(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../../../shared/a_modes.inc} unit r_common; interface uses r_textures, r_fonts, g_player, g_phys; type TBasePoint = ( BP_LEFTUP, BP_UP, BP_RIGHTUP, BP_LEFT, BP_CENTER, BP_RIGHT, BP_LEFTDOWN, BP_DOWN, BP_RIGHTDOWN ); THereTexture = record name: AnsiString; id: TGLTexture; end; var stdfont: TGLFont; smallfont: TGLFont; menufont: TGLFont; var r_Common_ProcessLoadingCallback: TProcedure; function r_Common_LoadThis (const name: AnsiString; var here: THereTexture): Boolean; procedure r_Common_FreeThis (var here: THereTexture); procedure r_Common_CalcAspect (ow, oh, nw, nh: LongInt; horizontal: Boolean; out ww, hh: LongInt); procedure r_Common_GetBasePoint (x, y, w, h: Integer; p: TBasePoint; out xx, yy: Integer); procedure r_Common_DrawText (const text: AnsiString; x, y: Integer; r, g, b, a: Byte; f: TGLFont; p: TBasePoint); procedure r_Common_DrawTexture (img: TGLTexture; x, y, w, h: Integer; p: TBasePoint); procedure r_Common_GetFormatTextSize (const text: AnsiString; f: TGLFont; out w, h: Integer); procedure r_Common_DrawFormatText (const text: AnsiString; x, y: Integer; a: Byte; f: TGLFont; p: TBasePoint); function r_Common_TimeToStr (t: LongWord): AnsiString; procedure r_Common_GetObjectPos (const obj: TObj; out x, y: Integer); procedure r_Common_GetPlayerPos (const p: TPlayer; out x, y: Integer); procedure r_Common_GetCameraPos (const p: TPlayer; center: Boolean; out x, y: Integer); function r_Common_GetPosByUID (uid: WORD; out obj: TObj; out x, y: Integer): Boolean; procedure r_Common_DrawBackgroundImage (img: TGLTexture); procedure r_Common_DrawBackground (const name: AnsiString); procedure r_Common_ClearLoading; procedure r_Common_SetLoading (const text: String; maxval: Integer); procedure r_Common_StepLoading (incval: Integer); procedure r_Common_DrawLoading (force: Boolean); function r_Common_LoadTextureFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; log: Boolean = True): TGLTexture; function r_Common_LoadTextureMultiFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture; function r_Common_LoadTextureMultiFromFileAndInfo (const filename: AnsiString; w, h, count: Integer; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture; function r_Common_LoadTextureMultiTextFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; var txt: TAnimTextInfo; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture; function r_Common_LoadTextureStreamFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; w, h, count, cw: Integer; st: TGLTextureArray; rs: TRectArray; log: Boolean = True): Boolean; function r_Common_LoadTextureFontFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; constref f: TFontInfo; font2enc: TConvProc; log: Boolean = true): TGLFont; procedure r_Common_Load; procedure r_Common_Free; implementation uses Math, SysUtils, e_log, utils, g_base, g_basic, g_options, g_game, g_map, {$IFDEF ENABLE_CORPSES} g_corpses, {$ENDIF} r_draw, r_loadscreen ; var BackgroundTexture: THereTexture; procedure r_Common_GetObjectPos (const obj: TObj; out x, y: Integer); var fx, fy: Integer; begin obj.Lerp(gLerpFactor, fx, fy); x := fx; y := fy + obj.slopeUpLeft; end; procedure r_Common_GetPlayerPos (const p: TPlayer; out x, y: Integer); var fx, fy, fSlope: Integer; begin ASSERT(p <> nil); p.obj.Lerp(gLerpFactor, fx, fy); fSlope := nlerp(p.SlopeOld, p.obj.slopeUpLeft, gLerpFactor); x := fx; y := fy + fSlope; end; {$IFDEF ENABLE_CORPSES} function r_Common_GetPlayerCorpse (const p: TPlayer): TCorpse; begin result := nil; if (p <> nil) and (p.Alive = false) and (p.Spectator = false) and (p.Corpse >= 0) then if (gCorpses <> nil) and (gCorpses[p.Corpse] <> nil) and (gCorpses[p.Corpse].PlayerUID = p.UID) then result := gCorpses[p.Corpse]; end; {$ENDIF} procedure r_Common_GetCameraPos (const p: TPlayer; center: Boolean; out x, y: Integer); {$IFDEF ENABLE_CORPSES} var corpse: TCorpse; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF ENABLE_CORPSES} corpse := r_Common_GetPlayerCorpse(p); if corpse <> nil then begin r_Common_GetObjectPos(corpse.obj, x, y); if center then begin x := x + corpse.obj.rect.width div 2; y := y + corpse.obj.rect.height div 2; end; end else {$ENDIF} if p <> nil then begin r_Common_GetPlayerPos(p, x, y); y := y - nlerp(p.IncCamOld, p.IncCam, gLerpFactor); if center then begin x := x + p.obj.rect.width div 2; y := y + p.obj.rect.height div 2; end; end else begin x := 0; y := 0; if center then begin x := x + gMapInfo.Width div 2; y := y + gMapInfo.Height div 2; end; end; end; function r_Common_GetPosByUID (uid: WORD; out obj: TObj; out x, y: Integer): Boolean; var p: TPlayer; found: Boolean; begin found := false; if g_GetUIDType(uid) = UID_PLAYER then begin p := g_Player_Get(uid); found := p <> nil; if found then begin r_Common_GetPlayerPos(p, x, y); obj := p.obj; end; end else if GetPos(uid, @obj) then begin found := true; r_Common_GetObjectPos(obj, x, y); end; result := found; end; procedure r_Common_GetBasePoint (x, y, w, h: Integer; p: TBasePoint; out xx, yy: Integer); begin case p of TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP, TBasePoint.BP_LEFT, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTDOWN: xx := x; TBasePoint.BP_UP, TBasePoint.BP_CENTER, TBasePoint.BP_DOWN: xx := x - w div 2; TBasePoint.BP_RIGHTUP, TBasePoint.BP_RIGHT, TBasePoint.BP_RIGHTDOWN: xx := x - w; end; case p of TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP, TBasePoint.BP_UP, TBasePoint.BP_RIGHTUP: yy := y; TBasePoint.BP_LEFT, TBasePoint.BP_CENTER, TBasePoint.BP_RIGHT: yy := y - h div 2; TBasePoint.BP_LEFTDOWN, TBasePoint.BP_DOWN, TBasePoint.BP_RIGHTDOWN: yy := y - h; end; end; procedure r_Common_DrawText (const text: AnsiString; x, y: Integer; r, g, b, a: Byte; f: TGLFont; p: TBasePoint); var xx, yy, w, h: Integer; begin xx := x; yy := y; if p <> TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP then begin r_Draw_GetTextSize(text, f, w, h); r_Common_GetBasePoint(x, y, w, h, p, xx, yy); end; r_Draw_Text(text, xx, yy, r, g, b, a, f); end; procedure r_Common_DrawTexture (img: TGLTexture; x, y, w, h: Integer; p: TBasePoint); begin r_Common_GetBasePoint(x, y, w, h, p, x, y); r_Draw_TextureRepeat(img, x, y, w, h, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false); end; procedure r_Common_GetFormatTextSize (const text: AnsiString; f: TGLFont; out w, h: Integer); var i, cw, ch, cln, curw, curh, maxw, maxh: Integer; begin curw := 0; curh := 0; maxw := 0; maxh := 0; r_Draw_GetTextSize('W', f, cw, cln); for i := 1 to Length(text) do begin case text[i] of #10: begin maxw := MAX(maxw, curw); curh := curh + cln; curw := 0; end; #1, #2, #3, #4, #18, #19, #20, #21: begin // skip color modifiers end; otherwise begin r_Draw_GetTextSize(text[i], f, cw, ch); maxh := MAX(maxh, curh + ch); curw := curw + cw; end; end; end; w := MAX(maxw, curw); h := MAX(maxh, curh); end; procedure r_Common_DrawFormatText (const text: AnsiString; x, y: Integer; a: Byte; f: TGLFont; p: TBasePoint); const colors: array [boolean, 0..5] of TRGB = ( ((R:$00; G:$00; B:$00), (R:$FF; G:$00; B:$00), (R:$00; G:$FF; B:$00), (R:$FF; G:$FF; B:$00), (R:$00; G:$00; B:$FF), (R:$FF; G:$FF; B:$FF)), ((R:$00; G:$00; B:$00), (R:$7F; G:$00; B:$00), (R:$00; G:$7F; B:$00), (R:$FF; G:$7F; B:$00), (R:$00; G:$00; B:$7F), (R:$7F; G:$7F; B:$7F)) ); var i, xx, yy, cx, cy, w, h, cw, ch, cln, color: Integer; dark: Boolean; begin xx := x; yy := y; if p <> TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP then begin r_Common_GetFormatTextSize(text, f, w, h); r_Common_GetBasePoint(x, y, w, h, p, xx, yy); end; cx := xx; cy := yy; color := 5; dark := false; r_Draw_GetTextSize('W', f, cw, cln); for i := 1 to Length(text) do begin case text[i] of #10: begin cx := xx; INC(cy, cln); end; #1: color := 0; #2: color := 5; #3: dark := true; #4: dark := false; #18: color := 1; #19: color := 2; #20: color := 4; #21: color := 3; otherwise begin r_Draw_GetTextSize(text[i], f, cw, ch); r_Draw_Text(text[i], cx, cy, colors[dark, color].R, colors[dark, color].G, colors[dark, color].B, a, f); INC(cx, cw); end; end; end; end; function r_Common_TimeToStr (t: LongWord): AnsiString; var h, m, s: Integer; begin h := t div 1000 div 3600; m := t div 1000 div 60 mod 60; s := t div 1000 mod 60; result := Format('%d:%.2d:%.2d', [h, m, s]); end; (* --------- --------- *) procedure r_Common_FreeThis (var here: THereTexture); begin here.name := ''; if here.id <> nil then here.id.Free; here.id := nil; end; function r_Common_LoadThis (const name: AnsiString; var here: THereTexture): Boolean; begin if name <> here.name then r_Common_FreeThis(here); if (name <> '') and (here.name <> name) then here.id := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(name); result := here.id <> nil; if result then here.name := name; end; procedure r_Common_CalcAspect (ow, oh, nw, nh: LongInt; horizontal: Boolean; out ww, hh: LongInt); begin if horizontal then begin ww := nw; hh := nw * oh div ow; end else begin ww := nh * ow div oh; hh := nh; end; end; procedure r_Common_DrawBackgroundImage (img: TGLTexture); var fw, w, h: LongInt; begin if img <> nil then begin img := BackgroundTexture.id; if img.width = img.height then fw := img.width * 4 div 3 else fw := img.width; // fix aspect 4:3 r_Common_CalcAspect(fw, img.height, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, false, w, h); r_Draw_Texture(img, gScreenWidth div 2 - w div 2, 0, w, h, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false); end end; procedure r_Common_DrawBackground (const name: AnsiString); begin if r_Common_LoadThis(name, BackgroundTexture) then r_Common_DrawBackgroundImage(BackgroundTexture.id) end; function r_Common_Std2Win (i: Integer): Integer; begin case i of 0..223: result := i + 32; 224..255: result := i - 224; otherwise result := -1; end end; function r_Common_LoadFont (const name: AnsiString): TGLFont; var info: TFontInfo; p: TConvProc; begin result := nil; if name = 'STD' then p := @r_Common_Std2Win else p := nil; if r_Font_LoadInfoFromFile(GameWad + ':FONTS/' + name + 'TXT', info) then result := r_Common_LoadTextureFontFromFile(GameWad + ':FONTS/' + name + 'FONT', info, p, true); if result = nil then e_logwritefln('failed to load font %s', [name]); end; procedure r_Common_Load; begin r_Common_SetLoading('Fonts', 3); menufont := r_Common_LoadFont('MENU'); smallfont := r_Common_LoadFont('SMALL'); stdfont := r_Common_LoadFont('STD'); BackgroundTexture := DEFAULT(THereTexture); end; procedure r_Common_Free; begin r_Common_FreeThis(BackgroundTexture); menufont.Free; smallfont.Free; stdfont.Free; end; (* --------- Loading screen helpers --------- *) procedure r_Common_ProcessLoading; begin if @r_Common_ProcessLoadingCallback <> nil then r_Common_ProcessLoadingCallback; end; procedure r_Common_DrawLoading (force: Boolean); begin r_LoadScreen_Draw(force); r_Common_ProcessLoading; end; procedure r_Common_ClearLoading; begin r_LoadScreen_Clear; r_Common_DrawLoading(true); end; procedure r_Common_SetLoading (const text: String; maxval: Integer); begin r_LoadScreen_Set(text, maxval); r_Common_DrawLoading(true); end; procedure r_Common_StepLoading (incval: Integer); begin r_LoadScreen_Step(incval); r_Common_DrawLoading(false); end; function r_Common_LoadTextureFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; log: Boolean = True): TGLTexture; begin result := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(filename, log); r_Common_StepLoading(1); end; function r_Common_LoadTextureMultiFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture; begin result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFile(filename, log); r_Common_StepLoading(1); end; function r_Common_LoadTextureMultiFromFileAndInfo (const filename: AnsiString; w, h, count: Integer; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture; begin result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFileAndInfo(filename, w, h, count, log); r_Common_StepLoading(1); end; function r_Common_LoadTextureMultiTextFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; var txt: TAnimTextInfo; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture; begin result := r_Textures_LoadMultiTextFromFile(filename, txt, log); r_Common_StepLoading(1); end; function r_Common_LoadTextureStreamFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; w, h, count, cw: Integer; st: TGLTextureArray; rs: TRectArray; log: Boolean = True): Boolean; begin r_Textures_LoadStreamFromFile(filename, w, h, count, cw, st, rs, log); r_Common_StepLoading(1); end; function r_Common_LoadTextureFontFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; constref f: TFontInfo; font2enc: TConvProc; log: Boolean = true): TGLFont; begin result := r_Textures_LoadFontFromFile (filename, f, font2enc, log); r_Common_StepLoading(1); end; end.