(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../../../shared/a_modes.inc} unit r_textures; interface uses {$I ../../../nogl/noGLuses.inc} g_base, g_animations, // TRectHW, TAnimInfo utils, r_atlas, r_fonts ; type TGLHints = (txNoRepeat); TGLHintsSet = set of TGLHints; TGLAtlas = class; TGLAtlasNode = class (TAtlasNode) private mBase: TGLAtlas; public constructor Create (base: TGLAtlas); destructor Destroy; override; function GetID (): GLuint; property base: TGLAtlas read mBase; property id: GLuint read GetID; end; TGLAtlas = class (TAtlas) private mID: GLuint; mFilter: Boolean; public constructor Create (ww, hh: Integer; id: GLuint); destructor Destroy; override; function CreateNode (): TGLAtlasNode; override; function Alloc (ww, hh: Integer): TGLAtlasNode; overload; property id: GLuint read mID write mID default 0; property filter: Boolean read mFilter write mFilter; end; TGLTexture = class private mWidth: Integer; mHeight: Integer; mCols: Integer; mTile: array of TGLAtlasNode; mHints: TGLHintsSet; mFilter: Boolean; public destructor Destroy; override; function GetTile (col, line: Integer): TGLAtlasNode; function GetLines (): Integer; inline; property width: Integer read mWidth; property height: Integer read mHeight; property cols: Integer read mCols; property lines: Integer read GetLines; property hints: TGLHintsSet read mHints; property filter: Boolean read mFilter write mFilter; end; TGLMultiTexture = class private mTexture: array of TGLTexture; public destructor Destroy; override; function GetWidth (): Integer; inline; function GetHeight (): Integer; inline; function GetCount (): Integer; inline; function GetTexture (i: Integer): TGLTexture; {inline;} property width: Integer read GetWidth; property height: Integer read GetHeight; property count: Integer read GetCount; end; TGLTextureArray = array of TGLTexture; TRectArray = array of TRectWH; TGLFont = class sealed (TFont) private info: TFontInfo; ch: TGLTextureArray; public destructor Destroy; override; function GetChar (c: AnsiChar): TGLTexture; function GetWidth (c: AnsiChar): Integer; function GetMaxWidth (): Integer; function GetMaxHeight (): Integer; function GetSpace (): Integer; end; TAnimTextInfo = record name: AnsiString; w, h: Integer; anim: TAnimInfo; end; TConvProc = function (x: Integer): Integer; procedure r_Textures_Initialize; procedure r_Textures_Finalize; function r_Textures_LoadFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; hints: TGLHintsSet; log: Boolean = True): TGLTexture; function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; hints: TGLHintsSet; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture; function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFileAndInfo (const filename: AnsiString; w, h, count: Integer; hints: TGLHintsSet; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture; function r_Textures_LoadMultiTextFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; var txt: TAnimTextInfo; hints: TGLHintsSet; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture; function r_Textures_LoadStreamFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; w, h, count, cw: Integer; st: TGLTextureArray; rs: TRectArray; hints: TGLHintsSet; log: Boolean = True): Boolean; function r_Textures_LoadFontFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; constref f: TFontInfo; font2enc: TConvProc; log: Boolean = true): TGLFont; procedure r_Textures_GL_Bind (id: GLuint); implementation uses SysUtils, Classes, r_common, e_log, e_res, WADReader, Config, g_console, // cvar declaration Imaging, ImagingTypes, ImagingUtility ; var r_GL_MaxTexSize: WORD; r_GL_RepeatOpt: Boolean; maxTileSize: Integer; atl, ratl: array of TGLAtlas; currentTexture2D: GLuint; function r_Textures_GL_GetError (msg: AnsiString): Boolean; var code: GLenum; s: AnsiString; begin code := glGetError(); if code <> GL_NO_ERROR then begin case code of GL_INVALID_ENUM: s := 'GL_INVALID_ENUM'; GL_INVALID_VALUE: s := 'GL_INVALID_VALUE'; GL_INVALID_OPERATION: s := 'GL_INVALID_OPERATION'; GL_STACK_OVERFLOW: s := 'GL_STACK_OVERFLOW'; GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW: s := 'GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW'; GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: s := 'GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY'; GL_TABLE_TOO_LARGE: s := 'GL_TABLE_TOO_LARGE'; otherwise s := ''; end; if s = '' then e_LogWritefln('%s: %s', [msg, s]) else e_LogWritefln('%s: error code %s', [msg, code]); end; result := code <> GL_NO_ERROR; end; procedure r_Textures_GL_ClearError; var code: GLenum; begin repeat code := glGetError(); until code = GL_NO_ERROR; end; procedure r_Textures_GL_Bind (id: GLuint); begin if id <> currentTexture2D then begin glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id); currentTexture2D := id; end end; function r_Textures_GL_BindAndCheck (id: GLuint): Boolean; begin result := true; if id <> currentTexture2D then begin r_Textures_GL_ClearError; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id); result := not r_Textures_GL_GetError('failed to bind texture'); if result = true then currentTexture2D := id; end end; (* --------- TGLAtlasNode --------- *) constructor TGLAtlasNode.Create (base: TGLAtlas); begin ASSERT(base <> nil); inherited Create(); self.mBase := base; end; destructor TGLAtlasNode.Destroy; begin inherited; end; function TGLAtlasNode.GetID (): GLuint; begin result := self.base.id end; function r_Textures_UpdateNode (n: TGLAtlasNode; data: Pointer; x, y, w, h: Integer): Boolean; begin ASSERT(n <> nil); // ASSERT(n.leaf); ASSERT(n.base <> nil); ASSERT(data <> nil); ASSERT(x >= 0); ASSERT(y >= 0); ASSERT(n.l + x + w - 1 <= n.r); ASSERT(n.t + y + h - 1 <= n.b); ASSERT(n.id > 0); result := false; if r_Textures_GL_BindAndCheck(n.id) then begin glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, n.l + x, n.t + y, w, h, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data); result := not r_Textures_GL_GetError('failed to update atlas node'); r_Textures_GL_Bind(0); end; end; (* --------- TGLAtlas --------- *) constructor TGLAtlas.Create (ww, hh: Integer; id: GLuint); begin ASSERT(ww > 0); ASSERT(hh > 0); inherited Create(ww, hh); self.mID := id; self.mFilter := false; end; destructor TGLAtlas.Destroy; begin inherited; end; function TGLAtlas.CreateNode (): TGLAtlasNode; begin result := TGLAtlasNode.Create(self); end; function TGLAtlas.Alloc (ww, hh: Integer): TGLAtlasNode; begin result := TGLAtlasNode(inherited Alloc(ww, hh)); end; procedure r_Textures_AllocHWTexture (w, h: Integer; out id: GLuint; out ok: Boolean); begin id := 0; ok := false; r_Textures_GL_ClearError; glGenTextures(1, @id); if not r_Textures_GL_GetError('failed to allocate texture id') then begin if r_Textures_GL_BindAndCheck(id) then begin glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); r_Textures_GL_ClearError; glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, w, h, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, nil); ok := not r_Textures_GL_GetError('failed to allocate hardware texture'); r_Textures_GL_Bind(0); end; if ok = false then begin glDeleteTextures(1, @id); id := 0; end; end; end; function r_Textures_AllocAtlas (): TGLAtlas; var i: Integer; id: GLuint; ok: Boolean; begin result := nil; r_Textures_AllocHWTexture(maxTileSize, maxTileSize, id, ok); if ok then begin i := Length(atl); SetLength(atl, i + 1); atl[i] := TGLAtlas.Create(maxTileSize, maxTileSize, id); result := atl[i]; end; end; function r_Textures_AllocRepeatAtlas (w, h: Integer): TGLAtlas; var i: Integer; id: GLuint; ok: Boolean; begin result := nil; r_Textures_AllocHWTexture(w, h, id, ok); if ok then begin i := Length(ratl); SetLength(ratl, i + 1); ratl[i] := TGLAtlas.Create(w, h, id); result := ratl[i]; end; end; function r_Textures_AllocNode (w, h: Integer): TGLAtlasNode; var i: Integer; n: TGLAtlasNode; a: TGLAtlas; begin n := nil; if atl <> nil then begin i := High(atl); while (i >= 0) and (n = nil) do begin n := atl[i].Alloc(w, h); Dec(i); end; end; if n = nil then begin a := r_Textures_AllocAtlas(); if a <> nil then n := a.Alloc(w, h); end; result := n end; function r_Textures_AllocRepeatNode (w, h: Integer): TGLAtlasNode; var i: Integer; n: TGLAtlasNode; a: TGLAtlas; begin n := nil; a := nil; if ratl <> nil then begin i := High(ratl); while (i >= 0) and (ratl[i] <> nil) do DEC(i); if i >= 0 then a := ratl[i]; end; if a = nil then a := r_Textures_AllocRepeatAtlas(w, h); if a <> nil then begin n := a.Alloc(w, h); if n = nil then begin i := High(ratl); while (i >= 0) and (ratl[i] <> a) do DEC(i); if i >= 0 then ratl[i] := nil; r_Common_FreeAndNil(a); end; end; result := n end; (* --------- TGLTexture --------- *) destructor TGLTexture.Destroy; var i: Integer; a: TGLAtlas; begin if self.mTile <> nil then begin if TGLHints.txNoRepeat in self.hints then (* non repeatable texture -> delete tiles only *) begin for i := 0 to High(self.mTile) do begin if self.mTile[i] <> nil then begin self.mTile[i].Dealloc; self.mTile[i] := nil end end end else (* repeatable texture -> delete whole atlas *) begin a := self.mTile[0].base; i := High(ratl); while (i >= 0) and (ratl[i] <> a) do DEC(i); if i >= 0 then ratl[i] := nil; r_Common_FreeAndNil(a); end; SetLength(self.mTile, 0); end; inherited; end; function TGLTexture.GetLines (): Integer; begin ASSERT(self.mTile <> nil); result := Length(self.mTile) div self.mCols end; function TGLTexture.GetTile (col, line: Integer): TGLAtlasNode; var i: Integer; begin ASSERT(col >= 0); ASSERT(col <= mCols); ASSERT(self.mTile <> nil); i := line * mCols + col; ASSERT(i >= 0); ASSERT(i < Length(mTile)); result := mTile[i]; ASSERT(result <> nil) end; function r_Textures_Alloc (w, h: Integer; hints: TGLHintsSet): TGLTexture; var x, y, mw, mh, cols, lines: Integer; t: TGLTexture; begin ASSERT(w > 0); ASSERT(h > 0); if TGLHints.txNoRepeat in hints then begin cols := (w + maxTileSize - 1) div maxTileSize; lines := (h + maxTileSize - 1) div maxTileSize; t := TGLTexture.Create; t.mWidth := w; t.mHeight := h; t.mCols := cols; // t.mLines := lines; t.mHints := hints; t.mFilter := false; SetLength(t.mTile, cols * lines); for y := 0 to lines - 1 do begin mh := Min(maxTileSize, h - y * maxTileSize); ASSERT(mh > 0); for x := 0 to cols - 1 do begin mw := Min(maxTileSize, w - x * maxTileSize); ASSERT(mw > 0); t.mTile[y * cols + x] := r_Textures_AllocNode(mw, mh); end end; end else begin t := TGLTexture.Create; t.mWidth := w; t.mHeight := h; t.mCols := 1; // t.mLines := 1 t.mHints := hints; SetLength(t.mTile, 1); t.mTile[0] := r_Textures_AllocRepeatNode(w, h); end; result := t; end; (* --------- TGLMultiTexture --------- *) destructor TGLMultiTexture.Destroy; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to self.count - 1 do r_Common_FreeAndNil(self.mTexture[i]); SetLength(self.mTexture, 0); inherited; end; function TGLMultiTexture.GetWidth (): Integer; begin result := self.mTexture[0].width end; function TGLMultiTexture.GetHeight (): Integer; begin result := self.mTexture[0].height end; function TGLMultiTexture.GetCount (): Integer; begin result := Length(self.mTexture) end; function TGLMultiTexture.GetTexture (i: Integer): TGLTexture; begin ASSERT(i >= 0); ASSERT(i < self.count); result := self.mTexture[i]; ASSERT(result <> nil); end; (* --------- Init / Fin --------- *) function IsPOT (v: LongWord): Boolean; begin result := (v <> 0) and ((v and (v - 1)) = 0) end; function NextPOT (v: LongWord): LongWord; begin DEC(v); v := v or (v >> 1); v := v or (v >> 2); v := v or (v >> 4); v := v or (v >> 8); v := v or (v >> 16); INC(v); result := v; end; function r_Textures_GetMaxHardwareSize (): Integer; var size: GLint = 0; begin if r_GL_MaxTexSize <= 0 then begin // auto, max possible reccomended by driver glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, @size); size := size div 2; (* hack: on some devices max size may produce invalid texture *) if size < 64 then size := 64; (* at least 64x64 are guarantied by specification *) end else begin // selected by user if IsPOT(r_GL_MaxTexSize) then size := r_GL_MaxTexSize else size := NextPOT(r_GL_MaxTexSize); end; result := size; end; procedure r_Textures_Initialize; begin currentTexture2D := 0; maxTileSize := r_Textures_GetMaxHardwareSize(); e_LogWritefln('Texture Tile Size: %s', [maxTileSize]); end; procedure r_Textures_Finalize; var i: Integer; begin if atl <> nil then begin for i := 0 to High(atl) do begin if atl[i] <> nil then begin glDeleteTextures(1, @atl[i].id); atl[i].id := 0; r_Common_FreeAndNil(atl[i]); end; end; end; SetLength(atl, 0); if ratl <> nil then begin for i := 0 to High(ratl) do begin if ratl[i] <> nil then begin glDeleteTextures(1, @ratl[i].id); ratl[i].id := 0; r_Common_FreeAndNil(ratl[i]); end; end; end; SetLength(ratl, 0); end; function r_Textures_FixImageData (var img: TImageData): Boolean; begin result := false; if ConvertImage(img, TImageFormat.ifA8R8G8B8) then if SwapChannels(img, ChannelRed, ChannelBlue) then // wtf result := true; end; function r_Textures_ValidRepeatTexture (w, h: Integer; hints: TGLHintsSet): Boolean; begin result := r_GL_RepeatOpt and not (TGLHints.txNoRepeat in hints) and (w <= maxTileSize) and (h <= maxTileSize) and IsPOT(w) and IsPOT(h) end; function r_Textures_LoadFromImage (var img: TImageData; hints: TGLHintsSet): TGLTexture; // !!! var t: TGLTexture; n: TGLAtlasNode; c: TDynImageDataArray; cw, ch, i, j: LongInt; ok: Boolean; begin t := nil; ok := false; if r_Textures_ValidRepeatTexture(img.width, img.height, hints) then begin t := r_Textures_Alloc(img.width, img.height, hints - [TGLHints.txNoRepeat]); if t <> nil then begin n := t.GetTile(0, 0); ASSERT(n <> nil); ok := r_Textures_UpdateNode(n, img.bits, 0, 0, n.width, n.height); end end else if SplitImage(img, c, maxTileSize, maxTileSize, cw, ch, False) then begin t := r_Textures_Alloc(img.width, img.height, hints + [TGLHints.txNoRepeat]); if t <> nil then begin ok := true; ASSERT(cw = t.cols); ASSERT(ch = t.lines); for j := 0 to ch - 1 do begin for i := 0 to cw - 1 do begin n := t.GetTile(i, j); if n <> nil then ok := ok and r_Textures_UpdateNode(n, c[j * cw + i].bits, 0, 0, n.width, n.height) end end; end; FreeImagesInArray(c); end; if ok = false then r_Common_FreeAndNil(t); result := t end; function r_Textures_LoadFromMemory (data: Pointer; size: LongInt; hints: TGLHintsSet): TGLTexture; var img: TImageData; begin result := nil; if (data <> nil) and (size > 0) then begin InitImage(img); try if LoadImageFromMemory(data, size, img) then if r_Textures_FixImageData(img) then result := r_Textures_LoadFromImage(img, hints) except end; FreeImage(img); end; end; function r_Textures_LoadFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; hints: TGLHintsSet; log: Boolean = True): TGLTexture; var wad: TWADFile; wadName, resName: AnsiString; data: Pointer; size: Integer; begin result := nil; wadName := g_ExtractWadName(filename); wad := TWADFile.Create(); if wad.ReadFile(wadName) then begin resName := g_ExtractFilePathName(filename); if wad.GetResource(resName, data, size, log) then begin result := r_Textures_LoadFromMemory(data, size, hints); FreeMem(data); end; wad.Free end end; function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromImageAndInfo (var img: TImageData; w, h, c: Integer; hints: TGLHintsSet): TGLMultiTexture; var t: TImageData; a: array of TGLTexture; i: Integer; m: TGLMultiTexture; begin ASSERT(w >= 0); ASSERT(h >= 0); ASSERT(c >= 1); result := nil; SetLength(a, c); for i := 0 to c - 1 do begin InitImage(t); if NewImage(w, h, img.Format, t) then if CopyRect(img, w * i, 0, w, h, t, 0, 0) then a[i] := r_Textures_LoadFromImage(t, hints); ASSERT(a[i] <> nil); FreeImage(t); end; m := TGLMultiTexture.Create(); m.mTexture := a; ASSERT(m.mTexture <> nil); result := m; end; function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromDataAndInfo (data: Pointer; size: LongInt; w, h, c: Integer; hints: TGLHintsSet): TGLMultiTexture; var img: TImageData; begin ASSERT(w > 0); ASSERT(h > 0); ASSERT(c >= 1); result := nil; if (data <> nil) and (size > 0) then begin InitImage(img); try if LoadImageFromMemory(data, size, img) then if r_Textures_FixImageData(img) then result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromImageAndInfo(img, w, h, c, hints) except end; FreeImage(img); end; end; function r_Textures_LoadTextFromMemory (data: Pointer; size: LongInt; var text: TAnimTextInfo): Boolean; var cfg: TConfig; begin result := false; if data <> nil then begin cfg := TConfig.CreateMem(data, size); if cfg <> nil then begin text.name := cfg.ReadStr('', 'resource', ''); text.w := cfg.ReadInt('', 'framewidth', 0); text.h := cfg.ReadInt('', 'frameheight', 0); text.anim.loop := true; text.anim.delay := cfg.ReadInt('', 'waitcount', 0); text.anim.frames := cfg.ReadInt('', 'framecount', 0); text.anim.back := cfg.ReadBool('', 'backanim', false); if text.w <= 0 then e_LogWritefln('Warning: bad animation width %s for %s', [text.w, text.name]); if text.h <= 0 then e_LogWritefln('Warning: bad animation height %s for %s', [text.h, text.name]); if text.anim.delay <= 0 then e_LogWritefln('Warning: bad animation delay %s for %s', [text.anim.delay, text.name]); if text.anim.frames <= 0 then e_LogWritefln('Warning: bad animation frame count %s for %s', [text.anim.frames, text.name]); text.w := MAX(0, text.w); text.h := MAX(0, text.h); text.anim.delay := MAX(1, text.anim.delay); text.anim.frames := MAX(1, text.anim.frames); cfg.Free; result := (text.name <> '') and (text.w > 0) and (text.h > 0) and (text.anim.delay > 0) and (text.anim.frames > 0); end; end; end; function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromWad (wad: TWADFile; var txt: TAnimTextInfo; hints: TGLHintsSet): TGLMultiTexture; var data: Pointer; size: LongInt; img: TImageData; begin ASSERT(wad <> nil); result := nil; if wad.GetResource('TEXT/ANIM', data, size) then begin if r_Textures_LoadTextFromMemory(data, size, txt) then begin FreeMem(data); if wad.GetResource('TEXTURES/' + txt.name, data, size) then begin InitImage(img); try if LoadImageFromMemory(data, size, img) then if r_Textures_FixImageData(img) then result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromImageAndInfo(img, txt.w, txt.h, txt.anim.frames, hints); finally FreeMem(data); end; FreeImage(img); end; end else FreeMem(data); end; end; function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromMemory (data: Pointer; size: LongInt; var txt: TAnimTextInfo; hints: TGLHintsSet): TGLMultiTexture; var wad: TWADFile; t: TGLTexture; m: TGLMultiTexture; begin result := nil; if (data <> nil) and (size > 0) then begin t := r_Textures_LoadFromMemory(data, size, hints); if t <> nil then begin m := TGLMultiTexture.Create(); SetLength(m.mTexture, 1); m.mTexture[0] := t; txt.name := ''; txt.w := m.width; txt.h := m.height; txt.anim.loop := true; txt.anim.delay := 1; txt.anim.frames := 1; txt.anim.back := false; result := m; end else if IsWadData(data, size) then begin wad := TWADFile.Create(); if wad.ReadMemory(data, size) then begin result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromWad(wad, txt, hints); wad.Free; end end end end; function r_Textures_LoadMultiTextFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; var txt: TAnimTextInfo; hints: TGLHintsSet; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture; var wad: TWADFile; wadName, resName: AnsiString; data: Pointer; size: Integer; begin result := nil; wadName := g_ExtractWadName(filename); wad := TWADFile.Create(); if wad.ReadFile(wadName) then begin resName := g_ExtractFilePathName(filename); if wad.GetResource(resName, data, size, log) then begin result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromMemory(data, size, txt, hints); FreeMem(data); end; wad.Free end end; function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; hints: TGLHintsSet; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture; var txt: TAnimTextInfo; begin result := r_Textures_LoadMultiTextFromFile(filename, txt, hints, log); end; function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFileAndInfo (const filename: AnsiString; w, h, count: Integer; hints: TGLHintsSet; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture; var wad: TWADFile; wadName, resName: AnsiString; data: Pointer; size: Integer; begin ASSERT(w > 0); ASSERT(h > 0); ASSERT(count >= 1); result := nil; wadName := g_ExtractWadName(filename); wad := TWADFile.Create(); if wad.ReadFile(wadName) then begin resName := g_ExtractFilePathName(filename); if wad.GetResource(resName, data, size, log) then begin result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromDataAndInfo(data, size, w, h, count, hints); FreeMem(data); end; wad.Free end end; function r_Textures_GetRect (var img: TImageData): TRectWH; var i, j, w, h: Integer; done: Boolean; function IsVoid (i, j: Integer): Boolean; inline; begin result := GetPixel32(img, i, j).Channels[3] = 0 end; begin w := img.Width; h := img.Height; (* trace x from right to left *) done := false; i := 0; while not done and (i < w) do begin j := 0; while (j < h) and IsVoid(i, j) do inc(j); done := (j < h) and (IsVoid(i, j) = false); result.x := i; inc(i); end; (* trace y from up to down *) done := false; j := 0; while not done and (j < h) do begin i := 0; while (i < w) and IsVoid(i, j) do inc(i); done := (i < w) and (IsVoid(i, j) = false); result.y := j; inc(j); end; (* trace x from right to left *) done := false; i := w - 1; while not done and (i >= 0) do begin j := 0; while (j < h) and IsVoid(i, j) do inc(j); done := (j < h) and (IsVoid(i, j) = false); result.width := i - result.x + 1; dec(i); end; (* trace y from down to up *) done := false; j := h - 1; while not done and (j >= 0) do begin i := 0; while (i < w) and IsVoid(i, j) do inc(i); done := (i < w) and (IsVoid(i, j) = false); result.height := j - result.y + 1; dec(j); end; end; function r_Textures_LoadStreamFromImage (var img: TImageData; w, h, c, cw: Integer; st: TGLTextureArray; rs: TRectArray; hints: TGLHintsSet): Boolean; var i, x, y: Integer; t: TImageData; begin ASSERT(w >= 0); ASSERT(h >= 0); ASSERT(c >= 1); ASSERT(cw >= 1); ASSERT((st <> nil) and (Length(st) >= c)); ASSERT((rs = nil) or (Length(rs) >= c)); result := true; for i := 0 to c - 1 do begin x := i mod cw; y := i div cw; InitImage(t); st[i] := nil; if NewImage(w, h, img.Format, t) then begin if CopyRect(img, x * w, y * h, w, h, t, 0, 0) then begin if rs <> nil then rs[i] := r_Textures_GetRect(t); st[i] := r_Textures_LoadFromImage(t, hints); end; end; ASSERT(st[i] <> nil); FreeImage(t); end; end; function r_Textures_LoadStreamFromMemory (data: Pointer; size: LongInt; w, h, c, cw: Integer; st: TGLTextureArray; rs: TRectArray; hints: TGLHintsSet): Boolean; var img: TImageData; begin ASSERT(w >= 0); ASSERT(h >= 0); ASSERT(c >= 1); ASSERT(cw >= 1); ASSERT((st <> nil) and (Length(st) >= c)); ASSERT((rs = nil) or (Length(rs) >= c)); result := false; if (data <> nil) and (size > 0) then begin InitImage(img); try if LoadImageFromMemory(data, size, img) then begin if r_Textures_FixImageData(img) then begin result := r_Textures_LoadStreamFromImage(img, w, h, c, cw, st, rs, hints) end; end; except end; FreeImage(img); end; end; function r_Textures_LoadStreamFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; w, h, count, cw: Integer; st: TGLTextureArray; rs: TRectArray; hints: TGLHintsSet; log: Boolean = True): Boolean; var wad: TWADFile; wadName, resName: AnsiString; data: Pointer; size: Integer; begin ASSERT(w > 0); ASSERT(h > 0); ASSERT(count >= 1); ASSERT(cw >= 1); ASSERT((st <> nil) and (Length(st) >= count)); ASSERT((rs = nil) or (Length(rs) >= count)); result := false; wadName := g_ExtractWadName(filename); wad := TWADFile.Create(); if wad.ReadFile(wadName) then begin resName := g_ExtractFilePathName(filename); if wad.GetResource(resName, data, size, log) then begin result := r_Textures_LoadStreamFromMemory(data, size, w, h, count, cw, st, rs, hints); FreeMem(data); end; wad.Free end; end; (* --------- TGLFont --------- *) function r_Textures_LoadFontFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; constref f: TFontInfo; font2enc: TConvProc; log: Boolean = true): TGLFont; var i, ch: Integer; st, stch: TGLTextureArray; font: TGLFont; begin result := nil; SetLength(st, 256); if r_Textures_LoadStreamFromFile(filename, f.w, f.h, 256, 16, st, nil, [TGLHints.txNoRepeat], log) then begin font := TGLFont.Create(); font.info := f; font.ch := st; if Assigned(font2enc) then begin SetLength(stch, 256); for i := 0 to 255 do begin ch := font2enc(i); ASSERT((ch >= 0) and (ch <= 255)); stch[ch] := st[i]; end; font.ch := stch; SetLength(st, 0); end; result := font; end; end; destructor TGLFont.Destroy; var i: Integer; begin if self.ch <> nil then for i := 0 to High(self.ch) do self.ch[i].Free; self.ch := nil; end; function TGLFont.GetChar (c: AnsiChar): TGLTexture; begin result := self.ch[ORD(c)]; end; function TGLFont.GetWidth (c: AnsiChar): Integer; begin result := self.info.ch[c].w; if result = 0 then result := self.info.w; if self.info.kern < 0 then result := result + self.info.kern; end; function TGLFont.GetMaxWidth (): Integer; begin result := self.info.w; if self.info.kern < 0 then result := result + self.info.kern; end; function TGLFont.GetMaxHeight (): Integer; begin result := self.info.h; end; function TGLFont.GetSpace (): Integer; begin result := self.info.kern; end; initialization conRegVar('r_gl_maxtexsize', @r_GL_MaxTexSize, '', ''); conRegVar('r_gl_repeat', @r_GL_RepeatOpt, '', ''); r_GL_MaxTexSize := 0; // default is automatic value r_GL_RepeatOpt := true; end.