(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../../shared/a_modes.inc} unit r_render; interface uses {$IFDEF ENABLE_MENU} g_gui, {$ENDIF} g_base // TRectWH ; procedure r_Render_Initialize; procedure r_Render_Finalize; procedure r_Render_Load; procedure r_Render_Free; procedure r_Render_LoadTextures; procedure r_Render_FreeTextures; procedure r_Render_Update; procedure r_Render_Draw; procedure r_Render_Resize (w, h: Integer); procedure r_Render_Apply; function r_Render_WriteScreenShot (filename: String): Boolean; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GIBS} function r_Render_GetGibRect (m, id: Integer): TRectWH; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} procedure r_Render_QueueEffect (AnimType, X, Y: Integer); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_TOUCH} // touch screen button location and size procedure r_Render_GetKeyRect (key: Integer; out x, y, w, h: Integer; out founded: Boolean); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_MENU} procedure r_Render_GetControlSize (ctrl: TGUIControl; out w, h: Integer); procedure r_Render_GetLogoSize (out w, h: Integer); procedure r_Render_GetMaxFontSize (BigFont: Boolean; out w, h: Integer); procedure r_Render_GetStringSize (BigFont: Boolean; str: String; out w, h: Integer); {$ENDIF} procedure r_Render_DrawLoading (force: Boolean); // !!! remove it implementation uses {$INCLUDE ../../nogl/noGLuses.inc} {$IFDEF ENABLE_TOUCH} r_touch, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} r_gfx, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_SYSTEM} g_system, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_MENU} r_gui, {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Classes, Math, e_log, utils, g_game, g_options, g_console, r_window, r_graphics, r_console, r_playermodel, r_textures, r_animations, r_weapons, r_items, r_monsters, r_map, r_player, r_game ; var LoadedGL: Boolean = false; function GLExtensionList (): SSArray; var s: PChar; i, j, num: GLint; begin result := nil; s := glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); if s <> nil then begin num := 0; i := 0; j := 0; while (s[i] <> #0) and (s[i] = ' ') do Inc(i); while (s[i] <> #0) do begin while (s[i] <> #0) and (s[i] <> ' ') do Inc(i); SetLength(result, num+1); result[num] := Copy(s, j+1, i-j); while (s[i] <> #0) and (s[i] = ' ') do Inc(i); j := i; Inc(num) end end end; function GLExtensionSupported (ext: AnsiString): Boolean; var e: AnsiString; begin {$IFDEF NOGL_INIT} Result := nogl_ExtensionSupported(ext); {$ELSE} result := false; for e in GLExtensionList() do begin if strEquCI1251(e, ext) then begin result := true; exit end end {$ENDIF} end; function HaveNPOTSupport (): Boolean; begin Result := GLExtensionSupported('GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two') or GLExtensionSupported('GL_OES_texture_npot') end; function HaveFBOSupport (): Boolean; begin Result := GLExtensionSupported('GL_ARB_framebuffer_object') or GLExtensionSupported('GL_OES_framebuffer_object') end; procedure PrintGLSupportedExtensions; begin e_LogWritefln('GL Vendor: %s', [glGetString(GL_VENDOR)]); e_LogWritefln('GL Renderer: %s', [glGetString(GL_RENDERER)]); e_LogWritefln('GL Version: %s', [glGetString(GL_VERSION)]); e_LogWritefln('GL Shaders: %s', [glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION)]); e_LogWritefln('GL Extensions: %s', [glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)]); end; procedure r_Window_Initialize; begin {$IFNDEF USE_SYSSTUB} PrintGLSupportedExtensions; glLegacyNPOT := not HaveNPOTSupport(); {$ELSE} glLegacyNPOT := False; glRenderToFBO := False; {$ENDIF} if glNPOTOverride and glLegacyNPOT then begin glLegacyNPOT := true; e_logWriteln('NPOT texture emulation: FORCED') end else begin if glLegacyNPOT then e_logWriteln('NPOT texture emulation: enabled') else e_logWriteln('NPOT texture emulation: disabled') end end; procedure LoadGL; var fboload: Boolean; begin if LoadedGL = false then begin {$IFDEF NOGL_INIT} nogl_Init; {$ENDIF} if glRenderToFBO then begin fboload := True; {$IFDEF NOGL_INIT} fboload := True; // !!! but if not? {$ELSE} fboload := Load_GL_ARB_framebuffer_object(); {$ENDIF} if (fboload = False) or (HaveFBOSupport() = False) or (HaveNPOTSupport() = False) then begin e_LogWriteln('GL: framebuffer objects not supported; disabling FBO rendering'); glRenderToFBO := false end; end; LoadedGL := true end end; procedure FreeGL; begin if LoadedGL = true then begin {$IFDEF NOGL_INIT} nogl_Quit; {$ENDIF} LoadedGL := false end end; procedure r_Render_LoadTextures; begin r_Game_LoadTextures; r_Map_LoadTextures; end; procedure r_Render_FreeTextures; begin r_Map_FreeTextures; r_Game_FreeTextures; end; procedure r_Render_Load; begin r_Game_Load; // load first! r_Player_Load; r_Map_Load; r_PlayerModel_Load; r_Monsters_Load; r_Weapon_Load; r_Items_Load; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} r_GFX_Load; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_MENU} r_GUI_Load; {$ENDIF} end; procedure r_Render_Free; begin {$IFDEF ENABLE_MENU} r_GUI_Free; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} r_GFX_Free; {$ENDIF} r_Items_Free; r_Weapon_Free; r_Monsters_Free; r_PlayerModel_Free; r_Map_Free; r_Player_Free; r_Game_Free; g_Texture_DeleteAll; g_Frames_DeleteAll; end; procedure r_Render_Initialize; begin {$IFDEF ENABLE_SYSTEM} if sys_SetDisplayMode(gRC_Width, gRC_Height, gBPP, gRC_FullScreen, gRC_Maximized) = False then raise Exception.Create('Failed to set videomode on startup.'); {$ENDIF} LoadGL; r_Window_Initialize; r_Console_Init; r_PlayerModel_Initialize; r_Map_Initialize; end; procedure r_Render_Finalize; begin r_Map_Finalize; r_PlayerModel_Finalize; FreeGL; e_ReleaseEngine end; procedure r_Render_Update; begin {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} r_GFX_Update; {$ENDIF} r_Map_Update; r_PlayerModel_Update; r_Console_Update; end; procedure r_Render_Draw; begin r_Game_Draw; {$IFDEF ENABLE_TOUCH} r_Touch_Draw; {$ENDIF} end; procedure r_Render_Resize (w, h: Integer); begin LoadGL; gWinSizeX := w; gWinSizeY := h; gRC_Width := w; gRC_Height := h; if glRenderToFBO then begin // store real window size in gWinSize, downscale resolution now w := round(w / r_pixel_scale); h := round(h / r_pixel_scale); if not e_ResizeFramebuffer(w, h) then begin e_LogWriteln('GL: could not create framebuffer, falling back to --no-fbo'); glRenderToFBO := False; w := gWinSizeX; h := gWinSizeY; end; end; gScreenWidth := w; gScreenHeight := h; e_ResizeWindow(w, h); e_InitGL; r_Game_SetupScreenSize; end; procedure r_Render_Apply; begin {$IFDEF ENABLE_SYSTEM} if sys_SetDisplayMode(Max(1, gRC_Width), Max(1, gRC_Height), Max(1, gBPP), gRC_FullScreen, gRC_Maximized) then e_LogWriteln('resolution changed') else e_LogWriteln('resolution not changed'); sys_EnableVSync(gVSync) {$ENDIF} end; function r_Render_WriteScreenShot (filename: String): Boolean; var s: TStream; begin Result := False; try s := CreateDiskFile(filename); try e_MakeScreenshot(s, gWinSizeX, gWinSizeX); Result := True; except DeleteFile(filename) end; s.Free; finally end end; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GIBS} function r_Render_GetGibRect (m, id: Integer): TRectWH; begin Result := r_PlayerModel_GetGibRect(m, id) end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} procedure r_Render_QueueEffect (AnimType, X, Y: Integer); begin r_GFX_OnceAnim(AnimType, X, Y) end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_TOUCH} procedure r_Render_GetKeyRect (key: Integer; out x, y, w, h: Integer; out founded: Boolean); begin r_Touch_GetKeyRect (key, x, y, w, h, founded) end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_MENU} procedure r_Render_GetControlSize (ctrl: TGUIControl; out w, h: Integer); begin r_GUI_GetSize(ctrl, w, h) end; procedure r_Render_GetLogoSize (out w, h: Integer); begin r_GUI_GetLogoSize(w, h) end; procedure r_Render_GetMaxFontSize (BigFont: Boolean; out w, h: Integer); begin r_GUI_GetMaxFontSize(BigFont, w, h) end; procedure r_Render_GetStringSize (BigFont: Boolean; str: String; out w, h: Integer); begin r_GUI_GetStringSize(BigFont, str, w, h) end; {$ENDIF} procedure r_Render_DrawLoading (force: Boolean); begin r_Window_DrawLoading(force) end; end.