(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} unit g_window; interface uses utils; function SDLMain (): Integer; procedure ResetTimer (); procedure ProcessLoading (forceUpdate: Boolean = False); var gwin_has_stencil: Boolean = false; gwin_k8_enable_light_experiments: Boolean = false; g_dbg_aimline_on: Boolean = false; g_dbg_input: Boolean = False; implementation uses {$IFDEF WINDOWS}Windows,{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} g_holmes, sdlcarcass, fui_ctls, {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Classes, MAPDEF, Math, r_window, e_log, g_main, g_console, r_console, e_input, g_options, g_game, g_basic, g_textures, e_sound, g_sound, g_menu, ENet, g_net, g_map, g_gfx, g_monsters, xprofiler, g_touch, g_gui, g_system, g_netmaster; var Time, Time_Delta, Time_Old: Int64; Frame: Int64; flag: Boolean; wNeedTimeReset: Boolean = false; wLoadingQuit: Boolean = false; procedure ResetTimer (); begin wNeedTimeReset := true; end; procedure ProcessLoading (forceUpdate: Boolean=false); begin if sys_HandleInput() = True then Exit; {$IFNDEF HEADLESS} r_Window_DrawLoading(forceUpdate); {$ENDIF} e_SoundUpdate(); // TODO: At the moment, I left here only host network processing, because the client code must // handle network events on its own. Otherwise separate network cases that use different calls to // enet_host_service() WILL lose their packets (for example, resource downloading). So they have // to handle everything by themselves. But in general, this MUST be removed completely, since // updating the window should never affect the network. Use single enet_host_service(), period. if NetMode = NET_SERVER then g_Net_Host_Update(); end; function ProcessMessage (): Boolean; var i, t: Integer; begin result := sys_HandleInput(); Time := sys_GetTicks(); Time_Delta := Time-Time_Old; flag := false; if wNeedTimeReset then begin Frame := 0; Time_Delta := 28; wNeedTimeReset := false; end; g_Map_ProfilersBegin(); g_Mons_ProfilersBegin(); t := Time_Delta div 28; if (t > 0) then begin flag := true; for i := 1 to t do Update(); end; g_Map_ProfilersEnd(); g_Mons_ProfilersEnd(); if wLoadingQuit then begin g_Game_Free(); g_Game_Quit(); end; if (gExit = EXIT_QUIT) then begin result := true; exit; end; // Время предыдущего обновления if flag then Time_Old := Time - (Time_Delta mod 28); // don't wait if VSync is on, GL already probably waits enough if gLerpActors then flag := (Time - Frame >= gFrameTime) or gVSync; if flag then begin if gPause or (not gLerpActors) or (gState = STATE_FOLD) then gLerpFactor := 1.0 else gLerpFactor := nmin(1.0, (Time - Time_Old) / 28.0); Draw; sys_Repaint; Frame := Time end else sys_Delay(1); e_SoundUpdate(); end; function SDLMain (): Integer; var idx: Integer; arg: AnsiString; mdfo: TStream; {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} itmp: Integer; valres: Word; {$ENDIF} begin idx := 1; while (idx <= ParamCount) do begin arg := ParamStr(idx); Inc(idx); if arg = '--jah' then g_profile_history_size := 100; if arg = '--no-particles' then gpart_dbg_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-los' then gmon_dbg_los_enabled := false; if arg = '--profile-render' then g_profile_frame_draw := true; if arg = '--profile-coldet' then g_profile_collision := true; if arg = '--profile-los' then g_profile_los := true; if arg = '--no-part-phys' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-part-physics' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-particles-phys' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-particles-physics' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-particle-phys' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-particle-physics' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; if arg = '--debug-input' then g_dbg_input := True; {.$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} if arg = '--aimline' then g_dbg_aimline_on := true; {.$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} if arg = '--holmes' then begin g_holmes_enabled := true; g_Game_SetDebugMode(); end; if (arg = '--holmes-ui-scale') or (arg = '-holmes-ui-scale') then begin if (idx <= ParamCount) then begin if not conParseFloat(fuiRenderScale, ParamStr(idx)) then fuiRenderScale := 1.0; Inc(idx); end; end; if (arg = '--holmes-font') or (arg = '-holmes-font') then begin if (idx <= ParamCount) then begin itmp := 0; val(ParamStr(idx), itmp, valres); {$IFNDEF HEADLESS} if (valres = 0) and (not g_holmes_imfunctional) then begin case itmp of 8: uiContext.font := 'win8'; 14: uiContext.font := 'win14'; 16: uiContext.font := 'win16'; end; end; {$ELSE} // fuck off, fpc! itmp := itmp; valres := valres; {$ENDIF} Inc(idx); end; end; {$ENDIF} if (arg = '--game-scale') or (arg = '-game-scale') then begin if (idx <= ParamCount) then begin if not conParseFloat(g_dbg_scale, ParamStr(idx)) then g_dbg_scale := 1.0; Inc(idx); end; end; if (arg = '--write-mapdef') or (arg = '-write-mapdef') then begin mdfo := createDiskFile('mapdef.txt'); mdfo.WriteBuffer(defaultMapDef[1], Length(defaultMapDef)); mdfo.Free(); Halt(0); end; if (arg = '--pixel-scale') or (arg = '-pixel-scale') then begin if (idx <= ParamCount) then begin if not conParseFloat(r_pixel_scale, ParamStr(idx)) then r_pixel_scale := 1.0; Inc(idx); end; end; end; r_Window_Initialize; Init; Time_Old := sys_GetTicks(); g_Net_InitLowLevel(); // Командная строка if (ParamCount > 0) then g_Game_Process_Params(); {$IFNDEF HEADLESS} // Запрос языка if (not gGameOn) and gAskLanguage then g_Menu_AskLanguage(); {$ENDIF} e_WriteLog('Entering the main loop', TMsgType.Notify); // main loop while not ProcessMessage() do begin end; g_Net_Slist_ShutdownAll(); Release(); g_Net_DeinitLowLevel(); result := 0; end; initialization conRegVar('d_input', @g_dbg_input, '', '') end.