(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} unit g_options; interface uses g_language, g_weapons, utils; function GenPlayerName (n: Integer): String; procedure g_Options_SetDefault; procedure g_Options_SetDefaultVideo; procedure g_Options_ApplyGameSettings; const DF_Default_Megawad_Start = 'megawads/DOOM2D.WAD:\MAP01'; var gBPP: Integer; gFreq: Byte; gFullscreen: Boolean; gWinSizeX, gWinSizeY: Integer; gWinMaximized: Boolean; gVSync: Boolean; glLegacyNPOT: Boolean; glRenderToFBO: Boolean = True; gTextureFilter: Boolean; gLerpActors: Boolean = True; gFrameTime: Integer = 5; gMaxFPS: Integer = 200; gNoSound: Boolean; gSoundLevel: Integer; gMusicLevel: Integer; gMaxSimSounds: Integer; gMuteWhenInactive: Boolean; gAdvCorpses: Boolean; gAdvBlood: Boolean; gAdvGibs: Boolean; gGibsCount: Integer; gBloodCount: Integer; gFlash: Integer; gDrawBackGround: Boolean; gShowMessages: Boolean; gRevertPlayers: Boolean; gLanguage: String; gAskLanguage: Boolean; gSaveStats: Boolean = False; gScreenshotStats: Boolean = False; gsSDLSampleRate: Integer; gsSDLBufferSize: Integer; gDefaultMegawadStart: AnsiString; glNPOTOverride: Boolean = false; (* Latched game settings *) gsMap: String; gsGameMode: String; gsTimeLimit: Word; gsScoreLimit: Word; gsMaxLives: Byte; gsPlayers: Byte; gsGameFlags: LongWord; gsSpawnInvul: Integer = 0; gsItemRespawnTime: Word = 60; gsWarmupTime: Word = 30; {$IFDEF HEADLESS} e_NoGraphics: Boolean = True; {$ELSE} e_NoGraphics: Boolean = False; {$ENDIF} e_FastScreenshots: Boolean = true; // it's REALLY SLOW with `false` g_dbg_scale: Single = 1.0; r_pixel_scale: Single = 1.0; {--- Read-only dirs ---} GameWAD: string; DataDirs: SSArray; ModelDirs: SSArray; MegawadDirs: SSArray; MapDirs: SSArray; WadDirs: SSArray; AllMapDirs: SSArray; // Maps + Megawads {--- Read-Write dirs ---} LogFileName: string; LogDirs: SSArray; SaveDirs: SSArray; CacheDirs: SSArray; ConfigDirs: SSArray; ScreenshotDirs: SSArray; StatsDirs: SSArray; MapDownloadDirs: SSArray; WadDownloadDirs: SSArray; GameWADName: string = 'GAME'; implementation uses {$IFDEF USE_SDL2} SDL2, {$ENDIF} e_log, e_input, g_console, g_window, g_sound, g_gfx, g_player, Math, g_map, g_net, g_netmaster, SysUtils, CONFIG, g_game, g_items, wadreader, g_touch, envvars, g_system; var machine: Integer; function GenPlayerName (n: Integer): String; begin ASSERT(n >= 1); Result := GetUserName; if Result = '' then Result := 'Player' + IntToStr(machine MOD 10000); if n = 1 then Result := Copy(Result, 1, 12) + ' ' else Result := Copy(Result, 1, 10) + ' ' + IntToStr(n) end; {$IFDEF USE_SDL2} procedure g_Options_SetDefaultVideo; var display: TSDL_DisplayMode; {$IFNDEF ANDROID} var target, closest: TSDL_DisplayMode; percentage: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin (* Display 0 = Primary display *) gScreenWidth := 640; gScreenHeight := 480; gWinSizeX := 640; gWinSizeY := 480; //gBPP := SDL_BITSPERPIXEL(display.format); gBPP := 32; {$IFDEF ANDROID} gFullScreen := True; (* rotation not allowed? *) {$ELSE} gFullScreen := False; {$ENDIF} if SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(0, @display) = 0 then begin {$IFDEF ANDROID} gWinSizeX := display.w; gWinSizeY := display.h; {$ELSE} (* Window must be smaller than display *) closest.w := display.w; closest.h := display.h; percentage := 75; while (display.w - closest.w < 48) or (display.h - closest.h < 48) do begin if percentage < 25 then begin closest.w := display.w * 75 div 100; closest.h := display.h * 75 div 100; break; end; target.w := display.w * percentage div 100; target.h := display.h * percentage div 100; target.format := 0; (* didn't care *) target.refresh_rate := 0; (* didn't care *) target.driverdata := nil; (* init *) SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode(0, @target, @closest); Dec(percentage); end; gWinSizeX := closest.w; gWinSizeY := closest.h; //gBPP := SDL_BITSPERPIXEL(closest.format); (* Resolution list didn't work for some reason *) {$ENDIF} end else begin e_LogWritefln('SDL: Failed to get desktop display mode: %s', [SDL_GetError]) end; (* Must be positioned on primary display *) gWinMaximized := False; gVSync := True; gTextureFilter := True; glLegacyNPOT := False; gRC_Width := gWinSizeX; gRC_Height := gWinSizeY; gRC_FullScreen := gFullScreen; gRC_Maximized := gWinMaximized; e_LogWriteLn('g_Options_SetDefaultVideo: w = ' + IntToStr(gWinSizeX) + ' h = ' + IntToStr(gWinSizeY)); g_Console_ResetBinds; end; {$ELSE} procedure g_Options_SetDefaultVideo; begin gWinSizeX := 640; gWinSizeY := 480; gBPP := 32; gFullScreen := False; gWinMaximized := False; gVSync := True; gTextureFilter := True; glLegacyNPOT := False; gScreenWidth := gWinSizeX; gScreenHeight := gWinSizeY; gRC_Width := gWinSizeX; gRC_Height := gWinSizeY; gRC_FullScreen := gFullScreen; gRC_Maximized := gWinMaximized; e_LogWriteLn('g_Options_SetDefaultVideo: w = ' + IntToStr(gWinSizeX) + ' h = ' + IntToStr(gWinSizeY)); g_Console_ResetBinds; end; {$ENDIF} procedure g_Options_SetDefault(); var i: Integer; begin (* section Sound *) gNoSound := False; gSoundLevel := 75; gMusicLevel := 65; gMaxSimSounds := 8; gMuteWhenInactive := False; gAnnouncer := ANNOUNCE_MEPLUS; gSoundEffectsDF := True; gUseChatSounds := True; gsSDLSampleRate := 44100; gsSDLBufferSize := 2048; g_Sound_SetupAllVolumes(gSoundLevel, gMusicLevel); with gPlayer1Settings do begin Name := GenPlayerName(1); Model := STD_PLAYER_MODEL; Color.R := PLAYER1_DEF_COLOR.R; Color.G := PLAYER1_DEF_COLOR.G; Color.B := PLAYER1_DEF_COLOR.B; Team := TEAM_RED; end; with gPlayer2Settings do begin Name := GenPlayerName(2); Model := STD_PLAYER_MODEL; Color.R := PLAYER2_DEF_COLOR.R; Color.G := PLAYER2_DEF_COLOR.G; Color.B := PLAYER2_DEF_COLOR.B; Team := TEAM_BLUE; end; (* section Joysticks *) for i := 0 to e_MaxJoys - 1 do begin e_JoystickDeadzones[i] := 8192 end; (* section Game *) g_GFX_SetMax(2000); g_Shells_SetMax(300); g_Gibs_SetMax(150); g_Corpses_SetMax(20); gGibsCount := 32; gBloodCount := 4; gAdvBlood := True; gAdvCorpses := True; gAdvGibs := True; gFlash := 1; gDrawBackGround := True; gShowMessages := True; gRevertPlayers := False; gChatBubble := 4; wadoptDebug := False; wadoptFast := False; e_FastScreenshots := True; gDefaultMegawadStart := DF_Default_Megawad_Start; g_dbg_scale := 1.0; gSaveStats := False; gAskLanguage := True; gLanguage := LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; gsMap := ''; gsGameMode := _lc[I_MENU_GAME_TYPE_DM]; gsTimeLimit := 0; gsScoreLimit := 0; gsMaxLives := 0; gsPlayers := 1; gsSpawnInvul := 0; gsItemRespawnTime := 60; gsGameFlags := GAME_OPTION_ALLOWEXIT or GAME_OPTION_DMKEYS or GAME_OPTION_BOTVSPLAYER or GAME_OPTION_BOTVSMONSTER or GAME_OPTION_TEAMHITTRACE or GAME_OPTION_TEAMHITPROJECTILE or GAME_OPTION_ALLOWDROPFLAG; gsPlayers := 1; if not gGameOn then g_Options_ApplyGameSettings; (* section MasterServer *) NetMasterList := 'mpms.doom2d.org:25665, deadsoftware.ru:25665, terminalcorner.ru:25665'; g_Net_Slist_Set(NetMasterList); (* section Server *) NetServerName := 'Unnamed Server'; NetPassword := ''; NetPort := 25666; NetMaxClients := 16; NetAllowRCON := False; NetRCONPassword := 'default'; NetUseMaster := True; NetUpdateRate := 0; NetRelupdRate := 18; NetMasterRate := 60000; NetForwardPorts := False; (* section Client *) NetInterpLevel := 2; NetForcePlayerUpdate := False; NetPredictSelf := True; NetClientIP := ''; NetClientPort := NetPort; end; procedure g_Options_ApplyGameSettings; begin with gGameSettings do begin GameMode := g_Game_TextToMode(gsGameMode); if GameMode = GM_NONE then GameMode := GM_DM; if GameMode = GM_SINGLE then GameMode := GM_COOP; TimeLimit := gsTimeLimit; ScoreLimit := gsScoreLimit; MaxLives := gsMaxLives; SpawnInvul := gsSpawnInvul; ItemRespawnTime := gsItemRespawnTime; WarmupTime := gsWarmupTime; Options := gsGameFlags; end; end; initialization Randomize; machine := Random(10000); (* Video *) conRegVar('r_width', @gRC_Width, '', ''); conRegVar('r_height', @gRC_Height, '', ''); conRegVar('r_fullscreen', @gRC_FullScreen, '', ''); conRegVar('r_maximized', @gRC_Maximized, '', ''); conRegVar('r_bpp', @gBPP, '', ''); conRegVar('r_vsync', @gVSync, '', ''); conRegVar('r_texfilter', @gTextureFilter, '', ''); conRegVar('r_npot', @glNPOTOverride, '', ''); conRegVar('r_interp', @gLerpActors, '', 'interpolate actors'); conRegVar('r_scale', @g_dbg_scale, 0.01, 100.0, 'render scale', '', false); conRegVar('r_resolution_scale', @r_pixel_scale, 0.01, 100.0, 'upscale factor', '', false); (* Sound *) conRegVar('s_nosound', @gNoSound, '', ''); conRegVar('s_soundvolume', @gSoundLevel, '', ''); conRegVar('s_musicvolume', @gMusicLevel, '', ''); conRegVar('s_maxsim', @gMaxSimSounds, '', ''); // e_sound_fmod/sdl? conRegVar('s_muteinactive', @gMuteWhenInactive, '', ''); conRegVar('s_announcer', @gAnnouncer, '', ''); conRegVar('s_sfx', @gSoundEffectsDF, '', ''); conRegVar('s_chatsounds', @gUseChatSounds, '', ''); {$IFDEF USE_SDLMIXER} conRegVar('sdl_mixer_samplerate', @gsSDLSampleRate, '', ''); conRegVar('sdl_mixer_buffersize', @gsSDLBufferSize, '', ''); {$ENDIF} (* Game *) conRegVar('g_gibs_count', @gGibsCount, '', ''); conRegVar('g_blood_count', @gBloodCount, '', ''); conRegVar('g_adv_blood', @gAdvBlood, '', ''); conRegVar('g_adv_corpses', @gAdvCorpses, '', ''); conRegVar('g_adv_gibs', @gAdvGibs, '', ''); conRegVar('r_flash', @gFlash, '', ''); conRegVar('r_background', @gDrawBackGround, '', ''); conRegVar('g_show_messages', @gShowMessages, '', ''); conRegVar('r_revert_players', @gRevertPlayers, '', ''); conRegVar('r_chat_bubble', @gChatBubble, '', ''); conRegVar('sfs_debug', @wadoptDebug, '', ''); conRegVar('sfs_fastmode', @wadoptFast, '', ''); conRegVar('g_fast_screenshots', @e_FastScreenshots, '', ''); conRegVar('g_default_megawad', @gDefaultMegawadStart, '', ''); conRegVar('g_save_stats', @gSaveStats, '', ''); conRegVar('g_screenshot_stats', @gScreenshotStats, '', ''); conRegVar('g_lastmap', @gsMap, '', ''); end.