(* Tutorial 1 - mul_add Builds and compiles the following function: int mul_add(int x, int y, int z) { return x * y + z; } *) {$IFDEF WIN32} {$DEFINE MSWINDOWS} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE OBJFPC} {$PACKRECORDS C} {$ENDIF} program t1; uses SysUtils, Classes, libjit in 'libjit.pas', libjit_types in 'libjit_types.pas'; var context: jit_context_t; params: array [0..2] of jit_type_t; signature: jit_type_t; function_: jit_function_t; x, y, z: jit_value_t; temp1, temp2: jit_value_t; arg1, arg2, arg3: jit_int; args: array [0..2] of Pointer; res: jit_int; begin if (jit_type_int = nil) then raise Exception.Create('fuuuuu (0)'); //if (PPointer(jit_type_int)^ = nil) then raise Exception.Create('fuuuuu (1)'); (* Create a context to hold the JIT's primary state *) writeln('creating context...'); context := jit_context_create(); if (context = nil) then raise Exception.Create('cannot create jit context'); (* Lock the context while we build and compile the function *) writeln('starting builder...'); jit_context_build_start(context); (* Build the function signature *) writeln('creating signature...'); params[0] := jit_type_int; params[1] := jit_type_int; params[2] := jit_type_int; signature := jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_int, @params[0], 3, 1); (* Create the function object *) writeln('creating function object...'); function_ := jit_function_create(context, signature); writeln('freeing signature...'); jit_type_free(signature); (* Construct the function body *) writeln('creating function body...'); x := jit_value_get_param(function_, 0); y := jit_value_get_param(function_, 1); z := jit_value_get_param(function_, 2); temp1 := jit_insn_mul(function_, x, y); temp2 := jit_insn_add(function_, temp1, z); jit_insn_return(function_, temp2); (* Compile the function *) writeln('compiling function...'); jit_function_compile(function_); (* Unlock the context *) writeln('finalizing builder...'); jit_context_build_end(context); (* Execute the function and print the result *) writeln('executing function...'); arg1 := 3; arg2 := 5; arg3 := 2; args[0] := @arg1; args[1] := @arg2; args[2] := @arg3; jit_function_apply(function_, @args[0], @res); writeln('mul_add(3, 5, 2) = ', Integer(res)); (* Clean up *) jit_context_destroy(context); end.