/* Copyright (C) 2020 SovietPony * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "kos32.h" #include #include #include // srand exit #include #include #include "system.h" #include "input.h" #include "player.h" // pl1 pl2 #include "menu.h" // G_keyf #include "error.h" // logo #include "monster.h" // nomon #include "files.h" // F_startup F_addwad F_initwads F_allocres #include "config.h" // CFG_args CFG_load CFG_save #include "args.h" // ARG_parse #include "memory.h" // M_startup #include "game.h" // G_init G_act #include "sound.h" // S_init S_done #include "music.h" // S_initmusic S_updatemusic S_donemusic #include "render.h" // R_init R_draw R_done static int quit = 0; static videomode_size_t wlist[3] = { { 320, 200, 0 }, { 640, 400, 0 }, { 800, 600, 0 }, }; static videomode_t vlist = { 3, wlist }; static byte *buf = NULL; static int buf_w = 0; static int buf_h = 0; static struct rgb_pal { byte b, g, r, a; } rgbpal[256]; static const cfg_t arg[] = { {"file", NULL, Y_FILES}, {"cheat", &cheat, Y_SW_ON}, // {"vga", &shot_vga, Y_SW_ON}, // {"musvol", &mus_vol, Y_WORD}, {"mon", &nomon, Y_SW_OFF}, {"warp", &_warp, Y_BYTE}, // {"config", NULL, cfg_file, Y_STRING}, {NULL, NULL, 0} // end }; static const cfg_t cfg[] = { // {"screenshot", &shot_vga, Y_SW_ON}, // {"music_volume", &mus_vol, Y_WORD}, // {"music_random", &music_random, Y_SW_ON}, // {"music_time", &music_time, Y_DWORD}, // {"music_fade", &music_fade, Y_DWORD}, {"pl1_left", &pl1.kl, Y_KEY}, {"pl1_right",&pl1.kr, Y_KEY}, {"pl1_up", &pl1.ku, Y_KEY}, {"pl1_down", &pl1.kd, Y_KEY}, {"pl1_jump", &pl1.kj, Y_KEY}, {"pl1_fire", &pl1.kf, Y_KEY}, {"pl1_next", &pl1.kwr, Y_KEY}, {"pl1_prev", &pl1.kwl, Y_KEY}, {"pl1_use", &pl1.kp, Y_KEY}, {"pl2_left", &pl2.kl, Y_KEY}, {"pl2_right", &pl2.kr, Y_KEY}, {"pl2_up", &pl2.ku, Y_KEY}, {"pl2_down", &pl2.kd, Y_KEY}, {"pl2_jump", &pl2.kj, Y_KEY}, {"pl2_fire", &pl2.kf, Y_KEY}, {"pl2_next", &pl2.kwr, Y_KEY}, {"pl2_prev", &pl2.kwl, Y_KEY}, {"pl2_use", &pl2.kp, Y_KEY}, {NULL, NULL, 0} // end }; static void CFG_args (int argc, char **argv) { const cfg_t *list[] = { arg, R_args(), S_args(), MUS_args() }; ARG_parse(argc, argv, 4, list); } static void CFG_load (void) { const cfg_t *list[] = { cfg, R_conf(), S_conf(), MUS_conf() }; CFG_read_config("default.cfg", 4, list); CFG_read_config("doom2d.cfg", 4, list); } static void CFG_save (void) { const cfg_t *list[] = { cfg, R_conf(), S_conf(), MUS_conf() }; CFG_update_config("doom2d.cfg", "doom2d.cfg", 4, list, "generated by doom2d, do not modify"); } /* --- error.h --- */ void logo (const char *s, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, s); vprintf(s, ap); va_end(ap); // fflush(stdout); } void logo_gas (int cur, int all) { // stub } void ERR_failinit (char *s, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, s); vprintf(s, ap); va_end(ap); puts(""); while (1) ; // exit(1); } void ERR_fatal (char *s, ...) { va_list ap; R_done(); MUS_done(); S_done(); puts("\nCRITICAL ERROR:"); va_start(ap, s); vprintf(s, ap); va_end(ap); puts(""); while (1) ; // exit(1); } void ERR_quit (void) { quit = 1; } /* --- system.h --- */ static int Y_resize_window (int w, int h, int fullscreen) { assert(w > 0); assert(h > 0); if (buf != NULL) { return Y_set_videomode_software(w, h, fullscreen); } return 0; } int Y_set_videomode_opengl (int w, int h, int fullscreen) { assert(w > 0); assert(h > 0); // TODO return 0; } static void SetupWindow (int w, int h, const char *title) { int flags = KOS32_WIN_FLAG_CAPTION | KOS32_WIN_FLAG_RELATIVE | KOS32_WIN_FLAG_NOFILL; int skin_h = GetSkinHeight(); CreateWindow(0, 0, w + 5*2, h + 5 + skin_h, KOS32_WIN_STYLE_FIXED, flags, 0x000000, 0x000000, title); } int Y_set_videomode_software (int w, int h, int fullscreen) { assert(w > 0); assert(h > 0); int size = w * h; byte *new_buf = malloc(size); if (new_buf != NULL) { Y_unset_videomode(); memset(new_buf, 0, size); buf = new_buf; buf_w = w; buf_h = h; BeginDraw(); SetupWindow(w, h, "Doom2D (software render)"); EndDraw(); } return buf != NULL; } void Y_get_videomode (int *w, int *h) { *w = buf_w; *h = buf_h; } int Y_videomode_setted (void) { return buf != NULL; } void Y_unset_videomode (void) { if (buf != NULL) { free(buf); buf = NULL; buf_w = 0; buf_h = 0; } } const videomode_t *Y_get_videomode_list_opengl (int fullscreen) { return &vlist; } const videomode_t *Y_get_videomode_list_software (int fullscreen) { return &vlist; } void Y_set_fullscreen (int yes) { // TODO } int Y_get_fullscreen (void) { // TODO return 0; } void Y_swap_buffers (void) { // TODO } void Y_get_buffer (byte **buf_ref, int *w, int *h, int *pitch) { assert(buf_ref != NULL); assert(w != NULL); assert(h != NULL); assert(pitch != NULL); *buf_ref = buf; *w = buf_w; *h = buf_h; *pitch = buf_w; } void Y_set_vga_palette (byte *vgapal) { int i; byte *p = vgapal; assert(buf != NULL); assert(vgapal != NULL); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { rgbpal[i].r = p[0] * 255 / 63; rgbpal[i].g = p[1] * 255 / 63; rgbpal[i].b = p[2] * 255 / 63; p += 3; } } void Y_repaint_rect (int x, int y, int w, int h) { Y_repaint(); } void Y_repaint (void) { assert(buf != NULL); BeginDraw(); SetupWindow(buf_w, buf_h, NULL); PutImageExt(buf, buf_w, buf_h, 0, 0, 8, rgbpal, 0); EndDraw(); } void Y_enable_text_input (void) { SetInputMode(KOS32_INPUT_MODE_ASCII); } void Y_disable_text_input (void) { SetInputMode(KOS32_INPUT_MODE_SCANCODE); } /* --- main --- */ static int scancode_to_key (int scancode) { switch (scancode) { case KOS32_SC_0: return KEY_0; case KOS32_SC_1: return KEY_1; case KOS32_SC_2: return KEY_2; case KOS32_SC_3: return KEY_3; case KOS32_SC_4: return KEY_4; case KOS32_SC_5: return KEY_5; case KOS32_SC_6: return KEY_6; case KOS32_SC_7: return KEY_7; case KOS32_SC_8: return KEY_8; case KOS32_SC_9: return KEY_9; case KOS32_SC_A: return KEY_A; case KOS32_SC_B: return KEY_B; case KOS32_SC_C: return KEY_C; case KOS32_SC_D: return KEY_D; case KOS32_SC_E: return KEY_E; case KOS32_SC_F: return KEY_F; case KOS32_SC_G: return KEY_G; case KOS32_SC_H: return KEY_H; case KOS32_SC_I: return KEY_I; case KOS32_SC_J: return KEY_J; case KOS32_SC_K: return KEY_K; case KOS32_SC_L: return KEY_L; case KOS32_SC_M: return KEY_M; case KOS32_SC_N: return KEY_N; case KOS32_SC_O: return KEY_O; case KOS32_SC_P: return KEY_P; case KOS32_SC_Q: return KEY_Q; case KOS32_SC_R: return KEY_R; case KOS32_SC_S: return KEY_S; case KOS32_SC_T: return KEY_T; case KOS32_SC_U: return KEY_U; case KOS32_SC_V: return KEY_V; case KOS32_SC_W: return KEY_W; case KOS32_SC_X: return KEY_X; case KOS32_SC_Y: return KEY_Y; case KOS32_SC_Z: return KEY_Z; case KOS32_SC_RETURN: return KEY_RETURN; case KOS32_SC_ESCAPE: return KEY_ESCAPE; case KOS32_SC_BACKSPACE: return KEY_BACKSPACE; case KOS32_SC_TAB: return KEY_TAB; case KOS32_SC_SPACE: return KEY_SPACE; case KOS32_SC_MINUS: return KEY_MINUS; case KOS32_SC_EQUALS: return KEY_EQUALS; case KOS32_SC_LEFTBRACKET: return KEY_LEFTBRACKET; case KOS32_SC_RIGHTBRACKET: return KEY_RIGHTBRACKET; case KOS32_SC_BACKSLASH: return KEY_BACKSLASH; case KOS32_SC_SEMICOLON: return KEY_SEMICOLON; case KOS32_SC_APOSTROPHE: return KEY_APOSTROPHE; case KOS32_SC_GRAVE: return KEY_GRAVE; case KOS32_SC_COMMA: return KEY_COMMA; case KOS32_SC_PERIOD: return KEY_PERIOD; case KOS32_SC_SLASH: return KEY_SLASH; case KOS32_SC_CAPSLOCK: return KEY_CAPSLOCK; case KOS32_SC_F1: return KEY_F1; case KOS32_SC_F2: return KEY_F2; case KOS32_SC_F3: return KEY_F3; case KOS32_SC_F4: return KEY_F4; case KOS32_SC_F5: return KEY_F5; case KOS32_SC_F6: return KEY_F6; case KOS32_SC_F7: return KEY_F7; case KOS32_SC_F8: return KEY_F8; case KOS32_SC_F9: return KEY_F9; case KOS32_SC_F10: return KEY_F10; case KOS32_SC_F11: return KEY_F11; case KOS32_SC_F12: return KEY_F12; case KOS32_SC_SCROLLLOCK: return KEY_SCROLLLOCK; case KOS32_SC_NUMLOCK: return KEY_NUMLOCK; case KOS32_SC_KP_MULTIPLY: return KEY_KP_MULTIPLY; case KOS32_SC_KP_MINUS: return KEY_KP_MINUS; case KOS32_SC_KP_PLUS: return KEY_KP_PLUS; case KOS32_SC_KP_0: return KEY_KP_0; case KOS32_SC_KP_1: return KEY_KP_1; case KOS32_SC_KP_2: return KEY_KP_2; case KOS32_SC_KP_3: return KEY_KP_3; case KOS32_SC_KP_4: return KEY_KP_4; case KOS32_SC_KP_5: return KEY_KP_5; case KOS32_SC_KP_6: return KEY_KP_6; case KOS32_SC_KP_7: return KEY_KP_7; case KOS32_SC_KP_8: return KEY_KP_8; case KOS32_SC_KP_9: return KEY_KP_9; case KOS32_SC_KP_PERIOD: return KEY_KP_PERIOD; case KOS32_SC_LCTRL: return KEY_LCTRL; case KOS32_SC_LSHIFT: return KEY_LSHIFT; case KOS32_SC_LALT: return KEY_LALT; default: return KEY_UNKNOWN; } } static int ext_scancode_to_key (int scancode) { switch (scancode) { case KOS32_SC_INSERT: return KEY_INSERT; case KOS32_SC_HOME: return KEY_HOME; case KOS32_SC_PAGEUP: return KEY_PAGEUP; case KOS32_SC_DELETE: return KEY_DELETE; case KOS32_SC_END: return KEY_END; case KOS32_SC_PAGEDOWN: return KEY_PAGEDOWN; case KOS32_SC_RIGHT: return KEY_RIGHT; case KOS32_SC_LEFT: return KEY_LEFT; case KOS32_SC_DOWN: return KEY_DOWN; case KOS32_SC_UP: return KEY_UP; case KOS32_SC_KP_DIVIDE: return KEY_KP_DIVIDE; case KOS32_SC_KP_ENTER: return KEY_KP_ENTER; case KOS32_SC_LSUPER: return KEY_LSUPER; case KOS32_SC_RCTRL: return KEY_RCTRL; case KOS32_SC_RSHIFT: return KEY_RSHIFT; case KOS32_SC_RALT: return KEY_RALT; case KOS32_SC_RSUPER: return KEY_RSUPER; default: return KEY_UNKNOWN; } } static void handle_scancode (int code) { static enum { ST_std, ST_ext, ST_print_down_1, ST_print_down_2, ST_print_up_1, ST_print_up_2, ST_pause_1, ST_pause_2, ST_pause_3, ST_pause_4, ST_pause_5, ST_ok } state = ST_std; int k, down; // logo("scancode >> 0x%x\n", code); switch (state) { case ST_std: if (code == KOS32_SC_EXTENDED) { state = ST_ext; } else if (code == KOS32_SC_EXTENDED_PAUSE) { state = ST_pause_1; } else { state = ST_ok; k = scancode_to_key(code & 0x7f); down = !((code >> 7) & 1); } break; case ST_ext: if (code == 0x2A) { state = ST_print_down_1; } else if (code == 0xB7) { state = ST_print_up_1; } else { state = ST_ok; k = ext_scancode_to_key(code & 0x7f); down = !((code >> 7) & 1); } break; case ST_print_down_1: assert(code == 0xE0); state = ST_print_down_2; break; case ST_print_down_2: assert(code == 0x37); state = ST_ok; k = KEY_PRINTSCREEN; down = 1; break; case ST_print_up_1: assert(code == 0xE0); state = ST_print_up_2; break; case ST_print_up_2: assert(code == 0xAA); state = ST_ok; k = KEY_PRINTSCREEN; down = 0; break; case ST_pause_1: assert(code == 0x1D); state = ST_pause_2; break; case ST_pause_2: assert(code == 0x45); state = ST_pause_3; break; case ST_pause_3: assert(code == 0xE1); state = ST_pause_4; break; case ST_pause_4: assert(code == 0x9D); state = ST_pause_5; break; case ST_pause_5: assert(code == 0xC5); state = ST_ok; k = KEY_PAUSE; down = 1; break; default: ERR_fatal("handle_scancode: invalid state: %i\n", state); } if (state == ST_ok) { state = ST_std; // logo("key: %s (%i, %s)\n", I_key_to_string(k), k, down ? "down" : "up"); I_press(k, down); GM_key(k, down); if (k = KEY_PAUSE) { I_press(k, 0); GM_key(k, 0); } } } static void poll_events (void) { int ev, key, button, code, ch, k; while((ev = CheckEvent()) != KOS32_EVENT_NONE) { switch (ev) { case KOS32_EVENT_REDRAW: if (buf != NULL) { Y_repaint(); /* redraw window */ } break; case KOS32_EVENT_KEYBOARD: key = GetKey(); if ((key & 0xff) == 0) { switch (GetInputMode()) { case KOS32_INPUT_MODE_ASCII: ch = (key >> 8) & 0xff; code = (key >> 16) & 0x7f; k = scancode_to_key(code); I_press(k, 1); GM_key(k, 1); GM_input(ch); I_press(k, 0); GM_key(k, 0); break; case KOS32_INPUT_MODE_SCANCODE: code = key >> 8; handle_scancode(code); break; } } break; case KOS32_EVENT_BUTTON: button = GetButton(); quit = button == 256; /* close button + left click */ break; default: ERR_fatal("poll_events: unhandled event: %i\n", ev); } } } static void game_loop (void) { static long ticks; /* ns */ ticks = GetTimeCountPro(); while (!quit) { poll_events(); MUS_update(); long t = GetTimeCountPro(); /* ns */ int n = (t - ticks) / ((DELAY + 1) * 1000000); ticks = ticks + n * ((DELAY + 1) * 1000000); if (n > 0) { while (n) { G_act(); n -= 1; } R_draw(); } Delay(1); } } int main (int argc, char **argv) { CFG_args(argc, argv); logo("system: initialize engine\n"); SetEventsMask(KOS32_EVENT_FLAG_REDRAW | KOS32_EVENT_FLAG_KEYBOARD | KOS32_EVENT_FLAG_BUTTON); Y_disable_text_input(); // Player 1 defaults pl1.ku = KEY_KP_8; pl1.kd = KEY_KP_5; pl1.kl = KEY_KP_4; pl1.kr = KEY_KP_6; pl1.kf = KEY_PAGEDOWN; pl1.kj = KEY_DELETE; pl1.kwl = KEY_HOME; pl1.kwr = KEY_END; pl1.kp = KEY_KP_8; // Player 2 defaults pl2.ku = KEY_E; pl2.kd = KEY_D; pl2.kl = KEY_S; pl2.kr = KEY_F; pl2.kf = KEY_A; pl2.kj = KEY_Q; pl2.kwl = KEY_1; pl2.kwr = KEY_2; pl2.kp = KEY_E; srand(GetIdleCount()); CFG_load(); F_addwad("doom2d.wad"); F_initwads(); S_init(); MUS_init(); R_init(); G_init(); logo("system: game loop\n"); game_loop(); logo("system: finalize engine\n"); CFG_save(); R_done(); MUS_done(); S_done(); logo("system: halt\n"); return 0; }