемся течь по сторонам else begin if blockXm1=ifbx then setMap(thenbx, x-1, y); else if Blocks.IsOverlapped(blockXm1) then begin destroy_block_1(blockXm1, x-1, y); setMap(block, x-1, y); end; if blockXp1=ifbx then setMap(thenbx, x+1, y); else if Blocks.IsOverlapped(blockXp1) then begin destroy_block_1(blockXp1, x+1, y); setMap(block, x+1, y); end; end; end; procedure updateBlock(x, y:integer); const GRASS_RND=128; TORCH_RND=10; SPAWN_RND=128; SPAWN_RAD=128; GENWOOD_RND=1024; LIAN_RND=32; CORN_RND=512; var plx, ply, block, light, info:integer; begin plx:=player.getX; ply:=player.getY; block:=getMap(x, y); light:=getMapLight(x, y); info:=getMapInfo(x, y); if block=2 then begin //Трава разрастается при условии что освещение выше чем 3 if (light = 0) or (Blocks.IsOverlapped(getMap(x, y - 1)) = false) then setMap(1, x, y); else if light>3 then begin if (getMap(x-1, y)=1) and (getMap(x-1, y-1)=0) then if random(GRASS_RND)=random(GRASS_RND) then setMap(2, x-1, y); if (getMap(x+1, y)=1) and (getMap(x+1, y-1)=0) then if random(GRASS_RND)=random(GRASS_RND) then setMap(2, x+1, y); end; end; else if block=7 then begin if Blocks.IsOverlapped(getMap(x, y+1)) then begin setMap(0, x, y); setMap(7, x, y+1); end; end; else if block=8 then begin if Blocks.IsOverlapped(getMap(x, y+1)) then begin setMap(0, x, y); setMap(8, x, y+1); end; end; else if block=26 then begin if random(TORCH_RND)=random(TORCH_RND) then Particles.Create(Particles.graySmoke, x * 16 + 4, y * 16 + 4); end; else if block=50 then begin fluidLogic(x, y, 51, 10, 51, 10); end; else if block=51 then begin fluidLogic(x, y, 50, 5, 50, 3); end; else if block=63 then begin // В зимнем биоме снег не растапливается при сильном свете if ((light > 7) and (getBiomMap(x) <> 2)) or (getMap(x, y + 1) = 0) then setmap(0, x, y); end; else if block=74 then begin if Blocks.IsOverlapped(getMap(x, y-1))=false then setMap(1, x, y); else if light>3 then begin if (getMap(x-1, y)=1) and (getMap(x-1, y-1)=0) then if random(GRASS_RND)=random(GRASS_RND) then setMap(74, x-1, y); if (getMap(x+1, y)=1) and (getMap(x+1, y-1)=0) then if random(GRASS_RND)=random(GRASS_RND) then setMap(74, x+1, y); end; end; else if block=77 then begin if getmap(x+1, y)<>78 then setMap(0, x, y); end; else if block=78 then begin if getmap(x-1, y)<>77 then setMap(0, x, y); end; else if block=79 then begin if getmap( x, y+1)<>80 then setMap(0, x, y); end; else if block=80 then begin if getmap(x, y-1)<>79 then setMap(0, x, y); end; else if block=81 then begin if getmap(x, y+1)<>82 then setMap(0, x, y); end; else if block=82 then begin if getmap(x, y-1)<>81 then setmap(0, x, y); end; else if block=76 then begin {if CollTwoObj(plx, ply, player.getW, player.getH, x*16-SPAWN_RAD, y*16-SPAWN_RAD, x*16+SPAWN_RAD, y*16+SPAWN_RAD) then if random(SPAWN_RND)=random(SPAWN_RND) then create_mob(getMapInfo(x, y), x*16,(y-2)*16);} end; else if block=52 then begin if random(GENWOOD_RND)=random(GENWOOD_RND) then genwood1(x, y); end; else if block=114 then begin if random(GENWOOD_RND)=random(GENWOOD_RND) then genwood2(x, y); end; else if block=115 then begin if random(GENWOOD_RND)=random(GENWOOD_RND) then genwood3(x, y); end; else if block=103 then begin if (getmap(x, y-1)=0) then setmap(0, x, y); else if (getmap(x, y+1)=0) and (random(LIAN_RND)=random(LIAN_RND)) then setmap(103, x, y+1); end; else if block=105 then begin if random(TORCH_RND)=random(TORCH_RND) then Particles.Create(Particles.redSmoke, x * 16 + 4, y * 16 + 4); end; else if (block = 106) or (block = 125) then begin if furnaceBurn(getMapInfo(x, y)) then setmap(125, x, y); else setmap(106, x, y); end; else if block=110 then begin if (getmap(x-1, y)=0) or (getmap(x+1, y)=0) or (getmap(x, y-1)=0) or (getmap(x, y+1)=0) then setmap(0, x, y); end; else if block=30 then begin if (random(GENWOOD_RND) = random(GENWOOD_RND)) and (getMap(x, y + 2) <> 30) then setMap(30, x, y - 1); if (getMap(x, y + 1) <> 7) and (getMap(x, y + 1) <> 30) then begin setMap(0, x, y); destroy_block_1(block, x, y); end; end; else if block=65 then begin if (random(GENWOOD_RND)=random(GENWOOD_RND)) and (getMap(x, y+2)<>65) then setMap(65, x, y-1); if (getMap(x, y+1)=0) then begin setMap(0, x, y); destroy_block_1(block, x, y); end; end; else if block=122 then begin if random(CORN_RND)=random(CORN_RND) then info:=info+1; if info>3 then info:=3; if getmap(x, y+1)<>120 then setMap(0, x, y); setMapInfo(info, x, y); end; else if block=123 then begin if random(CORN_RND)=random(CORN_RND) then info:=info+1; if info>9 then info:=9; if getmap(x, y+1)<>120 then setMap(0, x, y); if (info=0) and (getMap(x-1, y)=0) and (getBlockColl(getMap(x-1, y+1))>0) then setmap(73, x-1, y); if (getMap(x-1, y)=73) and (getMapinfo(x, y)<>9) then info:=9; setMapInfo(info, x, y); end; else if block=124 then begin if random(CORN_RND)=random(CORN_RND) then info:=info+1; if info>9 then info:=9; if getmap(x, y+1)<>120 then setMap(0, x, y); if (info=0) and (getMap(x-1, y)=0) and (getBlockColl(getMap(x-1, y+1))>0) then setmap(66, x-1, y); if (getMap(x-1, y)=66) and (getMapinfo(x, y)<>9) then info:=9; setMapInfo(info, x, y); end; else if block=27 then begin if info<>0 then if getrelativetimems/1000-(getrelativetimems/1000 div 100*100)-info>3 then boom(4, 100, x, y); end; end; end.