unit func; interface function get_spawn_x:integer;//Возвращает блок по X где должен появиться игрок function get_spawn_y:integer;//Возвращает блок по Y где должен появиться игрок procedure draw_block(xx,yy:integer); procedure drawSmallItem(item, x, y:integer); procedure drawItem(item, sum, x, y:integer; indicator:boolean;); procedure LoadDrawFont(s:string); procedure DrawFontTextSpec(str:string; x, y, color:integer; spec:boolean;); procedure DrawFontText(str:string; x, y:integer); function ld_tex(name,path,folder:string):image; function readint:integer; procedure writeint(intt:integer); procedure writebool(bo:boolean); function readbool:boolean; procedure writestr(s:string); function readstr:string; implementation uses canvas,imgcolor,jsr75i, vars, safeload, items,maps, items_store; //Загрузка текстуры с автоматическим выбором источника function ld_tex(name, path, folder : String) : Image; var n, p : String; begin n := folder + name; //Debug("ld_tex (tex_pack:" + tex_pack + ") : " + path + n); if file_exists(path + n) = 1 then ld_tex := safely_load_image_fs(path + n); else ld_tex := loadimage('/' + n); end; function readint:integer; var b:integer; begin b:=b or (read_uns_byte<<24); b:=b or (read_uns_byte<<16); b:=b or (read_uns_byte<<8); b:=b or (read_uns_byte); readint:=b; end; procedure writeint(intt:integer); begin write_byte((intt>>24) and $FF); write_byte((intt>>16) and $FF); write_byte((intt>>8) and $FF); write_byte((intt) and $FF); end; procedure writebool(bo:boolean); begin if bo=true then write_byte(1); else write_byte(0); end; function readbool:boolean; begin readbool:=read_byte>0; end; procedure writestr(s:string); var i:integer; begin for i:=0 to length(s) do write_byte(ord(getChar(s,i))); end; function readstr:string; var i,b:integer; str:string; begin repeat b:=read_byte; if b=0 then break; str:=str+chr(b); until false; readstr:=str; end; //Получение точки спавна function get_spawn_x:integer; begin get_spawn_x:=(255 div 2); end; function get_spawn_y:integer; var iy:integer; begin for iy:=0 to 127 do if getmap(get_spawn_x,iy)<>0 then begin get_spawn_y:=(iy-2); break; end; end; procedure drawSmallItem(item, x, y:integer); begin if getItemTexType(item)=0 then drawimage(tex8[getBlockTex(item)], x, y); else if getItemTexType(item)=1 then drawimage(item8[getItemTex(item)], x, y); end; procedure draw_block(xx,yy:integer); begin if (getmap(xx,yy)=123) or (getmap(xx,yy)=124) then begin setclip((xx*16)-camx,(yy*16)-camy,16,16); if getmapinfo(xx,yy)<9 then drawimage(tex[142],(xx*16)-camx,(yy*16)-camy+(16-getmapinfo(xx,yy)*2)); else if getmapinfo(xx,yy)=9 then drawimage(tex[143],(xx*16)-camx,(yy*16)-camy); setclip(0,0,getwidth,getheight); end; else if (getmap(xx,yy)=92) or (getmap(xx,yy)=93) then begin if (getBlockSet(getmap(xx-1,yy))=false) and (getBlockSet(getmap(xx+1,yy))=true) then setclip((xx*16)-camx,(yy*16)-camy,10,16); else if (getBlockSet(getmap(xx+1,yy))=false) and (getBlockSet(getmap(xx-1,yy))=true) then setclip((xx*16)-camx+6,(yy*16)-camy,10,16); else if (getBlockSet(getmap(xx+1,yy))=true) and (getBlockSet(getmap(xx-1,yy))=true) then setclip((xx*16)-camx+6,(yy*16)-camy,4,16); drawimage(tex[getBlockTex(getmap(xx,yy))],(xx*16)-camx,(yy*16)-camy); setclip(0,0,getwidth,getheight); end; else if getmap(xx,yy)=27 then begin drawimage(tex[getBlockTex(getmap(xx,yy))],(xx*16)-camx,(yy*16)-camy); if getmapinfo(xx,yy)<>0 then begin if random(8)0) then drawimage(tex[134],xx*16-camx,yy*16-camy); else drawimage(tex[get_block(0,getmap(xx,yy))],(xx*16)-camx,(yy*16)-camy); end; else*/ if getmap(xx,yy)=121 then begin setclip((xx*16)-camx,(yy*16)-camy,getmapinfo(xx,yy),16); drawimage(tex[getBlockTex(getmap(xx,yy))],(xx*16)-camx,(yy*16)-camy); setclip(0,0,getWidth,getHeight); end; else if getmap(xx,yy)=122 then begin drawimage(tex[getBlockTex(getmap(xx,yy))+getmapinfo(xx,yy)],(xx*16)-camx,(yy*16)-camy); end; else if getmap(xx,yy)<>0 then drawimage(tex[getBlockTex(getmap(xx,yy))],(xx*16)-camx,(yy*16)-camy); end; procedure drawItem(item, sum, x, y:integer; indicator:boolean;); var pa_xo,ugol:integer; begin if sum>0 then begin if getItemTexType(item)=0 then drawimage(tex[getBlockTex(item)], x, y); else if getItemTexType(item)=1 then drawimage(vars.item[getItemTex(item)], x, y); if item=216 then begin drawimage(compas, x, y); setcolor(255,0,0); setclip(x+2, y+2, 12, 10); if pl_world=0 then drawline(get_spawn_x*16-camx, get_spawn_y*16-camy, x+8, y+7); else if pl_world=1 then drawline(random(getWidth), random(getHeight), x+8, y+7); setclip(0, 0, getWidth, getheight); end; else if item=215 then begin drawimage(clock[clock_stage], x, y); end; end; if (sum>1) and indicator then begin if getItemIndLine(item) then begin pa_xo:=10000*16/getItemMax(item)*sum/10000; if pa_xo<=3 then setcolor(255,0,0); else setcolor(0,255,0); drawline(x, y+14, x+pa_xo, y+14); end; if getItemIndNum(item) then drawfonttext(''+sum, x, y+8); end; end; //Загрузка шрифта из файла под именем s procedure LoadDrawFont(s:string); var ix:integer; im:image; begin im:=ld_tex('default_font.png', s, ''); for ix:=0 to FONT_MAX_SYM do font[ix]:=rotate_image_from_image(im, ix*FONT_SYM_SIZE, 0, FONT_SYM_SIZE, FONT_SYM_SIZE, 0); end; //Рисование текста графическим шрифтом procedure DrawFontTextSpec(str:string; x, y, color:integer; spec:boolean;); const FONT_UNKNOWN_SYM=$3F; FONT_SPEC_SYM=$FFA7;//UTF8 var ch, i, spec_c:integer; tch:char; begin for i:=0 to length(str)-1 do begin ch:=ord(getChar(str, i)); if (spec) and (ch=FONT_SPEC_SYM) then begin i:=i+1; if i<=length(str)-2 then begin ch:=ord(getChar(str, i+1)); tch:=getChar(UpCase(str), i); if tch='0' then color:=$FF000000; else if tch='1' then color:=$FF0000AA; else if tch='2' then color:=$FF00AA00; else if tch='3' then color:=$FF00AAAA; else if tch='4' then color:=$FFAA0000; else if tch='5' then color:=$FFAA00AA; else if tch='6' then color:=$FFAA5500; else if tch='7' then color:=$FFAAAAAA; else if tch='8' then color:=$FF555555; else if tch='9' then color:=$FF5555FF; else if tch='A' then color:=$FF55FF55; else if tch='B' then color:=$FF55FFFF; else if tch='C' then color:=$FFFF5555; else if tch='D' then color:=$FFFF55FF; else if tch='E' then color:=$FFFFFF55; else if tch='F' then color:=$FFFFFFFF; else begin i:=i-2; ch:=ord(getChar(str, i)); spec_c:=spec_c-2; end; i:=i+1; spec_c:=spec_c+2; end; end; if ch>FONT_MAX_SYM then ch:=FONT_UNKNOWN_SYM; if color=FONT_STD_COLOR then DrawImage(font[ch],x+((i-spec_c)*FONT_SYM_SIZE),y); else DrawImage(ReplaceImgColor(font[ch], FONT_STD_COLOR, color), x+((i-spec_c)*FONT_SYM_SIZE), y); end; end; //Рисование текста графическим шрифтом со стандартным цветом procedure DrawFontText(str:string; x, y:integer); begin DrawFontTextSpec(str, x, y, FONT_STD_COLOR, true); end; end.